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Step 1: Pollination
Pollination is the first required step in sexual reproduction in plants. The male portion of the plant
produces the pollen – typically in the flower. A long filament, called a stamen, holds the bits of
pollen at the end and one of several pollinators take the pollen grains to the female part of the
flower, which is called the pistil.
Pollinators can be insects or birds drawn to the plant by the colorful flowers and fragrance for the
nectar inside. As they enjoy feeding on the plant, the pollen sticks to their bodies and is then
carried away to another flower that may contain a pistil. The wind can also carry pollen to other
flowers, as can water in some plant species.
Step 2: Fertilization
If conditions are favorable, fertilization can happen when the pollen arrives at the female part of
the plant. The pistil is comprised of the stigma, style, ovary and ovule. The pollen travels down
the style, which connects the stigma to the ovary of the plant. The ovary is the female part of the
plant where the ovules begin to grow as a result of fertilization.
After fertilization, the flower eventually withers and the ovary begins to grow larger and form a
fruit. This may be an actual fruit, nut or berry depending on the plant species. The fruit grows and
develops seeds inside that are protected by the flesh of the fruit.
Step 3: Seed Dispersal
The seeds inside the fruit of a plant must be redistributed to make new plants, a process called
seed dispersal. In nature this often happens when the fruit ripens and falls off the plant onto the
ground. The flesh of the fruit rots and exposes the seed inside, which is fertilized by the organic
material from the rotten fruit. In other instances, the seed dispersal happens when animals brush
against certain plants and get the seeds stuck in their fur and transport it to another spot where it
falls off. This is common with plants that have a burr-type fruit, like burdocks. Wind, rain and
other natural elements may combine to move the seed to a new place. Seed dispersal is essential
for moving seeds away from their parent plants, so they can access the soil, sunshine and
nutrients in order to thrive.
Step 4: Germination
Germination is the actual birth of the new plant. Once the seed has emerged from its fruit, it will
hopefully be in the proper environment to induce a sprout. The process of sprouting into a new
plant is referred to as germination. This is the final stage of sexual plant reproduction. The new
plant grows and forms its own male and female parts and starts the life cycle all over again.

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