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Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

Capstone proposal:

Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

Olaya Atouife

SSC 3303 02 : research methods

Dr. Frances Loustau Williams

Spring 2023
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

Food insecurity affects an estimated 690 million individuals worldwide on a yearly basis.
But does this mean that people will die from hunger, or will we find alternative solutions?
Apparently, the use of fertilizers is seen as the number one solution to this problem since it
makes the agricultural production more productive than what it really is. However, there is a
debate on the effectiveness of fertilizers in mitigating food insecurity. According to some
researchers, excessive fertilizer use may be harmful to the environment and human health. Our
research paper is attempting to understand how fertilizers do solve food crisis.

Thus, our research intends to overcome this gap by investigating the effectiveness of fertilizers in
mitigating food insecurity. This study focuses on potential dangers associated with fertilizer use,
which will provide useful insights into agricultural consumption and the potential risk associated
to this use. By addressing this issue, this research study aims to obtain an answer and a result to
how we can link between the fertilizers use and solving the food crisis and thus answering the
following question: What role do fertilizers play in addressing food insecurity, and what risks are
associated with their use? To do that, we will conduct many research approaches starting by
content analysis where we will conduct multiple interviews to understand the correlation
between the use of fertilizers and food security, in addition to that, we will be doing some
experimental work as well to observe the concentrations of the chemicals used in the fertilizers
and their potential effect on the environment and the human health. Less is known about how
well fertilizers work to solve food insecurity and the possible hazards connected with their use
than about how they affect crop yields, soil health, and the environment. According to some
academics, excessive fertilizer use may contribute to soil erosion, water contamination, and even
human health issues. Others have noted that fertilizers can boost agricultural output and help
ensure food security when utilized properly. This argument emphasizes the value of further study
into the contribution of fertilizers to the reduction of food poverty as well as the potential
dangers related to their application. What part do fertilizers play in lowering food insecurity, and
what dangers come with using them? The investigation's goals are to identify any potential risks
and explore the relationship between fertilizer use and food security. By addressing this research
topic, our study hopes to add to the continuing discussions about how to achieve food security in
a sustainable way.
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

Literature review:
The reviewed papers concentrate on the connection between fertilizer use and food
security in developing nations, especially in Africa, South Asia, and Morocco. Regarding the
utility of fertilizers in boosting crop productivity and ensuring food security, they all concur. It
was only fair to observe the status of fertilizers in other developing countries to then observe it
on our specific case study. Starting by Amegbor, K., & Edeh, H. (2016) stated that the potential
advantages of fertilizer use in agriculture, acceptance of the practice is still low in Africa for a
number of reasons, including a lack of awareness, limited access, and high cost. following that
they observed how fertilizer application can increase soil fertility and crop yields, two factors
that are crucial for achieving food security. It draws attention to the likelihood that fertilizers will
boost agricultural output, revenue, and rural development. However, the research investigates the
potential risks and hazards out by the fertilizers. Thus, to reduce these hazards, the authors advise
using fertilizers properly through strategies including balanced nutrient management and soil
conservation. Following that, their study from 2019, Rahman, Islam, Hossain, and Tisdell
concentrate on South Asia and talk about the effects of existing problems and potential
developments with fertilizer use on food security. They emphasize the potential of fertilizers to
boost local crop production and food security.

To further investigate on whether the effect of the fertilizer is dangerous we examined a

case study of Nigeria and then south Asia. According to Fosu-Mensah, Okoffo, and Darko
(2019), the effective application of fertilizers can significantly contribute to achieving food
security in poor nations. Similar conclusions are drawn by Nsanganwimana, Ruvuga, Mrema,
and Msaky (2019) regarding the potential contribution of fertilizer use to addressing food
security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, the effects of fertilizer use on crop output and food
security are also discussed in the study, along with any potential environmental effects of
excessive fertilizer use. Thus, the study contends that expanding access to and wise fertilizer use
can have a considerable impact on food security in Nigeria. To follow up, Rahman, Islam,
Hossain, and Tisdell (2019) concentrate on South Asia and talk about the effects of existing
problems and potential developments with fertilizer use on food security. They emphasize the
potential of fertilizers to boost local crop production and food security. In addition to that, they
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

are conscious about the risks of the fertilizers in terms of environmental effects, consequently,
the authors discuss the potential hazards that would be present due to the increase of fertilizers
use in Sub-Saharan Africa.

To narrow the search, we decided to put the lights on one country and examine how
fertilizers use is impacting its agriculture. In the article titled "Assessment of fertilizer use and its
impact on crop production in Morocco" written by Ouni, Ben Mahmoud, and Makhlouf (2018)
the authors seek to determine the effect fertilizer use has on crop output in Morocco. However,
the usage of fertilizer in Morocco at the moment is then observed, along with opportunities and
difficulties for expanding adoption. The effects of fertilizer use on soil fertility and crop output,
as well as the financial and environmental costs of excessive fertilizer application, are also
covered in this essay. In addition to that, El Hadri and Hilali's (2018) study. They discovered a
strong correlation between fertilizer application and crop output, suggesting that fertilizers may
help to increase global food security. However, they also discovered that because fertilizers are
so expensive, farmers that used more of them had lower net incomes. Moreover, in 2017, Akhtar,
Rizwan, and Alghamdi evaluated fertilizers' contribution to reducing food insecurity in Morocco.
They discovered that fertilizer use significantly increased agricultural productivity, but they also
underlined that in order to assure proper use and reduce environmental concerns, fertilizer
recommendations should be based on soil testing. However, Bencheikh, Bouhlassa, and Rhiate
(2019). They point out that despite initiatives to encourage fertilizer use, there are still issues
with fertilizer accessibility, price, and efficiency. The authors argue that specific fertilizer
recommendations should be made based on the soil type and crop needs.

To sum up, Berrada et al. (2021) has out research on the effects of various nitrogen
fertilizer applications on yield, nitrogen uptake, and nitrogen usage effectiveness in the irrigation
of maize in Morocco. In-depth information about the study's design and findings was provided. It
was shown that while greater nitrogen fertilizer rates enhanced maize yield and nitrogen uptake,
they simultaneously reduced nitrogen usage efficiency and increased nitrogen losses. The authors
conducted an extensive assessment of the literature on nitrogen fertilizers, covering their
manufacture, application, and environmental effects. They also explored the significance of their
findings for fertilizer management techniques in Morocco and other places with comparable
agro-climatic conditions. The study emphasizes how crucial it is to optimize nitrogen fertilizer
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

application rates in order to increase nitrogen use effectiveness and lessen adverse environmental
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

Proposed Data and Methodology:

The proposed study aims to investigate the role of fertilizers in mitigating food insecurity. A
mixed-methods strategy incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data will be employed to
accomplish this goal.

Knowing that Morocco consumes almost 58.2 kilograms per hectare, our study area was
conducted in the suburbs of Kenitra, in a village called: Menasra specifically in Douar (village)
Ouled Azouz that is located 20 kms from Kenitra city. El Menasra has a temperate
Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers (Csa) according to the Köppen-Geiger
classification. Over the year, the average temperature in Douar El Menasra is 18.4°C and rainfall
averages 331mm.

For the qualitative data analysis:

we will first conduct a content analysis method, where we will ask different farmers on how the
use of fertilizers have affected the crops, did it increase the crop growth, the height, the quantity
of crops, and their quality as well. This can be done by individual interviews or focus groups, or
surveys, however, for the surveys there is a risk that the answers would not be evident because
farmers or mostly not educated enough to use technology or write properly. I can easily navigate
to the study area since my uncle has a firm there where he produces many different types of
crops and that he sells for exporting companies that export agricultural crops to foreign countries
such as avocado, apples, bananas, potato, peanut, etc. In addition to that, my uncle has a good
reputation in the area, and he can help me get answers from other farmers. I can do for an
average 5 to 8 interviews per day, and for each interview it would talk from 10 to 20 minutes, a
total of 3 to 4 hours a day, and if I go on site for 3 days, I can get in the total approximately 30

The type of questions that will be asked are:

-Which type of fertilizers do you use?

-How often do you use this fertilizer?

-Is it costly to purchase/buy this fertilizer?

Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

-Is the quality of the crops better when using the fertilizer?

-Quality wise, do you think that the fertilizers affect the quality of the crops negatively?


In addition to that, we will observe the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES), which assesses
the prevalence of food insecurity at the household level, will be used to quantify food security,
and here we will get a look on the correlation between the produce yield, meaning how much
produce is gathered per square foot of land and how come this production secure enough food
consumption in the area studied.

We can also conduct interviews with consumers on how they perceive the quality of agricultural
products following the past years since the use of fertilizers have increased and allocate their
preferences and their point of view on the preference of consumers on products that have a
percentage of fertilizers or fully bio products with no fertilizers.

Example of questions:

-Do you support the use of fertilizers?

-How do you see that the use of fertilizers has affected the quality of the agricultural products
that you purchase?

-Do you prefer the bio-products or the ones that were grown by fertilizers?

-Do you think that the use of fertilizers would save the food crisis?

For Quantitative data analysis:

A combination between a correlational and experimental research is the best that can work for
my research, starting with the correlational I would compare between the quality and quantity of
agricultural crops when using the fertilizer and when not using them. Thus, project a relationship
between the use of fertilizers and the mitigation of food security in the world knowing that there
is a big food crisis in the whole world. My prediction in this part is that the quantity of the crops
would be higher when using the fertilizers however, the quality would decrease a bit because
there will be a use of chemicals and for the bio agriculture there is no use of chemicals.
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

Here comes the experimental research where I would conduct research on how many chemicals
are present in the crops after the use of fertilizers by chemicals I mean nitrogen, phosphorus,
sulfur, potassium, etc. which are the main chemicals that are present in the fertilizer’s products.
For this part, I will be collecting samples from different plants and from soil to calculate the
concentration of the chemicals and observe how they differ from different areas or firms. In
addition to that, we will investigate on the effect of these chemicals and the environmental risk
associated to it, meaning if they result in any environmental problems such as soil erosion, etc.
Or any other human health hazards such as cancer, etc.

Data of the chemicals used in the fertilizers will be gathered primarily from the biggest fertilizer
provider in the whole world, which is OCP group, where I will be conducting an internship this
summer in the research department and where they conduct studies over fertilizers and
chemicals, and it would be easy for me to know and observe which chemicals and the
concentrations used in the final products of fertilizers.

As a result, presenting actual data on the connection between fertilizer use and food security, the
suggested methodology will aid in addressing the use of fertilizers and the food security crisis.
For my assumption, I think that first, the farmers will be positive about the use of fertilizers since
they get to have more in terms of quantity and a good quality as well, and most important is that
they will get a high profit from selling the crops rather when relying on the natural process to
grow the crops which takes too much time and it fails to give good agricultural products.
However, the consumers would be against the use of fertilizers because they fear the
consequences of chemicals used and they would question the health effects of them. Other than
that, the OCP group which is responsible of producing the fertilizers would be against any
accusations that say that the fertilizers have a bad impact on the health since they are the biggest
company in the world an they are exporting thons of fertilizers yearly to foreign countries and
thus fertilizers are the best solution for the food insecurity and the food crisis since they succeed
in fulfilling the consumers demand and prevent hunger. Consequently, the use of fertilizers is not
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

dangerous if it is used properly, it should be done through excessive supervision and by using
exact amounts to avoid any potential risk in the future.

1. Amegbor, K., & Edeh, H. (2016). Fertilizers and food security in Africa. Journal of
Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 117(1), 15-29.
2. Adeniyi, O. R., & Ejembi, S. A. (2019). Fertilizers and food security: A case study of
Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 21(6), 1269-1274.
3. Rahman, M. A., Islam, M. R., Hossain, M. F., & Tisdell, C. (2019). Fertilizers and food
security in South Asia: An analysis of current issues and future prospects. Journal of
Plant Nutrition, 42(9), 1079-1093.
4. Fosu-Mensah, B. Y., Okoffo, E. D., & Darko, G. (2019). Impact of fertilizers on food
security in developing countries: A review. International Journal of Agronomy, 2019, 1-
5. Nsanganwimana, F., Ruvuga, S., Mrema, J. P., & Msaky, H. (2019). The role of
fertilizers in addressing food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review. Journal of Soil
Science and Plant Nutrition, 19(3), 643-655.
6. Ouni, Y., Ben M ahmoud, A., & Makhlouf, M. (2018). Assessment of Fertilizer Use and
its Impact on Crop Production in Morocco. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 42(7),
7. Bencheikh, M., Bouhlassa, S., & Rhiate, H. (2019). Fertilizer Use and Soil Fertility
Management in Morocco: Current Status and Future Prospects. Journal of Agricultural
Science and Technology, 21(2), 343-352.
8. El Hadri, H., & Hilali, A. (2018). Impact of Fertilizer Use on Food Security in Morocco:
An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Food Security, 6(3), 77-86.
9. Akhtar, M., Rizwan, M. S., & Alghamdi, S. S. (2017). Assessing the Role of Fertilizers in
Mitigating Food Insecurity in Morocco. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,
19(2), 303-308.
Investigating the Role of Fertilizers in Mitigating Food Insecurity

10. Berrada, A., Tahiri, A., Benkhalti, A., & Choukr-Allah, R. (2021). Fertilizer use
efficiency and nitrogen balance in irrigated maize in Morocco. International Journal of
Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 10(3), 303-312. doi: 10.1007/s40093-020-

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