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May the Press Stand Tall

United for All

by: Eve Florieze Gunio

In the realm where words ignite,

Where ink flows with fervent might,
A press unfettered, bold and true,
Shall rise to safeguard me and you.

Amidst the chaos, voices clash,

And truths are obscured in a torrent's lash,
Yet amidst this storm, the press stands strong,
Defying darkness, exposing what's wrong.

In the halls of power, where shadows creep,

The press unveils secrets, buried deep,
With fearless pen and camera lens,
They unravel deception, as justice intends.

They shine a light on oppression's face,

Unveiling tales of a tormented race,
For every silenced cry, they lend an ear,
Conveying stories that the world must hear.

When fear takes hold, spreading like wildfire,

The press weaves narratives, to inspire,
They battle ignorance, dispel the lies,
In the face of tyranny, they boldly rise.
From lands afar to our neighborhood streets,
They champion truth, where propaganda meets,
In politics and science, they seek to find,
The essence of knowledge, unblurred and unkind.

They amplify the whispers of the weak,

Embracing diversity, they give voice to the meek,
Unveiling battles fought by the oppressed,
They ignite the flame of justice, undressed.

But in this age of digital haze,

Where facts and fiction interplays,
The press must brave an unending fight,
To uphold integrity, dispel the blight.

For in their hands, a power profound,

To shape opinions, hearts unbound,
With great influence, responsibility rings,
To navigate the tempest and report true things.

So let us cherish this guardian's role,

Support the press, with heart and soul,
For in their freedom, our liberty lies,
As they preserve truth beneath azure skies.

In this age, where challenges befall,

May the press stand tall, united for all,
For when their pens are embraced, not suppressed,
We shall find solace in the truth's caress.

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