Beat Sheet

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Opening Frame

The Darkness of the village, the darkness that is haunting the village.

The Scene of Mad women

2. Introduce the World

Ramayya family relationships
Gowri and Shiva relationship
Nature of Antagonist & his support systems
Village culture- things that are not evolved (No toilets, no street lights), Relationship among
the castes

3. Statement of theme
The progress that was stopped

4. Catalyst/Inciting Incident

Ramayya Decides to contest in elections

5. The Big Debate

Faces humiliation socially as they bring about his wife’s extra marital affair and

Family reconciliations

6. B-Story or B-Plot.

1. The distinct culture of my village, the gulf migration that created a distinct
culture in our villages.
2. Long distance relationships, Loyal partners, love, loneliness, sacrifice
3. Partners we couldn’t stay loyal, Lust, guilt, fear, ugly
4. Children who don’t know their parents
5. The love and affection for the village from the people staying outside.
6. The proud and build up and the showoff they do when they come to India.
7. Sacrifice of vani, selfish koti affairs
8. Impulsive jealousy of villagers
9. Silly Thefts and regular impulsive fights.
10. How news is processed in village into rumors, how fake news are created in
villages before social media exist
11. Caste fights, land fights.
12. Night life in village.
13. Open defecation, fun, fights.
14. Greediness even at the time of dyeing.
15. Festivals we celebrate, People staying outside during these festival times.
16. Village unique performances during the festivals.
17. Communication media changing over the time, letters, tapes, land lines, mobile
phones, WhatsApp videos calls.
18. Real-estate inflation in the town due to gulf money
19. House architecture in my town.


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