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Tutorial for Categorical Syllogism


Part A

Use Venn Diagrams to test for and demonstrate validity or invalidity.

1. Some men are human.

All women are human.
So, some women are men.

2. All mysteries are entertaining.

Some books are mysteries
So, some books are entertaining.
3. All mysteries are suspenseful.
Some books are mysteries.
Some books are suspenseful.

4. No teachers are rich.

Some engineers are rich.
Therefore, no teachers are engineers.
5. No heroes are cowards.
Some soldiers are cowards.
Therefore, some soldiers are not heroes.

6. Some philosophers are from Athens.

All from Athens are into olives.
Therefore, some philosophers are into olives.
7. All crooks are punished.
Some politicians are not crooks.
So, some politicians are not punished.

8. Some pyramid schemes are illegal.

All of Marina’s actions are illegal.
So, some of Marina’s actions are pyramid schemes.

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