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“Professional Interview
with a Senior Corporate Manager”

Submitted by

Abhijeet Kumar Singh (22211694)

Akshay Pratap Singh Chandel (22211699)

Ansh Saxena (22211704)

JK Lalchhanhima (22211736)

Ujjwal Tyagi(22211892)

Section - 2BBAB

Under the guidance of

Dr. Deeksha Ganguly

School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, India

April, 2023
Our team had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Deepak Kumar, a senior corporate manager
with extensive experience in companies such as PayTM and PharmEasy. Mr. Kumar is
currently running his own start-up as an HR Consultant, and he graciously shared his insights
and perspectives on various aspects of team dynamics, issues and problems within teams,
organizational culture, and leadership styles and strategies. The interview was conducted
online via Zoom, and Mr. Kumar provided detailed and thoughtful responses to our

We asked a set of 15 questions, sub divided into:

A. Aspects of Team,
B. Issues and Problems in the Team
C. Leadership Styles and Strategies

A. Aspects of Team

1. Group Properties of the Team:

Mr. Kumar described his start-up team as comprising four to five members, each handling
one or two clients based on their expertise and experience. The team works cooperatively,
with work assignments based on prior experience and expertise in the relevant field.

2. Communication within the Team:

Mr. Kumar mentioned that the team communicates twice a week to review the status of work
and discuss progress with clients. The main communication channels used by the team
include email, WhatsApp, Zoom, and Google Hangout.

3. Roles within the Team:

According to Mr. Kumar, team members are assigned roles based on their knowledge and
experience in the subject matter. Members who are good at leading or taking ownership of
tasks are given appropriate responsibilities. Mr. Kumar acts as the escalator or point of
contact for clients when team members are unable to solve problems at their level.

4. Team Cohesiveness:
Mr. Kumar emphasized that the team is highly cohesive due to their understanding of each
other's work style and expectations. This cohesion is achieved through regular interactive
sessions, celebrations of achievements, and fostering a collaborative environment. Team
members assist each other in every possible way, building a good reputation as a reliable
company to clients.

5. Organizational Culture:
Mr. Kumar described the organizational culture of his start-up as one that focuses on
collaboration, teamwork, and helping each other out. The team's main goal is to assist each
other in achieving their individual and team objectives, rather than solely focusing on revenue
generation or closing deals with clients.

B. Issues and Problems in the Team

6. Examples of Issues or Problems Faced by the Team:

Mr. Kumar acknowledged that there have been instances of miscommunication and reaching
out to the same person for the same issues, causing disturbances within the team. To address
this, the team has implemented data management exercises to maintain a pipeline of
communication and feedback. This includes maintaining data on whom they have already
contacted and designating individuals to talk to clients to avoid duplication and disruptions.

7. Personal Approach to Handling Team Problems:

Mr. Kumar shared that he personally handles team problems by effectively identifying the
issue and getting input from different team members. He avoids blaming or criticizing team
members, but rather addresses the issue in a positive and constructive manner. He
understands that everyone has different perspectives and interacts with each team member

8. Handling Conflict as a Team Member, not as a Manager

Based on his past experiences in other companies, Mr. Kumar emphasized the importance of
not immediately complaining to a manager when conflicts arise within the team. He
encouraged team members to try to solve the issue themselves by considering different points
of view and building a rapport with the person involved. He also highlighted that different
working styles can be a common problem in teams and suggested finding ways to work
together effectively despite these differences.

9. How do you handle diversity and manage inclusion within the team?

No matter the kind of diversity, the best thing to do is to have a standard communication
system in the workplace. For example, in the workplace, you have to interact with everyone
in the same language such as English, because chances are some may not be comfortable with
other languages such as Hindi. Do not make other people feel less included by interacting
with them in a different standard. Everyone should be given the same polite standard. Find a
tone that is in the middle of a request and an order.

10. How do you ensure that the team's goals and objectives are aligned with the
overall organizational culture?
Mr. Deepak, as a manager, does not state or demand his expectations towards his team.
Instead, he asks his team members about their expectations from their manager. Based on this
evaluation, he assigns tasks and divides work among the team members. He also ensures that
team members are not just doing their job for the sake of getting things done, but also doing it
happily and positively. If any team member is not willing or happy in their job, Mr. Deepak
understands their concerns, provides solutions, and resolves their problems. He is always
ready to help them with financial, analytical, or any other issues in the future.

C. Leadership Styles and Strategies

11. Leadership Style

Mr. Kumar described his leadership style as one that involves understanding the expectations
of team members, encouraging and appreciating their contributions, and providing support
during challenges. He believes in leading by example and maintaining open communication
with team members.

12. How do you create a positive culture within the team?

Mr. Deepak believes that one should be happy while doing their work and always maintain a
positive attitude towards seniors and juniors, regardless of their positions or qualifications.
He encourages celebrating every achievement of team members, as this promotes a sense of
teamwork. By celebrating each other's achievements, team members contribute positively
towards the organization's goals and objectives in a circular flow of mutual support and

13. How does the Team Leader/Manager promote collaboration and teamwork
among team members?
Mr. Deepak fosters collaboration and teamwork among team members through open
communication and regular meetings where tasks are assigned based on individual merits. He

encourages honest feedback and avoids demotivating employees, instead framing feedback as
opportunities for growth. By leveraging the strengths of each team member, Mr. Deepak
promotes a collaborative environment where team members work together towards
organizational goals.

14. How do you provide feedback to the team members? How do they handle
performance evaluations and appraisals?
Mr. Deepak provides instant feedback to team members, avoiding delays and focusing on
clarifying mistakes and suggesting improvements. During performance evaluations and
appraisals, he assesses criteria such as outreach efforts, client interactions, and operational
contributions to provide a fair evaluation. He reframes feedback as opportunities for growth
and development, aiming to motivate and inspire team members to perform their best.

15. What is the biggest strategy implemented in your team management?

Open communication is the biggest strategy in Mr. Deepak's team management approach. He
emphasizes the importance of team members knowing each other's expectations, clarifying
inputs, and working effectively together. By prioritizing open communication, Mr. Deepak
promotes effective teamwork and fosters a collaborative environment where the team works
cohesively towards their common goals.


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