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Stench of financial corruption can no longer be ignored

The scandal that has erupted in Canberra around global Big 4 accounting firm PwC (p. 3) could be the
loose thread that unravels the corruption that is endemic in the global financial system. For more
than two decades, the global financial system has lurched from crisis to even bigger crisis under the
weight of thousands of trillions of dollars and pounds and euro and yen in unpayable debts and
derivatives obligations, from unbridled speculation by banks and hedge funds. The big crack was the
2008 GFC, which forced central banks to scramble to print trillions to prop up the too-big-to-fail
speculators, but which directly led to the runaway inflation that has forced the interest rate rises
that threaten the system today.

The scores of banks that crashed globally in 2008 were all audited by one of the Big 4 global firms–
PwC, EY, KPMG, and Deloitte. These four firms, like the three ratings agencies, are the gatekeepers
of the City of London-Wall Street financial system, auditing something like 98 per cent of the world’s
biggest banks and corporations. But while they get to proclaim, through their audits, the legitimacy
of multinational corporations, they have carefully guarded their partnership structures which has
meant that nobody audits them! Herein lies a major opportunity for system corruption, which did
manifest in terrible consequences in 2008, when the wave of bank failures proved their bogus audits
had allowed the reality of real financial vulnerability and insolvency to go undetected for too long,
until a crash became inevitable. Nothing was done to the Big 4 auditors, however, which continue to
ply their corrupt trade.

The PwC scandal in Canberra is shaking the world; one expert reported to the AAS it is being
described as an “Arthur Anderson” moment, after the collapse of another global accounting giant,
Arthur Anderson, one of the then-Big 5, on the back of the Enron collapse in 2001. Arthur
Anderson’s collapse was pre-GFC, however, so the implications of its collapse for the integrity of the
financial accounts of the world’s major banks was not considered. Now it can’t be ignored.

How does a scandal like this erupt, so the stench cannot be ignored, when it is in the interest of very
powerful people and institutions to keep it buried? Because no force or cabal of interests is all-
powerful, and the actions of righteous people committed to truth and exposing corruption can make
a difference.

The Australian Citizens Party is increasingly a major factor in how issues like this play out in politics.
For our entire history the ACP has strived to expose the corrupting influences in the economy, and
since 2017, with our campaign against the law to “bail in” customer deposits to prop up banks, the
ACP has collected more and more collaborators, like banking expert Martin North, independent
economist John Adams, and individuals inside other political parties including Katter’s Australian
Party, the Greens, and One Nation, and even inside the major parties, who are also committed to
cleaning up the system. Through that collaboration focusing on strategically important policies and
areas of vulnerability for the banks, the ACP has helped to inform and marshall the engagement of
everyday Australia citizens on issues about which they would otherwise never be aware. Over the
last six years, this collaboration has grown in strength, resulting in numerous parliamentary inquiries
and, more importantly, an awareness among the corrupt establishment that there is organised
resistance to their dirty political and financial dealings.

This is evident in the fact that the PwC crimes now emerging were committed in 2014, but nothing
happened until now. The arrogance of PwC speaks to a culture that didn’t fear political or legal
repercussions. However, a lot has happened since then to force political attention on these points of
potential corruption, thanks in part to our relentless efforts. Expect much more to follow.

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