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Comparative study of spironolactone and

eplerenone in management of ascites in patients of
cirrhosis of liver
Rishabh Sehgala, Harsimranjit Singhb and Inder Pal Singhc

Introduction: The present study was conducted to compare the efficacy and side effects of Spironolactone and
Eplerenone in management of ascites due to liver cirrhosis.
Materials and methods: 105 patients of ascites with liver cirrhosis were randomized into three groups of 35 patients each.
Group I was given Spironolactone 100 mg, group II was given Eplerenone 100 mg and group III was given Eplerenone 50 mg.
All patients were put on salt-restricted diet (less than or equal to 2 g of sodium) and no loop diuretics were used. Patients
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were followed after 7 days from the baseline and then biweekly for the period of three months and serial measurements
of weight, abdominal girth and incidence of side effects especially gynecomastia, mastalgia, hyperkalemia were recorded.
Results were compared. Patients having Child–Turcotte–Pugh score-C, massive ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, Hepatorenal
syndrome and ascites due to cardiac, renal, malignant causes were excluded.
Observations: Difference in mean weight reduction was non significant (P = 0.964) in group I and group II whereas
the difference was significant when comparison was made between Group I and III; and Group II and III (P = <0.001,
<0.001, respectively). In group I, the incidence of gynecomastia was 14.28% whereas in group II and group III no case of
gynecomastia was observed (P <0.001, <0.001). Hyperkalemia was present in one patient (2.8%) in group I whereas no
patient developed hyperkalemia in group II and group III (P = >0.05, >0.05).
Conclusion: Eplerenone and spironolactone are equally effective in management of ascites due to liver cirrhosis but side
effect profile of eplerenone scores over Spironolactone. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020: 535–539
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction at blocking dihydrotestosterone activation of androgen

Ascites are one of the common complications of cirrhosis receptors leading to less side effects [3]. This difference in
[1]. Diuretics like aldosterone antagonist and loop diu- mechanism of action convinced us to compare the efficacy
retics are mainstay of treatment of these patients. These and side effects of both these drugs in patients of ascites
drugs are associated with side effects like gynecomastia, due to cirrhosis.
mastodynia, impotency and abnormal vaginal bleeding.
Eplerenone (EP) is a newer, highly selective mineralocor- Material and method
ticoid receptor antagonist which in contrast to spirono-
lactone (SP) is not associated with an increased risk of The present study was conducted in Government Medical
gynecomastia and rather has been associated with res- College, Amritsar with ethical clearance from the ethi-
olution of gynecomastia [2]. Treatment with EP is also cal committee. One hundred five patients were enrolled
associated with low incidence of mastodynia and abnor- into the study after their informed consent and they were
mal vaginal bleeding. SP is approximately 40-fold more randomized into three groups of 35 patients each. First
potent than EP in blocking aldosterone activation of the group was given SP 100 mg, second group was given EP
mineralocorticoid receptor; however, the selectivity of EP 100 mg and third group was given EP 50 mg. Comparison
is significantly greater than SP at androgen, progesterone was done of 50 mg/100 mg of EP with 100 mg of SP. All
and glucocorticoid receptors and it is 370-fold less potent patients were put on salt-restricted diet (less than or equal
to 2 g of sodium) and no loop diuretics were used. Dose of
the drugs was kept static and strict monitoring of weight
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2020, 32:535–539 and side effects (gynecomastia, abnormal vaginal bleed-
Keywords: ascites, eplerenone, cirrhosis, portal hypertension,
ing, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, precipitation of hepatic
spironolactone encephalopathy and renal dysfunction) was done. Patients
Department of Gastroenterology, DMC&H LDH, Punjab,  bDepartment of were followed 1 week after the start of treatment and then
Cardiology, Shri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology, Banglore and  cDepartment of biweekly for the total period of 3 months.
Medicine, GMC Patiala, Punjab, India
Correspondence to Inder Pal Singh, MD, Government Medical College Patiala, Inclusion criteria
Patiala 147001, Punjab, India
Tel: + 9815550138; fax: 01614065250; e-mail: (1) Patients with ascites due to cirrhosis; (2) patient with
Received 19 October 2019 Accepted 16 December 2019 mild to moderate ascites.

0954-691X Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000001678   535

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
536   European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology April 2020 • Volume 32 • Number 4

Exclusion criteria weight of patients in Group I was 73.714 ± 9.04  kg, in

(1) Patients with Child–Turcotte–Pugh (CTP-C) score. (2) group II it was 72.943 ± 10.465 kg and in group III it was
Patients with massive ascites (grade 3 – ascites accord- 67.714 ± 7.964 kg and the difference between them was
ing to EASL-2018 guidelines which means gross or large statistically non-significant (P = 0.93, 0.061, 0.051). Over
ascites which provokes marked abdominal distension) [4]. the period of three months mean weight of the patients
(3) Prior treatment with aldosterone antagonist or loop decreased significantly in all three groups (P = <0.05 in all
diuretic. (4) Current medication interacting with aldoster- the three groups) as shown in Table 1.
one antagonists. (5) Patients in hepatic encephalopathy. (6)
Patients having deranged renal function tests or Hepatic Comparison of absolute weight reduction among all
Renal Syndrome or deranged electrolytes. (7) Patient with groups from start till end
SBP. (8) Patients with tubercular ascites. (9) Ascities due to
cardiac abnormality. (10) Uncontrolled heart disease. (11) Mean weight reduction in group I, group II, group III was
Current malignancy. 5.92 ± 1.58  kg, 5.83 ± 1.63  kg, 3.91 ± 1.19  kg, respec-
tively. Mean weight reduction in group I (SP100) when
compared to mean weight reduction in group II (EP100),
Statistical analysis was found to be statistically non-significant (P = 0.964).
Data were described in terms of mean ± SD and relative When mean weight reduction in group I (SP100) was
frequencies (percentages) as appropriate. Comparison of compared to mean weight reduction in group III (EP50)
quantitative variables in a study group and between the the difference was found to be statistically significant (P
study groups was done using t-test. For comparing cate- < 0.001). Similarly when mean weight reduction in group
gorical data, chi-square (χ2) test was performed. A P-value II (EP100) was compared to mean weight reduction in
less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All group III (EP50) the difference was found to be statisti-
statistical calculations were done using Statistical Package cally significant (P < 0.001); as shown in Fig. 1.
for the Social Science SPSS 21.
Comparison of abdominal girth reduction among all
Observations groups from start till end

All patients completed the study. Patients were followed 1 In all the three groups there was significant reduction in
week after the start of treatment and then biweekly for the abdominal girth after 3 months of treatment. Mean abdom-
total period of 3 months. Serial measurements of weight, inal girth reduction in group I (SP100) was 8.41 ± 2.06 cm
abdominal girth and incidence of side effects like gyneco- (P = <0.001), in group II (EP100) it was 8.47 ± 2.38 cm (P =
mastia, abnormal vaginal bleeding, hyperkalemia, hypon- <0.001) and it was 5.64 ± 1.64 cm (P = <0.001) in group III
atremia, precipitation of hepatic encephalopathy and (EP50). Mean abdominal girth reduction in group I (SP100)
renal dysfunction were recorded. Out of total 105 patients when compared to mean abdominal girth reduction (total)
included in the study, 80 were males and 25 were females. in group II (EP100), was found to be statistically non-sig-
Group I (SP100) had 28 males and seven females, group nificant (P = 0.993). Mean abdominal girth reduction in
II (EP100) had 26 males and nine females and group III group I (SP100) when compared to mean abdominal girth
(EP50) had 26 males and nine females. reduction in group III (EP50) was found to be statistically
The mean age of group I (SP100) patients was 50.86 ± significant (P = < 0.001). Similarly, mean abdominal girth
15.008 years, group II (EP100) patients had a mean age of reduction in group II (EP100) when compared to mean
45.80 ± 10.518 years and in group III (EP50) patients had abdominal girth reduction in group III (EP50) was found to
mean age of 48.74 ± 11.239 years. be statistically significant (P = < 0.001) as shown in Fig. 2.

Mean weight distribution in groups at various stages Comparison of gynecomastia in three groups
during study
In group I with patients on SP 100  mg, out of total 28
Baseline mean CTP score of group I, II and III was 7.80 male patients, four (14.28%) patients developed gyneco-
± 1.05, 8.00 ± 1.00 and 7.60 ± 1.20, respectively, and mastia. None of the male patients developed gynecomas-
the difference was non-significant. Alcohol was the most tia in group II and group III, so no patient on EP 50 or
common etiology in all the three groups (group I = 60%, 100  mg developed gynecomastia (P = <0.001, <0.001).
group II = 57.14%, group III = 65.71%). Baseline mean None of the female patient developed any breast pain.

Table 1. Mean weight distribution in groups at various stages during study

Groups Group I (mean ± SD) Group II (mean ± SD) Group III (mean ± SD) Gp I vs. II Gp I vs. III Gp II vs. III

Baseline 73.714 ± 9.0475 72.943 ± 10.465 67.714 ± 7.964 0.935 0.061 0.051
1 week 72.322 ± 8.82 71.58 ± 10.21 66.92 ± 7.84 0.937 0.056 0.082
2 weeks 70.75 ± 8.53 69.83 ± 9.87 65.97 ± 7.719 0.892 0.063 0.166
4 weeks 69.57 ± 8.33 68.55 ± 9.60 65.15 ± 7.56 0.870 0.082 0.225
6 weeks 68.63 ± 8.19 67.65 ± 9.42 64.514 ± 7.44 0.877 0.105 0.266
8 weeks 67.96 ± 8.02 67.18 ± 9.30 64.02 ± 7.28 0.916 0.118 0.250
10 weeks 67.79 ± 7.96 67.11 ± 9.21 63.82 ± 7.30 0.936 0.112 0.220
3 months 67.79 ± 7.96 67.11 ± 9.21 63.80 ± 7.28 0.936 0.109 0.214

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Comparative study of spironolactone and eplerenone Sehgal et al.  537

Fig. 1. Absolute weight reduction and percentage of weight reduction in all groups from start till end.

of the patient in group II or group III experienced men-

strual irregularities (P = <0.001, <0.001).

Comparison of electrolyte derangement in three

Baseline mean potassium levels of three groups are shown
in Table  2 and the difference between them was statisti-
cally non-significant. Only one (2.8%) patient in group I
developed hyperkalemia. No patient in group II or group
III developed hyperkalemia over a period of 3 months (P
= >0.05, >0.05). No patient developed hyponatremia in
any of the group.

This study was conducted to compare the efficacy and side
effects of two aldosterone receptor blockers, that is, SP
and EP in management of ascites in liver cirrhosis. Both
these drugs are potassium-sparing diuretics; however, EP
is 40 times less potent than SP as aldosterone receptor
blocker and 370 times less potent in blocking dihydrotes-
tosterone activation of androgen receptors [3]. To the best
of our knowledge at present no study has been done to
compare the efficacy of SP and EP in patients of ascites
due to cirrhosis.
Fig. 2. Comparison of abdominal girth reduction and percentage of In this study in all the three groups mean reduction
abdominal girth reduction in all groups from start till end. of weight and abdominal girth after 3 months of treat-
ment came out to be statistically significant (P = <0.001 in
all three groups). Thus this indicates that in all the three
Comparison of menstrual irregularities in three
groups the drugs in their respective doses were effective
in causing significant weight and girth reduction, indi-
Only one patient in group I (14.2%) experienced men- cating that the drugs were effective in reducing ascites
strual irregularities (abnormal vaginal bleed) while none by inducing effective diuresis and natriuresis. There was
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
538   European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology April 2020 • Volume 32 • Number 4

Table 2. Potassium levels in all groups at various stages

Groups Group I (mean ± SD) Group II (mean ± SD) Group III (mean ± SD) Gp I vs. II Gp I vs. III Gp II vs. III

Baseline 3.91 ± 0.25 3.96 ± 0.23 3.96 ± 0.20 0.71 0.68 0.99
1 month 3.97 ± 0.24 4.02 ± 0.19 4.00 ± 0.12 0.64 0.82 0.95
2 months 4.05 ± 0.25 4.16 ± 0.19 4.06 ± 0.19 0.09 0.96 0.17
3 months 4.35 ± 0.26 4.28 ± 0.22 4.35 ± 0.26 0.49 1 0.49

Similarly, no patient developed renal derangement and precipitation of hepatic encephalopathy.

no statistically significant difference in mean weight and patients receiving 400  mg of SP and in three patients
abdominal girth reduction between group I and group II receiving 150 mg of EP. There was no incidence of hypon-
indicating that both SP and EP are equally efficacious at atremia, renal dysfunction and precipitation of hepatic
equal doses (100  mg each). Group II (EP)100 was more encephalopathy.
effective than group III (EP)50 in terms of weight loss Our study does have some limitations. Dosage of diu-
or reduction of ascites by diuresis. The difference noted retics was kept static over 3 months and no loop diuretic
above is particularly due to the difference in dose of the was added. As only patients of mild to moderate ascites
drugs in the two groups with increase in dose leading were included; it was done to compare the efficacy (dose
to increase in effect in terms of weight loss. It was also wise) and side effects of drugs and to avoid confounding
observed that majority of weight reduction occurred in factors; however despite that patients in all three groups
the first 2 months, with weight remaining almost stable in achieved significant weight loss. Another limitation is
the last month. This indicates that maximum effect with that patients with CTP C were excluded as many of these
a fixed-dose occurred till the end of 2 months after which patients have deranged renal parameters which would had
the weight remained almost stable. contraindicated the use of diuretics. Also hormones were
At present, there is only one study in which EP is used not measured.
in patients of ascites because of cirrhosis which was con-
ducted by Dimitriadis et al. [2] in which they replaced SP Conclusion
with EP in 19 patients who developed gynecomastia and
in all these patients gynecomastia resolved; however, they In patients of liver cirrhosis with ascites, Renin Angiotensin
did not compare the efficacy of both drugs. Rest all studies Aldosterone System and the sympathetic system are over-
of EP and its comparison with SP has been done in the active leading to a state of hyperaldosteronism which
setting of hypertension or heart failure. cause sodium and water retention. SP and EP are aldoster-
Karagiannis et al. [5] conducted a study involving 34 one antagonists and causes natriuresis [9]. In the present
patients with IHA in which they were assigned to receive study, the two drugs were found to be equally effective
either SP 25  mg b.i.d. (n = 17) or EP 25  mg b.i.d. (n = in terms of weight reduction and abdominal girth reduc-
17) for 24 weeks. It was concluded that EP was as effec- tion, indicating equal efficacy in diuretic and natriuretic
tive as SP in reducing BP in patients with Idiopathic effect. Those patients who were given EP 50 mg achieved
Hyperaldosteronism (IHA). In EP post-acute myocar- significantly less weight and girth reduction than those
dial infarction heart failure efficacy and survival study who were given 100 mg of EP and SP. Incidence of hyper-
the incidence of gynecomastia in men was 0.5% which kalemia as side effect when compared between the groups
was comparable with placebo whereas in the randomized over a period of 3 months was found to be statistically
Aldactone evaluation study 9% of patients treated with nonsignificant. Incidence of gynecomastia as a side effect
SP developed gynecomastia as compare to 1% in placebo was found to be more with SP 100 mg when compared to
group [6,7]. EP 50 and 100  mg and this was statistically significant.
Bloch and Basile [8] conducted a multicenter, rand- Incidence of menstrual irregularities was more with SP,
omized, double-blind, noninferiority study to compare but this was statistically non-significant.
the efficacy and tolerability of SP (75–225 mg daily) with Thus aldosterone receptor blockers EP and SP are
EP (100–300 mg daily) in patients with idiopathic adre- equally effective in management of ascites due to liver
nal hyperplasia (IAH). In the EP group, the most com- cirrhosis but side effect profile of EP scores over SP. SP
mon reported adverse effects were headache (17.1%) and is much more cost-effective than EP, so patients must be
upper respiratory infection (5.7%). In the SP group, the started on SP and if potentially disturbing side effects sur-
most common reported adverse effects were gynecomastia face, patient should be shifted to EP. Both EP and SP are
(21.2%), breast pain (21.1%). However in our study, no efficacious and safe in the treatment of ascites due to liver
patient had headache, upper respiratory infection, gyne- cirrhosis, although EP’s selectivity yields a superior tolera-
comastia or menstrual irregularity who was given EP bility profile in terms of sexual side effects.
whether 50 or 100  mg; whereas 14.8% of patients had
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Comparative study of spironolactone and eplerenone Sehgal et al.  539

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