Tugas 3-ADBI4201-Wenny

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NAMA : Wenny Amalia Rizqi

NIM : 044962291

Please choose one of the topics below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3 paragraph. Elaborate your
own opinion with the references related to the topic that you choose.

1. Infrastructure is the basic facilities and system serving a country, region, or community. What will
happen to a country’s economy if there is no sufficient infrastructure (i.e. damage road, less health
facilities, etc) in that country?

2. Market failure , in economics, is a situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and

services in the free market. Please propose some possible solutions to overcome this problem. Please
give detailed explanation!

3. Public goods are commodities or services that benefit all members of society, and which are often
provided for free through public taxation. How can public goods change into quasi-public goods? Please
explain your reason!

Jawaban :

1. I choose reference number one about infrastructure

When the state of infrastructure in a country is weak, it means that the country's economy is running in
a very inefficient way. Very high logistics costs, leading to companies and businesses that lack
competitiveness (due to high business costs). not to mention the emergence of social injustice, for
example, it is difficult for some residents to visit health facilities, or it is difficult for children to go to
school because the journey is too hard or expensive.

Several years ago, consumers in Jakarta often complained that oranges imported from China were
cheaper in supermarkets in Jakarta than oranges made in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Indonesia's high logistics costs can lead to huge price differences between provinces in the
archipelago. For example, rice or cement is much more expensive in eastern Indonesia than in Java or
Sumatra because of the additional costs incurred from the point of production to the end user. In other
words, weak trade networks in Indonesia, both inter-island and intra-island, have caused heavy
inflationary pressures on domestically produced products.

Lastly, we would like to convey that why Indonesia lacks the quantity of infrastructure. However, there
is also a lack of quality: many roads are in disrepair, bridges collapse, and an old and inadequate port are
just a few examples. Not infrequently, newly built roads are badly damaged immediately after being hit
by a flood. This is partly due to the developer's desire to use cheap materials (and less asphalt) and low
quality human resources to bring the project to fruition but also due to a lack of funds for maintenance
purposes (once the infrastructure is built). Mismanagement, corruption and incompetence (lack of skills)
are the main causes of the weak state of infrastructure in Indonesia.

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