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Name: Jainney G.

Bayadog Section Code: E398


S.Y. 2022-2023



Watch this movie “Like Stars on Earth Every Child is Special”

This activity will be an application of what you have learned in Module 2. Answer the following
as best and as direct as you can (50pts).

1. In one paragraph, write your own summary of the movie.

The movie “Like Stars on Earth Every Child is Special (Taare Zameen Par)” follows
the life of Ishaan, an 9-year-old boy who gets failing grades and is perceived as lazy and a
troublemaker by his classmates and teachers. His mother tutors him at home but it didn’t help
much. Ishaan may not be performing well in school, but you can see his artwork at home,
including paintings on papers, drawings on the walls, and other works of creativity. Ishaan
once skipped class without his parents' permission and went exploring by himself in the city.
He was by himself while he ate, traveled by public transportation, and explored the streets. He
was so fascinated with it that he persuaded his older brother, who is academically much
smarter than he is, to excuse him from class. He showed it to his teacher the following day,
and she released him. When his father learned about it, he got mad at him. His parents
discussed his behavior in class and his academic standing with the principal and instructors in
the school office the next day. The principal told his parents that they may not accept Ishaan
anymore because he has repeated his third grade three times already, and that there are special
schools for him for his betterment. Ishaan's father decided to send him to a boarding school,
though in disagreement with his mom and brother. One time, during his art class, though he’s
very good with arts, he didn’t do anything when they were told to paint because he is
uninspired doing things after what his family did to him. Ishaan's teacher noticed that he
never did art in his class and other students were laughing at him. Additionally, he overheard
faculty members making fun of Ishaan for his extremely poor academic performance and this
piqued his interest in what might be wrong with Ishaan. Ram, Ishaan’s art teacher, started
observing Ishaan and looked through his notebooks from other classes to figure out why he is
behaving badly. He visited Ishaan's home to find out what might be wrong with him as he was
acting unprofessionally in class and then discovered how talented Ishaan was artistically. He
later came to the conclusion that he might have dyslexia, a disorder of reading and writing.
He also let Ishaan’s parents know about his condition, that it needs attention. Ram told them
that he would open-heartedly help Ishaan to cope with his disorder. Ram have patiently
helped Ishaan with his reading disorder and learning difficulty, which was visible on the next
events when Ishaan was starting to do good not only in arts but in his academics. At the end
of school year, Ram has put up an art competition where Ishaan won. His parents were really
grateful to Ram for all the things he had done for them to help their son and he is also grateful
to Ram for not judging and understanding his disorder.

2. Describe your favorite scene. Elaborate why?

3. What principle/concept of Inclusive Education (IE) have you seen violated in the film?

4. Explain how Special and Inclusive Education being portrayed in the film?

5. As a future educator, what great lessons you have learned from the film? Write three (3) and
explain it very briefly in paragraph form.

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