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Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 1

• The Transportation Model
• Solution of a Transportation Problem

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 2

Part of a larger class of linear programming
problems known as network flow models.
Possess special mathematical features that
enabled development of very efficient,
unique solution methods.
Methods are variations of traditional
simplex procedure.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 3

 A product is transported from a number of sources to a
number of destinations at the minimum possible cost.
 Each source is able to supply a fixed number of units of the
product, and each destination has a fixed demand for the
 The linear programming model has constraints for supply at
each source and demand at each destination.
 All constraints are equalities in a balanced transportation
model where supply equals demand.
 Constraints contain inequalities in unbalanced models
where supply does not equal demand.
Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 4
Problem: How many tons of wheat to transport from each grain elevator to each mill on a monthly
basis in order to minimize the total cost of transportation ?
Data: Grain Elevator Supply Mill Demand
1. Asala 150 A. Mekelle 200
2. Desie 175 B. Nekempte 100
3. Hawassa 275 C. Harar 300
Total 600 tons Total 600 tons

Transport cost from Grain Elevator to Mill ($/ton)

Grain Elevator A. Mekelle B. Nekempte C. Harar
1. Asala $6 8 10
2. Desie 7 11 11
3. Hawassa 4 5 12

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 5

Minimize Z = $6x1A + 8x1B + 10x1C + 7x2A + 11x2B + 11x2C + 4x3A + 5x3B + 12x3C

subject to x1A + x1B + x1C = 150

where xij = tons of
x2A + x2B + x2C = 175
x3A + x3B+ x3C = 275
wheat from each grain
x1A + x2A + x3A = 200 elevator, i, i = 1, 2, 3,
x1B + x2B + x3B = 100 to each mill j, j =
x1C + x2C + x3C = 300 A,B,C
xij  0

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 6

 Transportation problems are solved manually within a tableau format.
 Each cell in a transportation tableau is analogous to a decision variable
that indicates the amount allocated from a source to a destination.

The Transportation

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 7

• Transportation models do not start at the origin where all decision values are
zero; they must instead be given an initial feasible solution.
• Initial feasible solution determination methods include:
- northwest corner method
- minimum cell cost method
- Vogel’s Approximation Method
• Methods for solving the transportation problem itself include:
- stepping-stone method and
- modified distribution method.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 8

In the northwest corner method the largest possible allocation is made to the cell in the upper left-hand
corner of the tableau , followed by allocations to adjacent feasible cells.

The Initial NW Corner


- The initial solution is complete when all rim requirements are satisfied.
- Transportation cost is computed by evaluating the objective function:
Z = $6x1A + 8x1B + 10x1C + 7x2A + 11x2B + 11x2C + 4x3A + 5x3B + 12x3C = 6(150) + 8(0) + 10(0) +
7(50) + 11(100) + 11(25) + 4(0) + 5(0) + !2(275) = $5,925

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 9

1. Allocate as much as possible to the cell in the upper left-hand
corner, subject to the supply and demand conditions.
2. Allocate as much as possible to the next adjacent feasible cell.
3. Repeat step 2 until all rim requirements are met.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 10

- In the minimum cell cost method as much as possible is allocated to the cell with the minimum
cost followed by allocation to the feasible cell with minimum cost.

The Initial Minimum Cell Cost Allocation

The Second Minimum Cell Cost Allocation

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 11

- The complete initial minimum cell cost solution; total cost = $4,550.
- The minimum cell cost method will provide a solution with a lower cost than
the northwest corner solution because it considers cost in the allocation process.

The Initial Solution

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 12

1. Allocate as much as possible to the feasible cell with the
minimum transportation cost, and adjust the rim requirements.
2. Repeat step 1 until all rim requirements have been met.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 13

Method is based on the concept of penalty cost or regret.
A penalty cost is the difference between the largest and
the next largest cell cost in a row (or column).
In VAM the first step is to develop a penalty cost for
each source and destination.
Penalty cost is calculated by subtracting the minimum
cell cost from the next higher cell cost in each row and
Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 14
The VAM Penalty Costs

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 15

- VAM allocates as much as possible to the minimum cost cell in the row or column with
the largest penalty cost.

The Initial VAM


Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 16

- After each VAM cell allocation, all row and column penalty costs are recomputed.

The Second
AM Allocation

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 17

- Recomputed penalty costs after the third allocation.

The Third VAM


Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 18

- The initial
VAM solution; total cost = $5,125
VAM and minimum cell cost methods both provide better initial solutions than does the
northwest corner method.

The Initial VAM


Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 19

1. Determine the penalty cost for each row and column.
2. Select the row or column with the highest penalty cost.
3. Allocate as much as possible to the feasible cell with the
lowest transportation cost in the row or column with the
highest penalty cost.
4. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 until all rim requirements have been

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 20

Once an initial solution is derived, the problem must be solved using either the stepping-stone
method or the modified distribution method (MODI).
The initial solution used as a starting point in this problem is the minimum cell cost method
solution because it had the minimum total cost of the three methods used.

The Minimum Cell

Cost Solution

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 21

The stepping-stone method determines if there is a cell with no allocation that would reduce cost
if used.


The Allocation of One Ton to Cell 1A

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 22
- Must subtract one ton from another allocation along that row.

The Subtraction of
One Ton from
Cell 1B

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 23

- A requirement of this solution method is that units can only be added to and subtracted
from cells that already have allocations, thus one ton must be added to a cell as shown.

The Addition of One

Ton to Cell 3B and the
Subtraction of One Ton
from Cell 3A

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 24

- An empty cell that will reduce cost is a potential entering variable.
- To evaluate the cost reduction potential of an empty cell, a closed path connecting used
cells to the empty cells is identified.

The Stepping-
Stone Path for
Cell 2A

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 25

The remaining stepping-stone paths and resulting computations for cells 2B and 3C.

The Stepping-Stone Path The Stepping-

for Cell 2B Stone Path for
Cell 3C

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 26

- After all empty cells are evaluated, the one with the greatest cost reduction potential is the
entering variable.
- A tie can be broken arbitrarily.

The Stepping-Stone
Path for Cell 1A

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 27


When reallocating units to the entering variable (cell), the amount is the minimum amount
subtracted on the stepping-stone path.
At each iteration one variable enters and one leaves (just as in the simplex method).

The Second Iteration of

the Stepping-Stone

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 28

- Check to see if the solution is optimal.

The Stepping-Stone Path for

Cell 2A

The Stepping-
Stone Path for Cell

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 29

- Continuing check for optimality.

The Stepping-Stone
Path for Cell 2B

The Stepping-Stone
Path for Cell 3C

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 30

 The stepping-stone process is repeated until none of the empty
cells will reduce costs
(i.e., an optimal solution).
 In example, evaluation of four paths indicates no cost reductions,
therefore Table 19 solution is optimal.
 Solution and total minimum cost :
x1A = 25 tons, x2C = 175 tons, x3A = 175 tons, x1C = 125 tons, x3B =
100 tons
Z = $6(25) + 8(0) + 10(125) + 7(0) + 11(0) + 11(175) + 4(175) +
5(100) + 12(0) = $4,525
Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 31
A multiple optimal solution occurs when an empty cell has a cost change of zero and all other
empty cells are positive. An alternate optimal solution is determined by allocating to the
empty cell with a zero cost change. Alternate optimal total minimum cost also equals $4,525.

The Alternative
Optimal Solution

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 32

1. Determine the stepping-stone paths and cost changes for
each empty cell in the tableau.
2. Allocate as much as possible to the empty cell with the
greatest net decrease in cost.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all empty cells have positive cost
changes that indicate an optimal solution.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 33

MODI is a modified version of the stepping-stone method in which math equations replace the
stepping-stone paths.
In the table, the extra left-hand column with the ui symbols and the extra top row with the vj
symbols represent values that must be computed.
- Computed for all cells with allocations :
ui + vj = cij = unit transportation cost for cell ij.

The Minimum Cell Cost

Initial Solution

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 34

- Formulas for cells containing allocations:
x1B: u1 + vB = 8
x1C: u1 + vC = 10
x2C: u2 + vC = 11
x3A: u3 + vA = 4
x3B: u3 + vB = 5

The Initial Solution with All ui and vj Values

- Five equations with 6 unknowns, therefore let u1 = 0 and solve to obtain:

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 35
- Each MODI allocation replicates the stepping-stone allocation.
- Use following to evaluate all empty cells:
cij - ui - vj = kij
where kij equals the cost increase or decrease that would occur by allocating to a cell.
- For the empty cells in Table 26:
x1A: k1A = c1A - u1 - vA = 6 - 0 - 7 = -1
x2A: k2A = c2A - u2 - vA = 7 - 1 - 7 = -1
x2B: k2B = c2B - u2 - vB = 11- 1 - 8 = +2
x3C: k3C = c3C - u3 -vC = 12 - (-3) - 10 = +5

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 36

- After each allocation to an empty cell, the ui and vj values must be recomputed.

The Second Iteration of the MODI Solution Method

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 37

- Recomputing ui and vj values:
x1A: u1 + vA = 6, vA = 6 x1C: u1 + vC = 10, vC = 10 x2C: u2 + vC = 11, u2 = 1
x3A: u3 + vA = 4, u3 = -2 x3B: u3 + vB = 5, vB = 7

The New ui and vj Values for the Second Iteration

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 38

- Cost changes for the empty cells, cij - ui - vj = kij;
x1B: k1B = c1B - u1 - vB = 8 - 0 - 7 = +1
x2A: k2A = c2A - u2 - vA = 7 - 1 - 6 = 0
x2B: k2B = c2B - u2 - vB = 11 - 1 -7 = +3
x3C: k2B = c2B - u3 - vC = 12 - (-2) - 10 = +4

- Since none of the values are negative, solution obtained is optimal.

- Cell 2A with a zero cost change indicates a multiple optimal solution.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 39

1. Develop an initial solution.
2. Compute the ui and vj values for each row and column.
3. Compute the cost change, kij, for each empty cell.
4. Allocate as much as possible to the empty cell that will
result in the greatest net decrease in cost (most negative kij)
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until all kij values are positive or

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 40

- When demand exceeds supply a dummy row is added to the tableau.

ced Model
d . Supply)

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 41

- When supply exceeds demand, a dummy column is added to the tableau.
- The dummy column (or dummy row) has no effect on the initial solution methods or the
optimal solution methods.

An Unbalanced Model (Supply . Demand)

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 42

- In a transportation tableau with m rows and n columns, there must be m + n - 1 cells with
allocations; if not, it is degenerate.
- The tableau in the figure does not meet the condition since 3 + 3 -1 = 5 cells and there are
only 4 cells with allocations.

The Minimum Cell Cos

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 43

• In a degenerate tableau, all the stepping-
stone paths or MODI equations cannot
be developed.
• To rectify a degenerate tableau, an empty
cell must artificially be treated as an
occupied cell.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 44

 Degeneracy may happen at two stages;
 When obtaining an initial basic feasible solution
 At any stage while moving towards optimal

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 45

 To resolve degeneracy at the initial solution, we
proceed by allocating very small quantity close to
zero to one or more unoccupied cells so as to get
m+n-1 number of occupied cells.
 In minimization transportation problems, it is better
to allocate ∆ to unoccupied cells that have the
lowest transportation costs whereas in
maximization problems it should be allocated to a
cell that has a high pay off value.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 46

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 47
- The stepping-stone path s and cost changes for this tableau:
2A 2C 1C 1A
x2A: 7 - 11 + 10 - 6 = 0
2B 2C 1C 1B
x2B: 11 - 11 + 10 - 8 = + 2
3B 1B 1A 3A
x3B: 5 - 8 + 6 - 4 = - 1
3C 1C 1A 3A
x3C: 12 - 10 + 6 - 4 = + 4

The Second Stepping-Stone Iteration

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 48

 To resolve degeneracy which occurs during
optimality test, the quantity can be allocated
to one or more cells which have become
unoccupied recently to have m+n-1 number
of occupied cells in the new solution

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 49

- A prohibited route is assigned a large cost such as M.
- When the prohibited cell is evaluated, it will always
contain the cost M, which will keep it from being
selected as an entering variable.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 50

 Transportation problems may have multiple
optimal solutions.
 This can be useful for the managers since it
gives the manager an option of bringing non
quantitative considerations in to account.
 The existence of an alternate solution is
evidenced by an empty cell evaluation of

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 51

 Some transportation type problems concern
profits or revenues rather than costs.
 In such cases, the objective is to maximize rather
than to minimize.
 Such problems can be handled by adding one
additional step at the start: identify the cell with
the largest profit and subtract all the other cell
profits from the value.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 52

 Then replace the cell profits with the resulting
 These values represent the opportunity costs
that would be incurred by using routes with unit
profits that are less than the largest unit profit.
 Replace the original unit profits by the newly
calculate opportunity costs and solve in the usual
way for the minimum opportunity cost solution.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 53

Taking data from Example1, obtain an optimal solution by MODI method.

Taking the following data, obtain an optimal

solution by stepping stone method
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply

S1 19 30 50 10 7
S2 70 30 40 60 9
S3 10 8 70 20 18
Demand 5 8 7 14 34

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 54

The Assignment

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 55

• The Assignment Problem(AP) refers to the class
of LPPs that involves determining the most
efficient assignment of people to projects,
salespeople to territories, contracts to bidders
,jobs to machines, and so on.
•The objective is to assign a number of resources
to an equal number of activities so as to minimize
total costs or total time or maximize total profit
of allocation
Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 56
 The problem of assignment arises because
available resources such as men, machines, etc
have varying degrees of efficiency for
performing different activities such as job.
 Therefore, cost, profit or time of performing
the different activities is different.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 57

 The AP is a special case of TP under the
condition that the number of origins is equal to
the number of destinations. Viz. m=n .Hence
assignment is made on the basis of 1:1.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 58

Following are the assumptions:
• Number of jobs is equal to the number of machines or
• Each man or machine is loaded with one and only one
• Each man or machine is independently capable of
handling any of the job being presented.
• Loading criteria must be clearly specified such as
“minimizing operating time” or “maximizing profit” ,or
“minimizing production cost” or “minimizing
throughout (production cycle) time ” etc.
Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 59
• The AP is considered as a special TP in which the supply at
each source and the demand at each destination are always
one unit.
• Since the supply and demand are always equal to one unit in
each row and column, there is no need to write them in the
assignment table.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 60

An assignment problem can be solved by the
following methods:
1. Enumeration method
2. Simplex method
3. Transportation method
4. Hungarian method

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 61

• The Hungarian Method (developed by Hungarian mathematician D.Konig) of
assignment provides us with efficient method of finding the optimal solution
without having to make a direct comparison of every solution.
• It works on the principle of reducing the given cost matrix (the principle of
matrix reduction) to a matrix of opportunity costs, which means that by
subtracting and adding appropriate numbers in the cost table or matrix ,we can
reduce the problem to a matrix of opportunity costs.
• Opportunity costs show the relative penalties associated with assigning resource
to an activity as opposed to making the best or least-cost assignment. If we can
reduce the cost matrix to the extent of having at least one zero in each row and
column, then it will be possible to make optimal assignments.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 62

Step.1. Develop the cost table from the given problem
If the number of rows does not equal the number of columns and vice versa, then a
dummy row or dummy column must be added. The assignment costs for dummy
cells are always zero.
Step 2.Find the opportunity cost table:
The transformation of the cost matrix to what is termed as a total-opportunity cost
matrix involves two operations:
a. Perform row operation: Locate the smallest element in each row of the given
cost table and then subtract that the given cost table and then subtract that from each
element of that row
b. Perform column operation: In the reduced matrix obtained from 2(a) ,locate the
smallest element in each column and then subtract that from each element of that
column. Notice that each row and column now have at least one zero value.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 63

Step 3.Test for an optimal assignment:
Test the table resulting from step 2 to see whether an optimal assignment can be
made. The procedure is:
a) Draw the minimum number of Horizontal and /or Vertical lines necessary to
cover all zeros costs-Draw the lines by trial and error but always try to cover
two or more zeros with one line.
b) Count the number of the lines- If the number of lines equals either the number
of rows or columns in the table, an optimal assignment can be made. If the
number of lines is less than the number of rows or columns, an improvement is
possible (we proceed to step 4).

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 64

Step 4.Improve the present opportunity cost table
This is done by the following operations:
a. Find the smallest entry in the uncovered cells (cells with no lines through them)
and subtract it from all entries in the uncovered cells.
b. Add the same smallest entry to those cells in which the lines intersect (cells with
two lines them)
c. Cells with one line through them are transferred (i.e. unchanged to the improved

In those problems where the first improvement does not yield an optimal solution,
we keep on improving the solution by repeating step 4 until an optimal solution is

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 65

Step 5: Make an optimal assignment
An optimal assignment should be made to cells with a zero entry, maintaining the
one-to-one requirement

If more than one optimal solution exists, a trial-and –error approach can be used to
find all possible combination assignments in the zero cells.

Note that multiple optimal solutions are possible.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 66

Problem: Assign four teams of officials to four games in a way that will
minimize total distance traveled by the officials. Supply is always one team of
officials, demand is for only one team of officials at each game.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 67

Minimize Z = 210xAR + 90xAA + 180xAD + 160xAC + 100xBR + 70xBA + 130xBD + 200xBC +
175xCR + 105xCA + 140xCD + 170xCC + 80xDR + 65xDA + 105xDD +120xDC
subject to
xAR + xAA + xAD+ xAC = 1
xBR + xBA + xBD + xBC = 1
xCR + xCA+ xCD + xCC = 1
xDR + xDA + xDD + xDC = 1
xAR + xBR + xCR + xDR = 1
xAA + xBA + xCA + xDA = 1
xAD+ xBD + xCD + xDD = 1
xAC + xBC + xCC + xDC = 1
xij  0
Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 68
- An assignment problem is a special form of the transportation problem where all supply
and demand values equal one.
- Example: assigning four teams of officials to four games in a way that will minimize
distance traveled by the officials.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 69

The Travel Distances to Each Game for Each Team of Officials
- An opportunity cost table is developed by first subtracting the minimum value in each
row from all other row values (row reductions) and then repeating this process for each column.

The Assignment Tableau with Row Reductions

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 70

- The minimum value in each column is subtracted from all column values (column
- Assignments can be made in the table wherever a zero is present.
- An optimal solution results when each of the four teams can be assigned to a different
- Table 36 does not contain an optimal solution

The Tableau with Column Reductions

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 71

- An optimal solution occurs when the number of independent
unique assignments equals the number of rows and columns.
- If the number of unique assignments is less than the number of
rows (or columns) a line test must be used.

The Opportunity Cost Table with the Line Test

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 72
- In a line test all zeros are crossed out by horizontal and vertical lines; the minimum
uncrossed value is subtracted from all other uncrossed values and added to values where two
lines cross.

The Second Iteration

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 73

- At least four lines are required to cross out all zeros in table 38.
- This indicates an optimal solution has been reached.
- Assignments and distances:
Assignment Distance Assignment
Team A  Atlanta 90 Team A  Clemson 160
Team B  Raleigh 100 Team B  Atlanta 70
Team C  Durham 140 Team C  Durham 140
Team D  Clemson 120 Team D  Raleigh 80
Total 450 miles Total 450

- If in initial assignment team A went to Clemson, result is the same; resulting

assignments represent multiple optimal solutions.
Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 74
- When supply exceeds demand, a dummy column is added to the tableau.
- When demand exceeds supply, a dummy row is added to the tableau.
- The addition of a dummy row or column does not affect the solution method.
- A prohibited assignment is given a large relative cost of M so that it will never be

An Unbalanced Assignment Tableau with a Dummy Column

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 75

1. Perform row reductions.
2. Perform column reductions.
3 In the completed opportunity cost table, cross out all zeros
using the minimum number of horizontal and/or vertical lines.
4. If fewer than m lines are required, subtract the minimum
uncrossed value from all other uncrossed values, and add the same
value to all cells where two lines intersect.
5. Leave all other values unchanged and repeat step 3.
6. If m lines are required, the tableau contains the optimal
solution. If fewer than m lines are required, repeat step 4.

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 76


A 85 75 65 125 75

B 90 78 66 132 78

C 75 66 57 114 69

D 80 72 60 120 72

E 76 64 56 112 68

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 77

20 10 0 60 10
24 12 0 66 12
18 9 0 57 12
20 12 0 60 12
20 8 0 56 12

2 2 0 4 0
6 4 0 10 2
0 1 0 1 2
2 4 0 4 2
2 0 0 0 2

Zelalem Bayisa (PhD) 78

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