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UNIT-L | | ®° Hyd rolyste 1 th fe a chemfcal process Po rehfech! . i water gels dfegoctarad . foto #7? and ott ions- The | hydrogen cations reptaw the moralte Fons such ad caletum, Lod?um and potorstum Fa te rocks minaalé: ? | derompo-~ and cot are formed Ter anew chemPcal compo. sition + chernfcal clecornposPHon of rocks reaules To -formahon of: clay mineral: “these clay minerals imparts piost’e propernes Fo cof clayey serls, are “formed by chemPeal decomposth'on - SOIL te roe STRUCT ORES “the quometftal arrangement of coll part ctes with respect -to one anotner Rs Known ad coPt Structure: the coft Fe nowire have dPHerent ruateeres depending upon tHe parhtte £Pse and Me mode of formation. “the totlonaing types of cHushetes are satay found » The #i%rtk tio types are for coarte graPned coils and types @ and © -for clays - Types @® and © ave for mined soft eo ea gratned Stpueteere 7 cohesionlerx& colle, Such ad gravel and fand are composed of bully grains gravitational -forees are more predominant thar Leer fay forees > when Aecomposihino oF tyese Sotl4 ocumrd nat partycles date an eqsitPoafum posPhion a4 shawn Pa tHe pelow figure: Cash partete Pe @ Pn. contact PtH 4wpse Sourroundtng fF. “the cor! structure £0 forme fo Korn as single qrained ctruccture - tosingle grained ttrucure Depending ctpon THe retabye postion: Of “tne xcoP! may have aloose otructure or adertce gtustiere: Loose ah cond®hon, tne votd mano Fe 0-40 and me denferk Cond®bon ine vold raho fk 0-367 ay tante Struekewee cottte under gravftah'onal -forees and Yn which tHe particle the by DENke structure + neg —tom ~ Qe fs possfble for Fine Sands or cPt4a | at b strueterre i | red such thar te part’cles hen to ger depos" tor particle cortath that | getting develop a partfele — 2, 2 . brédges over large voPds tm the cot mad» The. | partfetes wedge between one another fato a stable ; condétion and -form a siseltoo ise an arch to carry | i : , ane welghh of overlying material: The ctrenatiene eo formed fe Known aS honey Comb atractune - The honey comb structere usually deve- Lops when the partetes sige fe between 9-002 mm and 0°02 mm cHonesy —Comb ttractere » B+ ploceutabed ctrusfare !- Plorulated ctuckere oceerd TO clays: The Clay particles have large Suckate and therfore, the eleetrfeal forces are fmportant Pa such sorte, “the clay particles have -o negattve charge 0 the curtace and aposth’ve charge on the edges anterparteh contact: develops between tHe potrevly chonged edges and the neganvety charged dates This results Pn oo Hocwlaked ctruchire Pipautared ctrucka te + A+ pfapersed Structure 7— sah inelen picpersed structive develops fa ry eto 4nar have beeo reworsed or vemoulded: the parheles devalop more or {est a paratet orfentah'on: Clay depostks phtry a Hocerlent gtrackire ashen trond por} tod to ormer plates by nature or man get remoul-| ded Remoulding converts the edge - to- fae oriented ion to date~to-face orfentartoo: the did persed chuctere Pr formed Po nature when there Feo a net repulstve fore between parnreted. | | Olcpersed structure - B Coarde- gratned Keletoo '~ rcoorte graPned skeleton fs a composite structure pohich Pe -formed when the toP! contatns partfeles of cl?teront typed: eshen the amount oF butey, conesionley partfetes ts large com pared with, tek OF Bone ~ graPned chayety particles, the bel by grains are Pn partrete ~ to ~ particle content +. thedg e partfetes form @ -formwmorls or skeltoa- the Spare} between the bullty grains es ocepied by clayey particles tanoron a6 binetery : : coarse Gratred Parttele, 9) Coorse gratned ¢teeleton 4) clog matary - 6. clay MOFAPC'~ — tay matrix fe aldo o tomposPte erruclare formed by sof oF dittereok ty pes However, Fr tts cade, the amount oF clay Particle Re vary Large as compared wit buley coarse ~ gratned partictes. the ctay -forms a matrts to rohicy bul ey qratas appear Hoattng of irour PowenPag one another: | cTthe coPl win a clay mabafs ctructure hove atmosk me mime yropertres o4 ekay » theFe behaviour Pc Nap Porgy er! ADSOREROD WATER !~ Ce AAA A Ae The water held by etertro~chemPcal Forces erfsting on the ‘ott surdace Ps adtorbed water: Ag te adcorbed pater Po under the Enttuence oF electyi Cat forcet, PA properties are dPpferent trom tha oF normal waters Te Te much more viccour, and Pe gS Surface 4ensioo fs also greater. Ot P heavfer thao normal Water: The bofltng porak Pe hBnec, bub the | ctreestng pofar fs loner tran’ that of tre moxmal Water. i The tefetmess of tne adsorbed water layer fe abour to +0 158° for collofdd bub may be upto : 200%" for Stl the altractve -forces between tie adsorbed water and the Soff curface decrease expom entlatty nity the dPstance uatti the double layer merges fato normal water. the adsorbed water entets fn an almost SolfdPfied state + the pressure requtrad tO pull -ahiay the addorbed water layer! I | I from the SoPl surface Pe very hh BH may be ab hgh a& 0,000 atmospherey- . ? Adsorbed water tmparks Plostiefhy characters 1 to cot, “ThA acdlorbed Water depends upon -the dlay’ minerals present fo the cof!) “the presence of highly active cloy mfnera fn necetary to give Mme sory platiichhy - the tthe - qrafned cof with our clay minera may develop cohesion it the partfcle ge fs verg small, bth these goflt Cannot be moutded foto cmall threads as these are nok plash’c - RELATIVE PENSITY'— nw rr the most Cmportant fnder aggregate proparty of a cDhestoniens sof fe Pix retatfe density “The engineering Properties oF & mate OF “conesionles So8l depend to a large ewtert on PR retative denstly CO avo Known as density frdex (2p). The yelative densthy fe defined a4 = 2 -é Dr Smon—-€ 100 Sman — emer where ema = Matimum void rato of the Loft Yo the (vosest condthon Amen = Minfmum void caho oF the Lofl fh the densegt cond?han t= vota raha rh the nutral state - The relattve densPhy of atofl gives @ more clear tea ot the denseness than does the vold raho- Two types ot cand having tne same vod ratio may have cat Hraty dtHeront state oF denseneds and engineering proper 4°28 However, TE the to Sands have Mme Lame retahs we densfty, they Usuatyy behave fn den Heat manner. : The relative densthy of a soft fadfcater how Pt would behave ander loads: Gp the depostH fe denge- 9+ can false heavy toad £ pits vary Uttle Sotiement + Be pending upon ‘the relatYve denaPry, ~the tf are genefatty divfaed w thtv ie cotegorted. “pensenese | ver T oo Loose | meditem t b Le Bense wel to Dende Dlnse orcy) 415 | istogs|, 35 65] SetO8s] EE 1D 100 - DetermPnation of retatve densfhy 1~ DIVNDIIAOO Ne ws One "The below 4, shows the soft Pa the dentest nateral and toosceck Hares. AS PR Re APA h “10 mengure the yoPd cahio directly « thomever, Me te | eonvenfent +9 ¢upress the wold ratio Po terma of dry dendty (P49 maa — il, WA NWA IZ IZ Z ZA © e= SP, fa Representing me day density fo me loogedt ,denderf and atiral cond?Hors ag bmin, {max and fa weknon Oy = _& mar ¢ k too i | Emaar 7 eento ft“ Dp= TT | BF ah _| zt - i fmfn (wax De = fmar Cy — Pent fa fenex ~ Pinta VotumetrPe relationships :~ nnn nnn \. word rato Ceyi- tH Ps deffned as the taho of the volume oF votds tO the volume of LoLPds i | Tr can be expressed by cdec’mals suchas | | OA) OS for the coarse grafred cofl, tne votd roulvo, Pe genaraty gmalter than that for tne gratned Lore + B- porostty Crd i= i Ae ts defined as the rao of the volume of tne § yofde do tne totat volume. ‘Then navy __5@ poroctiy qensratty erpreaced ah percentag trowever fr equahiom % Pe used at Araho- For example 0 Porsty oF SOY WiLL be Uted a4 Or i fn equator: the Poros Py can rob exceed 100% at i | Bh would mean Wt greater tean vs Poresity Pe alco | Known as Percentage wots - } | An Pnter=retah‘onshep can lot found between i | tre vofd rahio and the porosity ad under An 23 @SQ the porosthy shautd be expressed at araho Cand nor percentage) 3: Degree of Caksrahon Cs) em The degree ob faturahion Pe the rao of the 2 volume of Water to the volume of voids - Tht c= Ma 5@ “the degree of Saksrahon Pe qeneratty expre at a percentage Oh Ps equal to ZERO pohen the got Pc absolutely dry and (00% behen tHe oft Fatty Aoturated: qn expredtond the degree of : dottration Fe used a4 a decimal - r Ay percentage afr volds na) !~ dt Ps the ratio of the volume of afr to te dota volume nasa ___s@ | #8 TRE Mame Indiqtes TE repradented ad a percentage Sir content Cac)i~ Jt — ~ i Air content fz defhed as the tah’o oF the volune ob the ate 2 tHe volume of vordd- v ac~es usually aipreed ad oO parcentage Rottr afr centent and me percentage afr verde are ZO when tHe coil Pe saturated CNa20) An foter relationship between ha Gare fA vtrom @ nas va = Me ny {na=nee) —4@ Volume — mags Relahoarship :~ re athe volume mass Metation she are Entanms oF mass dengfhy - The moss oF ‘goPl per untk volume Fe anon as macs dendhty: an SoPl engineextag the Aorionefng @ dftterenk mast dengines are used - 4+ Buttemacs deneily \- the butts mace dendPty Ce) r% dettned ab the total moce Cee) per uate total velumecy f-™4 —_=© “The bull mass dendi’ty fe aldo town af THe wer mast denafty Cor) simply butts dendPry oa denatty - gt expressed fo kglo?, gm[ms Cor) mal ms obuiously tL mglmé= tooo kglms= tgmimt - R Dry mars denatty :~ rE fe dePred as mass of solhds pea unt total volume fa = M id iS i) The dry mass dendfty te alto Inova ax day aensihyg, The diy mase denstty fe used to eipreas the dendeness | OF the sof) A hPgh value oF day mact denstiy nest) cates that tne doft Pe Pa a compact Cond?h'on . ' w+ soturated Mass density The saturated mass density (fear) Po the bults mase dendsPhy of the sot} when TH fe Fatty fatarated fear 2 Moat © wT 4+ Submerged mace densPhy 3~ when the cofl exfet below water Pr é Po & Submerged Cond?hron » the Ws , Wi fe Gate < ey | \ Ne= Vole = Vea y= @Yy Lo weeny | i he £@9n {o-Meery ' | | | " {| 2+ Retation betwee G14%2 @ON I i i i we Know Qe Ng i Wy = Gve Jo. hehe Vv % > t feo vette rom 497 “re ze. bub we Know 3-41) Pn cace oF fT = ts. = Livy = Gmiciond v V — |e. Gs anu-m | —® Relation between Tear 1 Qand @ '~ eS ne Know Rat — Weak = Rate wv = Thaw tive Vv = Mue tam te eat = Casey [mre] Relation between Case and $ -— we Know fae Wy tWs a“ v v Fats Me Ok Tye Hs Vi = tie ¥e= Hs fg. *& We = Que ee 6. Ve TeV tteve oo finrennes v Iga crt = fuledt aut ash v { Thy Ve= ay = ylestay Liter |e Retationch?p between T!, Gand e we Know la Nar“ = Gtom _p te Fe [Setsteey Fe : B-YYN, [= S28 |e Relation betreen Q, rand nt Beha eb Bemnes® tds Wand ra we Know fy = We / We \ Rotry ae eee we prove Giese) Ty i a tee = Ay sem Fe ite = Laren ~ ty Fe” Tae T= Geof far G1 J—s ay Relation between Bi Gin, Nase trom @ OF we Know Ve Vat Vit reeks = Va+ We. nw vs & Tn Ty > Me Aivicling footy sfdes ites *y! Ya = G-Man wat) Lfet of -formulaes *~ Nn mmr tone €. b4e Res in z no = nae Ay. Geen, i4e Qs Gls ite & Toate = ty Cate) Ite, 4 opt. (@-0% (+e & ge aKa - . "A= iy Q = Una) aa A ry Y= Gerson, (Gra) = ey Oty Chew) ite tHe ~ ee Ss Te col fe caturabed C21 Tear = Shy Clty) TG Coat = Gta Clan) 142 ' Ven ve = 1-0 : em tp f= TW CAC) 48n) A= AR Cin) Neat = @ci-m+n] ty 0 5(@-) O-) H poe | Probleme \~ nan t+ petermPne water content, bry denfty , hulie density, word fatto and degree oF cakurahon -from the fottorsing data: comple Sige 3-81 O r+: 626m hE, web were 1668 Oven dry wePght = t-Adon &% ep gravy lay fe ot: Gi water tonkenk po = Ww - 1668 ~ 1-400 = we TH KI00 = 226 x 100 CA = glare volume of the Sample veaxh Waatgle = Tex g-grte #62 = (000 Kyla? 2 = TE kw = S686 Cm fe Velen? Dry densfty (Y= He nt | “t TH Fa Ee totes = 1G tt kw [3 Bult unfh nene Cr) =H = 1668 ul nf ra 8 “568 | = 00192 Nem = IQ 2m Ya = Qe | gre xa-dl We Tee teu = 2X8) Te 14e = 1 6ey @= 0 base BA partially catarated 40%! tampte obtaPned froma earth fll hak a natural molciare content OF a2. and unth werght of (962 brim? of @2 2+ and unt a) degree o saturatYon %) vera ratio ©) Th SubsequentHty the sofl ger LSaterated, Find Pa gay a Degree of saturation Cad we Known SE2 WG t= ONG OF 160 oeas * = foley. wefghr of water = 9810 Wim? compute unth ow efghr - Wa 224 219.62 Knim? Geog Vt tsto Nims = 9-el lenlat Te AMCitw) _ aexa-et Cleo We lee tee = 2848 *CU22) W962 (4e = (64% <= 0-644 Sean ge VPEREE Lg. ges = WEE oO 6A ROFL gee Caturated ten f= 1 = Cater My . EO DATE ag Year = ee 40 OF ele >| Asample of catsrated cof) has awakes Content of Zev. | Q=2-65- vetermine vofd raho, porocthy, saturated wath wefahk and dry unth nel pnr « Given campte f¢ cakucated than $=! w= Bk]. G2 265 Seng e= HQ ¢ = 088% 2652 1-007 ctty nae Pomel mt = boot og. Taepooe =O SF = SONEY. Talsing Oy = 9-8 kn lod frat = Grote tee = (rors 1:004)4 81 V4-00F = FB E lent ~, = Sh | Ree ME 2 qa (ae (4 00% knife 2 A Sand sample has porosfhy of Qe7. and tpeckée gravbhy of colds 9°65 +thd fe aL Bry untweghr of cand b) unfr wefght of fond © onth nt oF caturated cand - 3) ven fn cubmarged condthion noel, 4226s en = 228 . 0-288 t-n p08 a) = Gia . VESKrUel. as-1a6r _ | 424 kal a ite = 149° 8ee 1 See 6.29 bf bv) g2 0°56 ¢ Ce (arsedtn i. (a-6s4p:S6x0'S8t) KFC ~The 140366 = 28128 2 ggeaest kal t+ 386 e) ss! (26-40-38) X98} = GIO, _ (aes40- fl oan tot = ees a at Rar Te 10-88 PEE Ron? BeeNG =) We SE 2 QSEXORE | ogy 4 28 ey goth werght fo submarged condfhon a) - GK 65- ; n-S vee = SEEDS ct tl ito Bee ¢or) ve Year — fy = Ma TEBL = 1-66t beams ‘8 tt getusated clay oe a water conkenk 89-38% and aloulK SP. qrovitg of 1:4 Final vod ratio and

C2 + Ca @H, Specific geylly We Specific gerd ie defined ap the Natio” of the mass OF 9 ida -to ~the madd OF an equol Volume Thee, the Speci Fe ae" ie of Solid particleel@) ven Voleme of Soll of wabeN oF Ife. wen 5 a 4 q+ fs f Re mass density Of Ar/mt , 1000 kg/m? © 19 | aw of Solide fH moet enexal wonge OF wo waten Py ak i‘ 18 One he Specific aed hodunal Soil -fell@ in re 4 265 +o 280. Speif= qed of Gold 2 an important promote, Qe ia Used Pay delermination of d notiO and povticle Siae. Voi Typical Valued of Sp.guedsg- | Gnowvel ALOT — ACE a. Sand —— AGS = A Gk . sity Sand b AGE - TO 4G. {Be organic Clayp ——~ &: 68 - 280 5. Se —— 266 - 2°70 6. ovgen’e Soile — Variable may fa below %00 Qh adaition to —the Glendayd tenn of- Spesifre qrers at defined, -the -foniowing two th the Specific povitglone terme nelated wil uped: algo occasional 5g, Mass Speci Fe aor’ (Gen) | a. Abeolute Speitic and CGa) —Refew T- unit <— fic aoity dealer mination he Specific quovié of Solid porticlea ib delermined in —the labora tory cuing he Foniowing method e: t Deneitg bottle method. a. Gat Jor 3. pyconomete™ ro flagk method got Spssi method. ethod 4. measavi 5, shvinkage limit ppethod. / q ow fe CORR te Dengiky Bottle method :- (take a clean and a density bottle and weign FE with Stopper tet the Weignt be wo. / GV Take about $o- 209° of on oven dvied Soil Sarople anto TE and -fixed “the weignt of the Soil with bottle and —the ee feb te be Wa. XN Me dipdilled wetew So. thal the bottle te emove “the entre pped ony by to Veccum Sousce- with distilled toe te Clean, and Tht Content 2s) Stoppe ws (iy Ada pap Fell Connecting it (iv) pill othe bottle Complete! pat cthe sdoppe and wate No bottle Determine “the welgne of ~the @ ® Empty “hr bottle ond clean te thoroughly distilled water, per ~the Stoppe™ gill te with and wipe Phe, bottle ony on uk bide. Pind wee weigne wa @ Repeak the Shepe y to F Of mare Sample of the ae Soil and find the pecan by anny below famalee Ww,- WI Kpeci ft woiky G* Wa 9 rite g q Gay - @s ed wr = weight of empty dencity bottle with Stoppes nt of borete with stoppe™ + ang Soil t bottle with sloppe + Sol + wotew was well Wat Weigne © {+ welen nt oF fottle with Stoppe™ Wa = we a, Pyconomste™ rethod tg-—~ oO | pig method 1 Cimler to the denciky | bottle method. As ne Capocit of the lorqes about 200 ~- $O° nequived fx the be used f¥ all pyconorme bem ib of even - 4¥ Col te ! sept. The trethod Can | Agpet ok soilé, bob Te Tore suitable fe medica wained Soild, patin trove than 407% i \ peseir a aomm rs Sieve ond Fv : han 9O% Coote grein Soil wrth move pessing a *omm ts Steve, 3. Measuring Flaek tethod 1 — Blogk ig of asoml () CScomt) Capecttey. len a waduation mavk al toe level, @E Te —fibed™ WER SP odop te fv Connecting te to a Vveeeur line FS nernoving enbapped ait. 1a similoy A measari This method method: About +o the density bortte Fo to loo | of oven 4 Got ie Neawved in tara, Cole: shia metpod it Suitable Fav pained Soilb- Fine eres and mediom @ be Gag jay Toethed i= Qpy thie method » * re jor of about | Le Capoci ¥ the jor ie fitted with S jor tb uped. a wubber beng she r a paconomere™ Similos *O Nn method - Serve ob Thip metvod uh the — Pycone meke CONSISTENCY LIMITS ee nates Contente ab bie he Stale to dhe Othen oe Soil changed fsxom one Atkesberg't Umibe”’ knawn ot Consittency Limite o% bie have three tyP limite: we4 are » of Conpitteney 1. Liquid binit- a. plapkic limit 3. shrinkeas lien it th Ligsid Limit > « “she . tiguid lente te the wodew Content awk which the Soil Change t guid tate “to plete Slade. qd At the. Kiquid tlobe, the Clo ib yactically Like a Vavid, but poscessed a Srrall ‘shearing Strength. the figuid limit of Soil depended upon dhe cley prinenal presenk ins the Geil. Be biquid limit te defermined in the laboratary eitnes 5 Capogrend'¢ apporedct dv by. Cone ~ ened vat ped in “the Cagognende medbod Consiote of a breet cup which dropt ~trvough a heigne of [em from tne herd bate. torn methods -the device r : Procedure !— a Cop of the Nguid bmit appovodae and ‘ fF enockl babe. d '. Adjoe & cthe with the help of qor"g tool aed adjuetment pate do give a drop o Lem on the point of Contock on % Take about $20 qre of ain -dried Somple passing yas B Sieve pith quantity of distilled 3. mix ie tho hh a 4 fs a unifam porte: waben to 4: pleee a partion of the tle cre Cup, Smooth the Sur foce witn & Jula toa rinimen depth of tem prow qxoovl too, through dhe Sarople along he . rome tical onte of the cup: balding abe ndicalar 4o the CoP: bool Pe”P® wate of S. -porn the hendle at % a sevola Hone pe blow? con dill ‘two pete of the Bomple Come tn Contace cr the boHom of Vane qroy® oil fn athe Cop the neroaining Seil Semple and Ahonoughly aften odding a Small tix wete N. amount OF — 7 Repeat cine Sept eS ond S. Obloin alk feast “Five Sebe of reading in the nore of '0 +o So blowe: ‘ Gornple, Groove @- F Epi- eno |Amcuntof melon [owikoe | mor gan added (nt) Gntewetn) No.of blows - L ZT 2 3 RQ ¥ 7 ah plot a Shreignt line xoph between No. Of blowt ond wate Contents Read the woaten Content’ oF us blows, whieh tp othe Value of liquid limit. ew We ante Coe 10 106 No.of blows (rs) Cog” seele > | 4, plaekc limit .- laptie lit 12 the weten Content below which ~the Sot l Slope behaving a8 a pleatic mate nial (ev) os ste motptore Content ak whieh soit bot © Smallest fagticity ie Caued the loatic Limit. P d P Procedure t \. rake about 30 4 of ain duied Somple posing —Thowgh 4us 5 Oy Sieve - ~thovoug by wiin distilled waten on the glass a mie is pietic enogg® to be shaped plete ontil indo Creal Dall 3, Take abook lo gm of “he plestic Corl mass and wot i between “the bead and the glass info a a. if e diame de % of thread becormes lesg “than 3m kp, Shows that water te more hen limit, hence tne Coil Te ded forthe” and wolied into vy + Veliine oF Gal ak wh By. Coil moss. Vy = Nolume of dry & Valymelie Shinkae shvinkegs (vs) (ah) Volume hic he Volume bie Change fs defined os Fhe exprversed oF prenls e of the coy the water Con fen nedwcedd from 9 given 4o the shinkepe limite. Thee. Vg + vue to Va % 100. chonge i volume Volome: when fs i | | i | Value i a + Dedion slaxdord clossifcelicn of Sab he System Wes wavticle Sse anak, tis | ond plesteity chart! far the | Clessificwtion °F she col. TP the Sysbem the Gils ave Classified | indo 1% greePt leat Fast Clousified into three Cole goed | The tty Coote grained Soil @ Fire grein’ Goile (3) Hg oer! © Soild Cpeet) ( Coarge gtainad SR Ig ove Lab -divided Coil ta Germed Coor be ferction nd termed yoined bi Sand. “The more than 507% of m TES Sieve oO Coorbe q indo anavel ond Tt ca) when ta pedeined OF ats ™ yh move then Sor OF the Coord Sieves sand C8)> ¢ ation ts imate “than 4:7 mm. 1S ve Ie ove -forine aah divided adt Coot? aes’ Sei ; ae ae the -fable porod. ) Eige prciesd Salem furide™ dnided into chee So dependirg aapon he values of the &) sitky and Chyt of fine yained Coils ave podivisiond> tiquid Umit. low Compresibilt ‘th : ebe soilg hove a liquid limite fees thon 35 | tb. si ola i silky and ¢ “f of Mediam Compre have @ liquid limit sreabe These Soild wpa 85 bat Ine ton 90 Coymor te #) (cy. Silke and chy of high Comprasibility = —tese Goilt hove 9 liquid fim tt qe han $0. Fine- greined Colle ave eovinen Sab-divided into qroer! in table 70: 0% @. High ogee’ Soule = gp ~the Soil ie bil ovgonte ond Conteindg > love pecentege of organic motte» and porticles of clecomposed VE eYadion. TEE kept ina Ceperale Colrgory movked peat (Pe) Rleplicty Chou ole °° © 20 80 40 SO Eo . . 70 Liquid limit Gu) problem ¢ dhe liquid lireiF 5 plesticity index s f. Determine index —fxorm ~fonowing data. liquidity BN | aR is | taten Content) | SS | 46 no.of blowe(s) |ag | 30 [ss 4l «| mit in 34% end Nalorel Nate The plastic | Content in S*% > RAY los Su% Hp 53.5% 3 \irwi & = Liguid limit - plestie vai te (qe plastcil index = gas - At UAT ~ Ww liquidity index = Ta SaRE x100 ip = S22R4 x00 ars aA An ondislorbed Satoraled Specimen of Cle ho a voleme OF 1e-4 cm? ond a mais of Soragm on i oven diging ine mess Heduces 1O. Ikamn. The Voliame 3. Determine Shrink Of dig Speciroe ig 4-9em?- of Loltde > Shrinkege watio ay. wayit tinit, Spetl fic Shyin kege L | and — volornebic —T nyt Bora Am > Ws = '@ qr 3 Va bo a = 09 cm? ye WA ce toe alice — WeVa) bo 2 Wicls Ws = I a loo ae OOP: wows - -va)fo xI00 Wy, ws s tg lg = [2% cig _ Mea aay} xt00 = [0.678 - oS ]x100 < 17.8% tg i QQ: Se oes + vit ~ (We Ms) eax — Csoa 18) wey oes te. Meets se $e ONG ey 44 = ats Moo= Vind x 100 = ae = UY Ta @) {v : =f v Ve = SR fis,-me) . (o1-g- (78 * EN = Uy, UNIT 1 permeneur Ty Soil waren Water present in the vatds of soil mass ig called Soil Water: The soil ular ic bred ly classified inte 00 categories dt free water 2 Heid water. 61 nedjer fire water mous tn the pores af the Soil © the influence of qautq: The held Water ig retetneet (the Pores OF the gail, and it can not move Under the inRuence ' ef gravitational force. Free wieder Flows from one point. to the other Wherever. there is a difference of total head: Held utaker is further alivided th te three types Hotuctural Water? The grudural water ie chemically combined Tanne cnn ane ete Water in the erpstel structure of the mineral of the Coil’ Thi o , if water ean not be vemoved Ulithout breaking the structure of the mineral « A) Adsar bed Water the water held by electrochemical Forces existing on the Soil Surface 8 nawn as adsorbed Water fr) hyqre scopic, water. Hi) ny . : ? capillary Water he waty held im the interctces oF sail due te capillary — Forces (4 catlect cappiliary Waker | i Haryrrice in Sails capitiary vise in sollé clepends upon the size and greting of the particles “The ltameter (a) of channel fe pore Passage depends upon the ciameter of the particle ie rey takers as Yo th cliameter of the effective diameter (Dja) in the case of coarse ~ grained « Thos d= ode The Space above the ulater table can be clevided tin to two. regions: l Zone of entitle saturation Zone ef Aeration Ground surface - TRS TR TART RRR IRS “zone af Reraktor one of capillary saturation i ¥ taker table * In zone oF capitiarg gaturatton the soil 1s Fall saturated In zone of Aeration the gail nat setturatrory he beth ro wihiche eapittary water rises in sotlé ts Known ag & capinary Fringe? % The cal ahoue the capillary fringe may contour tater in the form of contach later: (e Terzaghi and pick C1948) gave + velaten between ™. , . . & manimum height of capillary Fringe and the contact moisture- effective sire as the mae = Em, CO) . " ee wnere = constant, cepending upon the shape of the qe and imp unties ez varg ratio. Pio = Shhact¥e aliameter, the site coresponding to 10 */e Finer . ie po is G to 1S Ino mm the Value of Varies between to to Sommt 2 an . . do the betght Ch)may 6 alse qn Oo mm. ip Dio . and Chejmax are tn centimeters , € Fob te orem Representative hights OF capitan Rise Soil tyre fine qravel I capillary vise Cm) gor te ala cease sand orto te ONS tin sand silt foo O30 to foro a to Cla: 4 leva to Bore colloid More than 30'0 sapien Rise tn small dtameter tubes > wy ee Water rites in small oktameter , capiliag tubes, becoure, oF adhestom and cohesion. Adhesion occur because tleber adherse ov eticks ko the Soltd Walls Of the tubes+ Cohesion ig duc to matual atracton OF Weber molecaier: If the effeat of Cohesion ; tess significant thah the etfeat of adhesion, thee uiqutd Welt the surface and the Lequcel vises at the point of contact» How ever ip the effeat of [Cohesion ig more predominant than adhecion , the i FWautd tevel is depreccecl at the. point of contact as in the case of merearg: i tea qs tube oF Smatt attameter , pen . Pe at both = ends » 6 towered into tater 5 j tre water level rise tn the tthe, ac the tater} Wete tne tube . let ‘©? be the angle ef Contaat between the later and the wall of the tube + Fu > up ward pull due to surface tension = (1; cos) Where oT, = : Doge ‘ Surface tension and cd’ dtameter © He tube Fd = Down word Force due to mass OF water In 4he tube. = Ny (Be ar) whe “Where Ae height oF capillary vice for equlttbnam fu = Fel rd Ch cosa dimd = tio (3% dt) he 47 cocd _ #Ts cosd he 2 ——— ats cose Yoo d Teed for a clean qen tube -and pure wlater, the meniscus fs appr eni mately hemispheneel , fe O FO There fore , he = 4Ts Yoo d Taking Te = 2073 NJm Yoo = ale Njm? oo me tees BRET peters “aBlod ” Where 4 fy tn meters - ie d i tm centimeters he = 8x17 meters - ic 4c and d both are tn Caw he = 23 em a Formulas - Lhe t 4 TECOSE Cory 4 Ts cose dfed Tod 2 SH a he * ebro 3 he > or3e em —s|O@ What is the Ve presore in the Water Just belo the meniscus in a capiliog tube oo F diameter aj mm, Filled tarth water: the Surface | tension Qos Np. and wetsing angie ts 10° | q | Ui ar he = 4Tecos@e Yu | Ato Ko} RID | ' Ve prescore = Yoo he = FAl ¥ 100% ozo! i j = agg a8! Nm. i . —@- Estimate He capillary nse tn a Soil Wit & Noid yaus oe Oba and effeative size of loro . 1mm Take ¢ = ismm? she oe nq similar sor Batt an oF sroqmm- St hey (Pied Che), (Pia), bo 7 Feet Ly r Che), (hea von — Fine sand 1s soem. uthat is pe aitference in the Pore size ak the two Sails P Sely zo he = Bo em d - : <3 . for site (Che), D> Fo = 2'3e => dp = Go xe em a | for Cine cand lhe), > Bo= e130 3 dp = tovox tadem: da Difterente tp Pere Stze = Cloroa 6.0) x10? = 400xto dw capillary yee tn a soll AKI an effective N oor mm ~Eoem Eximete the Capitlare vise > the capillary wise tn gilt ts soem and that tn + etrectve Size Bocm Bom Daeey’s Laws wend ae The (aw of Flaw oF Welter through sett was i . first studied by bavey (1856) wlhe demonstrated expermental P q thee for laminar flew conditions in a Saturated i Soil+ the yate of Flow or the nelocity per unit time is propartional fo the hydrolie gradient: vat veki ke con ere OF permiabt lt f= bydrotie qractient 7 soy . i s the The discharge “gis obteuned by muttipl wy Neloci¥y oF Flew Uv) by the toted cross > Sector eltrection of Flow aret of soil (A) Normal to the u “Thus . T VA KiA Ulhere, 9 = discharge per nit time > " total C/e area of Sell mass. ae ie a coil sample a sol sample of lente and C[$ area “A’ is subjected to arfference head oF Water hi-bhr | the hy drole. qa Cowtil be equet to hy ha and, ule have Where. tf & unity Kis equal to the Ne the Co-eFE of Pereniabiting ts detined as Avg velocity oF | | Flow = that wil! occur through the total C/¢ aren ' oF orl under unit bydtrotre. qos j a How of wldter Tore egy Soil & Perme aby\ity OF Soil > Laney Gtk he property of coil which permits Flove © is catted of water Cor only other guid ) throug reo ‘i a Pan ight erwious the permectbitity of sail" A sail hignig Whey wlaker can Flow throug: te easily . | In an imperutour goil. the Permeability 6 verq fee and water can not early Mow through mY Permeanitity ti oa very tm per tank engnecritg Property of sols. A knowledge oF Permentitity ts essential in a number of geil engineering problems Such as sPttlement of butting: yietd oF wells, Seepage through. and pelo the earth structures + t . S . © controles the hydrott'e stailitg oF call Masses “The Permectitiy oF soll is also wequired try the design OF Fibers Usect te P¥e vent piping tre ! | bydvolce stractures. ' | | factors afeecting permeability of soil > wee ar rn or f rw rw In the taminar Flow oyeus medtet througle por: - Yoo e? \pr Ke (3@) Sz) uhere, - cc Ce efficient Yoo = unit Later ht of weaker @= vod rate - pt = vireo sity D=_ partrele cize- . vey & The Floveing factoré afeetkt the permeabilihe © | sols L particle siz€ 2 the co-eftretent OF permeatailty oe Athen ae” a coll ts Proporttoncl to the qpuare oF the Particle size OD)» the permeability bE coarse ae causes blockage oF passage ° can sequently ithe Permeability of 2 partially Saturated Soil is ¢maller than the Faulty saturated Sorts ae The Fine ~ qreuned gol{ have lager oF adsereed Ulater strongly attacted to thely Sorface. this adecorbed later teyer Uo nmot Free #e moue under ‘4 youre If causes an obifruction to Flow bE ober i ian in the pores and hence yectuces the } Permeanitive of Soil + Impurities tn Waker eee Any Furecyr matter tn wieter has a tendency to Plug the tow paccage and reduce the eFrective voids and hence the Permeatoitity oF SoilA- _ Laboratory Methads For permeabittty test = Wee AOR Oe OOO ber ERE The ce-efticcent of permeatitity oc a Soil Sample P| ean be determined bg the Fotiovsing Methods: [I constant heacdk Method - [2]. Varlabie ead method - 4. constant head method F RA CR The co-etererent of permeabrirt of & velarvely more permeable coil can be determined in P Mheratert og the constant — head permiebitity test} The test ice eonducted tn an tnitramenf — Enowow as conctant > head permeameter tect: 1 consist of a metaltc mould 1 loo mm Mrhernct diameter y RE samm ecgeaHue heey ht and tooo mL capacity according to £6 $ aga0 (port xvi), The moutel 15 prowtdded ult a detachable entensi Collar, taomm diameter and Ge mm hight y required dunn compaction of sal. The moud with a Aretinage bare plate taltth & Stone + tne mould is fitted & proutded Yecess for porous tablthy @ re @ a aicharae cap hauing an infeé value and an: attr yelease vatue+ The discharge bare and cap have fitting For clamping to the moutel- waar sone a conse jpen constant head chamber Grracucted far. Procedure £ na G remove the Couer oF the mould and apely & bettle yease on the grdes oF the mould - | measore the interned ettameter and ebfecttue berger oF the moutd and then attach the collar and the base plate - . @. compact the soil @F required Ansty and = moisture cantank. @] eemoue the collar and base plate + train oF A te emeess sail fevel lite the feP of she mould- ® i Pub the porous plate and a filter paper both at top | (and bottom of the geil sample + @] place this accemble uhh Washer on the perous Stand. “ ' ab the B connect the reservoir ith woter +e the Inter wo tn tep of the mould ang allod Water +° Fro +i the = sample gere saturated * a establsle ®laiiow the weber to Flow dorouge *he soit an fa steady _ How + 1 ~ » a convenignt @ tollect the weter ino a meacuning jar Fer on iHme interval ‘4? gee i Repeat grep la) fos four of Fue time and tabulat the vesutt as Follows - Quantity of water] Time of y Head ovey ot] collected tv) feollectoe | F= Ve the sample |®”pN in ce € bsecy aH) ex i | Wwariable - Heacl Permeability tesh = Aen ree rene re freer For relatively lese permeable sailt 5 the uate of uleter collected = th the qractuated jer ef the | Constant : ~ heat Permecbility test is verg ematl and Pecan nob be measured accurdtely . for Such Sarls, { . ithe vanable -head peronecttt ity tect 1 usect: A vertrele grads ate Stand pipe of known diameter i ‘ie Bted to the top of permeameter + the sample { TS placed between two porous oiseg: the whole lassemble tt placed tn a constant beast chamber Filled tty later te), the brim at the “¢ start af the test>

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