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1 HAVE TO I exercise because I have to.

2 THERE IS/ARE There are some problems.
3 SUCH AS We have questions, such as how it happened.
4 GOING TO (FUTURE) I’m going to think about it.
5 OF COURSE He said he’d come of course.
6 A FEW After a few drinks, she started to dance.
7 AT LEAST Well, you could email me at least.
8 SUCH A(N) She had such a strange sense of humor.
9 I MEAN It’s fine, but, I mean, is it worth the price?
10 A LOT They go camping a lot in the summer.
11 RATHER THAN Children, rather than adults, tend to learn quickly.
12 SO THAT Park it so that the wheels are curbed.
13 A LITTLE I like to work out a little before dinner.
14 A BIT (OF) There was a bit of drama today at the office.
15 AS WELL AS She jogs as well as swims.
16 IN FACT The researchers tried several approaches, in fact.
17 (BE) LIKELY TO To be honest, I’m likely to forget.
18 GO ON He went on for a while before stopping for lunch.
19 IS TO Obama is to address the media this afternoon.
20 A NUMBER OF A number of concerns were raised.
21 AT ALL Do you have any kids at all?
22 AS IF They walked together as if no time had passed.
23 USED TO (PAST) It used to snow much more often.
24 WAS TO The message was to be transmitted worldwide.
25 NOT ONLY Not only was it cheap, it was delicious.
26 THOSE WHO He would defend those who had no voice.
27 DEAL WITH The police had several issues to deal with.
28 LEAD TO ('CAUSE') Excessive smoking can lead to heart disease.
29 SORT OF It’s sort of why I’m here.
30 THE FOLLOWING He made the following remarks.
31 IN ORDER TO We shared a room in order to reduce costs
32 HAVE GOT (+NP) I don’t know what he has got planned.

1 HAVE GOT TO You have got to try this salad.

2 SET UP The whole thing was set up beforehand.
3 AS TO There was some confusion as to its whereabouts.
4 AS WELL I like it as well.
5 BASED ON Based on the reports, it seems it was an accident.
6 CARRY OUT It was not as easy to carry out without funding.
7 TAKE PLACE No one was sure exactly why it took place there.
8 TEND TO I tend to think it’s actually a political matter.
9 DUE TO Many people believe it is due to global warming.
10 FAIL TO I fail to see the humor in all this.
11 EACH OTHER The good thing is that they still have each other.
12 IN TERMS OF What is your limit, in terms of price?
13 NO ONE I will speak to no one about this.
14 PICK UP She dropped by to pick up her friend.
15 UP TO (MAXIMUM) Up to twenty people may be interviewed for the job.
16 A SINGLE (‘ANY’) Not a single idea emerged from the meeting.
17 NO LONGER Fortunately, it is no longer a concern now.
18 LOOK FOR Bargains can be found if you know what to look for.
19 LAST NIGHT What did he say last night?
20 AS A RESULT He was tired and as a result not very aware.
21 IN ADDITION (TO) The house was well located in addition.
22 WORK ON That kid needs to work on his attitude.
23 THINK ABOUT I’m thinking about changing careers.
24 FOR INSTANCE That holds true for even the governor for instance.
25 TOO MUCH I don’t worry about it too much.
26 YOU SEE And the problem you see is with awareness-raising.
27 IN PARTICULAR There’s nothing in particular wrong with it.
28 A COUPLE OF They need a couple of minutes still.
29 INSTEAD OF He can go instead of me.
30 COME BACK But we can come back to that later.
31 COME ON Come on, think about it!
32 LOOK LIKE It’s not what it looks like.
33 FIND OUT How did you find out?
34 POINT OUT She pointed out that it was getting late.
35 APART FROM Are there any others, apart from him?
36 CALL FOR Hard times call for tough measures.
37 MANAGE TO Did you manage to get in touch at all?
38 OR TWO He had a thing or two to drink, then left.
39 A FURTHER (ANOTHER) There are a further six people interested.
40 COME OUT It’s supposed to come out on Friday.
41 BE EXPECTED TO They can’t be expected to just sit there and wait.
42 SEEK TO The new board sought to find alternative solutions.
43 GO THROUGH You can’t imagine what I’m going through.
44 LONG TERM It seems to work, but what of the long term effects?
45 RESULT IN Excessive criticism resulted in feelings of animosity.
46 THAT IS (REPHRASING) It’s yours, as long as you pay that is.
47 EVEN THOUGH I can’t even though it looks easy enough.

48 A RANGE OF Eventually, a range of events changed that.
49 THE LATTER (anaphor) The latter may still be a challenge.
50 MAKE SURE I had to make sure before I opened the door.
51 TAKE OVER You can’t just let the kids take over.
52 CONSIST OF What does it consist of?
53 AS SOON AS As soon as he can he will call you back.
54 AT THE TIME (WHEN) I was busy at the time.
55 ON THE OTHER HAND On the other hand, the business did make a profit.
56 ON ONE'S OWN You did this on your own?
57 ALL RIGHT If it’s all right I think I’ll head off to bed.
58 SUBJECT TO All baggage is subject to inspection.
59 AFTER ALL (adv.) He is only six years old, after all.
60 IN FRONT OF (BEFORE) She did not want to say anything in front of the kids.
61 TO DO WITH I think it has something to do with physics.
62 GO OUT Brochures went out to prospective buyers.
63 A GOOD DEAL (A LOT) She means a good/great deal to me.
64 ON THE WAY We can stop for lunch on the way.
65 AS LONG AS It makes no difference as long as it’s done.
66 SO FAR ('UNTIL NOW') Any questions so far?
67 OUGHT TO She hasn’t but she ought to.
68 AT THE MOMENT They have a lot going on at the moment.
69 AS THOUGH He smiled then, as though remembering a joke.
70 COME TO (EVOLVE TO) We came to see it for what it was.
71 ALONG WITH Along with his dog, the cat slowly stopped eating.
72 MAY WELL ('COULD') He hasn’t yet but may well try before long.
73 GET OUT There was no way to get out of work that Friday.
74 FOLLOWED BY The workshop will be followed by time for questions.
75 IN (THE SENSE) THAT It’s great in that there are so many restaurants.
76 THE CASE ('TRUE') It’s not the case that I don’t love him.
77 TAKE UP I don’t wish to take up more time than is necessary.
78 ACCOUNT FOR They’ll need to account for their actions.
79 SET OUT She accomplished what she set out to do.
80 AS FAR AS What are you thinking, as far as feasibility on this?
81 CONCERNED WITH They spoke on issues concerned with culture.
82 ABOUT TO Things were about to change.
83 SUPPOSED TO I didn’t go, but I was supposed to.
84 AND SO ON My parents arrived, then John, his wife, and so on.



ONE ANOTHER They looked at one another for a few minutes.

TAKE ON You’d better think twice before taking on more work.
3 WORK OUT I’m trying to work out what it stands for.
4 ALL OVER (EVERYWHERE) The news was all over the web.
5 OTHER THAN No one other than you could have come up with it.
6 OUT OF (‘IN’/’FROM’) In terms of colour, three out of five were silver.
7 TURN OUT How did it turn out?
8 LOOK AFTER She did more than just look after the finances.
9 AT LAST At last we met over coffee last week.
10 A VARIETY OF And a variety of issues seemed to stall the process.
11 AT FIRST Not at first, but just the other day there was one.
12 OR SO A day or so later he called me back on my mobile.
13 IN FAVOUR I don’t know about you but I’m in favour.
14 GIVE UP You can’t just give up.
15 GET TO ('ARRIVE AT') When he got to the end he started to weep.
16 FIND ONESELF I found myself driving home.
17 GET UP It was easy getting up but the commute was awful.
18 CARRY ON He could simply not carry on.
19 GO BACK If I could I’d go back and do it all over again.
20 FOCUS ON But today I’d like to focus on something different.
21 AT ONCE I did it at once.
22 IT TAKES No matter what it takes.
23 GET ON/OFF (TRANs) We waited for hours in the queue to get on.
24 AS A WHOLE As a whole it’s OK.
25 IN PRACTICE There was nothing she could do in practice.
26 BY THE TIME By the time dinner started there were none left.
27 LOTS OF Lots of them do travel during the winter months.
28 SAID TO BE The priest was said to be missing.
29 IN TIME You will in time.
30 IN TURN The supermarket in turn will donate seven thousand.
31 ONCE AGAIN Once again, this was completely unforeseen.
32 ALL THE TIME I go there all the time.
33 ON THE BASIS (OF) She came on the basis that it would help her.
34 KIND OF The windows are kind of fogged up.
35 GET INTO I really got into what he was talking about.
36 RELY ON He has no one else to rely on.
37 GO FOR I could really go for a hamburger right now.
38 AIM TO They aim to complete the project by the spring.
39 MAKE UP (COMPRISE) Hispanics make up a large part of the population.
40 APPEAL TO It appeals to younger learners.
41 END UP We ended up going anyway.
42 SHAKE ONE’S HEAD He just shook his head and laughed.
43 NO MORE THAN (‘ONLY’) No more than five of them had auto insurance.
44 GET BACK What time will we get back?
45 WHAT ABOUT But what about tomorrow?
46 IN OTHER WORDS The groups are in other words conservative.


47 AS FOR As for the promotion, there may be other options.
48 NOT EVEN No one cared, not even when they saw the photos.
49 ENTITLED TO You’re entitled to your opinion.
50 PRIOR TO Prior to the event, the organizers called the band.
51 CHOOSE TO You may choose to believe what the papers say.
52 SOMETHING LIKE (ABOUT) She makes something like five grand a month.
53 KNOWN TO He’s known to be like that.
54 IN TOUCH (WITH) Are you two at all in touch?
55 IN THE END In the end it’s like what they say about horses.
56 IN THE WAY I won’t stand in the way.
57 CARE FOR He doesn’t care for it very much in his tea.
58 IN THE EVENT (OF) In the event you change your mind, let me know.
59 THEY SAY They say it tastes like chicken.
60 SO CALLED Any so called rumors are as easily their fault.
61 TAKE INTO ACCOUNT You must also take into account the rush hour.
62 IN RESPECT OF There was nothing in respect of drink.
63 OUT OF ('USING') The walls are made out of wood.
64 AT THE SAME TIME At the same time it may be worth it.
65 NEXT TO Next to his sister, he was the best looking of them.
66 TURN UP The money turned up later.
67 POINT OF VIEW They all had a different point of view.
68 AT PRESENT There’s nothing to do at present.
69 USED TO (ACCUSTOMED) It may take a while to get used to.
70 WHETHER OR NOT It depends on whether or not he comes on time.
71 IN PLACE There are systems in place to handle that.
72 NO DOUBT ('SURELY') She can and will no doubt improve over time.
73 FULL TIME I’m a full time fan of his music.
74 SORT OUT They managed to sort out everything on their own.
75 IN A WAY It’s funny in a way.
76 OR SOMETHING (MAYBE) The sales clerk seemed distracted or something.
77 ON BEHALF OF I’d like to apologize on behalf of the committee.
78 OVER THERE He put it way over there.
79 IN SPITE OF In spite of all the work there were few alterations.
80 THAT'S IT That’s it for today, I’m afraid.
81 IN PART It is in part the reason people come here.
82 OH NO Oh no not again.
83 IN MIND Do you have anything special in mind?
84 (WITH) REGARD TO There was some confusion with regard to payment.
85 AS FOLLOWS The plan is as follows.
86 THE ABOVE The above only underscores strength of the data.
87 TO DATE To date there have been over nine instances.
88 GO INTO I won’t go into what he said.
89 TOO MANY You don’t see too many like that one, I’ll tell you.
90 IN THE COURSE OF In the course of the discussion the manager left.
91 MORE OR LESS It’s more or less what we imagined I suppose.
92 SHORT TERM There are many short term gains to be had.
93 AIMED AT The study is aimed at exploring how people use it.
94 GO OFF She went off without even saying goodbye.
95 IN CASE In case you’re wondering, this isn’t my natural color.
96 OUT THERE There are simply no jobs out there right now.
97 LED BY He was led by his competitive drive above all.
98 MORE AND MORE More and more it’s about the customer.


99 HAVE A LOOK Why don’t you have a look?
100 BELIEVE IN I don’t believe in corporal punishment.
101 PUT IT ('SAY') There’s no better way to put it, I think.
102 THESE DAYS It’s what these days the media call ‘viral’.
103 IN CHARGE He was able to stay in charge while she was away.
104 FEEL LIKE I feel like eating out.
105 UP TO (UNTIL) I walked up to the window and paused.
106 HEARD OF Haven’t you ever heard of manners?
107 TAKE PART IN It’s something we all wanted to take part in.
108 IN SO FAR AS The plan was fine in so far as time and transport.
109 PART TIME She can take it on part time.
110 LOOK FORWARD TO It’s something we can all look forward to.
111 AS SUCH The film was not a horror as such.
112 BOUND TO It’s bound to be better next time.
113 TURN ON It won’t turn on.
114 SET TO He’s set to arrive today.
115 MOVE ON I’d like to move on if I may.
116 IN CONTRAST (TO) The inside was amazing in contrast.
117 THIS STAGE We can’t at this stage.
118 ALL BUT She all but sent him chocolates and flowers.
119 ABOVE ALL It is above all what people care most about.
120 RID OF She was happy to be rid of it.
121 IN ANY CASE It’s not due till tomorrow in any case.
122 THANKS TO And it’s thanks to her research that we know that.
123 GO AWAY The problem won’t just go away.
124 ONCE MORE I call on you once more my fellow citizens.
125 OH WELL It was due yesterday? Oh well.
126 FOLLOW UP I’d like to follow up on what that gentleman said.
127 WOULD SAY I don’t know, but I would say at least twenty.
128 FOUND TO It was found to be of little use in battle.
129 MEANT TO I haven’t seen it but it’s meant to be his best so far.



1 HANG ON If you can hang on for just a second.

2 TURN INTO The idea turned into something amazing.
3 SOMETHING ABOUT There’s something about her I find interesting.
4 BY NOW I thought they’d be here by now.
5 THINK SO Do you think so?
6 GO AHEAD Why don’t you go ahead and call him again?
7 BRING ABOUT It was expected that he would bring about change.
8 HAD BETTER They had better listen.
9 IN ACCORDANCE WITH The plan was executed in accordance with the law.
10 CALL ON He called on his members of staff for advice.
11 AT TIMES It can be slightly frustrating at times.
12 ALL THE WAY I’m with you all the way.
13 IN EFFECT In effect it was like being in space.
14 AFFORD TO It’s something you can’t afford to miss.
15 SIGHT OF I can’t stand the sight of it, to tell you the truth.
16 IN ADVANCE It’s something you should do in advance.
17 ON THE PART OF There are no barriers on the part of the government.
18 BRING UP Did you manage to bring up the holiday pay?
19 TAKE OFF I was hungry by the time we took off.
20 SO AS TO He cluttered his desk so as to appear busy.
21 TAKE ADVANTAGE Some people just want to take advantage.
22 SHORT OF Short of calling the doctor, I don’t know what to do.
23 OVER THE YEARS She has over the years visited many cities.
24 SWITCH ON It’s plugged in but it won’t switch on.
25 BY NO MEANS We have by no means concluded the matter.
26 COULD HARDLY I could hardly wait for the weekend.
27 COME UP WITH Is that the best you could come up with?
28 IN QUESTION The book in question was published last year.
29 IN THE FIRST PLACE He couldn’t see how it got there in the first place.
30 PROVE TO BE The bicycle proved to be of immense value.
31 IN COMMON What they have in common is their stamina.
32 NO MATTER No matter what they say, it’s down to you now.
33 AT THIS POINT At this point there’s no telling who might win.
34 IN ITSELF The car in itself wasn’t enough incentive.
35 THE FORMER The former can actually require much more money.
36 IF ONLY If only I’d known sooner.
37 YET TO The package is yet to arrive.
38 UP TO (DECISIONS) I’ll leave it up to you if that’s all right.
39 OR WHATEVER The challenge or whatever is doing it under budget.
40 HAND OVER The responsibility was expected to be handed over.
41 IN THE LIGHT OF In the light of the results, we delayed the study.
42 IN THE SAME WAY In the same way, Apple appeals to the young.
43 THAT MUCH I don’t go out that much.
44 THE EXTENT TO WHICH The extent to which that is true is questionable.
45 FOR SOME TIME He’s actually been studying for some time now.
46 IN RETURN (FOR) In return I’d like to present you with this gift.
47 TO DEATH The children were bored to death.

48 ON THE GROUNDS The decision was made on the grounds of safety.
49 OH DEAR He didn’t? Oh dear.
50 IN FULL She paid in full.
51 ON BOARD Are you on board with the decision?
52 TO SOME EXTENT It is to some extent what is considered standard.
53 SOME KIND OF What are you, some kind of genius?
54 KEEP UP Keep up if you can.
55 NO IDEA You have no idea.
56 GREATER THAN Anything greater than five is fine.
57 HAPPEN TO (BE) This happens to be my first conference.
58 HELD THAT (‘BELIEVED’) The congress held that it was acceptable.
59 FACED WITH Faced with defeat, he changed tactics.
60 DO(ING) SO Unfortunately, doing so also meant facing traffic.
61 SET OFF We set off at noon.
62 PUT FORWARD The group put forward several other proposals.
63 FROM TIME TO TIME He does come round from time to time.
64 THE MEANS He hasn’t the means to get there.
65 EVER SINCE And they haven’t been the same ever since.
66 JUST ABOUT Am I finished? Just about.
67 AS OPPOSED TO Better now, as opposed to what?
68 GIVE RISE TO The protests gave rise to new violence.
69 LARGE SCALE They were thinking on a large scale.
70 MAKE SENSE Doesn’t it make sense to do it that way?
71 BY MEANS OF It was possible to achieve by means of coercion.
72 IN SHORT The employees were in short tired of it.
73 A BIT OF A He’s a bit of a film fanatic.
74 BREAK UP They did keep in touch after they broke up.
75 BUT THEN (AGAIN) I went over budget, but then I expected I would.
76 ALL TOO Why is this all too familiar?
77 PUT UP The authorities put up a sign to notify the public.
78 GOOD AT You need to find something you’re good at.
79 A LONG WAY A little bit of compassion can go a long way.
80 AMOUNT TO Unfortunately, the player never amounted to much.
81 FOR LONG He did attend university, but not for long.
82 (BE) RUN BY The operation is run by two college students.
83 SOME MORE I’ll have to think some more before deciding.
84 IN THE ABSENCE OF In the absence of truth, there is only conjecture.
85 ALL SORTS OF We have all sorts of time left.
86 GET ON WITH I need to get on with my work.
87 NO GOOD It’s no good sitting there – you have to type.
88 YET ANOTHER That’s yet another day gone by with nothing done.
89 KEY TO Her input was key to the project’s success.
90 I'M AFRAID It hasn’t arrived, I’m afraid.
91 THAT WHICH You cannot undo that which has already been done.
92 IF SO If so, you may want to consider Greece.
93 RIGHT NOW The best time is right now.
94 IN VIEW OF She reconsidered in view of her children.
95 IN DETAIL I can explain in detail.
96 REFLECTED IN The artist’s angst is reflected in her painting.
97 NO SUCH He said no such thing.
98 NOTHING BUT I have nothing but respect for her.
99 IN THE FACE OF They quit in the face of the media scrutiny.


100 SUCH THAT It can be developed such that it does not interfere.
101 OUT OF (‘DUE TO’) Most commuters drive out of pure necessity.
102 NEXT DOOR The people next door didn’t seem to mind.
103 TO THE POINT It got to the point I couldn’t breathe.
104 MAKE ITS/ONE’S WAY The mouse made its way across the field.
105 IN HAND It was well in hand by then.
106 GET TO ('OPPORTUNITY') Did you get to try the cheese?
107 BY THE WAY By the way, what day is the wedding?
108 BY CONTRAST The weather was by contrast a pleasant surprise.
109 RUN OUT (OF) You need to get milk before you run out.
110 IN PRINCIPLE You can in principle.
111 ADD TO It does nothing to add to the scenery.
112 AS YET I’m not convinced as yet.
113 AT RISK There’s no reason to put passers by at risk.
114 A MERE She made a mere penny per shirt.
115 SHOWN TO Dogs have been shown to help.
116 ON THE ONE HAND On the one hand, it’s cheap.
117 BY WAY OF It was only by way of bribery that they managed.
118 ON THE ROAD I can’t wait to get on the road again.
119 BEAR IN MIND Please bear in mind the risks involved.
120 OLD FASHIONED He’s just a bit old fashioned sometimes.
121 FOR SALE The house is for sale.
122 OR ANYTHING I don’t want any trouble or anything.
123 MOST LIKELY It is most likely the reason for the warming.
124 PROVIDE FOR The other variables have been provided for.
125 EVEN SO Even so, it’s no way to treat a guest.
126 COME ACROSS They happened to come across a map.
127 FIRST OF ALL It is first of all what most people prefer.
128 MIGHT AS WELL We’re here now so we might as well.
129 LIMITED TO The dinner was limited to seniors.
130 TO ME ('IN MY OPINION') To me what matters is that it gets done.
131 MIND YOU Mind you, that’s one reason why I go there.
132 AT A TIME (AT ONCE) They went in two at a time.
134 HALF PAST I make it half past.
135 WITH RESPECT TO She had nothing to add with respect to the report.
136 CONSISTENT WITH The results are consistent with our hypothesis.
137 WAY OUT He lives way out in the country.
138 THIRD PARTY They work with third party software too.
139 CONTRARY TO The city is clean, contrary to popular belief.
140 WORTH OF Two dollars worth of wood was all he needed.
141 A GOOD (‘AT LEAST’) It took him a good six or seven years.
142 ACT ON She never acted on that rage.
143 EXCEPT THAT It seemed fine except that it was pink.
144 DAY TO DAY They carried on with their day to day tasks.
145 AS USUAL As usual he left it until the last minute.
146 LONG BEFORE Long before I could quit I was offered a promotion.
147 LONG AGO I gave up on that idea long ago.
148 IN CONJUNCTION WITH The police work in conjunction with the firefighters.
149 UP TO DATE I try to keep up to date.
150 LET ALONE I can’t run let alone walk.
151 QUITE A LOT I do swim quite a lot.
152 IF YOU LIKE It was her ‘chutzpah’ if you like that impressed.


153 TO THE EXTENT He’s interesting to the extent that he knows a lot.
154 SO FAR AS So far as I know it’s not the first time either.
155 GIVEN THAT It was no surprise given that it was her job.
156 IN LINE WITH The decision is in line with the department’s wishes.
157 ON THE WHOLE It was acceptable on the whole.
158 CARE TO Do you care to comment at all?
159 TAKE ACCOUNT OF We did not take account of the paperwork.



1 SOMETHING LIKE THAT He said he was going hiking or something like that.
MAKE USE OF We made use of the stopover.
3 WHEN IT COMES TO I’m hopeless when it comes to goodbyes.
4 FILL IN The victim filled in what was stolen.
5 FOR ALL ('CONSIDERING') For all his money, he does not seem very happy.
6 A QUESTION OF It’s a question of trust.
7 FOR LIFE And he stayed there for life.
8 GET AWAY They managed to get away.
9 IN THE MEANTIME I’ll keep working on it in the meantime.
10 SOMETHING OF A She’s something of a mathematics wiz.
11 THE ODD I do play the odd jazz tune.
12 LITTLE MORE THAN It’s little more than pageantry if you ask me.
13 WOULD YOU LIKE Would you like tea?
14 IN NEED We want to help children in need.
15 TAKE FOR GRANTED It’s just something I’ve always taken for granted.
16 IN THIS RESPECT In this respect, our study refutes earlier research.
17 PROVIDED THAT It’s OK provided that he come up with the goods.
18 ALLOW FOR (CALC.) Leave early to allow for traffic jams.
19 CATCH UP I took extra classes just to catch up.
20 A GO (‘ATTEMPT’) Why don’t you have a go?
21 FOR THE MOMENT For the moment things seem stable.
22 AT THE EXPENSE OF They were laughing at the expense of the photo.
23 PUT TOGETHER He put together the proposal in a matter of days.
24 THINGS LIKE THAT He does karate and things like that, you see.
25 OF LITTLE It was of little relevance, really.
26 SHUT UP I just couldn’t shut up.
27 AS OF It was completed as of June.
28 OVER TIME It might change over time.
29 WOULD APPEAR They people have spoken, it would appear.
30 THE OTHER DAY I thought of you the other day.
31 IN THEORY In theory that is why he went there.
32 THOUGHT OF (AS) Beaches are thought of as vacation spots.
33 FOR GOOD It’s gone for good.
34 OPPOSED TO He’s strangely opposed to gun control.
35 COMMON SENSE To me it’s common sense.
36 BOTHER TO He never bothered to reply.
37 AS GOOD AS ('LIKE') It’s as good as gone.
38 BACK UP I have proof to back up my story.
39 TAKE CARE OF I’ll take care of this customer.
40 THE SIGHT OF I can’t stand the sight of it.
41 GO ROUND I’ll go round asking if anyone wants any more.
42 THE WHOLE THING Why don’t we just forget the whole thing?
43 AT ONE TIME At one time I thought that too.
44 HEAD TO Meanwhile, he decided to head to the hospital.
45 IN A SENSE The food was in a sense only part of the experience.
46 ON AVERAGE How much does he make on average?


47 WAY ROUND Do you know your way round?
48 CAN TELL You can tell from the markings.
49 FREE FROM I dream of a life free from stress.
50 AND ALL THAT I like art and all that.
51 AS IT WERE The party was a smash as it were.
52 WHAT IF What if we could fly?
53 TOUCH OF There was a touch of sadness in her voice.
54 BETTER OFF You’re better off without him.
55 STAND FOR That symbol used to stand for something.
56 TO BLAME I think the government’s to blame, really.
57 THE BULK OF The bulk of it was done by noon.
58 A HANDFUL OF Only a handful of them were actually awake.
59 (AT) THE OUTSET It went well, but not at the outset.
60 BY VIRTUE OF She won by virtue of her superior intellect.
61 TURN DOWN I won’t turn down such a great offer.
62 GET ON (‘RELATE’) My parent don’t really get on very well.
63 UNDER WAY Changes are already under way.
64 IN THE INTEREST OF They stopped in the interest of time.
65 ON THE MARKET How long has it been on the market?
66 BY FAR The rise in unemployment was by far the highest.
67 A DEGREE OF There is a degree of irony in the story.
68 NEVER MIND Never mind that it’s my birthday today.
69 UP AND DOWN He was up and down the hall worrying about it.
70 IN ONE’S OWN RIGHT Gesture is a form of expression in its own right.
71 A CASE OF Now it’s just a case of getting them to subscribe.
72 MORE SO Boston is walkable, and San Francisco more so.
73 COME UP TO Men always come up to me first.
74 IN WHICH CASE That means it’s midnight, in which case it’s closed.
75 NO SIGN OF Still no sign of him?
76 JUST AS (‘WHEN’) I saw him just as he left.
77 FOR THE SAKE OF He exaggerated his points for the sake of effect.
78 IN A POSITION TO I’m not in a position to comment right now.
79 TO COME (FUTURE) We’ll see how things go in the weeks to come.
80 BACKED BY The group is backed by the drug trade.
81 AT BEST He’s at best average.
82 WEALTH OF The library holds a wealth of knowledge.
83 THAT SORT OF THING He drinks a lot and that sort of thing.
84 MAKE OUT He could barely make out her signature.
85 COME TO TERMS WITH I may never come to terms with the loss of my dog.
86 FOND OF I’m not very fond of it, to be honest.
87 WITH A VIEW TO It was written with a view to inspiring hope.
88 TURN BACK There was no turning back now.
89 GET AWAY WITH Somehow they managed to get away with it.
90 NO WONDER No wonder he’s ranked first.
91 WELL BEING It was good for their overall well being.
92 HOW ABOUT How about tomorrow?
93 TO GO (‘REMAINING’) Two more to go.
94 STRAIGHT AWAY They’ll get to it straight away.
95 OWING TO Owing to his honesty, he was held in high esteem.
96 HOLD UP Sorry – we got held up on the M25.
97 LOOK TO He constantly looked to us for advice and support.
98 LAY OUT The countries laid out plans for a peace agreement.


99 THE LOT They tood the jewellery, the laptops, the lot.
100 KEEP ON Freeways kept on being built.
101 MAKE UP ONE’S MIND You’d better make up your mind.
102 AT WORK There were strange forces at work.
103 COME ABOUT It all came about through a meeting back in April.


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