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: Lesson 19 Sedimentation of Water Resources

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Engg. ► Module 5: Sedimentation ► Lesson 19 Sedimentation of Water Resources

Lesson 19 Sedimentation of Water Resources

Sediments play an important role in elemental cycling in the aquatic environment.

They are responsible for transporting a significant proportion of many nutrients and
ation Engg.
contaminants. They also mediate their uptake, storage, release and transfer between
environmental compartments. Most sediment in surface waters derives from surface
erosion and comprises a mineral component, arising from the erosion of bedrock,
e 1:
and an organic component arising during soil-forming processes (including
uction and biological and microbiological production and decomposition). An additional
ept of Soil organic component may be added by biological activity within the water body.
e 2: Water
on and Control
e 3: Wind  19.1 Sedimentation
on, Estimation
ontrol Sediment is fragmented material, which is transported or deposited by water, air or ice
e 4: Soil as natural agents. Eventually sediment settles out and accumulates after transport; this
process is known as deposition. Among all, water is the most widespread agent of
e 5: sediments transport. Therefore, sediment yield from soil surface and its transportation
mentation by water is commonly considered for study purposes. When land disturbance activities
sson 19 occur, soil particles are transported by surface water movement. Soil particles
dimentation transported by water are often deposited in streams, lakes, and wetlands. This soil
sources material is called sediment. Sediment is the largest single nonpoint source pollutant
sson 19 Quiz and the primary factor in the deterioration of surface water quality.  Land disturbing
sson 20 activities such as road construction and maintenance, timber harvesting, mining,
diment agriculture, residential and commercial development, all contribute to this problem.
nsport and
There are three basic types of sediments: rock fragments, or clastic sediments; mineral
sson 20 Quiz
deposits, or chemical sediments; and rock fragments and organic matter, or organic
sson 21 In-
sediments. Dissolved minerals  form by weathering of rocks exposed at the earth's
eam Sediment surface. Organic matter is derived from the decaying remains of plants and animals.
sson 21 Quiz Sedimentation: It is the processes of letting suspended material settle by gravity.
sson 22 Suspended material may be particles, such as clay or silts, originally present in the
servoir source water. More commonly, suspended material is created from material in the
water and the chemical used in coagulation or in other treatment processes, such as
sson 22 Quiz
lime softening. Sedimentation is accomplished by decreasing the velocity of the water
e 6:
raphic Survey
being treated to a point below which the particles will no longer remain in suspension.
ontour Maps When the velocity no longer supports the transport of the particles, gravitational force
e 7: Land Use will remove them from the flow. Sedimentation is a general term for the processes
bility of erosion, transport and deposition.
e 8: Grassed Sedimentology: It is the study of sediments and sedimentation.
e 9: Water 19.2 Sources of Sedimentation
e 10: Water Sediment is delivered from two broad erosion sources. The first being sheet erosion
y and and second being channel type erosion. Sheet erosion is primarily an upland source of
sediment while channel type erosion; resulting from the concentrated flow of water; is
comprised mainly of gully erosion, valley trenching, streambed and stream bank
The sources of sediment can be listed as below:
1. Erosion from agricultural, forest and waste lands,
2. Movement of soil mass due to landslides, slumps and soil creeps, is accomplished by decreasing,remove them from the flow. 1/5

4/9/23, 6:08 PM Soil & Water Conservation Engg.: Lesson 19 Sedimentation of Water Resources

3. From gully by concentrated runoff, 

4. Stream bank erosion including cutting of banks and scouring from bed, 
5. Erosion caused by occurrence of flood in the watershed,  
6. Incident to the roads, railroads, cleaning of houses, industries etc. and

7. Mining and dumps left as waste materials over the ground surface.
In sediment analysis, the estimation of total sediment load carried away through any
stream has primary importance because based on the total sediment load, several
preventive measures can be adopted. The relative contribution of different sediment
sources varies from catchment to catchment. Therefore, consideration must be given to
those sources whose contribution is more effective and steps should be taken for
controlling them.
19.3 Factors Affecting Sedimentation of Water Resources
Several factors affect the separation of settleable solids from water. Some of the
common types of factors are:
1.     Land Use and Soil Type: Sediment yield is closely related to the soil type and
land use. Vegetation provides cover on the soil surface in the form of blanket to protect
it from the impact force of the rainfall. The energy of rain drop is dissipated resulting
in reduction of splashing effect over the ground surface. At the same time vegetation
also creates a hindrance in the flow of runoff; resu1ting in the reduction of flow
velocity and ultimately causing minimal scouring of soil particles from the soil
surface. Furthermore, the infiltration rate gets enhanced, which reduces the runoff and
thereby sediment yield, too.
Soil type is an important variable to affect the sediment yield. For example if there are
two types of soil, one is sandy and the other is clay soil; the sandy soil has greater
problem of particles detachment due to its coarser characteristics, while the clay soil
can not be detached easily due to finer nature. In sandy soil, the soil loss (sediment
yield) is more compared to the later one. However, once detached, the clay particles
can be transported more easily.
2.     Catchment Size: There is an association between the rate of sediment production
and size of catchment area, because of the fact that the total runoff yield is dependent
upon the aerial extent of watershed. The peak flow per unit area decreases as the area
increases while the period of surface runoff increases with area. The reason behind this
is that; a catchment of lager area has greater time of concentration. As a result, more
time is available to the water for infiltrating into the soil. Ultimately there would be
higher runoff and soil loss or sediment yield. In a small size catchment there is a
reverse trend. The relationship between sediment yield per unit area and catchment
area is shown in Fig. 19.1.

Fig. 19.1. Relationship between Sediment Yield and Area of Watershed. (Source:
Suresh, 2009) is accomplished by decreasing,remove them from the flow. 2/5

4/9/23, 6:08 PM Soil & Water Conservation Engg.: Lesson 19 Sedimentation of Water Resources

3.   Climate and Rainfall: The relationship between sediment production and mean
annual rainfall of the area has been investigated by several scientists. The general
relationship between them is shown in Fig. 19.2 from which it can be seen that under
dry conditions there is no surface runoff and no sediment movement, while under high
rainfall conditions, there is a peak flow of surface runoff resulting in greater sediment

Fig. 19.2 Relationship between sediment yield and mean annual Rainfall. (Source:
Suresh, 2009)
4.   Particle Shape: The shape of the particle affects its settling characteristics. A
round particle, for example, will settle much more readily than a particle that has
rugged or irregular edges. All particles tend to have a slight electrical charge. Particles
with the same charge tend to repel each other. This repelling action keeps the particles
from congregating into flocs and settling.
5.    Water Temperature: Another factor responsible for sedimentation process is the
temperature of the water. When the temperature decreases, the rate of settling becomes
slower. With the highest temperature, the settling process becomes much faster as
density of water decreases at higher temperature.
19.4 Losses due to Sedimentation of Water Resources
Worldwide reservoir sedimentation is a serious problem and considered as a silent
enemy. The gradual reduction of capacity reduces the effective life of dams and
diminishes benefits for irrigation, hydropower generation, flood control, water supply,
navigation and recreation. On the other hand sediment deposition propagates upstream
and up tributaries, raises local groundwater table, reduces channel flood carrying
capacity and bridge navigation clearance and affects water division and withdrawals.
On the other hand, the reduction of sediment load downstream can result in channel
and tributary degradation, bank erosion and changes of the aquatic habits suited to a
clear water discharge.  
1. Loss of Reservoir Storage Capacity: The key impact of reservoir sedimentation is
the reduction in the useful life of the reservoir. Sediment deposition is a key factor
reducing the life of dams around the world. Reservoirs are expensive to build and
their construction usually entails high social and environmental costs. Entire
communities may be forced to relocate and ecosystems are destroyed due to their
construction. However, it is recognized that dams also bring many benefits such as
water storage, power generation and flood mitigation. Extending the life of dams
through careful management of sediment, therefore, should be a key priority.

2. Effects of Sediment on Hydropower Operations and Reservoir Operations: The

build-up of sediment in front of power intakes may result in significant costs for
hydropower operations. Dredging is often required to remove excess sediment and
allow a full flow of water through the intakes. If the sediment accumulation is high,
the reservoir outlet works (intake and bottom outlet structures) may also become
clogged. Abrasion of hydraulic machinery may also occur, decreasing its efficiency
and increasing maintenance costs. is accomplished by decreasing,remove them from the flow. 3/5

4/9/23, 6:08 PM Soil & Water Conservation Engg.: Lesson 19 Sedimentation of Water Resources

3. Impacts on Infrastructure: Too little sediment, especially downstream of dams,

may encourage accelerated erosion around structures on/in riverbeds or riverbanks
due to a lack of sediment recharge. In extreme cases, excessive erosion has led to
incidents such as bridge collapses. Cracks in infrastructure such as bridges and other
structures are typical results of such erosion. Aside from dams, sediment can have
impacts on other man-made infrastructure. Too much sediment can disrupt the normal
functioning of irrigation pump house intakes and can also disrupt irrigation when
excess sediment is deposited in canal systems. Deposition in canal systems can lead
to high costs for those reliant on these systems as a water supply. Dredging may be
required to remove surplus sediment. Sediment deposition may also result in
blockages or inefficiencies in irrigation infrastructure (including pumps and
distribution networks) and may even impact upon the produce. Sediment also has
negative impacts on domestic water supplies, causing problems in both water
treatment plants and distribution networks. Failure of water treatment plants,
especially in poor regions, can mean that the water is unsuitable for human
consumption. As a result populations may suffer from health problems.

4. Flooding: Flooding occurs when a watercourse is unable to convey the quantity of

runoff flowing downstream. The frequency with which this occurs is described by a
return period. Flooding is a natural process, which maintains ecosystem composition
and processes, but it can also be altered by land use changes including river
engineering. Increased sediment accumulation in river systems can raise the level of
the riverbed, subsequently increasing water levels. This deposition can have
significant implications for flooding, and may cause floods to pose a risk to human
settlements which would otherwise be contained by banks and levees.
5. Navigational Issues: The sedimentation of water courses can also make them
unsuitable for navigation without regular dredging work. This dredging is often
costly to operate.
6. Impacts on Wetlands and In-stream Ecosystems: Where dams do not exist to trap
sediment, excessive sediment inputs may have negative impacts on wetland areas.
This is especially the case where wetlands occur close to agricultural areas and where
land use change has resulted in increased rates of soil loss, increased downstream
sediment loads and increased rates of sedimentation in wetland areas. The impact of
excessive sediment deposition in wetlands may create ecological disruption.
Sedimentation results in alteration of aquatic food webs, nutrient cycling and
biogenic processes that transform and sequester pollutants. Eventually sediment
deposition may entirely smother wetlands resulting in limited biological diversity.

7. Impacts on Water Quality (Turbidity and Sediment-associated Pollutants):

Sediment is a pollutant in its own right. Even where sediment is uncontaminated by
agricultural fertilizers and pesticides and industrial or human waste, they cause
turbidity in the water which limits light penetration and prohibits healthy plant
growth on the river bed. The accumulation of sediments on the river bed can smother
or disrupt aquatic ecosystems by reducing food sources, and degrading spawning
grounds (such as gravel and rocky environments) and the habitats of desirable fish
species. Turbidity may also result in eutrophication where nutrient rich sediments are
present (particularly sediments from agricultural land with high fertilizer contents).
Eutrophication creates a situation where the dissolved oxygen present in the water
system is reduced and the fish species may be unable to survive in the water column.
Eutrophication, where it results from toxic algal blooms, can also be a serious risk to
human health. Sediments in areas with high human activity often contain chemical
pollutants which may pose a risk to human health and the health of surrounding
ecosystems. Potable water supplies can be compromised by the presence of excess
sediment (whether contaminated by toxins or not) as purification facilities may not be
able to cope with the sediment in the water leading to temporary breakdowns and
subsequent risks to the safety of the drinking water. Contaminated surface waters also
cause a risk by altering the metabolic processes of the aquatic species that they host.
These alterations can lead to fish kills or alter the balance of populations present. is accomplished by decreasing,remove them from the flow. 4/5

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Other specific impacts are on animal reproduction, spawning, egg and larvae
viability, juvenile survival and plant productivity.
Keywords: Sedimentation, Sedimentology, Eutrophication, Turbidity.

Suresh, R. (2009). Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Standard Publishers

Distributors, 951 p.
Simons, D. B., & Şentürk, F. (1992). Sediment transport technology: water and
sediment dynamics. Water Resources Publication.
Suggested Readings

Last modified: Monday, 23 December 2013, 4:45 AM

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