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CIA 1A on the topic

“Critically analyze  Ashfaq Ahmed's "Mohsin Mohalla". 

Submitted by ANSH SAXENA

Student Name (Registration Number) 22211704
Section- 2 bba b

Under the guidance of

Divya Kalawala

School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, India
April, 2023
Mohsin Mohalla
By Ashfaq Ahmed

About the author

Ashfaq Ahmed (1925-2004) was a renowned Pakistani writer, playwright, broadcaster, and
intellectual. He is widely regarded as one of the most prominent and influential literary
figures in Pakistan's history.

Ahmed was born in Muktsar, Punjab, India (now Pakistan). He graduated from Government
College Lahore and later earned a Master's degree in English literature from the University of
Punjab. After partition, he migrated to Pakistan and started his career as a broadcaster with
Radio Pakistan.

Ahmed wrote extensively in Urdu, his native language, and authored several novels, short
stories, and plays. He is best known for his novel "Zavia," a collection of spiritual and
philosophical discourses. Other notable works by Ahmed include "Talqeen Shah," "Safar Dar
Safar," and "Baba Sahiba."

Ahmed also hosted several TV shows, including "Zavia," based on his famous book. He was
a renowned intellectual and had a profound influence on Pakistani society through his
writings and broadcasts. He was awarded the Sitara-e-Imtiaz, one of Pakistan's highest
civilian honors, in 1999.

Ashfaq Ahmed's literary contributions and his unique perspective on life and spirituality have
made him a beloved figure in Pakistan and beyond.
Overview of the text

In the essay, Mohsin Mohalla. By Ashfaq Ahmed, it revolves around the protagonist Master
Ilyaas who lived in a small rented room in Lahore. He was respected by everyone and
everyone would greet him when they used to pass by his room. Though, he was intelligent
teaching Mohalla boys’ maths and multiplication, faced many difficulties in speaking Urdu.
He was believed to be from areas around Ambala and Patiala. Masterji was very humble
person barely managed to earn his livelihood by the works anyone did that no one had no
clue about. Due to this, he was unable to pay rent to his landlord who was very cruel and
cold-hearted person. Masterji was respected by everyone because of his age or inabilities. But
deep down everyone hated him because all of them thought that his personality is very ugly,
considering him very undemanding and unwanted due to the grammatical and linguistic
errors he made while talking, frustrated people a lot. No one really cared about him, everyone
pretended to be his friends, but actually no one wanted to associate themselves with this poor
man. No one would be his real friend, assuming him as burden to society. He did not have
enough money to feed himself and pay the rent, despite he kept quail and rooster as pets. He
was very docile and kind as he did not fight with landlord when he threw his belongings and
kept his Charpai near transformer in the open. Even after this, he did not go back to him and
decided to sleep in open until he gets to paid the dues owed to the landlord. This shows his
decency and compassion. He got to everyone he knows and begged for money to everyone he
knows but one lends him any. He was humiliated and insulted by everyone but in turn did not
reply but kept listening. Masterji, the protagonist, was a very humble, kind, selfless, decent,
helpful and compassionate person.
Analysis –

Mohsin Mohalla is a poignant story that explores the themes of poverty, social inequality,
and the superficiality of social relationships. The story is a powerful reminder of the harsh
realities faced by those who are marginalized and excluded from society and the need for
greater empathy, compassion, and solidarity in society.

The protagonist of the story, Master Ilyaas, is a poor man who struggles to make ends meet
through odd jobs. Despite his intelligence and kindness, he is constantly marginalized and
excluded by society due to his linguistic and grammatical errors. The story highlights the fact
that people judge him based on his outward appearance and fail to recognize his inner
qualities and strengths.

The story also exposes the hypocrisy of society towards Master Ilyaas. While he is alive, he is
constantly ridiculed and excluded by the society, but after his death, he is mourned as a
beloved member of the community. The townspeople donate money for his burial and
express their condolences, which reveals the superficiality of social relationships and the
fact that people often fail to appreciate the value of others until it is too late.

The story also highlights the theme of poverty and social inequality, exposing the harsh
realities of poverty and homelessness and the lack of empathy and compassion in society
towards those who are marginalized and excluded. Master Ilyaas is a poor man who barely
manages to earn his livelihood, and is unable to pay his rent to the landlord, leading to his

One of the strengths of the story is its powerful portrayal of the characters. Master Ilyaas is
a well-crafted character who is both sympathetic and complex. The reader can feel his pain
and struggles, and yet at the same time, he is also flawed and imperfect. The other
characters in the story are also well-drawn and add depth and nuance to the narrative.

Another strength of the story is its use of language. Ashfaq Ahmed's prose is simple and
direct, yet also poetic and evocative. He is able to capture the nuances of the characters'
emotions and struggles with great sensitivity and depth. The use of Punjabi and Urdu words
also adds authenticity and depth to the story, capturing the essence of the culture and the
community in which it is set.
However, one weakness of the story is its lack of a clear resolution. While the story raises
important themes and issues, it does not provide a clear solution or path forward for
addressing these issues. The story ends on a somewhat ambiguous note, leaving the reader
with a sense of unease and uncertainty.


In conclusion, Mohsin Mohalla is a powerful and poignant story that highlights the themes of
poverty, social inequality, and the superficiality of social relationships. The story is a
reminder of the need for greater empathy, compassion, and solidarity in society and the
importance of recognizing the value and worth of others, irrespective of their outward
appearance or social status. While the story has some weaknesses, such as its lack of a clear
resolution, it is a well-crafted and deeply affecting narrative that resonates with readers

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