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Telephone Conversations

Having telephone conversations in a second language can be very stressful. If you don’t know
what to say, it is very common to feel nervous in any conversation. This is true even when
speaking in your native tongue. One of the main reasons people get nervous is because they
aren’t prepared and know they might make mistakes during the conversation.

To improve confidence on the phone you must learn what to say. The first thing you should do to
improve your telephone communication ability is to start out small by learning simple
vocabulary and phrases. Start by knowing different greetings. It is so easy when
learning English to try to do too much too soon and then get frustrated with not being able to
speak as you had imagined. You have to start small, gradually developing skills and slowly
working up to something more difficult. 

Relax and enjoy yourself as well. Everyone knows learning a language can be frustrating! Don’t
worry if you make mistakes. Native speakers of English understand that you won’t say
everything the exact same way that they would. You shouldn’t feel that you can’t make any
mistakes, no one expects you to be perfect. 

In the following examples on English telephone conversations, we will give many examples of

sentences and phrases you should know. From the start until the end of a telephone conversation
we will go over everything all the way from greetings to goodbyes. 

Here are a few sets of Telephone Conversations. Read the conversations in each set so that you
will become familiar with the typical words frequently used in telephone conversations. Only
over the period of time and after more practice hours, you could master how to converse in
telephone. You might have had many such telephone conversations either in your social life or in
your business life. Share your blissful moments with us. You will be duly acknowledged. 
EXAMPLE-1: Telephone Conversations (MEET ME AT BUSTOP)

Telephone Conversations Index

This is one of The Typical Telephone Conversations. 


Hema, Manu and Ananthi 

Hema : Hello! Hema speaking. Will you please call Ananthi? 

Manu : Sure. Please hold on. 

Ananthi : Hello! Ananthi is on the line here. 

Hema : Hello Ananthi. I'm Hema. Am I disturbing you in the morning hours? 

Ananthi : No. You carry on sister. 

Hema : Are you going to the office alone? 

Ananthi : Yes. Should I come that way? 

Hema : Is it inconvenient for you? 

Ananthi : Be ready at 9 o'clock. It would be more convenient if you can come up to the bus stop
and wait there. 

Hema : Well. I'll be at the bus stop at sharp nine. May I hang up? 

Ananthi : Right. 
Non Verbal Communication
Nonverbal communication types include facial expressions, gestures, paralinguistics such as loudness
or tone of voice, body language, proxemics or personal space, eye gaze, haptics (touch), appearance,
and artifacts.

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