Cillo Unit II

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Name: Florabel A.

Subject: The Child and Adolescent

Lesson 1

1. Recall a recent incident in your life when you had to make a decision. Narrate the
situation in a sheet of paper. Indicate what the decision was about, the factors that
were involved and how you arrived at your decision.
When I was on college, my first heart attack was happen, and my mother want me to
stop my study so they can watch me all the time, I was first year college that time. I
don’t want to stop my study I said to them that my heart failure is not the reason to
stop my goal in life. I go back to school 1 week after my heart failure is happen, and
that time midterm exam is done so I can take the exam and I have 8 subjects that
time the pressure to study to pass the exam is so difficult to me, and sometimes I
deciding to quit. I am very thankful to my friends they help me to pass my struggles
and I am so glad that I finish my study.

What factors influenced you in making your decision? Which of the following did
you consider most in making your decision: what will make you feel satisfied, what is
most beneficial or practical, or what you believed was the most moral thing to do?
Elaborate your answer.
Don’t stop your goal. Stop only when it is already done. I am so very grateful when I
already received my diploma.

1. Read a research that is related to Freud’s Theory, and then fill out the matrix below.
How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?
Psychology is the study of mind and behavior, it is important to teachers to know
their students, also to give what they need and how effective to deliver the
discussion to them.

Lesson 3


From Erikson’s Stages of Psycho-social Theory of Development, I realized that

personality develops in predetermined order, from infancy to childhood and each stage
can develop or experience a psychosocial crisis.

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