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How to Choose and Use Speech Props: A Speaker’s Guide

In this article, we discuss:

● key benefits of props,

● how to choose a prop, and
● how to use it effectively in a speech.

Bill Gates and the Mosquitos Prop

Video of Bill Gates Releasing Mosquitoes Into Audience

Six Key Benefits of Speech Props

Appropriate props offer a wealth of benefits to your presentation, including:

1. Props are concrete.

2. Props are unexpected.
3. Props can be emotional.
4. Props can facilitate drama.
5. Props require preparation.
6. Props are memorable.

How to Choose a Speech Prop

How to Use a Speech Prop - Once you have selected your prop, you need to plan how you will
include it in your rehearsal.

Before using the prop Make a plan.

Rehearse thoroughly.
Consider “smuggling” your prop into the room.

Using the prop

● Build anticipation.
● Make it easy to see.
● Explain the relevance of your prop.
● Demonstrate it in use.

After using the prop

● Put the prop away again.

● Think hard before “passing it around.”
● Invite audience members for a closer look after your speech (or at an event break).

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