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1. This pattern of development is the method by which one divides thing into
groups, classes, or categories.
a. Exemplification / classification
b. Compare and contrast
c. Problem & solution
d. Definition
2. This pattern of development explains not just what something means, but also
what something does, what something is used for, what something Loobs Libe,
a. Narration
b. Description
c. Definition
d. Persuasion
3. This pattern of development requires the writer to be very conscious of the
arguments he or she is presenting the argument should be logical and free of
a. Compare and contrast
b. Persuasion
c. Description
d. Problem- Solution
4. This pattern of development provides an answer to an existing problem that
effects a number of people.
a. Problem – solution
b. Compare and contrast
c. Definition
d. Description
5. This is a pattern of development of a text which presents the writers dominant
impression about a person, place, thing or event as main idea.
a. Narration
b. Description
c. Cause and effect
d. Definition
6. This pattern of development helps organize ideas about two things of the same
and which can be confusing.
a. Problem – solution
b. Compare and contrast
c. Definition
d. Exemplification classification
7. This pattern provides details on the idea by using a sensory or spatial pattern
a. Descriptive pattern
b. Compare and contrast pattern
c. Definition pattern
d. Cause – effect pattern
8. This pattern of development arranges events details

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