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SN 09031510A

Class M information is Property of GE. Disclosure to Third Parties prohibited.

This short-term informational note is invalid 6 months after the issue date
Date: March 13, 2009

Subject: HV Termination Plug for No Load kV Troubleshooting

Effectivity: Monopolar - Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET(690, DVCT)
Bipolar - Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)
The current No Load kV troubleshooting procedure requires that the HV well be filled with oil, which
can be messy to fill and cleanup. No Load troubleshooting of the tank is limited to positions, which
will not allow the oil to spill from the HV Tank Well.
A mono-polar and bi-polar High Voltage termination plug kit part number 5322426 has been created
for No Load kV troubleshooting. When the HV Cable(s) are removed for No Load Troubleshooting a
HV Termination Plug can be installed instead of filling the well with oil. With the plug(s) installed HV
stability can be tested with the tube and tank in multiple gantry positions. A new No Load
troubleshooting procedure which includes the HV Termination Plugs has been written for the Mono-
Polar and Bi-Polar Jedi CT Systems. The Termination Plugs will be stocked as parts and do not
require any calibration or tracking.
Illustration 1: High Voltage Termination Plug Kit 5322426

VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT
and and
RT PET (690, DVCT)

Bipolar Plugs
Bi-Polar - Plugsfor
Based HP60,
HP60 and PET(HP60)
and BrightSpeed

Metal Washer

This document contains 2 separate procedures for the system types shown below. Make sure to
select the correct procedure based on the system that requires No Load Troubleshooting.
1. Monopolar – No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and
PET (690, DVCT)
2. Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET (HP60)

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GE Healthcare MI&CT Class M eService Notes are protected by copyright (c) to General Electric Company Inc with all rights
reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

Affected Service publications:

5307452-8EN - Discovery CT750 HD Service Info (Adv), Rev 4
5193575-800 - LS 7.X Limited Access Service Info (Adv), Rev 5
5193891-800 - LS 5.X Pro16 Limited Access Service Info (Adv), Rev 5
5196839 - LS RT16 and Xtra Ltd Access Service Info (Adv), Rev 6
5193855 - LS 5.X RT Limited Access Service Information (Adv)
5178786-800 - Discovery VCT PET-LS7.X Service Methods (Adv), Rev 7
5263728-8EN - Discovery™ PET/CT 690 Service Methods (Adv), Rev 1

5224328-800 - LS5.X (HP60) Limited Access Service Methods (Advanced)
5193755-800 - BrightSpeed (Ltd. Access) Service Methods Adv
5141123-800 - Discovery ST, STE, RX HP60 Service Methods (Adv), Rev 9
5125444-800 - DST PET/LS5.X Service Methods (Advanced), Rev 11

Dave Palermo & Kevin Dary

CT Service

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reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

Monopolar - No Load kV Test for

Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET(690, DVCT)
Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

1 Personnel Requirements
Required Persons: 1
Preliminary Timing (mins): Not Applicable
Procedure Timing (mins): 30-60, Depending on outcome
Finalization Timing (mins): Included

2 Procedure Overview

2.1 kV No Load Diagnostic Summary

The purpose of the No Load kV test is to verify kV insulation of the Mono-Polar High Voltage
(MPHV) tank, tube and HV cable under normal kV conditions. The tool allows for testing with the
tube and cable in or out of the circuit to isolate the HV tank from the tube.

Please read and understand the following important notes for interpreting test results.

Note 1: When using Jedi Diagnostic mode, each spit is reported as a 60-0316 Spit Max error in the
results screen and in the gesyslog, so all spits will be immediately apparent for test purposes.
Normally In applications mode a 60-0316 Spit Max error is reported only when greater than 32 spits
in 1 second are detected.
i.e. (60-0316)Spit Max error. PPC board has detected the number of tube spits during
exposure has reached the limit Z6,Z7= 4h,0h

Note 2 Always determine the spit type before making conclusions by decoding the error message
Z6 data value using the spit type decode table below.

Z6 Spit Type
04 Anode to Cathode spit
08 kV regulation spit during exposure
10 kV regulation spit during kV rise
0C kV Reg (exposure) + Anode to Cathode
14 kV Reg (rise time) + Anode to Cathode

Note 3: kV No Load Diag 06-0316 Max Spit errors with Z6=08h (08h= KV Regulation spit type)
These kV Regulation spit types are typically seen in No Load diagnostic mode more frequently than
in applications mode and unless they are very frequent there is probably no problem. It seems they
are more likely to occur at the start of the first exposure after kV has been off for a while due to load
capacitance and modified Jedi parameters for diagnostic mode.

Note 4: When using Jedi Diagnostic mode, spits are not included in RunTimeStats.

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than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

2.2 Test Parameter Selection based on Symptoms

Select test kV according to the symptoms. For hard failures begin with lower kV selections and
shorter times and increase as necessary. For intermittent problems typically select 140 kV and then
150 kV if necessary.
Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

150 kV is Optional, normal application is limited to 140 kV. However, if trying to investigate very
intermittent spit issues, then select 150 kV in diagnostics to evaluate the system under higher than
normal kV stress. Please keep in mind that some spits may be expected with greater than 140 kV
that will not impact normal application use. Factor in technique differences when comparing test

Execute the following No Load diagnostic mode test sequences in the order described while
monitoring the results screen for errors. Record Z6 data for spit errors to decode spit types. The
same errors will also be posted in gesyslog for review later if necessary. For each sequence, once
sufficient errors are observed to make a conclusion it is not necessary to complete the remaining
exposures. Evaluate the result conditions for the probable failure cause or direction to the next test
sequence. The intent is to document a condition /orientation where the HV issue is repeatable
when the Tube= Load is connected and then to evaluate if the same HV issue is still repeatable at
the same level with the tube disconnected.

Note: This sequence and results conclusions are valid only for a Jedi HP100 generator with a
Performix Pro100 or Pro80 Mono-polar grounded anode tube.

3 Preliminary Requirements
3.1 Tools and Test Equipment
Item Part # Qty
Mineral-based dielectric (Transformer) Oil 2164148 0.5 liter
Item: Spanner Wrench 507A935G1 1
Recommended Item: HV Termination Plug 5322426 1
Optional: HV “O” ring for HV Tank 46-208640P22 1

3.2 Consumables
No consumables required

3.3 Replacement Parts

No replacement parts required

3.4 Safety

Potential for Personal Injury.

An Energized Gantry Presents Mechanical (Rotational) and Electrical Hazards.
Prior to continuing this procedure, turn OFF Axial Drive Enable switch on the
service switch panel.

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reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

Potential for personal injury or equipment damage.

Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

Gantry rotation creates potentially hazardous pinch points.

When rotating the gantry, be careful to avoid pinch points that may cause
personal injury or damage to cables and hardware.

4 Procedures

4.1 Tube Connected at 0 degrees = 12:00 O’clock position

1. Open gantry covers and turn OFF Axial switch
2. Rotate tube to 12:00
3. Launch the Stationary Gantry No Load kV tests
Diag > X-Ray Gen > Gen Tool - Jedi > KV Diags > No Load kV
4. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:80 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
5. Enter the next parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:120 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
6. Enter the final parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:140 Exposure Time (msec): 20000

Potential for personal injury or equipment damage.

Gantry rotation creates potentially hazardous pinch points.
When rotating the gantry, be careful to avoid pinch points that may cause
personal injury or damage to cables and hardware.

4.2 Tube Connected – Tube at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees

1. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test
a. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 45 degrees
b. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 135 degrees
c. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 225 degrees
d. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 315 degrees
0 degrees

315 degrees 45 degrees

225 degrees 135 degrees

Tube Position viewed from the front of the Gantry

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by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

2. Optional: repeat at 150kV and longer exposure time but remember the kV No Load test will
abort on every single tube spit and a few spits can be normal.

3. Connected Test Evaluation:

Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

a. If no kV errors or spits occur in a reasonable time then the components are functioning
with reliable kV stability. No load testing is complete. However, the spits may have
been caused by kV overshoots or instability due to other problems requiring different
diagnostics to evaluate. Possibilities may include, poor calibrations, power regulation,
x-ray generator reliability, or tube filament circuit reliability.
b. If kV errors or spits occur, note the technique selections that produced errors and
continue to section 4.3 “Tube Disconnected”.

4.3 Tube Disconnected at 0 degrees = 12:00 O’clock position

This step can be performed with or without the use of the High Voltage Termination Plug.

Potential for personal injury or equipment damage.

Gantry rotation creates potentially hazardous pinch points.
When rotating the gantry, be careful to avoid pinch points that may cause personal
injury or damage to cables and hardware.

1. Open gantry covers and turn OFF Axial and HVDC switches
2. Rotate tube to 12:00
4. Remove HV Candlestick from tank receptacle
5. Check HV tank well, o-ring must be in place for an oil seal. Inspect candlestick and well for
burn marks and oil presence. Dry spots on the candlestick may indicate there's not enough
oil in the receptacle.
Note: Lack of oil can cause arcing at the interface, which would be reported by the system
as spits.
6. Fill tank receptacle with oil OR USE THE TERMINATIN PLUGS IF AVAILABLE. See
Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
7. Secure the HV cables with tie wraps to prevent damage to cables and pins.
8. Turn 120VAC switch back on
9. Ensure that Axial switch is off
10. Launch Stationary Gantry No Load kV tests
Diag > X-Ray Gen > Gen Tool - Jedi > KV Diags > No Load kV
11. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:80 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
12. Enter the next parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:120 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
13. Enter the final parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:140 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
14. Optional: repeat at 150 kV and/or longer exposure time but remember the KV no-load test
will abort on single spit.
15. Disconnected Test Evaluation:

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than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

a. If any kV errors or spits occur when the Tube is disconnected the Mono-Polar HV tank
is the probable cause. No load testing is complete.
b. If no kV errors or spits occur further testing required if possible. If a Mono-Polar HV
Termination Plug is available proceed to step 4.4. If a termination plug not available
Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

testing is complete, the possible causes include; the tube, the HV tank and load
interaction, or the HV cable connection in the HV tank well. Proceed to Finalization
Step 5.

4.4 Tube Disconnected – Tube at 45,135, 225, 315 degrees – HV Termination

Tool Required
Warning: The following steps require the HV termination tool be installed to permit various tank
positions. Make sure to secure the HV cable end with Tie Wraps to keep it from being damaged
during manual tube positioning. See Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
1. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test
a. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 45 degrees
b. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 135 degrees
c. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 225 degrees
d. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 315 degrees
2. Optional: repeat at 150 kV and/or longer exposure time but remember the KV no-load test
will abort on single spit.
3. Tube Disconnected Test Evaluation:
a. If any kV errors or spits occur when the Tube is disconnected the Mono-Polar HV tank
is the probable cause. No load testing is complete.
b. If no kV errors or spits occur with the tube disconnected, the possible causes include;
the tube, the HV tank, or the HV cable connection in the HV tank well.

5 Finalization
1. Reconnect the tube by installing the HV cable in the MP-HV tank well, taking care to ensure
no contamination in the HV well and avoid air bubbles in the insulating oil. Reference: HV
cable installation.
2. Re-install any tie-wraps that were removed to perform this test.
3. Perform a Scan Hardware Reset prior to running applications or other diagnostics like
kVmA. The scan hardware reset will reset the Jedi Firmware.
4. If parts were replaced, then follow the part specific installation, calibration, and retest
5. Make sure the Axial Drive Enable switch (S2) and HVDC switch (S3) on the service switch
panel are off.
6. Manually rotate the gantry through a full rotation listening for any contact between
stationary and rotating parts, correct any issues found before continuing.
7. Perform gantry rotational testing using Axial Functional Diagnostic. Service
Desktop>Diagnostics>Axial Control>Axial Functional.

Note 5: HW Reset: After no load testing is complete the HW must be reset, otherwise Jedi software
may still expect load capacitance for no load conditions and exposures in other diagnostics or
normal applications may produce error 260118289 (60-0329) Wrong HV capacitance measured.

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by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

Appendix A

High Voltage Termination Plug Installation

Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

1 Personnel Requirements
Required Persons: 1

2 Procedure Overview
This procedure describes how to install the High Voltage Termination Plug. This procedure must be
used with the No Load kV procedure for proper HV Cable configuration.
Illustration 1: High Voltage Termination Plug Kit

VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT
and and
RT PET (690, DVCT)

Bipolar Plugs
Bi-Polar - Plugsfor
Based HP60,
HP60 and PET(HP60)
and BrightSpeed

Metal Washer

3 Preliminary Requirements
3.1 Tools and Test Equipment
Item Part # Qty
Mineral-based dielectric (Transformer) Oil 2164148 0.5 liter
Item: Spanner Wrench 507A935G1 1
Recommended Item: HV Termination Plug 5322426 1
Optional: HV “O” ring for HV Tank 46-208640P22 1

3.2 Safety

Potential for Personal Injury.

An Energized Gantry Presents Mechanical (Rotational) and Electrical Hazards.
Prior to continuing this procedure, turn OFF all 3 service switches on the Service
Switch Panel (120VAC, Axial Drive Enable, HVDC Enable)

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by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

4 HV Termination Plug Install Procedure

1. Open gantry covers and turn OFF Axial and HVDC
2. rotate tube to 12:00
Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

3. turn 120VAC switch off.

4. Remove HV Candlestick from tank receptacle
5. Check HV tank well.
Notice: O-ring must be in place for an oil seal. Inspect candlestick and well for burn marks
and oil presence. Dry spots on the candlestick may indicate there's not enough oil in the
receptacle. Lack of oil can cause arcing at the interface, which would be reported by the
system as spits.
6. Insert oil into the HV tank well to avoid air gaps when plug is inserted.
7. Place the metal washer from the kit over the HV Termination Plug Tool before inserting the
plug into the HV Well.
8. Install the HV termination Plug tool into the HV Well, oil should overflow slightly with tool
9. Wipe up surplus oil before tightening the HV Termination Plug retaining ring. The metal
washer must be in place for the proper fit of the Termination Plug
10. Tighten the retaining ring until the tool is snug in the well to make a good oil seal when tank
is upside down.
11. Secure the HV cable end with Tie Wraps to keep it from being damaged during manual
tube positioning. To prevent damage the axial switch must remain off while the termination
plug is installed.

5 Finalization
No Finalization required.

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than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

Bipolar No Load kV Test for

Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)
1 Personnel Requirements
Required Persons: 1
Preliminary Timing (mins): Not Applicable
Procedure Timing (mins): 30-60, Depending on outcome
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

Finalization Timing (mins): Included

2 Procedure Overview

2.1 kV No Load Diagnostic Summary

The purpose of the No Load kV test is to verify kV insulation of the High Voltage tank, tube and HV
cable under normal kV conditions. The tool allows for testing with the tube and cable in or out of the
circuit to isolate the HV tank from the tube.

Please read and understand the following important notes for interpreting test results.

Note 1: When using Jedi Diagnostic mode, each spit is reported as a 60-0316 Spit Max error in the
results screen and in the gesyslog, so all spits will be immediately apparent for test purposes.
Normally In applications mode a 60-0316 Spit Max error is reported only when greater than 32 spits
in 1 second are detected.
i.e. (60-0316)Spit Max error. PPC board has detected the number of tube spits during
exposure has reached the limit Z6,Z7= 4h,0h

Note 2 Always determine the spit type before making conclusions by decoding the error message
Z6 data value using the spit type decode table below.

Z6 Spit Type
01 Anode side spit
02 Cathode side spit
04 Anode and Cathode spit
08 kV Regulation spit during exposure
10 kV Regulation spit during kV rise
0C KV Reg (exposure) + Anode to Cathode
14 KV Reg (rise time) + Anode to Cathode

Note 3: 60-0316 Max Spit error with Spit Type “kV Regulation” >> Typically ignore these
(60-0316)Spit Max error. PPC board has detected the number of tube spits during exposure has
reached the limit (see theory of operation, software section). Z6,Z7= 8h,0h

60-0316 Max Spit error with Spit Type “Anode to Cathode” >> Single Anode to Cathode Spit
(60-0316)Spit Max error. PPC board has detected the number of tube spits during exposure has
reached the limit (see theory of operation, software section). Z6,Z7= 4h,0h

Note 4: When using Jedi Diagnostic mode, spits are not included in RunTimeStats.

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by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

2.2 Test Parameter Selection based on Symptoms

Select test kV according to the symptoms. For hard failures begin with lower kV selections and
shorter times and increase as necessary. For intermittent problems typically select 140 kV.

Execute the following No Load diagnostic mode test sequences in the order described while
monitoring the results screen for errors. Record Z6 data for spit errors to decode spit types. The
same errors will also be posted in gesyslog for review later if necessary. For each sequence, once
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

sufficient errors are observed to make a conclusion it is not necessary to complete the remaining
exposures. Evaluate the result conditions for the probable failure cause or direction to the next test
sequence. The intent is to document a condition /orientation where the HV issue is repeatable
when the Tube= Load is connected and then to evaluate if the same HV issue is still repeatable at
the same level with the tube disconnected.

Note: This sequence and results conclusions are valid only for a Jedi HP60 generator
5.X/Brightspeed System with a Performix Ultra tube.

3 Preliminary Requirements
3.1 Tools and Test Equipment
Item Part # Qty
Mineral-based dielectric (Transformer) Oil 2164148 0.5 liter
Item: Spanner Wrench 507A935G1 1
Recommended Item: HV Termination Plug 5322426 1
Optional: HV “O” ring for HV Tank 46-208640P22 1

3.2 Consumables
No consumables required

3.3 Replacement Parts

No replacement parts required

3.4 Safety

Potential for Personal Injury.

An Energized Gantry Presents Mechanical (Rotational) and Electrical Hazards.
Prior to continuing this procedure, turn OFF Axial Drive Enable switch on the
service switch panel.

Potential for personal injury or equipment damage.

Gantry rotation creates potentially hazardous pinch points.

When rotating the gantry, be careful to avoid pinch points that may cause
personal injury or damage to cables and hardware.

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by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

4 Procedures

4.1 Tube Connected at 0 degrees = 12:00 O’clock position

1. Open gantry covers and turn OFF Axial switch
2. Rotate tube to 12:00
3. Launch the Stationary Gantry No Load kV tests
Diag > X-Ray Gen > Gen Tool - Jedi > KV Diags > No Load kV
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

4. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees

kV:80 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
5. Enter the next parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:120 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
6. Enter the final parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:140 Exposure Time (msec): 20000

Potential for personal injury or equipment damage.

Gantry rotation creates potentially hazardous pinch points.
When rotating the gantry, be careful to avoid pinch points that may cause
personal injury or damage to cables and hardware.

4.2 Tube Connected – Tube at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees

1. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test
a. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 45 degrees
b. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 135 degrees
c. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 225 degrees
d. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 315 degrees
0 degrees

315 degrees 45 degrees

225 degrees 135 degrees

Tube Position viewed from the front of the Gantry

2. Connected Test Evaluation:

a. If no kV errors or spits occur in a reasonable time then the components are functioning
with reliable kV stability. No load testing is complete. However, the spits may have
been caused by kV overshoots or instability due to other problems requiring different
diagnostics to evaluate. Possibilities may include, poor calibrations, power regulation,
x-ray generator reliability, or tube filament circuit reliability.

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reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

b. If kV errors or spits occur, note the technique selections that produced errors and
continue to section 4.3 Tube Disconnected at 0 degrees

4.3 Tube Disconnected at 0 degrees = 12:00 O’clock position

This step can be performed with or without the use of the High Voltage Termination Plug.
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

Potential for personal injury or equipment damage.

Gantry rotation creates potentially hazardous pinch points.
When rotating the gantry, be careful to avoid pinch points that may cause personal
injury or damage to cables and hardware.

1. Open gantry covers and turn OFF Axial and HVDC switches
2. Rotate tube to 12:00
4. Remove Anode ST + Candlestick from HEMIT tank receptacle, Figure 4.1 (1)
5. Check HV tank well, o-ring must be in place for an oil seal. Inspect candlestick and well for
burn marks and oil presence. Dry spots on the candlestick may indicate there's not enough
oil in the receptacle.
Note: Lack of oil can cause arcing at the interface, which would be reported by the system as

HV+ ST +

3 2
Anode Cathode

Figure 4.1

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reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

6. Fill tank receptacle with oil OR USE THE TERMINATION PLUGS IF AVAILABLE. See
Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
7. Remove Cathode HV Candlestick from HV Tank, Figure 4.1 (2)
8. Check HV tank well following the same process as step 5.
9. Fill tank receptacle with oil OR USE THE TERMINATION PLUGS IF AVAILABLE. See
Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

10. Secure the HV cables with tie wraps to prevent damage to cables and pins.

Potential for Personal Injury.

An incorrect cable configuration will cause a potentially hazardous Electrical
Prior to continuing this procedure, you MUST verify the proper HV cable
configuration. The HV Cable from the HEMIT Tank to the Anode of the Tube has
been disconnected and the termination plug installed in the HV well!
11. Turn 120VAC switch back on
12. Ensure that Axial switch is off
13. Launch Stationary Gantry No Load kV tests
Diag > X-Ray Gen > Gen Tool - Jedi > KV Diags > No Load kV
14. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test - Tube at 0 degrees
kV:80 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
15. Enter the next parameter in the No Load kV test - Tube at 0 degrees
kV:120 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
16. Enter the final parameter in the No Load kV test - Tube at 0 degrees
kV:140 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
17. Disconnected Test Evaluation:
a. If kV errors or spits occur, then the HEMIT or HV tank, are the probable cause.
Proceed to section 4.5 to further isolate between HEMIT and HV Tank.
b. If no kV errors or spits occur, further testing is required to isolate problem
component. If termination plug is available proceed with step 4.4. Without termination
plug testing is complete. The results of this stationary test without rotating the tank will
have a lower confidence. The possible causes include; the tube, the HEMIT/HV tank
and load interaction, or the HV cable connection in the HEMIT/HV tank well.

4.4 Tube Disconnected – Tube at 45,135, 225, 315 degrees – HV Termination

Tool Required
Warning: The following steps require the HV termination tool be installed to permit various tank
positions. Make sure to Secure the HV cable ends with Tie Wraps to keep them from being
damaged during manual tube positioning. See Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
1. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test
a. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 45 degrees
b. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 135 degrees
c. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 225 degrees
d. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 315 degrees

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by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

2. Disconnected Test Evaluation:

a. If kV errors or spits occur, then the HEMIT or HV tank, are the probable cause. Proceed
to section 4.5 to further isolate between HEMIT and HV Tank.
b. If no kV errors or spits occur in a reasonable time according to original symptoms, then
the tube or HV cable termination in the HEMIT/HV tank well is a possible cause.

4.5 HEMIT and Tube Disconnected at 0 degrees = 12:00 O’clock position

This step can be performed with or without the use of the High Voltage Termination Plug.

Potential for personal injury or equipment damage.

Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

Gantry rotation creates potentially hazardous pinch points.

When rotating the gantry, be careful to avoid pinch points that may cause personal
injury or damage to cables and hardware.

1. Open gantry covers and turn OFF Axial and HVDC switches
2. Rotate tube to 12:00
4. If tube isolation step 4.3 or 4.4 were performed previously it will be necessary to re-install
the Anode HEMIT Candlestick with sufficient oil, See Figure 4.2 (1)
5. Next, remove Anode HV Candlestick from HV tank receptacle, See Figure 4.2(3)
6. Check HV tank well, o-ring must be in place for an oil seal. Inspect candlestick and well for
burn marks and oil presence. Dry spots on the candlestick may indicate there's not enough
oil in the receptacle.
Note: Lack of oil can cause arcing at the interface, which would be reported by the system as

HV+ ST +

3 2
Anode Cathode

Figure 4.2
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by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

7. Fill tank receptacle with oil OR USE THE TERMINATION PLUGS IF AVAILABLE. See
Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
8. If Cathode Candlestick has already been removed and filled in a previous step setup is
complete skip to step 12.
9. Remove Cathode HV Candlestick from HV Tank, Figure 4.2 (2)
10. Check HV tank well following the same process as step 5.
11. Fill tank receptacle with oil OR USE THE TERMINATION PLUGS IF AVAILABLE. See
Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

12. Secure the HV cables with tie wraps to prevent damage to cables and pins.
13. Turn 120VAC switch back on
14. Ensure that Axial switch is off
15. Launch Stationary Gantry No Load kV tests
Diag > X-Ray Gen > Gen Tool - Jedi > KV Diags > No Load kV
16. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:80 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
17. Enter the next parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:120 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
18. Enter the final parameter in the No Load kV test –Tube at 0 degrees
kV:140 Exposure Time (msec): 20000
18. Disconnected Test Evaluation:
a. If kV errors or spits occur, then the HV tank is the probable cause.
b. If no kV errors or spits occur in a reasonable time according to original symptoms
further testing is required. If termination plug is available proceed with Step 4.6, which will
allow you to rotate the tank to help identify a component failure that may occur when the
tank is in a different position. Without termination plug testing is complete. The results of
this stationary test without rotating the tank will have a lower confidence. The possible
causes include; the HEMIT tank or HV tank(only at certain rotation positions), or the HV
cable connections in the HEMIT or HV tank wells.

4.6 HEMIT and Tube disconnected – Tube at 45,135, 225, 315 degrees
Warning: The following steps require the HV termination tool be installed to permit various tank
positions. Make sure to Secure the HV cable ends with Tie Wraps to keep them from being
damaged during manual tube positioning. See Appendix A Termination Plug Installation procedure.
1. No Load test should be configured as indicated in steps 4 thru 12 of section 4.5, HEMIT
and Tube disconnected and Termination plugs installed.
2. Enter the following parameters in the No Load kV test
a. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 45 degrees
b. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 135 degrees
c. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 225 degrees
d. 140kv exposure Time 20000 manually rotate tube to 315 degrees
3. Disconnected Test Evaluation:
a. If kV errors or spits occur, then the HV tank is the probable cause.
b. If no kV errors or spits have occurred then the problem is isolated to a bad HEMIT tank
or possible poor HV cable connections in the HEMIT to HV tank cable wells causing
arcing. The HEMIT Tank is suspected because spits occurred during the previous step
with the HEMIT Tank in the circuit.

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reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

5 Finalization
1. Reconnect the tube by installing the HV cable in the HV tank wells, taking care to ensure no
contamination in the HV well and avoid air bubbles in the insulating oil. Reference: HV
cable installation.
2. Re-install any tie-wraps that were removed to perform this test.
3. Perform a Scan Hardware Reset prior to running applications or other diagnostics like
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

kVmA. The scan hardware reset will reset the Jedi Firmware.
4. If parts were replaced, then follow the part specific installation, calibration, and retest
5. Make sure the Axial Drive Enable switch (S2) and HVDC switch (S3) on the service switch
panel are off.
6. Manually rotate the gantry through a full rotation listening for any contact between
stationary and rotating parts, correct any issues found before continuing.
7. Perform gantry rotational testing using Axial Functional Diagnostic. Service
Desktop>Diagnostics>Axial Control>Axial Functional.

Note 5: HW Reset: After no load testing is complete the HW must be reset, otherwise Jedi software
may still expect load capacitance for no load conditions and exposures in other diagnostics or
normal applications may produce error 260118289 (60-0329) Wrong HV capacitance measured.

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reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

Appendix A

High Voltage Termination Plug Installation

1 Personnel Requirements
Required Persons: 1
Bipolar - No Load kV Test for Jedi Based HP60, BrightSpeed and PET(HP60)

2 Procedure Overview
This procedure describes how to install the High Voltage Termination Plug. This procedure must be
used with the No Load kV procedure for proper HV Cable configuration.

Illustration 1: High Voltage Termination Plug Kit

VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT
and and
RT PET (690, DVCT)

Bipolar Plugs
Bi-Polar - Plugsfor
Based HP60,
HP60 and PET(HP60)
and BrightSpeed

Metal Washer

3 Preliminary Requirements
3.1 Tools and Test Equipment
Item Part # Qty
Mineral-based dielectric (Transformer) Oil 2164148 0.5 liter
Item: Spanner Wrench 507A935G1 1
Recommended Item: HV Termination Plug 5322426 1
Optional: HV “O” ring for HV Tank 46-208640P22 1

3.2 Safety

Potential for Personal Injury.

An Energized Gantry Presents Mechanical (Rotational) and Electrical Hazards.
Prior to continuing this procedure, turn OFF all 3 service switches on the Service
Switch Panel (120VAC, Axial Drive Enable, HVDC Enable)

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reserved. Class M eService Notes issued by GE Healthcare are proprietary to GE Healthcare. Disclosure to persons not employed
by GE Healthcare prohibited. Duplication and distribution of any class of MI&CT eService Notes, in any form by entities other
than GE Healthcare is strictly prohibited.

4 HV Termination Plug Install Procedure

1. Open gantry covers and turn OFF Axial and HVDC
2. rotate tube to 12:00
Monopolar - No Load kV Test for Discovery 750 HD, VCT, Pro32, Pro16, RT and PET (690, DVCT)

3. turn 120VAC switch off.

4. Remove HV Candlestick from tank receptacle
5. Check HV tank well.
6. Notice: O-ring must be in place for an oil seal. Inspect candlestick and well for burn marks
and oil presence. Dry spots on the candlestick may indicate there's not enough oil in the
receptacle. Lack of oil can cause arcing at the interface, which would be reported by the
system as spits.
7. Insert oil into the HV tank well to avoid air gaps when plug is inserted.
8. Place the metal washer from the kit over the HV Termination Plug Tool before inserting the
plug into the HV Well.
9. Install the HV termination Plug tool into the HV Well, oil should overflow slightly with tool
10. Wipe up surplus oil before tightening the HV Termination Plug retaining ring. The metal
washer must be in place for the proper fit of the Termination Plug
11. Tighten the retaining ring until the tool is snug in the well to make a good oil seal when tank
is upside down. Secure the HV cable end with Tie Wraps to keep it from being damaged
during manual tube positioning. To prevent damage the axial switch must remain off while
the termination plug is installed.

5 Finalization
No Finalization required.

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