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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III Central Luzon
Schools Division of Zambales
San Agustin Integrated School



A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise
program design to achieve fitness.
B. The learner modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to
achieve fitness.
C. Learning Competency
The learners execute the skills involved in the dance.
D. Enabling Objectives
At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the basic steps in folk dancing.
2. Promote folk dancing as the physical activity of family.
3. Execute selected regional and national dances with Asian influences such as
the Binislakan, Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay.


Topic: Basic Steps in Folk Dancing
Materials: TV, Laptop, IMs
Reference: Physical Education and Health

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Greetings
“Good morning, Class!” “Good morning, Ma’am!”
B. Prayer
“Remain standing and let us pray” (Students will bow their heads and
C. Checking of Attendance pray)
“Ms. Secretary are there any absent
today?” “There are no absent today, Ma’am”
D. Review
“What was our lesson yesterday?
Anybody who would like to share his or
her answer?”

Student 1: “Our topic yesterday was all

about different regional and national
“Okay, very good!” folk dances here in the Philippine.”

“Can you give me an example of

regional and national folk dance?”
Student 2: “Binislakan.”

Student 3: “Sakutinng”

Student 4: “Sua-ko-Sua”

“Very good!” Student 5: “Pangalay”

E. Energizer “Thank you ma’am!”

“May I request everybody to stand for a
simple exercise?” (Students will stand up)

“I will dance, you will dance, we will


(Teacher will show the four steps of the

dance) (Students will repeat what the teacher is
(Teacher will play a song)
(Students will dance)
“Okay thank you so much for
participating. Have you enjoyed it?”
“Yes, ma’am”
“You may now take your seats”

F. Motivation “Thank you, ma’am!”

“Today, I will read you a short story.
Are you ready to listen?”
“Yes, ma’am!”
(Teacher will read a short story)

“Oh no! They have been cursed by the


“Will you help the remove the curse?”

“Yes, ma’am!”
“Thank you!”

“In order to remove the curse, we will

have to find the clue and solve them one
by one. Are you ready to join me to
solve all the clues?” “Yes, we are!”

“Let’s go!”

G. Lesson Proper
“Our clues are all about Basic Steps in
Folk Dancing.”

“Let us walk and see if we can find a

clue right here.”

“You found one. Can you read the Student 1: “In order to solve the clues
instruction?” you should study them carefully and
demonstrate the dance steps with the
help of your teacher.”
“Kindly read the first clue.”
Student 2: “Padyak - To stamp or to tap
with one foot and the weight of the
“Who wants to help me demonstrate the body is on the other foot.”
first clue.”

(Teacher and student will both

demonstrate the first clue)
“Do you want to go to India with me?”

“Do you want to explore their culture

with me?”

“Are you ready?”

“For us to go we will have to ride an

airplane and we will have to go through
different stop overs which are the
Different Periods of Indian Arts. Are you
still willing to join me?”

“Welcome to SAIS Airlines please

fasten your seatbelts and welcome

“We are now at our first stop over.

Kindly read what’s written on the board
for us to know where we landed first.”

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