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pataBake x 0 0d £0 Ree ole ienialeconstretniwels! rece n ith (the pecaon belonging €8 fener LN? mereag chia 13 due torsosdal DICK igau aa juctment. 70.6036 N= y source dt net ‘eenporary or pernenam. stress may hevo 2m ~ eftect cannot adjust, st may neve 0:2 wnat are the diéferent €yPes of vihere mary types © £ StFOsee types cf strese are discuss. geresa and vhat are the in our course only three tain wor (2) comnensee (3) Prevoure- Be eteri ron! cer, nocd i ElOclee ona tan aia FETs sth co, nin vont the stcesalie cere oe aca ROSSI ec iene wonce-co 0 +2 notdgaccetaare aa dita to lack of required marks he te frustrated. sceation ‘4 Sources of Frustrasion + (a) Treernai —_(b) External (Environmental) ; fa) Ineérnel oF inner source cf frustration 42 with {nt tpatysauel Wika ‘phyaicol hendicap Gissase i1iness Lack of 4950" liigense ote. Fee teeta cic ourlar cource 16 from rhyaieal or costa) ervirogs mont. Miyeical oF social environment croat blocks in setten fastion‘6f our neéd. You want co celobrata birth day, Light went off, Accidents, fires, Riots these are external forces which develop Frustration. FRM ceca sdivsoset rac ve conde co bo one ees as aps otis tp oon circum arc oe ie ade Sth acs peamation su rate of vik oe sole no EMM ce cosine of eee 26 > ole Cesta oF uniagoreare-neads fron vinich ve ave. to select one. © see pane fo mavind nertiegs party a st the sane we have €2 Se sacionas Shccicx ww nave/sBiece oon thie ea ee ares fitae crea ot cote oo yt (b) Approach + - tavoddante Avoidente - Avoddante. Sigur en attire oe foe a eae ae eee gorosch (+ +) conflict. i aa ; men o want to approach ami at the sang tino want to avoid to cee? than the Conflict arise vnich 4a Approsch avoidant cnfiivt, We MANE TO get @ugres mut donot wane £0 fade Erouble: fcxomination. tien want to marry for many reasons but da fot panecto toke sorponndeitdi, of family Life. Many approach-avoidarke Jorélict Snvolve mttple olternetives. (c) Avoidant Avoidant conflict Both the alternatives are not ppcoptaizle ond ve uant to avosd both. 'Colman' describe as "caught Devil and Blue Sea. Must try to choose Lesser of the petwoen two ovila. Hany time Aplividual feze such situation where Hoth eituation re avoidable ~ sobreee 0 ¢ Conti Fiore ace external sources atsl Internal sources of conflis. External source is from society or ghysical envircnment society event mire than one goal to attend as such individual will ict, Siriierl y for fhysical environment also conflicts he in 654 aevsic- Tneerral source 0 £ & tions aif goa) atvainments. ontlie 4e found in individual ‘expocta~ (oy Pesseure + We dovelop weds, 7. Colman give example thet in case our education and expect us to do well sure to do well,whenever an indivi an his capacity he will be under presere when additional deitond is pus to mest our parents have given sccrifice for school incotieve #o ote Zeeling previ fual sees to adv schieve mora thi pressure. £ Pressure There are imer and outer aource of pressure tne: S559 ration and ope {doa18, Over domant gegq 8 from our own asp ization werent FUE pres ices aie ta cane or . what are/eornon frustion in our yay When our nee, Snes ct on plea oe eo ot Ege ale) cin cayenne cea eve.) es Se An timo or not able to achieve Peon Tien we Want €0 achieve. wo t able to fulétil needs shed de Fest, seasetstton. Thus sratvidust either miga Spportundty, SF at mere tig? OF ho will havg eq watt (ines) Y née} buen i. etigh 0: ho wal havy da tiny Fea, anes lbotreriy/" hk tna hia to dacs Seley becca sees; Po not have adequate opportunity, dane Have enough money, 40 fot have propgs BR 2 2s Om cecl inns of Latins ten we Gora have piped erelom (nats that’ wc eo Lesh we Focources. Thig FDU SEMESNE Ion. Ay. ory sically hardicare Ferson wanted to Pesmee FEES an, fan vit bo truteated, (2) Losses + tess cz 208 ned valued ey Beet te- Mien ve Lone woney ter ae ¥i21 ot be able €6 ees leet PEM, on money wilt beam, frustration, “ype ASSs ox any king o¢ tess, loss ot ers, Death @£ loved one o1 losses are not in ous BF ee te 3 wntare gx. if Settee) th exdey a sfettures tn 2 | OF Lee Leite we are proc, aM or eitiusas asa, Mable TED Tc OEE Sire £0 Frustration: i Bn reste! e700 faiture witch 48 highly ecuse: utie Fating is guile Bs footing oe ott vores oF feolimy os a A107 42 duvetos trucerseion on I TP moaning Losing’, e Meh WoVfo0T that 1160 nan no rearing OF therets no suleHiie | IEE DS scones) scan Po? als ant venience —————>E———— ~~ z ' Df I gahet Esxchotosy PAPERSIE F igney fer every thing 4s meaningless.Wnen they have to indulge in \ sch eae work they are frustrated e.g. while stutying ina ctiioge stint Fealise that she e@veution has no mennang he with gris rate’ j gn addition to above said common frustration there are other prussrations having to Ankerrupe one's eiveation oF carrier 6° dn military forces Racial or ethnic prejudice, Znélation =f ere wer ineing Ameomos MOE SuEEKCSont, ' Sat de conflict 2 what are Bi «cosinor on two or sore alternative wks SSia eo bu steamed at tho sare rine conics dawn: We? gotte SToce toot arian ond inisvidunl haa to selene only ons Sond 2 or Mietaried thi conelic develope (néa tron qvestton 2) ype of conélies, = There are three typos (See question 2) and prepare. yt conflicts oserved in our 1ife. Host of the | | | mere are five JF couenscts aro vatue contlict- atrection Ve 2uter direcsson- Foe ripe cf ua nave our own way to need ois Lids a7 ESS concremiassie. Mile peonle azouraiun tia) PAFNES/ 2 ree oaaceucu choniwe| voiaea| ord corel eee Ie oud om dostea| sn] eaiislrestion ans eaeaaae 8 ee carerlastetelon! (vere cola ean comming from ctl proditions! dress. This will Pe tee ny father insist oP simple conéict ing: Oo ynary ooo’ 2u1f1 116 aaa fof very important locked. n cage of failing in ordinary MOE 499 wall be nila. nile fa{ling in fulfiline eed the frustration will be severe. ao ee, sevation period $8 Longer stress jenination 46 frustraced Bus years will be nore In case deprivation oF stros# & will be severe. One who fails in the 3%! in case he can reappear in the exar- after erating. ‘The nunber cf denards degree éf’strese. Mo f72 while as a minagor of large cor taken. Thus will have sever stress. (>) Strength of Conflicting Forees t 5 » Cont fee between weak or peripiorical motives produce eansaale strain. Non/of the ‘choice has curious consequences. To decias ig not @ severe problem ection’ of a job’ from Eyo ‘ae the sane time will also increas problan when one écision hab t0/ta wmpany nary docis-ions has to be between attending a party ant sce a wovic but ‘sdlectio n of a Faculty for study. Sel or mare offers. Selection of = Life partner from two OF moze proposels are conf1icting. (e) Unfamiliarity and suddenness of the hen problon ds familiar wo have uxperierced {83 and we Krew consailerces of it such problem may creat stzese, but de will noe be very severe hile Unfandiiar prcblen will have sdded severity similary any problem comes suddenly it is difficult to sdjuct work with st. mhen problem is anticipated, mental sot. fs prepared to face its difficulties also we are planning for ai jestment exe. ‘thus tension may arise bet ic will not be so severe Parting J8 always and but sudden or accfdentee parting is severly sad. a" (a) The Preseme of a Threat “Colman” says Threat {9 anticipation of ham. Any sitweiom which createestress having threat may be saver. Té it docs not Rew Slightes throat fector it will be creating mild stress. Diagnosis fof 9 braintimer itself 1s stressful put curther : Ao; cmcinlo PRU ceca Ue jGvice toe. 48 4a cancer tuner te will be severly stresutul ‘oniinecc oce tne aes Anpipation of stress 4s in iteslf ful .7ha. ssl strat /Pha.t2tohtened an wili bo double frightened when damger/ieimulus is rorceives for wmumtally wo have enter into stress ty anticipating it. wen } wenn apevally cones © 4s acver eng. one qho ie anticipating shee arti mt be able f0ce Sntorview ie wil/ee mich pressure on ro cisaxe eretercal et femete meatal eave oe Crt (e) (2) © Characteristics of imitviduals Situation may be milély gereasful but the iniividualn characteristics determines soverity te stress. There are 4 characteristic which determine severity of tress (a) Degtee cf competence + i “Gonpetence 1s the ability of adjustment. Ary type of {nconpete poy, intellectual ;Sccial, enctonal 4s a:blcek for ad Justment. one sno 12 intellectually competent can ea just better in cognitive problens than ittellectual,, Similarly sccsaity’ and ‘eetionally incompetent’ will have to fase ordinary problems) as gever problem. Greater the competence less sever the problem (2) Percep tion of the problem 1 Our perception plays important role in the, social interaction. our stress are the result of percofved problens. In case we do not, perceive, problematic situation problenetic then there will be no stress. But 1f cur perception Ge the situation {s euch that st 49 problenatic than even simplest thing may creat stress, There are people whocs perception is faulty gue to their personality, such person fece severe stress. ia tolerance : Tt {s a capwrity or a strength by which uation. Severity of (a) sere fpsiviane) can resist stcess or stressful sti ctrose is the result of this capscity. Ore who has higher stress (olerance the stzexs will Be mild. Ono who Tas low stres# tolerame toon aiid type of stress situacio n will creat sover stress. = , (4) Excornal resources and support + é ry eeeravotionel exieie sone ones support will help va €0 reduce our erisis. An individual who in his physical oF feychologi- “Gal Aifeicultiea will bo stronger 1f he gate support from the Felatives or ériend. Rvory iiividual has bihis scoial api feat Sroport. The availability of support only refucos our feeling of Btrees, Uledmavely support from atie|side)and external esque NES Fectccsce on sovertty/of quran ienmmenlsuFeor: 0. as gsseaneniag stress ag mild one. Q-7. Wrsve Note on the fellowrd * T. Stress gattern are unis 11. “Stress pattern may be urnoreio¥9- TIT, Agaptctiva te stress sv Expenss (2) ggreee Pacterns_ore. Serese ig unique that spot, bring vs grossory and we Mave ta ‘There ace more than ON€ atrsbites ery oeress felt is ditsorone ifs ona’ €9ctor at the Base of ation, sn case ow friend & suteer, Our stress will Irezesse. for the stress ng to age, soi, occupstion, / Stross patter will vary according oe I seretetercreniclstacuss(stcees pattern of child at 2 SSE tore 3 es oa ‘the woren ‘cham civilians Soldier har di¢forem stress pattern haf executive have Gi¢farent stress pattorn then may Chandos SiGiGaaiag 9 our stress pattem, Pattern arf gicustions will bring, changes in our stress BR ‘Thus stress pattern for cech iniivitual and from situation 5e sétustinn kocps on changing. (7) Sgress_patternmay_ bg_wsonse i Hany tine wi do'nct perceive clearly our stress. We ae Aesting Threatened or anxious though we are fully accepted by V/ famidy and exionds, ve do not know the caused of these feelimgay Ie happened that cur reeds are blocked and we are not aware Task of awareness may develop uncorscus frustration, As we have many = umoreicus stress. uneomdous motives am nocis similarly we have Lock of avarenaes + Peychological needs may be frustrated and without being avare degenaive behavicur may have develop, which induce tension. yyAdapeation to stress 9 Expensive +) We acquire monte) health and 4a just mont capacity by learning soptat ion has.cost in energy, to adapt Stress. Colmen says all 4 resource aril tine. lowering the adaptive o&fseseney + . Due to adarlation to streks oi has to conenteation an he fares 40 other ares io nestovted. Perception an frane of referamee Mroone rigid. Pypevinentally it is proved that human subjects becom: only slow, rigid and inflexible, our cognative ofiederey Use#eoEEA 0.9: acute seage Erich nay Atervp ‘porEomnaODs 7 pix. Bak ee fs Be , japtive resource sever str: cae ao ea Bcecme rion ata a See oo eet ee reassure to heart attacks and cerebral : 2 0 tent consult: 7 Be eee eee eee rent ee ae Ever one of us hae level of of stress tolerance, when stress reed. to our level we breakdown. As a result abnormality develop 9+ Premarital and Marital Adjustment (2) Changing Premarital Pattera + (a) Sex Roles and Peleticnship before marriage. (>) Expectation of marriage. (2) Selecting a mate. (2) Marital Relationships and ad justnent : (a) Marital style ami interaction, (5) ‘The Advent of children. (c) Factors {n good marital adjustment. Marital Urhappineas and Divorce (a) Causes of divorce (o) Béfects of Divorce. (e) The Problom of Remarriage. Rekationships before marriage in a bi Ont, Baveribe Sex Roll ana ind premarital Patterns + ceive, also dt ds ing of justment and ike: 0d ‘sand relationship, Figee observed 1M SOxTata: Hgvrosonvel reietsch Gisireple for the £or% rerbers. have ox rele: oppoeite sex aigeiculties ve Prior colmarriage. rotrewso? fod Relatdonehtne®) ve ah sox Rote * sexy dottned. 56x Roles) ae O finene » cox roles oF2 CNT orest resronssbslaey fin the eo-clet ei ea glete in erm SOE, rey, omen ssosernon aga eeerasivet wit" TO Sete. Ohsle OS Ala enan Bove" | poys wre. certadn Hye ion se considore® Asta ose up in diffe euprese to are ‘erent in erictional rest axe not observed, gitl emoesenal roact ion aro ¢ pares: yards 8ex t very stro roung adults till they (2) More petnissive extitwte tov! og acs x. icine ta marcione yours mori hat Vor! BR eM aces noe citoe 10 "OY eee Ee clase in te cowards premarital Sox. sm ccaparing +60 SHevORy seeiige promaricel sex 6 Ei tes Pomel Oia At the same time Girls are sinictly changes have taken place prectices. Tie chango we cao Kinsey, 1806 & $3)(alo 51% Female. ‘age of 2i-years\ Porkard in ((363,\Male 27% dood inicator o£ chenye of autiewie toward sox Ps rude (3) changing gosis of prerarital Dunaviours + Premarital behavicur idontitied as est og courtship (ontcn- serve three traditional purpisd> (a) Learning to got along with mhers of opposite sox. (2) Means to mect psychological ard cexual needs. (6) To set standard for choosing marriage partner Now(the goals of the prutarital Behaviour ate changing) The (mphasis 16 more on intinete vowel relations for the gratitseseien If Pefeholeyieal an] sexual needs sens to poy an carl iene Enpeezare ole: This Ychaviour courtor act aloneness) stem and such other feelings. (4) pProblens in Frenaritel od justnem + ‘ (Gurtegndating inaiviauals ovn velucs, stcituie, morale aEesete _ Matching with oprosite sex partner, causes problem of Ad justnsme) {(versons family bedigrourd, and soci) class cast and ay st ant statue mani ff ime creat problema) Financial conlitions and €inancial handling 3 aise comes in a way of young porson relations. (Pezeonal Locks art peture which comes in ways of relationship also creat problers,) rermination of strony relationship due to any problen leaves deep prt fq.2 Discuss Expectatien of marriage as nn importane factor in | ehanaina premarital patterns. as2s/ Through out the World every young person incline te get partie’. Age of marriage may bo diééurent in different comunity. fofore getting Antulge in to che bende of marringe every one hat exprtation £r0m nie Marrizal partner and married 1ifs. Feilowing poirse ace Amportant in expectation of marriage.” (2) Changing marital Relationships ant expectations 1 Mew a days margiage 1s considered a forn of companionship. The paktners rela- Honshifitare expeeasion of thetr oun motivea am pereona}itied ans pot the fuleiiiment of proscription fore and more people now going for interpersonal relationa.Fam{ly $8 taken up as secias art Economic unit Marriage {5 anticipation chiefly ag a means of personal fuleiitmont)) (2) Reasons for Marriace + People marry for various reasons according to "J.C.Colnan" ‘tho important’ reasone are = (e) Soxual satisfaction + Tmoagh there 48 pemiseive ateitude covarde sex relations, sceiety disallow soxiel - relatonchip pricr to marriage. Most adequate and satdefacto ry sccval rolaticna are possible in marrital lite. (b) Economic Consideration + In tho past marriage was arranged with the economic status to land narciage tock. place in economically sival status holds @ay wnen perticularly lock for financial security. Men thinks in tthe terms of economic partnership. fe) Moctings’ of Paycholosical newls + Many people marty peinerily for prychological necis-Marriago 4s considered as companionship, st gives mutual emstional sumport “ad provides Home baee accuraty. Person may marry to excape lomiyness (3) “ry come people never marry + reciomit on the ponte of hia. aay) scyapS see Mezza Fenele and 76% of the college mie agrees that without marriage hohe (k no hacky gatisfying Life. This suggect that mao-rity of y re is cor poe geteing macris® = OG ESRelag gosscing marital svecoss mri eurcess has oho charge. SMe gee ran lone cf more‘tal 146 ag a eer ee cole 1ike apinnina, Sesng coke, changer the standards for

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