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Question 1



Indeed, there is a lot of ways to actually increase consumer engagement to really give
attention to the business or store that we have. One of the ways of doing this would be how
we as a business owner really put awareness in how our store would be like in the perception
and experience of the consumer who is coming in. In this case, we want to have an exclusive
shop by rearrange the restaurant’s layout and in-store advertisement rather than focusing on
the media exposure, here are the five (5) stimulus ideas could be applied to the newly
upgraded coffee shop:

1. An exclusive “trendy” layout concept

A coffee shop could be a choice for some activities such as a working space, studying, or even
just hang out with friends. To have a convenient layout, the coffee shop should have a specific
theme that applied to the store, being iconic and eventually would be remembered by the
consumers. The layout will definitely attract the consumer to come in and find the space they
might think could support their any activities in-store. This is something that already applied
by the biggest competitor, Starbucks, in having such a beautiful layout concept that
successfully attract the consumers to come. There is a lot of details that need to be
concerned, starting from the arrangement of area and facilities until the interior design that
should be matched with those designated space.

2. Eye-catching promotion

This is something that has been useful as a marketing strategy for any type of coffee shop or
restaurants. You may see are some of the marketing promotion materials such as (banner,
flyer, etc) when you are crossing any those places. The goal is to attract the consumers with
promotion variety, it could be a discount, bundle’s promo, or any specific and direct
marketing message to the consumer. It’s not necessarily a complicated type of marketing
strategy as the consumer need to receive our message in a very fast and short time. As a
marketing executive, I will definitely use it as one of the highest priorities to attract
consumers. Referring to other brands, again, Starbucks has been doing this kind of campaign
for sometimes its successfully proven.

3. Celebrity involvement

Public figure as the influencer would have the power to drive consumer desire and influence
decision making. This would be a unique way of a marketing campaign. Interestingly, in some
restaurant are using this as one of the marketing tools. As an example, I have observed that
there is restaurant are putting the celebrity or famous picture in their store as a proof that
that specific place has been visited by those people, and definitely it will increase the
consumer attractiveness. On top of that, it will give the exclusive vibes of the shop. It could
be done by inviting those people as part of the endorsement agreement, then only we could
put those faces as part of the in-store advertisement. While none of our competitor in the
same industry is aware of this, but it is a new marketing innovation that could be applied. As
it is proven by some restaurants outside of our industry, it could be one of our coffee shop

4. More than a coffee shop

“More than a coffee shop” could be used as a tagline for some branches of Kopitiam. It is
defined as the additional experience or facilities that we could offer to the customers. Adding
facilities like working space, meeting room, study room, or any those that will increase the
consumer's satisfaction could be applied. I believe that the consumers will experience an
exclusive new upgraded coffee shop that also as a point of uniqueness compared to other
coffee shops out there. By having those facilities, it will definitely reach more market
segmentation as all type of consumer may enjoy it.

5. In-store entertainment

Live music, standup comedy, or a projector for watching a football match would be another
great idea in order to attract consumers. Customers will be entertained by those type of
performance while enjoying the food & beverages provided by the coffee shop. This stimulus
has been successfully used by some other exclusive brand, in or out of the business industry.

Those are some stimulus ideas that could be applied. It may differ from other business
industry as many considerations should be taken to the account.

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