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31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

Development of a test rig for investigating the performance of

a model Francis turbine

R Lama1, S Gautam1, L Lama2, H P Neopane1, * and S Chitrakar1

Turbine Testing Lab, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal
Kathmandu Hydro Electric Pvt. Ltd., Banepa, Kavre, Nepal
*Corresponding author: Tel.:

Abstract. Sediments flowing with water in the Himalayan Rivers of Nepal erodes the
components of the turbine heavily. The design of hydraulic turbines prioritizes the hydraulic
performance of the turbine, neglecting erosion challenges. The necessity of turbine design and
its model testing has been felt in the past two decades in Nepal. An attempt is made to fill such
conditions by developing a test rig for testing the 92 kW model Francis turbine at Turbine Testing
Lab, Kathmandu University, Nepal. The model turbine is a scaled-down model of a 4.1 MW
Francis turbine of a Jhimruk Hydropower Plant in Nepal severely affected by sediment erosion.
The design of the prototype turbine was carried out considering the hydraulic performance as
well as erosion resistivity. The prototype turbine was scaled-down utilising model similarity
conditions to meet the lab's specifications. Each component of the rig has been optimized using
CFD to match the lab's specifications. Comparing the results from CFD and experiment on
velocity, pressure, torque, and RPM measurements were comparable.

1. Introduction
Ever since the Turbine Testing Lab (TTL) development at Kathmandu University in 2010, TTL has
been thriving towards uplifting design development and testing facility in Nepal. Sediment erosion has
been a significant challenge for Hydropower Plants operating in the Himalayan Regions of Nepal [1].
The presence of hard minerals such as Quartz deteriorates the performance of turbine turbines through
continuous abrasion and erosion [2-3]. This challenge in hydropower plants operating in the Himalayan
Regions of South Asia is unique. A series of research has been carried out for the past two decades to
minimise the effects of sediment in hydro turbines. TTL is a milestone conceived and developed to
contribute to hydropower development with minimal impact on sediment concentration. Since much of
the global energy demand will be filled by renewable energy sources, hydropower has been the most
reliable energy source since its development. In Nepal, hydropower development has aimed to leapfrog
to utilise most of the available hydropower potential of 40,000 MW [4].
Hydropower plant utilises the available hydro energy in terms of open head and flow. It converts into
mechanical energy in terms of the rotational speed of the shaft that connects to the generator up to the
grid [5]. Different turbines can convert available hydropower into mechanical energy based on open
head and flow. Francis turbine is an inward flow type reaction machine that converts available hydraulic
energy into mechanical energy. These are the most widely used hydraulic machines in most hydropower
plants developed around the globe. It was reported that more than 60% of hydropower plants to be
developed in the world need Francis turbines [6]. In Nepal, most underdeveloped and undeveloped
hydropower plants require Francis type of turbines for power generation. Considering this fact, TTL has

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31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

undergone a series of researches in the design, optimisation, and testing of Francis turbine runners in
the last decades.
Model turbine test rig developed at TTL is an outcome of the series of research and developments
carried out in a high head Francis turbine of a power plant in Nepal, Jhimruk Hydropower Plant, which
was severely affected by sediment erosion problem [7-9]. The design specification of the site was used
to design the prototype turbine of Jhimruk HPP.

2. Prototype to a model conversion

Reference turbine of Jhimruk Hydropower Plant, Nepal, is chosen to develop the model and conduct
testing at TTL. Table 1 presents the data for the design of the prototype turbine of Jhimruk HPP. The
design of the prototype was carried out by a MATLAB based design algorithm for High Head Francis
turbines based.
Table 1. Prototype data of Jhimruk Hydropower Plant

S.No. Parameters Symbol Unit Value

1 Blade outlet angle  2 ° 20
2 Runner inlet diameter D1 mm 880
3 Runner outlet diameter D2 mm 540

4 Runner inlet height B1 mm 91.5

5 Speed number * - 0.32
6 Number of runner blades ZRV - 17

Prototype to model conversion guide lines by IEC 60193 is followed [10]. The model conversion
geometrical scale factor is D2m/D2p=0.46, where D2m D2p are outlet diameters of the model turbine and
prototype turbine, respectively.
Based upon model conversion, the head and flow of the model turbine is chosen to meet the lab
specification of TTL for model testing. Table 2 presents the lab specification of TTL such that suitable
specifications of the model turbine can be selected for model testing and validation.

Table 2. Lab specification at TTL

S.No. Parameters Symbol Unit Value

1 Natural head H1 m 30
2 Maximum pump head H2 m 150
3 Number of pump units - - 2
4 Maximum flow of each pump Q m3/s 0.25
5 Testing Capacity P kW 300

The model conversion data calculate reduced angular velocity and discharge based on the
geometrical scale factor. Reduced head and discharge value is given by relation;
8 2
Reduced angular velocity,   3
D23m tan( 2 )
Reduced discharge, Q 

 2

Where symbols are explained in Table 1.

Furthermore, the value of head (h) and Discharge (Q) for the model turbine is selected based on the
number of pairs of generator poles. The rotational speed of the generator governs the number of pairs of
generator poles. The different rotational speed of the runner gives different sets of head and discharge
values for a typical Francis turbine. In the model conversion case, different rotational speed values are
plotted against head and discharge calculated based on model conversion, shown in Figure 2. The

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

suitable value of rotational speed, head and discharge that matches the specification of the lab is selected
from the plot, i.e. 0.237 m3/s and 44 m at 1000 RPM. Considering the 90% overall efficiency of the
turbine, the power delivery of the developed model runner is 92 kW.

Figure 1. Head, discharge and rotational speed of the model turbine

3. Design of components of the test rig

While designing each component of the test rig, hydraulic components of the turbine such as runner,
guide vanes, stay vanes, and scroll casing was investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
analysis after the basic design was generated. Other structural components of the test rig were designed
from the available design algorithms and investigated with the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) before
manufacturing the parts. The scope of the manuscript is limited to presenting the basic design of the
hydraulic components of the turbine with the corresponding CFD investigations. Although the prototype
turbine of Jhimruk HPP is highly affected by sediment erosion problems and the scale down model was
developed to investigate its performance, the consideration for erosion was not made to impose sediment
on the test rig. However, the turbine runner is produced from the optimised turbine presented by Thapa
et al. [4].

3.1 Spiral casing

The spiral casing ensures uniform flow distribution in the runner towards the stay vanes, guide vanes
and eventually towards the runner. Thus, for consistent distribution spiral type of casing is designed and
developed. The design of the spiral case is carried out following the law of constant velocity moment,
that is, free vortex theory that is given by,
Cu .R  Ct  Const. (1)

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

Figure 2. Shows a cross-section of circular

spiral casing based upon free vortex theory.
The inlet flow condition of the spiral case is
chosen to match outlet tangential velocity
using an iterative process where inlet flow is
transformed into an inward radial flow and
B R0 tangential flow.

Q (2)
Ct 
 
sin 2  
2.R 2   d

 Rt  r. cos 

Q (3)
Cu 
 
sin 2  
R.2.r  
 d

 t
R  r .
 cos  
3.2 Stay vanes
Stay vanes are designed considering the strength to withstand maximum hydraulic forces acting on the
spiral casing and keep varying cross-sections of the spiral case together. The length and thickness of
stay vanes were calculated as follows;
F max (4)
t 
 .L .N
steel sv sv

 
 2r svo.sin  svo    4 R12 r 2 

 2.l.r 
.sin  svo  
dl 
In the presented study, thickness distribution from the leading edge to the trailing edge of stay vanes
was constant. However, at the trailing edge, the angle of the trailing edge was kept at 30 degrees to
minimise the Von Korman effect of wakes travelling from the trailing edge. Towards the leading-edge
semi-circular arc was chosen.

3.3 Guide vanes

Figure 3. Shows a single guide vane with outlet
angle and depth. The role of the guide vane is to
control the amount of fluid flowing into the
runner. In such a case, they can be adjusted to
rotate from the axis of rotation. The outlet angle
of guide vanes is such designed that fluid leaving
guide vanes reaches the rotating runner at the best
efficiency point. Furthermore, the number of
guide vanes is chosen that the ratio of the number
of guide vanes and the number of stay vanes is
always an integer.

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

The length and diameter of guide vanes are calculated as follows;

 D gvx k cf (6)
L gv

N gv

2 (7)
2  D gvo   D gvo  π 
D gvi =2 L gv +  -2.L gv. 
  2 
 .cos  +α 0 
 2     2 
For the guide vane profile, in the present study NACA 0012 hydrofoil, with a maximum thickness of
30% of chord length and zero camber, is chosen as model GV.

3.4 Runner
The design of the runner blade is based upon the Euler Turbine equation of hydraulic machines assuming
no spin at the outlet of runner blades. Thus the design of the runner was carried out by finding the outlet
diameter of the runner, the rotational speed of the runner and available head, and discharge value. The
Euler turbine equation is given by;   (u1cu1  u2 cu 2 ) / gH . Assuming no spin at the outlet of the runner,
the equation becomes;   u1 c u 1 / gH . The significant runner dimensions were calculated as follows;
The peripheral speed, U2 and outlet angle, β2, should be chosen from given empirical data.

Highest value for highest head 35 m/s < U2 < 42 m/s
Lowest value for highest head 130 < β2 < 220
Meridian component of C, at outlet, Cm2
C m2
 U 2. tan   2 (8)

Here, Cm2 is obtained from the velocity triangle, as shown in Figure 4

4Q (9)
D2   C m2
n  60.U 2
 .D 2
50  60 (11)
z poles

The net frequency in Nepal of 50 Hz and the rotational speed of the runner is used to obtain the
number of the pole in the generator. The number of the pole must be an integer. Therefore, in some
cases, the value for Zpoles must be rounded up to make an integer. Then this rounded value of Zpoles is
then used in equation (6) to get the corrected value of rotational speed termed synchronous speed. This
synchronous speed is again used in equation (5) to get the fixed diameter at outlet.

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

Figure 4. Velocity triangle at inlet and outlet of Francis runner

3.5 Draft tube

The draft tube design is based on the exit's discharge kinetic energy loss. To ensure the lowest possible
discharge velocity is selected. The optimum value of outlet velocity is given by, and the area of the
outlet is calculated by Ao  Q / Vo
An elbow type draft tube with a circular inlet and rectangular outlet is designed and developed in the
presented study.

4. Results and discussion

4.1 Numerical modelling and analysis

The components of turbines designed using analytical analysis were modelled and analysed using
numerical techniques. The primary purpose of the numerical analysis was to identify the critical regions
where flow behaviour changes abruptly and the area of highest pressure and cavitation prone regions.
Different turbine components were modelled and analysed by employing boundary conditions as to the
maximum achievable laboratory condition in the model. A steady-state numerical simulation was carried
out using ANSYS CFX 18.2 to solve RANS. In the presented study, full turbine simulations with
stationary components such as Spiral Casing, Stay Vanes, Guide Vanes and Draft Tube, and a rotating
component Runner with 1000 RPM was used. At the inlet of boundary condition, a mass flow rate of
273 kg/s was used from model conversion data. The outlet was considered an opening type based upon
laboratory conditions. Walls of all components were chosen as 'No-Slip' walls. The Shear Stress
Transport (SST) turbulence model is used in this study. This model gives good behaviour in adverse
pressure gradients and separating flow. Moreover, this turbulence model is better suited for investigating
the Francis turbine components as this model was experimentally validated [11-12].
Figure 5 presents the pressure contour near the runner hub surface with streamlines along the surface.
Runner design and analysis are critical since maximum energy conversion occurs in the runner blade
alone. Furthermore, a single runner blade suffers both maximum and minimum pressure alone in its
span. In Figure 5, since the numerical analysis was carried out at BEP, there was minimal swirling flow
along with the streamwise position of the runner blade. Furthermore, along the runner blade, there was
a distinct pressure side and suction side position. On the pressure side, the flow was detached towards

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

the suction side of the successive blade. This was due to the rotational movement of the runner. During
the counter clock runner rotation, flow carried out by stationary component reaches the runner whereby
it converts most of the energy into rotational movement of the runner at 50% span of the runner.
Furthermore, the outlet of the runner suffers negative pressure making the region cavitation prone

Figure 5. Pressure contour in a runner with surface streamlines along with the hub

Thus suitable runner that gives the power delivery of 92 kW at a GV opening of BEP was
manufactured and used in the rig for model testing. Figure 6a presents the 3-D model of the final runner
that meets the dimension of the rig, and 6b shows the manufactured runner for model testing and

Figure 6. 92 Kw model Francis turbine (a) 3D model (b) Experimental model

Similarly, other components such as Spiral Casing, Stay Vanes, Guide Vanes and Draft Tube were
analysed using the same Full Turbine simulations under steady-state operating conditions. Figure 7 (a)
presents the pressure contour at the mid-span of the distributor system. The distributor system refers to
the set of the spiral casing, 24 SVs and 24 GVs as a whole. In the case of the spiral casing with gradual
decreases in cross-section area, maximum unsteadiness arises towards the lowest cross-section area.
Thus maximum pressure corresponding to the swirl towards the tongue region of the volute is observed
in the spiral casing. The flow is carried down to the stay vanes at uniform velocity. At the inlet of stay
vanes, the highest pressure corresponds to the incidence of flow to the stay vanes. Due to the difference
in radial positions of stay vanes, though having the same thickness of blade throughout the span pressure
side and suction side is observed in the stay vanes. At the outlet of stay vanes, since the outlet is designed
with the trim of 30 degrees to remove unwanted vibration due to the Von Kormann effect, swirling flow
at the nearest outlet region of stay vanes was observed.
Flow leaving stay vanes reaches the GV. Fluid flow hits the inlet of GV and is divided along with
two distinct positions of GV. The particular position in case GV occurs due to a gradual decrement in
the thickness of the GV blade. Thus, in GV, high and low-pressure parts can be observed in Figure 7 a.

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

In the high-pressure region, fluid velocity reaches a minimum and vice versa. In the case of the
developed model turbine, the coverage factor was kept at 10%.

Figure 7. Pressure contour (a) Mid-Span of distributor (b) Mid-Span of draft tube

Since the analysis was carried out at BEP, at the draft, the minor effect of vortex flow carried down by
the runner outlet was observed as in Figure 7 (b). The highest negative pressure corresponding to swirl
flow at the runner outlet was observed near the outlet. From the region of slightest pressure, the pressure
gradually increases near the wall of the draft tube.

4.2 Modelling and installation of the experimental set-up

Figure 8. 3-D model of the experimental set-up

Figure 8 presents the complete 3-D model of the experimental set-up developed at TTL. To establish an
IEC 60193 certified model turbine rig, the rig's components were designed and installed at the locations
suggested by guidelines [10]. In Figure 8, apart from Francis turbine components as discussed in the
previous section, other auxiliary components were present. As shown in Figure 8, the inlet of runner

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

flow is carried towards the inlet from the high-pressure tank. The high-pressure tank designed and
developed at TTL can stand the maximum pressure of 20 Bar corresponding to 200 m head. In a high-
pressure tank made up of stainless steel, there is an allowance of compressed air from the compressor
that can raise the water pressure inside the tank up to 20 Bar.
In the rig, the components are supported by structural support. These supports were designed and
manufactured using structural analysis. The structural supports are such designed that the safety factor
during turbine operating conditions is above 2. Furthermore, the draft tube outlet is connected to the
low-pressure tank that can stand the pressure by 9 Bar. The low-pressure tank outlet is carried down to
the reservoir, thus ensuring closed-loop flow. As shown in figure 8, two pumps continuously supply the
required flow of water as desired head in a closed loop.

Figure 9. 92 kW model turbine test rig set up at TTL

Figure 9 shows the different components of the test rig developed and installed at TTL. In the figure,
other locations of sensors and actuators are presented. The locations of sensors and actuators are as per
the guidelines by IEC 60193 [10] as shown in Fig. 9 towards the inlet flowmeter with an accuracy ≤
0.025% is located at a position greater than 10*Din where Din refers to the inlet diameter of the spiral
A torque and angular position measuring device between generator and turbine units is connected
with an accuracy of ≤ 0.05%. The pressure measurement system at the inlet and outlet of the turbine
was developed by creating taps at four different periodic positions of circular sections separated each
by 90 degrees of angular positions. The accuracy of pressure sensors was ≤ 0.05%. The calibration and
uncertainty quantification of the sensors installed was done as suggested by Trivedi et al. [13-14]. The
details of the uncertainty measurements for the same rig are presented by Gautam et al. [15].

5. Conclusion
The presented study aimed to give insights into the design and development of test rig for testing the
model Francis turbine. A complete set-up for the model turbine was designed based upon empirical
relations, fluid flow analysis and structural analysis. The turbine prototype designed for site-specific
head and flow conditions was used for further model conversion to meet the lab's specifications for
experimentation. Model conversion of the prototype turbine was carried out with the geometrical scale
factor of 0.46. Selecting the runner rotational speed to 1000 RPM, the head and discharge value for the
turbine to meet the lab specification was calculated.
Each of the turbine components, Spiral Casing, Stay Vanes, Guide Vanes, Runner and Draft tube were
designed separately using available empirical and analytical relations. The designed turbine components

31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012011

were modelled and analysed using numerical methods. The CFD based numerical study presented in the
study matches the flow behaviour at different locations of the turbine. Thus, each component was
manufactured and installed with other auxiliary components at TTL.
Furthermore, other turbine operation and testing components were as designed and installed. The
complete test rig set-up consists of a Turbine unit with a 92 kW model turbine with generators and other
auxiliary parts. Those components are Pressure Tanks (High and Low), Compressor units, Pipelines,
valves and pump units. Similarly, for testing the turbine, different sensors and actuators were installed
at different turbine locations. All the sensors installed were less than 0.05% accuracy as suggested by
IEC 60193 guidelines for model testing and validation.

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7. Acknowledgments
This work was a part of PhD study by Dr Ram Lama and supported by EnergizeNepal Project (2016-
2021) "Establishment of centre for design, operation and maintenance of mechanical equipment for
hydropower plants in Himalayan region at Kathmandu University" at TTL.


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