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Main: Lanzones St. East Drive Village Pooc Sta.

Rosa City, Laguna

Annex: Rizal Blvd. Entena Compound Balibago Sta. Rosa City, Laguna
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023


in ENGLISH 9 ______=

Name: ________________________________________Date: __________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________Parent’s Signature: ______________

General Instructions.
1. Write your answer legibly. Use black pen only.
2. Read the instructions per item carefully.
3. As much as possible, no erasures on any part of the examination.
4. For multiple choice, choose the best answer.
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the best letter of the correct answer. Write it on the space provided
before each number.
_____1. Which of the following ways does NOT encourage reader’s theater the use of imagination?
A. Readers must limit their movements onstage.
B. Readers must deliver their lines with emotion.
C. Reader’s theater is cost-effective.
D. Reader’s should apply the proper intonation.
_____2. In creating a reader's theater performance, the students must be sure that the texts to be
read are easy to understand. Which of the following ideas does NOT contribute to it?
A. Reader’s theater allows the audience to listen to the text instead of reading it.
B. Readers use emotional delivery and facial expression to bring the text to life.
C. The script is a simplified version of the text.
D. There is no backdrop.
_____3. Which of the following statements is true about the reader's theater?
A. Costumes are mandatory in reader’s theater.
B. Reader’s theater encourages reading.
C. Reader’s theater is inefficient.
D. Participants of the reader's theater must memorize their lines.
_____4. Which factors do NOT contribute to the reader's theater being narrative-focused?
A. the lack of visual stimulation (i.e. costumes and props)
B. the participants who are reading directly from the script
C. the adaptation of the script from a literary work
D. the reader’s use of emotion when delivering lines
_____5. Which of the following are elements of a reader’s theater?
A. Attire C. Microphone
B. Design D. Unison
_____6. What should readers avoid doing with their script as they perform in a reader's theater?
A. Hold it in their right hand if they are right-handed.
B. Hold it in their right hand if they are left-handed.
C. Place it on a music stand.
D. Switch hands when they need to gesture.
_____7. What is the best way to do if you are not going to speak while in the scene?
A. Move forward and pretend to be a stone.
B. Move backward and wait for your turn to speak.
C. Turn right and talk to your member.
D. Stare at the audience and keep an eye contact.
_____8. Which of the following must be read by the narrator during the reader’s theater?
A. Exposition C. Gestures of the characters
B. Flashback D. Movements of the readers
_____9. Which formation is suggested in a reader’s theater presentation?
A. Scattered C. Square
B. Semi-circle D. Column
_____10. What is the reason why narrators are placed at the extreme sides during the reader’s
A. To secure the moment of the narrator.
B. To keep an eye for the character.
C. To easily recognized by the audience.
D. To maintain the harmony of the group.
_____11. What should the narrator do when he or she is not narrating?
A. Listen to the music. C. Stay in place.
B. Talk to the audience. D. Go backstage.
_____12. How many narrators should a reader’s theater have?
A. one to two C. many
B. three to four D. zero
_____13. What is a participant’s biggest tool in the reader's theater?
A. his or her voice C. his or her script
B. his or her facial expressions D. his or her attire
_____14. Why is good posture important in the reader's theater?
A. To avoid problems with the character.
B. To portray the characters and to look professional in the eyes of the audience.
C. To get the attention of the audience.
D. To keep a superior status.
_____15. What should a reader do with his or her script?
A. Keep it dangling on his or her side when he or she is not reading.
B. Hold it with both hands at all times.
C. Hold it properly in one hand or set it on a music stand.
D. Hold it in front of his/her face.
_____16. Which is TRUE among the following statements?
A. You don’t need to pay too much attention to your pronunciation.
B. Louder is always better at all times.
C. Facial expressions are important.
D. A reader must be monotonous as he or she delivers lines.
_____17. Which of the following is NOT a required vocal quality for the reader's theater?
A. accent C. pace
B. inflection D. rhythm
_____18. Why does eye contact to the audience important in reader’s theater?
A. to get the audience’s attention C. to scare the audience
B. to interact with the audience D. to get audience impact
_____19. Which of the following can help you maximize your voice?
A. mouth C. diaphragm
B. tongue D. larynx
_____20. Unison should be applied in reader’s theater. The statement is ____________.
A. Yes, the participants will perform and read the script as one.
B. Yes, the participant should listen and speak to each other.
C. No, the participant will not read the script loudly.
D. No, reader’s theater doesn’t allow the participants to use costumes and backdrops.
_____21. Which guideline is observed in this situation? Anna is looking for the appropriate member
to play the character in the reader’s theater.
A. Decide on the roles.
B. Pinpoint the most important events in a story.
C. Long and overly-detailed descriptions.
D. Difficult, obscure, or foreign languages.
_____22. Which guideline is observed in this situation? Mark sees the importance of putting the
significant events of the story to his script.
A. Decide on the roles.
B. Pinpoint the most important events in a story.
C. Long and overly-detailed descriptions.
D. Difficult, obscure, or foreign languages.
_____23. Which of the following is NOT included in the script?
A. Characters C. Roles
B. Narrators D. Supporting Evidence
_____24. Which of the following is the most important element of reader’s theater?
A. Attire B. Readers C. Backdrop D. the stage
II. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the psace provide
before each number.
_____25. Tone A. The speed at which you speak

_____26. Inflection B. The regular and repeated pattern of sounds

and phrases

_____27. Rhythm C. How a word should be said

_____28. Pace D. The changes in pitch and volume

_____29. Pronunciation E. The quality of your voice that dictates emotion

F. The conversation between the characters and

the narrators.

III. Tell the appropriate Element of the Reader’s Theater based on the statement. Write only the
roman numeral that corresponds to the situation or sentence.
I. Readers III. The Stage
II. Attire IV. The Script
_____30. The design of the backdrop must be simple.
_____31. It can be an adaptation from a literary piece or an original version.
_____32. Choose who will be the narrators and characters for the reader’s theater.
_____33. The suggested outfit for the reader’s theater must be simple.
_____34. The structure for the dialogue must be fitting to the story adapted.

IV. Write the word “READER’S THEATER” if the statement is correct, and FALSE, if not.
_____35. Readers should read the script as one.
_____36. Facial expressions should not consider while reading the script.
_____37. Hold the script with your two hands.
_____38. You should memorize your lines very well, so you can convey your emotions.
_____39. In performing reader’s theater, the participant should scatter on the stage.
_____40. Emotions are very important in reader’s theater.
_____41. Reader’s theater is very expensive to perform.
_____42. The characters should read the exposition of the script.
_____43. The characters should go backstage if they are done reading their part.
_____44. Readers can sit and stand on stage.
V. Enumeration
Give the Characteristics of Reader’s Theater

“Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him
for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can
understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
— Philippians 4:6&7 (NLT)

Prepared by:
Tr. Jeserene Joyce H. Nuesca

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