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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Top Notch Pop Song Activities

(Unit 4, “Wheels Around the World”)

A. Listen to the song “Wheels Around the World.” Mark each of the following
statements T for true, F for false, or NI for no information, according to the
information in the song.
____ 1. He was looking out the window.
____ 2. He was going too fast.
____ 3. He hit a luxury car.
____ 4. The red sedan hit his car.
____ 5. He was talking on a cell phone.
____ 6. He was driving an SUV.
____ 7. A lot of things were broken.
____ 8. Several people were hurt.
____ 9. He spilled coffee on his shirt.
____ 10. He wasn’t driving very fast when the brakes failed.
____ 11. He hit a tree.

B. Listen to the song again. Complete the lyrics with the past continuous or the simple
past tense form of the verbs.
__________ I (1. go) __________ too fast Pick it up.
or a little too slow? Turn it on.
I (2. look) ____________ out the window, Play the radio.
and I just don’t know. Wheels Around the World—
I must have turned the steering wheel “helping you to go far.”
a little too far You can drive anywhere.
when I (3. drive) __________ into the Buckle up and go.
bumper of that luxury car. __________ I (4. hit) __________
Oh no! the red sedan,
How awful! or __________ it (5. hit) __________ me?
What a terrible day! I (6. talk) __________ on the cell phone
I’m sorry to hear that. in my SUV.
Are you OK? Nothing was broken,
Wheels Around the World and no one was hurt,
are waiting here with your car. but I did spill some coffee
(continued on page 2)

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 4

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

on my favorite shirt. The hood (12. pop) __________ open and the
Oh no! door (13. fall) __________ off.
Thank goodness The headlights (14. blink) __________ and the
you’re still alive! engine (15. cough) __________.
I’m so happy that The sideview mirror (16. have) __________ a
you survived. terrible crack.
Wheels Around the World The gearshift (17. break) __________.
are waiting here with your car. Can I bring the car back?
Pick it up. Oh no!
Turn it on. Thank goodness
Play the radio. you’re still alive!
Wheels Around the World— I’m so happy that
“helping you to go far.” you survived.
You can drive anywhere. Wheels Around the World
Buckle up and go. are waiting here with your car.
What __________ you (7. do) __________ Pick it up.
when you (8. hit) __________ that tree? Turn it on.
I (9. race) __________ down the mountain, Play the radio.
and the brakes (10. fail) __________ me. Wheels Around the World—
How ______ it (11. happen) __________? “helping you to go far.”
Was the road still wet? You can drive anywhere.
Well, there might have been a danger sign, Buckle up and go.
but I forget.

ABOUT YOU. Answer the questions.

1. Put the following causes of accidents in order, with 1 being the most likely to cause an
accident and 5 being the least likely in your opinion.
____ not paying attention
____ talking on a cell phone
____ drinking alcohol or taking drugs
____ adjusting the radio
____ mechanical problems
____ other ___________________________________

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 4

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

2. What do you think caused the accident in the song?


3. Explain your answer for the cause of the accident in the song.

SPEAKING OPTION. Compare and discuss your answers with a classmate.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 4

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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