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Ch-3: Steady State Heat Conduction

▪ Heat and Mass Transfer A Practical Approach by Y. A. Cengel, A. J.

Ghajar (2nd/6th Ed.)
▪ Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by T. L. Bergman, A. S.
Lavine, F. P. Incropera (8th Ed.)

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 1

Steady State Heat Conduction

Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls

▪ Considerable Temperature Difference between the inner and the outer surfaces of the wall (significant
temperature gradient in the x-direction)
▪ The wall surface is nearly isothermal

Steady 1-dimensional modeling approach is justified

▪ Assuming heat transfer is the only energy interaction and

there is no heat generation, the energy balance is:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 2

t → Temperature not
Steady State Heat Conduction
time in this slide

Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls

no change in temperature of wall with time at any point

⇒ rate of heat transfer through the wall must be constant, Qcond,wall = constant
Temperature Distribution
▪ general heat conduction equation in Cartesian coordinates

⇒ ⇒
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Steady State Heat Conduction t → Temperature not
time in this slide
Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
Temperature Distribution —contd--

⇒ temperature distribution across a wall is linear and is

independent of thermal conductivity

▪ heat through the plane wall using Fourier’s Eq.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 4

Steady State Heat Conduction

Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls

Temperature Distribution —contd--

once the rate of heat conduction is available, temperature T(x) at

any location x can be determined by replacing T2 in above Eq. by T,
and L by x

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 5

Steady State Heat Conduction
Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
Thermal Resistance Concept

▪ Heat Conduction through a plane wall can be rearranged as:

Where Rwall is the conduction resistance

⇒ Thermal Resistance of a medium depends on the geometry and the thermal properties of the medium

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 6

Steady State Heat Conduction
Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
Thermal Resistance Concept – contd--

Analogy to Electrical Current Flow

▪ Above Eq. is analogous to the relation for electric current flow I, expressed as:

Heat Transfer Electrical current flow

Thermal resistance ←→ Electrical resistance
Rate of heat transfer ←→ Electric current
Temperature difference ←→
Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoBVoltage difference 7
Steady State Heat Conduction
Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
Thermal Resistance Concept – contd--
Convection Resistance
▪ Thermal resistance can also be applied to convection processes
▪ Newton’s Law of Cooling for convection heat transfer rate (Qconv = hAs (Ts-T∞ )) can be
rearranged as:

Rconv is the convection resistance

o when Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient is very large (h → ∞),

the convection resistance becomes zero and Ts ≈ T∞ → surface
offers no resistance to convection, and thus it does not slow down
the heat transfer process.
o This situation is approached in practice at surfaces where Boiling
and Condensation occur
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Steady State Heat Conduction
Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
Thermal Resistance Concept – contd--

Radiation Resistance
▪ When the wall is surrounded by a gas, the radiation effects, which were ignored so far, can be significant
and may need to be considered

▪ Rate of Radiation Heat Transfer between a surface and the surrounding

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
Thermal Resistance Concept – contd--
Radiation and Convection Resistance
▪ A surface exposed to the surrounding might involves convection and radiation simultaneously
▪ Convection and Radiation Resistances are parallel to
each other

When Tsurr ≈ T∞, radiation effect can properly be

accounted for by replacing h in the convection
resistance relation by

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Steady State Heat Conduction
t → Temperature not
Heat Conduction Through a Composite Wall time in this slide
▪ Quantity of heat transmitted per unit time through each slab/layer
is same

Assuming a perfect contact between the layers and no temperature

drop occurs across the interface between the materials

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Steady State Heat Conduction t → Temperature not
time in this slide
Heat Conduction Through a Composite Wall

⇒ ⇒

For composite wall

consists of n layers

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Conduction Through a Composite Wall
Parallel Arrangement

▪ Total heat transfer is the sum of the heat transfers through each layer

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Conduction Through a Composite Wall
Combined Parallel-Series Arrangement
▪ Total rate of heat transfer through the composite system

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Steady State Heat Conduction t → Temperature not
time in this slide
The Overall Heat-transfer Coefficient
▪ While dealing with the problems of fluid to fluid heat transfer across a metal boundary, it is usual to adopt
an overall heat transfer coefficient U

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Steady State Heat Conduction
The Overall Heat-transfer Coefficient

⇒ ⇒

If U is Overall Coefficient of Heat Transfer

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 16
Steady State Heat Conduction
A 3-m-high and 5-m-wide wall consists of long 16-cm × 22-cm cross section horizontal
bricks (k = 0.72 W/m°C) separated by 3-cm-thick plaster layers (k = 0.22 W/m°C). There are
also 2-cm-thick plaster layers on each side of the brick and a 3-cm-thick rigid foam (k =
0.026 W/m°C) on the inner side of the wall, as shown in Fig. The indoor and the outdoor
temperatures are 20°C and -10°C, and the convection heat transfer coefficients on the inner
and the outer sides are h1 = 10 W/m2·°C and h2 = 25 W/m2 °C, respectively. Assuming one-
dimensional heat transfer and disregarding radiation, determine the rate of heat transfer
through the wall.


Ri R1 R2 R6 Ro

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Example R3

Ri R1 R2 R6 Ro


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Steady State Heat Conduction

= 1.03 W/ oC => Rmid Ri R1 R2 R6 Ro

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 19

Steady State Heat Conduction

The maximum operating temperature of a kitchen oven is set at 310 oC.
Due to seasonal variations, the kitchen temperature may vary from 12
oC to 32 oC. If the average heat transfer coefficient between outside

oven surface and kitchen air is 12 W/m2 oC, determine the necessary
thickness of fiber glass (k = 0.036 W/m oC) insulation to ensure that the
outside surface temperature of oven does not exceed 45 oC. Assume
that steady state conditions prevail and the thermal resistance of metal
wall is negligible.



Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 20

Steady State Heat Conduction

The maximum operating temperature of a kitchen oven is set at 310 oC. Due to
seasonal variations, the kitchen temperature may vary from 12 oC to 32 oC. If the
average heat transfer coefficient between outside oven surface and kitchen air is
12 W/m2 oC, determine the necessary thickness of fiber glass (k = 0.036 W/m oC)
insulation to ensure that the outside surface temperature of oven does not
exceed 45 oC. Assume that steady state conditions prevail and the thermal
resistance of metal wall is negligible.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 21

Steady State Heat Conduction
Thermal Contact Resistance
▪ In reality surfaces have some roughness
▪ When two surfaces are pressed against each other, the peaks form good material
contact but the valleys form voids filled with air.
▪ Asa result, an interface contains numerous air gaps of varying sizes that act as
insulation because of the low thermal conductivity of air.

▪ Thus,an interface offers some resistance to heat transfer, which is

termed the Thermal Contact Resistance, Rc.
▪ Value of Thermal Contact Resistance depends on the:
– surface roughness
– material properties
– temperature and pressure at the interface
– type of fluid trapped at the interface

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Steady State Heat Conduction t → Temperature not
time in this slide
Thermal Contact Resistance
▪ Thermal contact resistance is observed to decrease with decreasing surface roughness and increasing
interface pressure
▪ Thermal contact resistance can be minimized by applying a Thermally Conducting Liquid called a Thermal

Contact Resistances are given by:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 23

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat conduction through a Hollow Cylinder
▪ Consider the long cylindrical layer:
– two surfaces of the cylindrical layer are maintained at
constant temperatures T1 and T2,
– no heat generation,
– constant thermal conductivity,
– one-dimensional heat conduction.

• an element at radius ‘r’
• thickness ‘dr’
• ‘dt’ be the temperature drop over the

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Steady State Heat Conduction t → Temperature not
time in this slide
Heat conduction through a Hollow Cylinder
▪ Area through which heat is transmitted: A = 2π r. L.
Path length = dr (over which temp fall is dt)

⇒ ⇒

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t → Temperature not
Steady State Heat Conduction time in this slide
Heat conduction through a Hollow Cylinder

Thermal Resistance of the Cylindrical Layer against heat conduction,

or simply the conduction resistance of the cylinder layer.

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t → Temperature not
Steady State Heat Conduction time in this slide

Heat conduction through a Composite Cylinder

▪ Consider the long cylindrical layer:

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t → Temperature not
time in this slide Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat conduction through a Composite Cylinder

⇒ ⇒

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t → Temperature not
Steady State Heat Conduction time in this slide

Heat Conduction Through Hollow Sphere

▪ Area through which the heat is transmitted, A = 4πr2

⇒ ⇒

Thermal Resistance of the

⇒ Spherical Layer against heat
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t → Temperature not
time in this slide
Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat conduction through a composite sphere

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 30

Steady State Heat Conduction
A steam pipe (Inner Diameter = 150 mm and Outer Diameter = 160 mm) having thermal conductivity 58
W/moC is covered with two layers of insulation of thickness 30 mm and 50 mm respectively and thermal
conductivities of 0.18 W/moC and 0.09 W/moC respectively. The temperature of inner surface of steam pipe
is 320 oC and that of the outer surface of the insulation layer is 40 oC.

(i) Determine the quantity of heat lost per meter length of steam pipe and layer contact temperature, and
(ii) If the condition of the steam is dry and saturated, find the quality of the steam coming out of one
meter pipe assuming the quantity of steam flowing is 0.32 kg/min.

• temperature drop across the pipe is practically zero, and thus the pipe can be assumed to be isothermal.
• The resistance to heat flow in insulated pipes is primarily due to insulation

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 31

Steady State Heat Conduction
A steam pipe (Inner Diameter = 150 mm and Outer Diameter = 160 mm) having thermal conductivity 58 W/moC is covered
with two layers of insulation of thickness 30 mm and 50 mm respectively and thermal conductivities of 0.18 W/moC and
0.09 W/moC respectively. The temperature of inner surface of steam pipe is 320 oC and that of the outer surface of the
insulation layer is 40 oC.
(i) Determine the quantity of heat lost per meter length of steam pipe and layer contact temperature, and
(ii) If the condition of the steam is dry and saturated, find the quality of the steam coming out of one meter pipe
assuming the quantity of steam flowing is 0.32 kg/min.

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Steady State Heat Conduction

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Steady State Heat Conduction

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Steady State Heat Conduction


Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 35

Steady State Heat Conduction
A cylindrical tank of 1.0 m diameter and 5 m total length has hemispherical ends. It contains liquid oxygen which has
boiling point and heat of vaporization -180 oC and 210 kj/kg respectively. It is required to insulate the tank so as to
reduce the boil off rate of oxygen in steady state to 14 kg/h. Determine the thermal conductivity of the insulating
material if its maximum thickness is limited to 70 mm. Assume room temperature outside the insulation as 25 oC.

To = 25 oC

Ti = -180 oC

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 36

Steady State Heat Conduction
A cylindrical tank of 1.0 m diameter and 5 m total length has hemispherical ends. It contains liquid oxygen which has
boiling point and heat of vaporization -180 oC and 210 kj/kg respectively. It is required to insulate the tank so as to
reduce the boil off rate of oxygen in steady state to 14 kg/h. Determine the thermal conductivity of the insulating
material if its maximum thickness is limited to 70 mm. Assume room temperature outside the insulation as 25 oC.

To = 25 oC

Ti = -180 oC

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 37

Steady State Heat Conduction
A cylindrical tank of 1.0 m diameter and 5 m total length has hemispherical ends. It contains liquid oxygen which has
boiling point and heat of vaporization -180 oC and 210 kj/kg respectively. It is required to insulate the tank so as to
reduce the boil off rate of oxygen in steady state to 14 kg/h. Determine the thermal conductivity of the insulating
material if its maximum thickness is limited to 70 mm. Assume room temperature outside the insulation as 25 oC.

To = 25 oC

Ti = -180 oC

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 38

Steady State Heat Conduction
A cylindrical tank of 1.0 m diameter and 5 m total length has hemispherical ends. It contains liquid oxygen which has
boiling point and heat of vaporization -180 oC and 210 kj/kg respectively. It is required to insulate the tank so as to
reduce the boil off rate of oxygen in steady state to 14 kg/h. Determine the thermal conductivity of the insulating
material if its maximum thickness is limited to 70 mm. Assume room temperature outside the insulation as 25 oC.

× Qcyl

To = 25 oC

× 644.69
Ti = -180 oC

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 39

Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation
▪ Adding more insulation to a wall or to the attic always decreases heat transfer
▪ Adding insulation to a cylindrical pipe or a spherical shell, however, is a different matter
▪ Adding insulation increases Conduction Resistance of the insulation layer but decreases the Convection
Resistance of the surface because of the increase in the outer surface area for convection
▪ Heat Transfer from the pipe may increase or decrease, depending on which effect dominates
▪ A cylindrical
pipe of outer radius r1 whose outer surface
temperature T1 is maintained constant
o Pipe is covered with an insulator (k and r2)
o Convection heat transfer at T∞ and h
▪ Rate of heat transfer from insulated pipe to the surrounding air:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 40

Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation

▪ Variation of the heat transfer rate with the outer radius of the
insulation r2 is shown:
▪ It is evident that as r2 increases, the factor ln(r2/r1)/k increases
but the factor 1/hr2 decreases
▪ Value of r2 at which Q reaches a maximum is determined by:

⇒ ⇒

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 41

Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation
represents condition for minimum resistance and consequently
maximum heat flow rate

o insulation radius at which resistance to heat flow is minimum is

called the ‘Critical Radius’
o Critical Radius rc is dependent on the thermal quantities k and h
and is independent of r1 (i.e., cylinder radius)

▪ Critical Radius rcr will be largest when k is large and h is small

o lowest value of h encountered in practice is about 5 W/m2·°C for the
case of natural convection of gases, and k of common insulating
materials is about 0.05 W/m2·°C

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 42

Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation

o Critical Radius would be much less in Forced Convection, often less than 1
mm, because of much larger h values associated with forced convection
o hot water or steam pipes can be insulated freely without worrying about the
possibility of increasing the heat transfer by insulating the pipes

o radius of electric wires may be smaller than the critical radius

o Plastic Electrical Insulation may actually enhance the heat transfer

from electric wires and thus keep their steady operating
temperatures at lower and thus safer levels

Home Task: Derive correlation of Critical thickness of insulation

for sphere

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 43

Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation
A 3-mm-diameter and 5-m-long electric wire is tightly wrapped with a 2-mm thick
plastic cover whose thermal conductivity is k = 0.15 W/m·°C. Electrical measurements
indicate that a current of 10 A passes through the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8
V along the wire. If the insulated wire is exposed to a medium at T = 30°C with a heat
transfer coefficient of h = 12 W/m2·°C, determine the temperature at the interface of the
wire and the plastic cover in steady operation. Also determine whether doubling the
thickness of the plastic cover will increase or decrease this interface temperature.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 44

Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation
A 3-mm-diameter and 5-m-long electric wire is tightly wrapped with a 2-mm thick
plastic cover whose thermal conductivity is k = 0.15 W/m·°C. Electrical measurements
indicate that a current of 10 A passes through the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8
V along the wire. If the insulated wire is exposed to a medium at T = 30°C with a heat
transfer coefficient of h = 12 W/m2·°C, determine the temperature at the interface of the
wire and the plastic cover in steady operation. Also determine whether doubling the
thickness of the plastic cover will increase or decrease this interface temperature.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 45

Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation
A 3-mm-diameter and 5-m-long electric wire is tightly wrapped with a 2-mm thick plastic
cover whose thermal conductivity is k = 0.15 W/m·°C. Electrical measurements indicate
that a current of 10 A passes through the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8 V along
the wire. If the insulated wire is exposed to a medium at T = 30°C with a heat transfer
coefficient of h = 12 W/m2·°C, determine the temperature at the interface of the wire and
the plastic cover in steady operation. Also determine whether doubling the thickness of
the plastic cover will increase or decrease this interface temperature.

which is larger than the radius of the plastic cover

Therefore, increasing the thickness of the plastic cover will enhance heat transfer until the
⇒ outer radius of the cover reaches 12.5 mm.

Rate of heat transfer Q will increase when the interface temperature T1 is held
⇒ constant, or T1 will decrease when Q is held constant, which is the case here
Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 46
Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation
A 5-m-internal-diameter spherical tank made of 1.5-cm-thick stainless steel (k = 15 W/m ·
°C) is used to store iced water at 0°C. The tank is located in a room whose temperature is
30 °C. The walls of the room are also at 30 °C. The outer surface of the tank is black
(emissivity = 1), and heat transfer between the outer surface of the tank and the
surroundings is by natural convection and radiation. The convection heat transfer
coefficients at the inner and the outer surfaces of the tank are 80 W/m2·°C and 10 W/m2.°C,
respectively. Determine:
(a) the rate of heat transfer to the iced water in the tank and
(b) the amount of ice at 0°C that melts during a 24-h period.
The heat of fusion of water at atmospheric pressure is hif = 333.7 kJ/kg.

4𝝿 r12

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation

4𝝿 r22

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Critical Radius of Insulation

4𝝿 r22

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 50

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
▪ Heat Transfer from a surface at a temperature Ts to the surrounding medium at T∞ is given by Newton’s
Law of cooling:

▪ When temperatures Ts and T∞ are fixed by design considerations, there are two ways to increase the rate
of heat transfer:
o to increase the convection heat transfer coefficient h OR
o to increase the surface area As
o Increasing h may require installation of a pump or
fan, or replacing the existing one with a larger one,
which may or may not be practical or adequate
o alternative is to increase the surface area As by
attaching to the surface extended surfaces
called Fins made of Highly Conductive Materials
such as Aluminum

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
A General Conduction Analysis of Fin
▪ 1-dimensional conditions in the longitudinal (x-)

▪ Steady operation with no heat generation in the fin

▪ Constant thermal conductivity k of the material

▪ Temperature changes in the transverse direction within the fin are small compared with the temperature
difference between the fin and the environment

▪ Radiation from the surface is negligible and that the convection heat transfer coefficient h is uniform over
the surface

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 53

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
A General Conduction Analysis of Fin– contd--

⇒ A

Ac: Cross-sectional Area, which may vary with x

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 54

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
A General Conduction Analysis of Fin– contd--
Substituting into the energy balance Eq. (A):

Ac → varying in x-direction

So, the General form of the Energy Equation for an extended surface:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 55

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area
▪ Fin is attached to a base surface of temperature T(0) = Tb and extends into a fluid of temperature T∞
dAc /dx = 0 As = Px dAs/dx = P

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 56

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area – contd--
▪ To simplify the form of this equation, we transform the dependent variable by defining an excess
temperature as:

since T∞ is a constant, dθ/dx = dT/dx

⇒ Where,

Eq. is a Linear, Homogeneous, Second-order Differential equation with constant coefficients

General solution is of the form:

▪ AppropriateBoundary Conditions are required to evaluate
constants C1 and C2
One Boundary condition at fin base:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 57

Steady State Heat Conduction

Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces

Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area – contd--
Second Boundary Condition, specified at the fin tip (x = L), may
correspond to one of four different physical situations

1- Negligible Heat Loss from the Fin Tip (Insulated Fin Tip, Qfin tip =0) (Long Fin)

o surface area of the fin tip is usually a negligible fraction of the total fin area ⇒ fin tip can be assumed to
be insulated, and the condition at the fin tip can be expressed as:

Boundary condition at fin tip:

after some manipulations, relation for the temperature distribution:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 58
Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area – contd--
1- Negligible Heat Loss from the Fin Tip (Insulated Fin Tip, Qfin tip =0) (Long Fin)

o Fin Heat Transfer Rate is:

2- Convection Heat Transfer from the Fin Tip (Short Fin)


Relation for the Temperature Distribution:

o Fin Heat Transfer Rate is:

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 59

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces 𝜽
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area – contd-- 𝜽𝒃

i.e., i.e.,

θo Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 60

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area – contd--
Convection (or Combined Convection and Radiation) from Fin Tip
▪ One would like to avoid using long equation as described in Case A,
(fins table)
▪ alternative is to use Case B instead and accounts for the convective
heat transfer at the tip by extending the fin length L to LC

▪ Thin Rectangular Fin:

Ac = W t , P = 2 ( W + t ) ≈ 2 W → since t << W
Lc = L + ( Ac / P ) = L + ( W t / 2 W ) = L + ( t / 2 )
▪ Cylindrical Fin:
Ac = ( π / 4 ) D2, P = π D
Lc = L + ( Ac / P ) = L + ( D / 4 )
▪ Square Fin:
Ac = W 2, P = 4 W
Lc = L + ( Ac / P ) = L + ( W2 / 4 W ) = L + ( W / 4 )
Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 61
Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Efficiency
▪ To maximize heat transfer from a fin, temperature of the fin should be uniform (maximized) at the base
value of Tb
▪ In reality, temperature drops along the fin, and thus the heat transfer from the fin is less
▪ To account for this effect we define a Fin Efficiency

Qfin,max represents idealized situation i.e., fin is made up of material with

infinite thermal conductivity

Afin → Total surface area of the fin

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 62

Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Efficiency
▪ For constant cross section of very long fins:

▪ For constant cross section with adiabatic tip:

TABLE 3–3 (Page-186, Cengel 6 Ed.): Efficiency and surface areas of common fin configurations

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 63

Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Efficiency
Efficiency of Circular, rectangular, and triangular fins on a plain surface of width w

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Efficiency
Efficiency of Circular Fins of length L and Constant Thickness t

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Proper Fin Length
▪ Normally the longer the fin, the larger the heat transfer area and
thus the higher the rate of heat transfer from the fin

▪ But also the larger the fin, the bigger the mass, the higher the
price, and the larger the fluid friction

⇒ increasing the length of the fin beyond a certain value cannot be

justified unless the added benefits outweigh the added cost

▪ FinEfficiency decreases with increasing Fin Length because of

the decrease in fin temperature with length

▪ Fin lengths that cause the fin efficiency to drop below 60 Percent
usually cannot be justified economically and should be avoided

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Effectiveness
▪ Performance of the Fins is judged on the basis of the enhancement in heat transfer relative to the No-fin
▪ Performance of fins is expressed in terms of the fin effectiveness
εfin, defined as:

εfin = 1 → addition of fins to the surface does not affect heat transfer at all

εfin < 1 → fin actually acts as insulation, slowing down the heat
transfer from the surface (occur when fins made of low k)
εfin > 1 → fins are enhancing heat transfer from the surface, as they should

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 67

Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Effectiveness
▪ Fin Efficiency and Fin Effectiveness are related to each other by:

o Fin Effectiveness can be determined easily when the Fin Efficiency is

known, or vice versa

▪ Effectiveness of a sufficiently Long Fin of uniform cross section (Ac = Ab) is:

o Thermal Conductivity k of the fin material should be as high as possible ⇒ fins

are made from metals. E.g. Cu, Al, Iron etc. being the most common ones
o Ratio of the perimeter to the cross-sectional area of the fin p/Ac should be as high
as possible → This criterion is satisfied by thin plate fins and slender pin fins

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 68

Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Effectiveness
o use of fins is most effective in applications involving a low convection heat transfer coefficient

use of fins is more easily justified when the medium is a gas instead of a liquid and heat
transfer is by Natural Convection instead of by Forced Convection

⇒ in liquid-to-gas heat exchangers such as the car radiator, fins are placed on the gas side

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 69

Steady State Heat Conduction
Fin Effectiveness
Overall Effectiveness
▪ When determining the rate of heat transfer from a Finned surface, we must
consider the Unfinned portion of the surface as well as the fins

▪ An Overall Effectiveness for a Finned Surface → Ratio of the total heat

transfer from the finned surface to the heat transfer from the same surface
if there were no fins

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 70

Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
Steam in a heating system flows through tubes whose outer diameter is D1 = 3 cm and
whose walls are maintained at a temperature of 120°C. Circular aluminum fins (k = 180
W/m·°C) of outer diameter D2 = 6 cm and constant thickness t = 2 mm are attached to the
tube, as shown in Fig. The space between the fins is 3 mm, and thus there are 200 fins per
meter length of the tube. Heat is transferred to the surrounding air at T = 25 °C, with a
combined heat transfer coefficient of h = 60 W/m2·°C. Determine the increase in heat
transfer from the tube per meter of its length as a result of adding fins.

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces

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Steady State Heat Conduction
Example Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
A turbine blade made of stain less steel (k = 29 W/m oC) is 60 mm long, 500 mm2 cross-sectional area and 120 mm
perimeter. The temperature of the root of blade is 480 oC and it is exposed to products of combustion passing through
the turbine at 820 oC. If the film coefficient between the blade and the combustion gases is 320 W/m2 oC, determine:
(1) The temperature at the middle of the blade,
(2) The rate of heat flow from the blade.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 75

Steady State Heat Conduction
Example Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
A turbine blade made of stain less steel (k = 29 W/m oC) is 60 mm long, 500 mm2 cross-sectional area and 120 mm
perimeter. The temperature of the root of blade is 480 oC and it is exposed to products of combustion passing through
the turbine at 820 oC. If the film coefficient between the blade and the combustion gases is 320 W/m2 oC, determine:
(1) The temperature at the middle of the blade,
(2) The rate of heat flow from the blade.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 76

Steady State Heat Conduction
Example Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
A motor body is 360 mm in diameter (outside) and 240 mm long. Its surface temperature should not
exceed 55 °C when dissipating 340 W. Longitudinal fins of 15 mm thickness and 40 mm height are
proposed. The convection coefficient is 40 W/m2 oC. Determine the number of fins required. Atmospheric
temperature is 30 °C. Thermal conductivity = 40 W/m°C.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 77

Steady State Heat Conduction

Practice Problems:

Book: Yunus Cengel 2nd Ed.

▪ Example: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.12,

▪ Problems: 3.18, 3.19, 3.23, 3.27, 3.29, 3.30, 3.52, 3.54, 3.57, 3.59, 3.61, 3.67, 3.68, 3.71,
3.75E, 3.76, 3.88, 3.90, 3.110, 3.111E, 3.114, 3.116

▪ All other Problems which were solved in the class

Mechanical Engineering Dept. UoB 78

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