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5/11/23, 12:34 PM Classification of animals based on eating habits


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Eating habits of animals Worksheet-6

Eating habits of animals Worksheet-6

Multiple -Choice Question: (with more than one option)

1. Animals need food
A. for energy                                  B. to grow
C. to remain healthy                    D. to study
E. to go for shopping                   F. for cooking food

2. Mark the animals which eat only plants.

A.                      B.

C.                       D.

E.                               F.

3. Tick the animals which eat grass.

A. Cows              B. buffaloes       C. goats              D. horses
E. Bear               F. Vulture

4. Monkeys love to have

A. bananas        B. nuts                C. Wheat            D. Rice
E. Oat                 F. Maize

5. Tick the animals who eat the flesh of other animals.

A. lions               B. tigers             C. leopards        D. foxes
E. Cow                F. Giraffe

6. Tick the food which we get from plants.

A. rice                 B. wheat             C. fruits              D. vegetables
E. Eggs               F. Meat

7. Tick the food which we get from animals.

A. rice                 B. wheat             C. fruits              D. vegetables
E. Eggs               F. Meat

8. Tick the animals which gnaw the food.

A. Rabbits         B. rats                 C. squirrels       D. Horse
E. Goat               F. Tiger  1/2
5/11/23, 12:34 PM Classification of animals based on eating habits

9. Mark the animals which use their tongue to lap up water or milk.
A. Dog                B. Cat                 C. Elephant       D. Giraffe
E. Tiger              F. Horse
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A. Plants            B. Animals        C. Clothes          D. Building
E. Furniture
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11. Mark the pet animals. (
A. Cat                 B. Dog                C. Rabbit           D. Cow
E. Camel            F. Lion
12. Mark the animals which carry heavy loads for us.
A. Horses           B. donkeys         C. camels           D. oxen
E. Buffalo          F. Dog 

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13. Mark the animals which give us milk.
A. Cows              B. buffaloes       C.  D. Panda
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E. Dog                F. Cat
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Answer Key:
1. A,B,C 2023 © Learners' Planet, All rights reserved.
2. A,B,C
3. A,B,C,D
4. A,B
5. A,B,C,D
6. A,B,C,D
7. E,F
8. A,B,C
9. A,B
10. A,B
11. A,B,C
12. A,B,C,D
13. A,B,C 2/2

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