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TRINITY GUILDHALL Poro| Aural Book 1 Initial-Grade 5 Initial Question 1 *t melody, but I'm going to leave out the final note, which I'd like you to sing, hum or 7 chord: [Play key chord} and here is the melocy. [Play melody} Question 2 | shat pk [Play melody Question 3 | shall now play the melody again, and afterwards I'd like you to tell me if it was played mainly legato or staccato. (Play melody) melody again twice more and I'd tike you to clap or tap the rhythm back. Question 4 Here ars three notes trom the melody. After I've played them, piease tell me which was the (highest/ lowest), the first, the second or the third. [Play three notes as marked] Moderato, Test! Questions ra ae —— = GERD rearate pape) ra) ayes many aac) the first note isthe highest |) Moderato [2] Test2 Questions 1-4 Moderato t ae BH] vests cuestons ra SS sees Moderato _ : a (oa) Test4 Questions1-4 ae ae = Questions ra = inital a] teste (a) teste @ Test 9 [ig] Testi0 ni] Test 1t & Testz & Test 13 fl Test 14. Questions 1-4 Questions 1-4 Questions 1-4 Questions 1-4 Questions 1-4 Questions 4 Questions 1-4 Questions +4 Questions +4 legeio Moderato = legato legato Moderato staccato staccato Moderato eS legato ‘Moderato aS stacento Grade 1 Question 1 Lam goin and then lay a short melody twice. After the second playing I'd like you to clap or tap the rhythm back me what time signature it was in. [Play melody twice] Question 2 | shall now play the melody again, and afterwards I'd like you to tell me if the last note was higher, jower or the same as the first note. [Play melody] Question 3 | shatl now play the melody again, and afterwards I'd ike you to tell me if it was played mainly /egato or staccato, (Play melody] Question 4 Jam now going to play the melody twice, the first time as you heard it before, the second time with one note changed. Raise your hand the moment you hear the change, or you can tell me about it at the end, [Play original melody once followed by the changed version} eo: ) Time satu Treck Moderato umber Eo (5) Testi * Questions 1-4 — (esac) GZ Pravec main teaate * The top number indicates how many beats there are i each bar. ‘The bottom qumber shows the type of beat (4 means that the beats are crotchats), Moderato (4 Tisnote charged) ‘Question 4 x (changed version) af a we == ==] [3] Test2 — cr) Question 4 fchanged version) legato Grade! ‘Minderate: 2. The last note isthe samme) — Moderato is Question 4 — (changed version) = seaccats Moderato fa] Test 4 Questions 1-4 = legato Moderato Question 4 == (changed version) 2 £ degaro ‘Moderato The ast nates hgner) — a= == Test Questions 4 E —- Ej er srecearo ae 2 sale cheat Question 4 = (changed version) ee | Moderato a tere oeneers == a tegata Question 4 sf | (changed version) 4 oe ae = | eae | ‘ | Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Grade 2. The ast note is nigner) Moderato i - Gixaaem) Moderato — a ‘Question 4 fo ~ cenarce version) PE — staccato Questions 1-4 ‘Question 4 (changed version) staceare Moderato legato (Acthisnote changed) a Ce nn =e =O Moderato (Zthe ast noieishigher) ee ‘Questions +4 + : = — = ss Moderato (This nate changed ) ‘Question 4 est staccato Grade Test tt fs] Test 12 fez] Test 13 fas) Test1a Moderato (2. The lost note is higher) : — Questions 1-4 ———— Snes = a legaro ‘Question 4 (changed version) Moderato Questions 1-4 a == tees Moderaio (Grasraecnanaee) auestion + pr (changed version) tegato Moderato (Z te tat note cower) Questions 4 = See we pe. Ka staceao Question 4 (changed version) (Citta tamed) SS Moderato (Zire ast note sewer) Questions +4 = = — " * = ee legato ¥ / Moderato Tire coro) Question 4 (changed version) — nate legato Question 1 |lam going to olay @ melody twice, Listen to it the first time, then, as | play it 2qin, 'd Uke you to conduct, or beat time to it, in time with my playing, Il give you the pulse and lead you in with tne word \.. and’ [Play melody twice] ‘Question 2 | shall now play the melody again, and atterwards I'¢ like you to tell me if the last note was higher. ower or the same ss the first note. [Play melody] Question 3 ‘Now | will play the melogy again; afterwards please tell me: if it was major or minor, and then about the dynamics. [Play melody] Question 4 | am now going to play one halt of the melody twice more, the first time as you heard it before, the second ‘sme with a change to the rhythm or pitch. Afterwards, I'd like you to tell me what king of change | made. 1Play the section marked with bracket(s) once followed by the changed version] cpl Track numeer ‘Sinner kev) [a5] Test * The top numer indicates how many beats there are la each bat ‘The bottom number shows the type of beat (4 means that the beats are cratchets) ‘See Aural Book 1 pages 6-9 for information about conducting at this grade Question i ‘The piece started forre, then the second half (or phrase) started pieno, and there was a crescendo to the end which finished forre, 5 Question 4 bb > {changed version) ee P ae (Gceenge tote mytnin) 7 Grade 2 2] Test 4 Questions 1-4 Question 3.4 Question 4 (changed version) ‘Questions 1-4 Question 3. ‘Question 4 (changed version) Questions 1-4 Question 3:7 Moderato The first half of the piece was jorte, the second half was piano, & Change tothe rhythm, The piece started piano, there was a crescendo to forte in the middle followed by a diminuendo to picino. (@Change to the pitch) — The first half of the piece was piano, followed by a crescendo to forte at the end. # 3] Moderato ¥ Grade 2 ‘Question 4 «changed version) Question ‘The piece started piano, there was a crescendo to forte in the followed by 8 dimiuendo to piano, ‘ oe _ Question 4 [— : (changed version) et =e te P te | 4. Change fo the riythrr 5 : fe Question 3ii The piece started forre, there was @ diminuendo to piano through the second halt. Question 4 (changed version) Grade 2 (i) Gs] Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 * Questions 4 Questions 1-4 Question 3 The piece started forte followed by a diminuendo to piano. The second half started piano with a crescendo to forte at the end, r 4 Change tothe teh) oueston 4 fone (changed version) — f iNajor key) Question 3i/ The piece started /orve, there was a ciminuendo through the second half to piano at the end. s Question 4 fob (changed version) Test! Questions 1, 2 and 4 Meera = = (Z.Najorznd) * The top number indicates Now many beats there are in each bar The bottem number shows the type of beat (# means that the bests are crotchets), See Aural Book | pages 1213 for information about conducting at this grade. Question 3 GH ‘Question 4 (changed version) '. Change tothe vthm *) 1 Moderato 4 * Remember you are nat asked to identify the type of change. Grade 3 @ Test 2 Questions 2 and 4 Moderato = 2. Perfect 4th Question 3 a Minor ‘Question 4 (changed version) ) Moderato (4. Change tothe pitch el Test 3. Questions 1,2 and 4 Moderato == (2 Major 3ed)) Question 3 Question 4 (changed version) 1 Moderato B Grade 3 ed Test 4 Questions 1,2 and 4 Moderato pies _— = STs = = eee eT 2. Minor ra Question 3 Major ‘Question 4 (changed version) 1 Moderato 2 @ Test S Questions 2 and 4 Moderato Game) Ouestion 3 a Major Question 4 (changed version) , Moderato Se =e re) Test 6 Questions 1,2 and 4 Geeteasn) 14 =r Grode 3 Question 3 Question 4 (changed version) (4. Change tothe rhythm) ) Moderato 2 3 4 a Test7 Questions 1,2 and 4 ‘Question 4 (changed version) (4. Change tothe pitch) Moderate te Test 8 Questions 1,2 and 4 Moderato Ps oat eee rons aeae Gutworiea) Ziner 2) Question 3 Question 4 (changed version) ) Moderato 5 2 |) 2 | 8 | = 7 Grades & Test 9 Questions 1,2 and 4 Moderato —s war and : Question 3 Question 4 (changed version) , Cerenaeioeta) , — = Fa saat : io} Test 10 Questions 1,2 and 4 Moderato — ——— > 2 Major ed Ouestion 3 ‘ ‘Question 4 (changed version) (4 Change to the pitch) 1 Moderato 2 4 «fe oe = =< 16 Grade 4 Question 1 am going to play a piece twice. Listen to it the first time, then, 8s | play it again, I'd like you to conduct, or beat time to it, in time with my playing. [Play plece twice] Question 2 am going to play vou the first two nates of the metody line. What interval do they make? {Play the notes. consecutively fram low to high, holding the lower while playing the higher] Question 3 | shall play the piece again; tell me what cadence comes at the end. [Play piece once more] Question 4 Here Is a copy of the melody line. | will play it once as itis printed, then twice more with one change of bitch and one of rhythm. Afterwards I'd like you to show me where the changes were, and tell me which was which. [Play melody once followed by the changed version twice] cp2 (© Track number Test! Questions 1-4 == (GPertectcasence) ¥h f= 5 ie ae aes * The top number indicates how many beats there are i each bar. ‘The bottom numiber snows the type of beat (4 means thar the beats are crofchels, an 8 would mean that the beats are auavers). See Aural Book 1 pages 18-19 for information acout cenaucting at this grade 4 Question 4 (changed version) 4, Change to he pitch Gchange te the rit) 1 Moderato z 3 5 Es ® Test 2. Questions 1-4 (ZPertect ath (GZimpertect cadence) S irperrast cadence) Question 4 (changed version) ‘Con moto (& crange to tre rythm) (4. Chenge tothe pic) , 2 ~ 3 4 jr & - Gi= | | | Grade 4 Test 3 Questions 1-4 restion 4 (changed version) a 2 oF +t 2 a te = if = of 4 Test4 Questions 1-4 GMino: eit) 3 Perfect cadence) ‘Question 4 (changed version) ithagtabemna) GIGSSouS. Allegrett Gcrangetoinerntis) GChangeta tre pier 7 4 & = SSS ee imperfect cadence) Gichange to re piten) (change to tho rhithem) J + = =] Test 6 Questions 1-4 2 Perfect Sth) Ovestion 4 (hanged version ee Moderato G@Giameienia) © Geiawetneinnna) i 2 “ + x 4 Soe Grade ¢ fs] Tes & T Questions -4 2, Wajor 2nd) Allegretto —=—= (Gimpertect cacence ‘Question 4 (changed version) Allegretto GC eareetoihe a) 1 tigate ———1 4 = = aS = nf ig Test B Questions t-4 ae (ZPeriect cacence) Question 4 (changed version) PBSas a5 =] P eg add a Test 10 Questions (2 major 2nd) Question 4 (changed version) (Change ta the rhythm) iTenderty SZ = a eS Grade 5 Question 1 2 piece twice, After the second playing I'd ike you to tell me the th 8s major or minor and whether that changed as the piece went on. Play piece twice} ve signature, whether the sill play the last section again; tell me what cadence comes at the end.t [Play the section marked with a bracket] Question 2 | am going to play you two notes from the melody, Tell me what interval they form. (Play the notes consecutively from low to high, holding the lower while playing the higher] Question 3 | am going to play the piece again, Afterwards, tell me about the articulation and the dynamics. [Play piece once] Question 4 Here is a copy of the piece. | will play It once as exactly as it is printed, then twice more with two changes to the top line, one to the rhythm and one to the pitch. Afterwards I'd ike you to tell me where the changes happened and what they were. [Play the piece once followed by the changed version twice] * Alternative cadences for 2 selection ofthe tests tar Grade 5 have been composed to give extra practice at cadence recognition ‘These can be downfoaded free af charge as sheet music from wawtrinityguildhallcouk/music. Note that these alternative endings cannat De used to deliver full set of questions ~ they are purely for extra practice at this section ofthe test 2 Questions 1-4 ature fante (@pertact ain) {iv Imperfect cocence * The top number indicates how many beais there are in each bar. The bottom umber shaws the type of heat (4 means that the beats are crotchets, an 8 would mean that the beats are quavers) Questions 1. & iii The piece started in a major key, moved to minor and then back to major at tthe end. Question 3 The piece was fegato throughout apart from two distinct chords towards the end of the first phrase, It started mezzo forte and there was a crescendo towards the middle followed by a diminuendo towards the end, Question 4 (changed version) Andante —_ change to the pitch G Change i the rythen) Grades Suestions 4 (er) Sietang = - - = a = fog ye ees s (Civ Perfect cadence) Questions 141 & ii ‘The piece started in 2 major key, moved to minor and then back to major at the end. Question 3 The melody was /egato but the left-hand chords in loud sections were separated by rests. The first and last phrases were forte and the midate phrase was piano. (‘trange ome pa) iene sine — => ‘Question 4 (changed version) 25 i Test 3 Questions 1-4 ‘Tempo di Mazurka = = (Gir interrupted cadence) The piece started in a major key, moved to minor for a littte while in the middie, and then back to major with a minor chord at the end. Questions 11 & ii The piece was ail fegato except for the first chord of the dotted rhythm motif which was slightly detached each time, There were two crescendas, one towards the middie. and one at the end. Question 3 ‘Question 4 (changed version) a) re 4. Change othe tytn (charger ine atch) , =e <= - / =—— == SS Sera . ¢ - | t 26 Grades Con mote —$__——____ oe Pa — ‘iv Perfect cadence ‘Questions Lii& fii The piece started in a minor key, moved to majar in the middie and then back to minor. It finished with a major chord, ‘Question 3 The melody was /egato but most of the accompanying notes were sfaecato. The piece started and ended piano but there was a erescendo then a diminuendo in the middle, ‘Question 4 (changed version) Questions LiiS iii The piece started in @ major key, then moved to a minor key in the middle before finishing in & major key. Question 3 The piece used 3 mixture of staccato and Jegato notes, the repeated chords were played staceaio. The piece started fore, then there was a diminucndlo through the second half and It ended piano. ‘Question 4 (changed version} (A.Chanae ta the pitch 28 Grade 5 Questions Lil & ill The piece started in 2 major key, roved to minor in the third phrase and then back to major. Question 3 The piece was legara throughout. There was a crescendo towards the middle and then & diminuendo towards the end. 4, Change tothe piteh = Question 4 (changed version) 30 (@vlinor 2nd) iT Ss ‘Questions ii & iff The piece started in a minor key, moved to major and back to minor at the end. ‘Question 3 The melody and accompaniment were both legato. The piece peaked in the middle where it was forte. Question 4 (changed version) Grade a Test 8 Questions 4 Andantino {iv Interrupted cadence Questipns 14i& The piece started in a minor key, moved to major and then back to minor with a major chord at the very end. Question 3 The bass line was always staccato and the tune was mostly staccato. The last note was legato. After starting piano, there was a crescendo towards the final chords, The last chord had a surprise sudden switch to piano (subito p). Question 4 (changed version) (Change tothe pitch) Andantino a Test 9 Questions -4 ‘Tempo di Polka 2 er PFs ae afi Sa - Civ Pertect cadence) Questions 144 iii The piece started in @ major key, moved to minor and then back to major. Question 3 The melodic motifs tended to begin with two staccato notes followed by a held note, The phrases alternated between forte and piano. Question 4 (changed version) 4, Change to the pitch R a Test 10 Questions +4 Ragtime tempo Grades = == ee. 3 oe (@iwinor and) = 7S Questions wii & ii Question 3 ‘The piece started in a major key, moved to minor in the middle and back to major at the end. ‘The piece was mainly staccato except for the arpeggio and running notes. Much of the piece was at the same dynamic level apart from a swell just before the middie.

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