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Strangers on a train
You are on the Orient Express train from London to Istanbul and it’s dinner time.
1 What are you going to eat for dinner?

2 Make a list of what the other students are going to eat.

Name:_________________________ Food: ______________________________
Name:_________________________ Food: ______________________________
Name:_________________________ Food: ______________________________
Name:_________________________ Food: ______________________________
Name:_________________________ Food: ______________________________
Name:_________________________ Food: ______________________________

Did you find another student who is going to eat the same as you?

Useful language: Food & Drink

What are you going to have to drink/eat? I’m going to have the …
Are you going to have the …? Yes I am / No I’m not.

3 Here are the train stops. Can you put them in the correct order?
Budapest, Paris, Bucharest, Munich, Strasbourg, Vienna

4 What do you know about these cities? What can you do there?
London: visit Tower Bridge . Munich: ________________________
Budapest: _______________________ Strasbourg: ________________________
Paris: _______________________ Vienna: ________________________
Bucharest: _______________________ Istanbul: ________________________

5 Now make a plan for your journey.

Where are you going to get off the train? ________________________
What are you going to do there? ________________________
Did you find another student who is going to stop in the same city as you?

Useful language: Destinations & Plans

Where are you going to get off? I’m going to get off at …
What are you going to do? I’m going to …visit some friends/ go to a museum…

Straightforward Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be
complete pages. Downloaded from

Straightforward Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. It is photocopiable, but all copies must be
complete pages. Downloaded from

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