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21'st Century Literature refers to new literary work created within

the last decade. It is written by contemporary authors which may deal

with current theme/ issues and reflect a technological culture.

It often breaks traditional writing rules.


1520 1521- 1872-1898 1898- 1941-1945 1946- 1970- 1981- 1986 2001-
1871 1944 1970 1980 1985 - present

Pre- Spanish Period of American Japanese Rebirth Period of Period of Post 21st
spanish period enlightenment period period of activism the third edsa century
period freedom and new republic


Illustrated Novel
It is a hybrid narrative medium in which images and text work together to tell a story. It can take
various forms, including fiction written for adults or children, magazine fictions, comic strips, and picture


Digi-Fiction is also called Triple Media Literature. It uses the combination of three media: book,
movie/video, and internet website to tell a narrative, so readers must engage in navigating, reading, and
viewing in all three forms to comprehend the full story.

Graphic Novel

Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a story. Unlike
comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots. Collections of
short stories that have been previously published as individual comic books are also considered graphic


This is the Japanese word for comics. This genre considered as an artistic and flowy storytelling
style. It's panels were read from right to left.maga is often illustrated with almost black and white

Doodle fiction

Doodle fiction is a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle writing, drawings
and handwritten graphics in place of the traditional font. Drawing enhances the story, often adding
humorous elements.

Text talk Novel

Text talk novel is like messaging, email format narratives. stories fold almost completely in
dialogue simulating social network exchange.

Chick lit

Chick lit is a genre of literature that focuses on female protagonists. These stories are usually
targeted at younger women and are described as “popular fiction.”
Flash fiction

Flash fiction is a fictional work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development.
Identified varieties, many of them defined by word count, include the six-word story.

Creative Nonfiction

Creative nonfiction is a genre of writing that uses elements of creative writing to present a factual,
true story. Literary techniques that are usually reserved for writing fiction can be used in creative
nonfiction, such as dialogue, scene-setting, and narrative arcs.

Science fiction

Science fiction is a fictionalized story wherein the setting and plot are centered around technology,
time travel, outer space, or scientific principles, with or without the presence of aliens. Story elements
are not found in the known universe and explained by scientific means.


A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying

information in the reverse chronological order, with latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a
writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

Hyper poetry

Hypertext poetry is a form of digital poetry that uses links using hypertext mark-up. It is a very
visual form, and is related to hypertext fiction and visual arts. The links mean that a hypertext poem has
no set order, the poem moving or being generated in response to the links that the reader/user


Context originates from the notion of weaving together. It is defined as the circumstances that form
the setting of events, statements, or ideas and in the way of which it can be fully understood and

Types of Context
Writer context

Is knowing about the writer life, values, assumption. Gender,race,sexual orientation and the
political and economic issues related to the author.

Text context

About its publishing history. It is part of the larger text such as news paper, history, events
translated in it.

Social context

The social context of a text is the way in which the features of the society it is set in impact on its
meaning. There are two aspects to social context: the kind of society in which the characters live, and
the one in which the author's text was produced.


Imagery is a literary device used in poetry, novels, and other writing that uses vivid description that
appeals to a readers' senses to create an image or idea in their head.

3 types of imagery

Visual imagery

Produce by the use of words that appeal to the sense of sight.

Auditory imagery

Produce by the use of words that appeal to the sense of hearing.

Kinesthetic imagery

Produce by the use of words that appeal to the action and movements.



Is a website containing informational articles about a person’s own opinions, interests and experiences

Mind Mapping
Is a graphical technique to visualize connections of ideas and pieces of information. This tool structures
information to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.

Mobile Phone Text Tula

Is a traditional Filipino poem. A particular example of this poem is a tanaga that consists of 4 lines with
7 syllables each with the same rhyme at the end of each line.

Slideshow presentation

Is created with the use of Microsoft PowerPoint. It contains series of pictures or pages of
information (slides) arranged in sequence and often displayed on a large screen using a video projector.

Tag Cloud

Is a visual, stylized arrangement of words or tags within a textual content such as websites,
articles, speeches and databases.


Is an electronic device used to record, copy, playback, broadcast, and display moving visual media.



A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story
or other literary work.

a). Protagonist - The protagonist of a story is its main character, who has the sympathy and support of
the audience. This character tends to be involved in or affected by most of the choices or conflicts that
arise in the narrative.

b). Antagonist - the antagonist is the opposer or combatant working against the protagonist's or leading
characters' goal (“antagonizing”) and creating the main conflict.

The place (locate) and time(period) when the story happensis called setting, the setting may be
based on real place and real time or it may also be based on the author's imagination.


It is what the story all about it is also the series of events and characters actions that lead to the
highest point of interest in a short story.

a). Exposition - This is the beginning of the story, This is where the author introduces the characters,
identifies where the story is happening.

b).Rising Action - Begin to move throughout the story, This is where the conflicts start to move.

c).Climax - It is the most exciting part of short story, This is the part in the story when important
decisions are made or important things are discovered.

d).Falling action - This point occurs after the climax as the problems in the story start to work
themselves out, The excitement is less and less as the conflict has been resolved.

e).Resolution - This is the solution to the problem in the story. The solution may not be what you hoped
for, but as long as it fits the story in tone and theme, the conflict has been resolved.


Conflict is the primary problem that the main characters face in a story. It is the driving force in any
short story, as it influences the turn of events in the plot and is a makes up a good story. Without literary
conflict, there is no story arc and no character development.

Story conflict can be broken down into four categories:

man vs. man man vs. society

man vs. nature man vs. self

The first three types are known as external conflict, and the last type is internal conflict.

The theme refers to the message (meaning) that is intended to be expressed in the story. In other
words, it is the main idea or the lesson to be learned from the story.

Point of view

This is the way the story is told or narrated it also known as the vantage point that a writer uses to
narrate the story.

The following are the types of point of view

First person

A first-person narrative is a mode of storytelling in which a storyteller recounts events from their
own point of view using the first person such as "I", "us", "our" and "ourselves".

Limited third person

The third person limited point of view is where the narrator tells the story from the perspective
of a single protagonist, referring to them by name or using a third person pronoun such as they/she/he.
The narrator can only see inside the mind of the protagonist.

Omniscient third person

The third-person omniscient point of view is a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows
the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story.


•World literature is the cultural heritage of all humanity

•World literature is the totality of all national literatures

•The formation of literature in different countries happened not at the same time, which is connected
with the emergence of writing and artistic creativity

•In the history of world literature, we define several stages of it's development such as the literature of
Bronze Age, Classical Literature, Early Medieval Literature, Medieval Literature, Early Modern and
Modern Literature.


Refers to all literary works written and published at the latter part of the 21st century
(from 2001 onwards).

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