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October 26, 2012



October 24 is United Nations Day. Set up in 1945 this organization turned 67 years last

This international organization is mandated to maintain world peace and security and
promotes economic, social and cultural cooperation among nations. Its headquarters is in New
York , U. S. A. The U.N. charter was signed by 50 countries and thereafter the 150 nations meet
annually in the General Assembly. Problems of world peace are dealt with by the Security
Council and the United Nations judicial organ is the International Court of Justice. It has more
than 10 specialized agencies –most availed by . our country. One of them , the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) has the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (RFLP) being
awarded to South and Southeast Asia such as Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka,
Timor Leste and Vietnam. The RFLP seek to improve the livelihoods of small fishers and their
families in earlier mentioned countries, by fostering more sustainable fisheries resources
management practices. The Philippines is a fortunate and grateful recipient. Being implemented
for the coastal towns of Dapitan and Dipolog Cities and to some 11 coastal municipalities of
Zamboanga del Norte of Region 9, is the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (RFLP) .
The project was started in 2011 and expected to get done in 2013. Upon effectivity of the
project , seminars and workshops have been conducted for the recipient fishers , women
included as potential partners of the male fishers into knowing what should be done from fish
harvest to fish vending. As member of the local media, this columnist was privileged to be part of
seminar-workshops to cover the activities held in early part of 2011, through the invitation of Mr.
Jonelo Sobreguel, National Consultant for Post-harvest and Marketing. In a brief CP to CP
interview with Jonelo I learned that their advocacy is “World without hunger.” Great !

The RFLP in Zamboanga del Norte, Dapitan and Dipolog is headed by_Benjamin
Francisco, National Project Coordinator. Other key personalities include Glenn Labrado,
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer; Mabel Batong & Ermille Adraincem , Administrative/Finance
Officers; Jonelo T. Sobreguel, National Consultant (NC) for Post Harvest & Marketing; Paz
Moneva, NC Livelihoods & Community Development; Luisito Uy, NC on Micro-Finance; Victor
Pantaleon & Johnette Delegero, National Consultants for Fisheries Co-Management ; Capt.
Henry Caballero, NC, Safety at Sea and Virgilio Alforque, Institutional Development Specialist.

Many times I’ve mentioned in this column that “to be happy is a choice.” Agree? It
does not mean, however that one can likewise pretend to be sad, without being awkward doing it,
because it is a fact that happiness is man’s pursuit in life.

A friend in our casual conversation asked “ Is being optimistic or pessimistic comes

alongside with a person upon birth? It took us some minutes to talk about it and we did not arrive
at a conclusion . Each of us has her own stand and we ended saying “ it depends.” And laughed
it out.
It is inherent in several Filipinos, especially the women being emotional. To be easily
touched by any situation which is either to ,laugh or to cry. We are heavy dramatists. In fact,
some women could create dramatic situations that would make them gloomy even without valid
reason . Some of us are great pretenders, depending on what we want to happen in our lives.
But doing this attitude with intent is noticeable , thus, those who understand would think it
would be unwise to give in to a false show of a make-believe emotion.

Author of Half Full, Half Empty, Susan C. Vaughan says “ seeing life’s possibilities instead
of its pitfalls is the result of an internal process anyone can follow.” One of Susan’s
conclusions is that “ there is a powerful link between facial expression and emotion. That there
is merit in thinking and acting positively . But the Bible declares that “true spiritual joy begins
deep inside us, then spreads to our faces. Writer Susan believes that people who begin to act
happier actually feel happier. Read this in Proverbs 15:13. That if you have the joy of Christ in
your heart it will show on your face. We can’t continue to discuss on this matter. It is up for you
to decide, which to choose . But one thing I can say is there are really people who are born with
bright outlook in life . In any unpleasant situation they remain to appear positive, because it is
the Christ-like attitude they possess. To this kind of person there is no dull or bad moments in
their lives.
Now, you ask “ Is optimism an attitude we can learn?” It depends , my friend.
Do you agree that always displaying a gloomy countenance contributes to speedy ageing
despite applying any of today’s cosmetics of anti-ageing treatment? If you would not like to look
much older than you are or “not looking your age” just be natural so that that joy comes from
inside and makes the outside of you beautifully attractive. Take it from your Auntie Sally.
Congratulations to Mr. Franklin Gumapon, PIA (Philippiine Information Agency) manager of
Zamboanga del Norte who will assume the position of Assistant Regional Director – 1X in
November. Knowing Frank for years as co-member of the local press club , and of course, of
the entire press or media works I would personally say Frank so deserves the promotion. Yes,
the position was being applied for and applicants went through processes with qualifying
examination. With God’s blessing, Frank made it and so that’s it. It’s worth knowing that God
sees the efforts of His children in doing whatever they are in, in serving the community.
Leaving the Zamboanga del Norte Press Club as Secretary , Vicente “Ting” Carreon of the
Board of Directors is the President’s choice to take over to finish Frank’s term until the club’s
next election for officers of 2013. Again, congratulations to Frank Gumapon.
Every four years, America holds her presidential elections. Some 700 thousand Filipino-
Americans are voters in the United States and 100 thousand of them are in California, says David
Sequeira, political analyst of the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines. According to Sequeira there is
an advantage for an incumbent in the election which gives Democrat President Barack Obama
that edge, over Republican contender Mitt Romney of Florida. The actual result will be known in
the U.S. elections on November 6.
The vice- presidency is being contested between Democrat re-electionist Joe Biden and
Republican Paul Ryan. God bless America !

It’s sad to know that per television account cancer is number one killer in Asia and 9 th in
the whole world. It is recommended that at age 20 any woman should see a doctor for early
detection of this killer disease.
And may I have this reminder again that Graviola tree (labana/ guyabano) tea can serve its
purpose as preventive measure before the onset of cancer in anyone. It is a healer as well for all
kinds of cancer. If you have a guyabano tree in your backyard make it habit to drink its

tea by boiling the leaves, stems , roots or eat its fruit.

Proof of Graviola tree doing good to me is that since I drank its tea in 2009, my asthma has
gone ..In 2011 I did not have to drink it daily unlike when I started on it in 2009 to 2010. That
when I went to the U.S. to visit my daughter, I brought stems and several guyabano leaves with
me and boil them everyday although the symptom of asthma was not anymore evident . I
just wanted to be sure nga dilil ko hutoyon sa hubak didto.And I don’t know if it surprises you that
in my five (5) months being in California, wala baya malaya ang akong gidala nga stems ug mga
dahon sa labana. Maybe tungod sa katugnaw maorag fresco lang gihapon. Until I got back to
the Philippines there were still leaves ug gitiwas pag boil sa akong anak kay gusto pud diay
sila. I encourage you to love this tree. Plant it in your backyard and drink of its tea or eat the

Quote : “ We have actively sought and are actively seeking to make the United Nations an
effective instrument of international cooperation.” (Dean Acheson)
MIZPAH : “auntie sally” 065-2129737 09999922265 Email

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