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Feeding the Immune System article summary

Our immune system is an intricate web of cells and organs, working tirelessly to shield our bodies from
harmful invaders while also ensuring we tolerate harmless substances. Deep within the walls of our
intestines, lies the gut-associated immune system, a true defender against pathogens and a master of
generating adaptive responses to microorganisms and food components. Nutrition plays an important role
in the optimal functioning of our immune system. Our immune cells have their own requirements, they
need the right substrates and nutrients to produce the energy necessary for their functions, to synthesize
proteins, to facilitate cellular growth, and to manufacture those vital immune-related molecules. Nutrients
like glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals are the lifeblood of these intricate processes.
Without a balanced supply of these essential elements, our immune response would be compromised. It is
through good nutrition that we create an environment where our immune system can rise to the occasion,
promptly and effectively responding to any challenges that come our way, thereby allowing us to maintain
our overall health and well-being.

Insufficient intake of food and nutrients can result in protein-energy malnutrition, which detrimentally
impacts the immune system and heightens individuals' susceptibility to infections. This form of
malnutrition encompasses diverse ramifications for immunity, notably affecting non-specific defenses and
Nathanael Gustav Pratama/14
11 Bernadeth

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