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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


4th Quarter - Week 5


The Learners demonstrate understanding of types and effects of weather as they relate to daily
activities, health and safety.
The learners should be able to express ideas about safety measures during different weather
conditions creatively through games and song.
Enumerate and practice safety and precautionary measures in dealing with different types of

A. Topic: Safety and precautionary measures in dealing with different types of weather
B. Science Ideas: Knowing about weather changes helps you prepare to protect yourself.
C. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Describing
D. References: Science and Health Textbook pages: 152-163
Science 3 pages: 165-166
Google/Internet (pictures)
E. Materials: Pictures, Cartolina, Pentel Pen
F. Value Focus: Preparedness for the weather changes


A. Review

Look at the pictures. Identify what weather does the picture shows. Choose your answers
below and paste it on the box.

Rainy Windy Sunny Cloudy

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Motivation)

Now class, let us have a game.

I have here a puzzle picture.
Let me group you into 4, and every group will assemble this puzzle and paste it on the cartolina
The group that finishes first will be the winner.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

What can you say about the picture?

In what weather do we use the sunglasses? How about the Raincoat?

What activity can you do during windy day aside from fly a kite?
In what weather do we prepare our emergency kit?

C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of new lesson (Presentation)

Let us have another activity (Show and Tell).

You will be paired with the person beside you.
I will let you pick a picture here in front together with your partner; you will show it to your
classmates and tell what is in the picture.
After that, you will decide in what weather does the picture belongs to.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

The weather changes from time to time. It may be warm today or rainy tomorrow.

During sunny day the sun shines brightly.

 What activities can be done during sunny day?

 What are the things that can protect you from the heat of the sun?
 What are the safety measures you need to practice during sunny day?

Safety measures during Sunny Day:

o Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
o Wear thin and light colored clothes.
o Use umbrella and cap when walking under the heat of the sun.
o Don't expose yourself too much in the sun especially during noontime.
o Drink plenty of water
o Use sunscreen lotion

During rainy day the clouds get too heavy, they fall as rain.

 What activities can be done during rainy day?

 What are the things that can protect you from the rain?
 What are the safety measures you need to practice during rainy day?
Safety Measures during Rainy Day:
o Stay at home if possible to avoid colds.
o Always bring umbrella and raincoat to protect you from the rain
o Wear boots to protect the feet from exposure to dirty rain water or floods.
o Bring with you your towels. This is useful for drying of your head, arms and legs
when you get wet on the rain.
o Wear warm clothes
o Tune in to the news for weather updates.
o Secure the safety of your home
o Prepare an emergency kit
o Evacuate to a safer place if necessary

During certain weather changes people need to prepare for their safety. Everybody needs to
know and remember the safety measures to prevent us from getting sick and avoid accidents.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Let’s play a fun game.

You need to pass around the ball that I have here while singing a song “What’s the Weather”.
Then, when you finished, the person holding the ball needs to answer my question.
If you can’t answer you will be eliminated and must sit down.

1. How can you stay dry when you go out in rainy weather?
2. What is the weather like today?
3. During what time of the day you need to avoid exposure to the sun?
4. What weather is a coat or jacket needed?
5. What are the things you should put in your emergency kit?
6. What weather affects your health and safety?
7. What kind of food you should eat during sunny day?
8. What kind of food you should eat during rainy day?
9. Why do we need to limit our exposure to the sun during 11:00 am to 4:00 pm?
10. How many glasses of water should we drink? Why?

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Draw a happy face if the statement shows an appropriate practice of safety and
precautionary measures in dealing with the different weathers. If not, draw a sad face .

____1. Go fishing on a stormy day.

____2. Use an umbrella, raincoat, and rubber boots on a rainy day.
____3. Prepare emergency lights and food on a stormy day.
____4. Always have a hat or an umbrella to protect yourself from the heat of the sun.
____5. Go out and play in the flood with friends.

F. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Let’s play a Roll and Talk game.

One of you will go here in front to roll a die and use the numbers to locate a weather-related
She/he will pick one of your classmates to answer the question.
After that, your classmate who answered the question will roll again a die and pick another
classmate to answer.
Analyze the activities of people and describe what precautionary measures need to be done
in order to protect you from the effects of different types of weathers.

1. You need to go to school for afternoon classes. Its 12:00 noon and the sun is shining
brightly. What will you do to protect yourself from the heat of the sun?
2. You and your friends had a plan to go on a picnic, but suddenly it started to rain. What
should you do?
3. The wind blows hard while you are walking on the street, what will you do to avoid the
dust that it brings?
4. One day, there was a heavy downpour of rain at your place. You saw on the window
that the streets become flooded, the water is getting higher. What should you do?
5. You see that the weather is fine and the sun shines brightly. What activities are good to
6. Mang Lino prepared his fishing rod. He observed that the sky is dark. What should he
7. You heard on the news that there is a typhoon coming next day. What should you do
to help your family prepare for the coming typhoon?

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson (Generalization)

 What are the activities we do during the different kinds of weather?

 What safety and precautionary measures during sunny day and rainy day?
 Why should we observe safety precautions during different types of weather?
 What will happen if we do not follow the safety and precautionary measures in dealing
with different types of weather?

I. Evaluating Learning

Activity 1. Find a pair and plan what precautionary measure you want to practice.
Together, demonstrate it in front of the class.

Activity 2. Enumerate the safety precautions you and your classmates demonstrate.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation (Assignment)

Choose one of the weather. Draw a situation during the weather that you choose and state
some safety precaution to be done. Do it on a short bondpaper.

Prepared by:


Teacher Applicant

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