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Prestronted Gnorete Formulor Unir-2 Loss oo prestrars : 1, Loss due Yo Shrinkage > Sch: Eo where, Ssh 2 Shwinkage of Conaee f= Youngs module of Stool 2. Less dua Yo velamation af SY = Twiyiel preations joo 3. Less dua YO Crop = Pole. fe lee d = Crop Cofficenr Bs Ee Pe = Strors on Conowte = P 4 Pe A ce Ae > Modulot Yuwe = 2 Ps Prorshering force A> Area e = eccontiary € 2x mid span eccendiery i n ‘TL = Nomen of trotha ee A, Loss dua to SUp - Bs x 4 COWL, A. Anchorage Sup A > Spom length 5. Less dua to friction = Py (40 +kn) wha, Po = Dnival Prestrons Ln = Woofficiont of Cdtatude oo = Cummlovive angle = 20 2 ax(ax&) a= Spam longih k = Constany 6 Loss due Wo Elastic Shortening ! | fe > che fe | Af; 87 Pe Lae Xe > modulo voro Es Ee Univ 3 Homonr of Rotashance , Dewi of Membat, Sheod} 1. For yechangutod Secon : Ha= fo, Aps [4-042 xa] p.vo-51 ef Ts-1343 Code whore, Hus momen of Wrishonce. Sop > tomble Sivors Gn Tha reader oF Foilera gy > Newtrod avnis dopthy d= offeunve depth 2. Homowr af yoriskonce. fir “T” Seudand amd ‘T’ Secren Nowtrol aman 1 in Side. the flange Aps fp bd fey. Neutral ania fall vn ths Web hog = O45 Fee. (bg-bw) De Aps > App + Apel Fpa Apw = Torok ara of Stl ~ Ag Crs) Monon capacity ofc Hueb = Apr: fou. (4-042) Moment capaci 'y f flame Hp =0-AT foe (bp-be) Dp lH) Use Toble-1 fir Findng fey, my 08th A Shoot : Conrcte Sa Sheng Vee ATADTF o fp (tun Orarked on Pluncite,) fre OAT Ry ~ P.We- 32, fep = Comprowive Sires Shear yen frameny | when V enceeds Veo Asv V-Veo bv 087 ole > Offerrive depth. Secrioa Ora cead to flmde ? Vers [1-055 #] Z bd4 Mo - Pawo 33 P Ho = 0:8 foc rz J Unir- 4 Transfer af Prodtrons Bolsitiny tervle force vo fe end bloke Fs = Pi eas =0.3 Spo Mo Fe = Presiversing fores— Ypo = Side of lider dea | Yo = Sida aP ond block Gor = Butshing Trwtle Sires. | Doviin fr baistg fere. | frrea of Stool = Fisr | oe fy Haber af bow = Brat oes SESH Area of Ove bot Mominiun “Towle Stren fy, mom = fe foas -ons(e)] fo Boaung Stor = 049 fi; | APL - Pino 26 Ay pwn Unir- S Composite Beams 1. wn propped Condon | Reeth SdWrs = Tniwal Prestrrs + Effective. prestrers + givers due Wo Sol wt. of beam + sivas dus SAF OF F Slob+ Live. Load Strona pr propped condi vin + Resulkanr Savors = Enivial prownons + Pffective. Prosiers Gavors dus Yo SOP WT. Of beam + Getprer Savors duet Soh wr F Slovo boom + Live. ead sherds Differmiot SWinkage } Tonrile Savors Gn fe coat vn Sika Slab, Fs = Ses - Fs Torte for P= Ai fs Ai > Area of iusina Concxete, Slab Ses 2 Shnakaye Schrevo Zia Tox Ye Zales Yb Zy Tre Ys Divecr comp. Stren » 2 Ae Bendung Strars > Top Fibre. > Ze Fanvion = ZI Be horn fire. = 2p Diffironial shwinkoga. Wa 384 FE Long botm doponion = Ope poflecston cue 30 /Presinens only g > Crp officer Pe, (es Voxio Pe Second rromewr of Boa of Cros Soutien . Shinkage , Cree ond yolononKon af Stacy Stree), 4 jo Live bad = Sx ge B84 Es (Stroy) = (Simao “br E) cg 5.3 EFFECT OF TENDON PROFILE Due to applied loads and self-weight, the prestressed concrete beam deflects downwards. The prestress makes the beam to deflect upwards. This is called camber. As the bending moment is the product of the prestressing force and eccentricity, the bending moment diagrams reflects the shape of the tendon profile. The deflections due to prestress alone can be computed by two methods. The first method is take the concrete cross-section as a free body analysis using the system of forces acting on the concrete. In the second method, a bending moment diagram produced by the tendons is drawn. The deflections can be computed from the moment area method. Straight Tendons Consider a prestressed concrete beam with a straight tendon is shown in Figure 5.1 Figure 5.1. (a) Beam details (b) (MIEI) diagram (c) Deflected shape. The Mohrs second theorem states that the tangential deviation at i any poi continuous elastic curve from the tangent line drawn to elastic curv eee ee to the moment about reference point under the ( © at another point is equal (MIEN) diagram between the two points, 94 Prestressed Concrete This theorem is applied to evaluate the upward deflection (camber) due to the prestressing force. As the beam is symmetrically loaded, the slope of the line at the tangent to the elastic curve at midspan is zero, i.e., ¢ = 0. i f The tangent at C is horizontal. Hence, 5, = tac, where tac (the tangential deviation) equals to the moment about A of the rectangular area under the (M/E) diagram between A and C. Thus, Pe\(1\(1)\(1 &= BEG GG) Pel? spy sams (5.1 or iS (6.1) Parabolic Tendons (Central Anchors) The deflection of a prestressed concrete beam with a parabolic tendon (Figure 5.2) having an eccentricity ¢ at the centre and zero at the supports is evaluated using the previous procedure. Figure 5.2 (a) Beam details (b) (M/EI) diagram (c) Deflected shape. -(24.2)(5 5) 32 E)e'2 or (5.2) Deflection of Prestressed Concrete Beams 95 Parabolic Tendons (Eccentric Anchors) Figure 5.3 shows a prestressed concrete beam with parabolic tendons having eccentric anchors. The prestressing cable has an eccentricity of e, at the centre of the span and e, at the supports. The deflection expression can be derived with a suitable modification of Eq. (5.2). P. +Pey/EI © Figure 5.3 (a) Parabolic tendon profile eccentric at the ends (b) (MIEI) diagram due to (2; + &:) (0) (MIEN) diagram due to e,. Using the principle of superposition, it is known that the deflection is the same that caused by acting at an eccentricity throughout the length of the member plus the deflection caused by P due to midspan eccentricity. This is illustrated in Figure 5.3. Thus, Pel? 5P 2 -—— (4 +e,)/ = “ger — ager" * %) PP or 5, = agp l6e2 ~ 5es ~ Sea] Pr or ase Se +e9)} (5.3) Slopping Tendons (Eccentric Anchors) The deflection due to straight tendons (Figure 5.4) is obtained on similar lines as above. 6- QGAL2E ‘) (4 nai 5, = ae ea ]ef[ Se yey be 22K Er N32) Gr aly ;) oe 5 Pr [tated] (Pe 11 e RTT TH Bp) NINA 96 Prestressed Concrete @) +PeJEL © Figure 5.4 (a) Sloping tendons (b) MIEI diagram due to @, (c) (MIEI) diagram. On simplifying the above expression, we get iPlE ae; ep) SA) 24EI } Trapezoidal Tendons Figure 5.5 shows the cable profile of trapezoidal shape. The cable is horizontal at an eccentricity e in the central zone and the cable slope upwards towards the ends. The eccentricity is zero at the supports. The short-term deflection is computed from (M/E) diagram as follows: © t (@) Trapezoidal or draped tendons (b) MIEI diagram (c) Deflected shape. Figure 5.5 Deflection of Prestressed Concrete Beams 97 4 [EGS )e-4) Pe{ a Be 6-- hie * » [& ptahts Pe § mein (2at 2 or p= — Sie (2a? + bab +36?) Ifa = 2b, then 5, = - 0.958 Pea” /EI| Parabolic and Straight Tendons Another possible cable profile is a combination of parabola and straight line (Figure 5.6). The central deflection can be computed using (M/EI) diagram as follows: [ENG P(4)] Peon 2 or 8, = ~ jypqlSe? + 12ab +66") (5.5) Ja + 62 —>| © Figure 5.6 (a) Parabolic and straight tendon (b) (MIEN) diagram. Parabolic and Straight Tendons (Eccentric Anchors) Referring to Figure 5.7(a), the central deflection can be determined using (MIEN) diagram as follows: 98 Prestressed Concrete A B Figure 5.7 (a) Parabolic and straight tendons (b) Sagging (Pez/EI) (c) Hogging P(e, + e2\/E! (d) Deflection profile. =P +e) 06 2 21, Pel? = PE +e) 5542 419, = Sg M50? + 12ab + 667] + 100 Prestressed Concrete 5.5 COMPUTATION OF DEFLECTIONS OF UNCRACKED SECTION Short-term Deflection (Uncracked Section) The short-term deflection is computed as the sum of the deflection due to dead load, live load and prestressing force. Long-term Deflection (Uncracked Section) Lin gave the approximate formula to estimate the long-term deflection as follows: i= (8m -6, 4) (+6) (5.6) where 6, = long-term deflections 5, = deflection due to prestress only B 2 = loss ratio $= creep coefficient Deflection Formulae due to Prestressing Force 4 The cable profile and the corresponding elastic deflection formulae are given in Figure 5.8. 2 ae Pel’ SEI ni = SP 48 8ET 1k} 13—$ 1B Figure 5.8 (Contd.) Deflection of Prestressed Concrete Beams 101 = i Pet 96 EI =Pel? | 5 Peyl* BEI” 48 EL FE syte) 3H od eat ma (Sa? +12ab + 6b?) Plater) i5a? +12ab-+662] +222 12EI 8ET fmm [Rae be be + zl, £6 w(2)| i P nF Le, ~ SET 7 & 2. 6 peag aid x et on L Figure 5.8 Deflection due to prestressing force.

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