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Educational Course „Autoimmune Neurology: Paraneoplastic“

Neuropathological findings and

implications for diagnosis
Romana Höftberger
Division of Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of
Neurology, Medical University of Vienna

75th Annual Meeting - AAN – American Academy of Neurology

April 22 – 27, 2023


speaker´s honoraria from Novartis, Biogen and Sanofi-Aventis GmbH

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
77-year-old female patient

suspected myasthenia gravis due to bulbar symptoms, difficulty in


Pyridostigmine and IVIG; no response

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
CT: lung tumor – biospy: adenocarcinoma of lung
Serum and CSF were sent for antibody-testing
Line Assay
Tissue-based Assay Patient control


Ma antibody positive Ma-positive

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
patient developed progressive dysphagia and tetraparesis and somnolence

She died one day after transfer to oncology department

Diagnosis: Ma-antibody-associated brainstem encephalitis

Romana Höftberger
HLADR Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
Macroscopic brain investigation

High-risk antibodies (>70% associated with cancer)
An#body Associated tumor Syndrome
Hu (ANNA1) SCLC, others encephalomyeli;s, brainstem-
encephali;s, LE, PCD, sensory
Yo (PCA1) gynecological tu, mammary cerebellar degenera;on
Ri (ANNA2) mammary, SCLC brainstem enceph., opsoclonus
Tr (DNER) Hodgkin´s lymphoma cerebellar degenera;on
CV2/ CRMP5 SCLC, thymoma, others encephalomyeli;s, uvei;s, sensory
Ma-1/2 tes;cular cancer, NSCLC limbic, diencephalon, brainstem-
Amphiphysin mammary, SCLC s;ff-person syndrome, encephalomyel.,
sens. neuronopath.
SOX1 SCLC LEMS w/wo cerebellar syndrome
PCA2 (MAP1B) SCLC, NSCLC, mammary PCD, encephalomyeli;s, neuropathy
KLHL11 Tes;cular cancer brainstem/cerebellar syndrome

Romana Höftberger
Graus et al Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2021
Abteilung für Neuropathologie und Neurochemie 7
severe retrograde axonal degeneration normal spinal cord
of posterior white columns proprioceptive and tactile sensations
Dorsal root ganglion with T-cell-infiltra;on; CD3 Wanschitz et al, Neurology 1997
An#body Associated tumor Syndrome
Hu (ANNA1) SCLC, others encephalomyeli;s, brainstem-
Graus et al 1985 encephali;s, LE, PCD, sensory

- ganglion


Hu Hu
Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
An#body Associated tumor Syndrome
Hu (ANNA1) SCLC, others encephalomyeli;s, brainstem-
Graus et al 1985 encephali;s, LE, PCD, sensory
Medulla oblongata

CD8: T-cells
microglia; HLADR 0,5x
Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
An#body Associated tumor Syndrome
Hu (ANNA1) SCLC, others encephalomyeli;s, brainstem-
Graus et al 1985 encephali;s, LE, PCD, sensory

Gastrointestinal pseudoobstruction

Immunohistochemistry for Hu in normal gut

Chronic gastrointestinal pseudo-obstruction; 75-year old patient with
Hu-antibodies, weight loss of 20 kg within 1 year

achalasia, nausea and early
chronic constipation
weight loss
abdominal distension

CT abdomen: dilated sigma

and rectum

With courtesy of Dr. Ung, LKH Steyr

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
Neuropathology in PNS

High-risk syndromes associate with cancer even if antibodies are negative

(1) Sensory neuronopathy

(2) Chronic gastrointestinal pseudoobstuction
(3) Subacute cerebellar degeneration
(4) Limbic encephalitis
(5) Encephalomyelitis
(6) Opsoclonus-myoclonus
(7) Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome

Graus et al Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2021

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
High-risk antibodies (>70% associated with cancer)
An#body Associated tumor Syndrome
Hu (ANNA1) SCLC, others encephalomyeli;s, brainstem-
encephali;s, LE, PCD, sensory
Yo (PCA1) gynecological tu, mammary cerebellar degenera;on
Ri (ANNA2) mammary, SCLC brainstem enceph., opsoclonus
Tr (DNER) Hodgkin´s lymphoma cerebellar degenera;on
CV2/ CRMP5 SCLC, thymoma, others encephalomyeli;s, uvei;s, sensory
Ma-1/2 tes;cular cancer, NSCLC limbic, diencephalon, brainstem-
Amphiphysin mammary, SCLC s;ff-person syndrome, encephalomyel.,
sens. neuronopath.
SOX1 SCLC LEMS w/wo cerebellar syndrome
PCA2 (MAP1B) SCLC, NSCLC, mammary PCD, encephalomyeli;s, neuropathy
KLHL11 Tes;cular cancer brainstem/cerebellar syndrome

Romana Höftberger
Graus et al Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2021
Abteilung für Neuropathologie und Neurochemie 16
PCD with Yo-antibodies
Neuropathology points towards a T cell mediated pathogenesis

irreversible neuronal cell loss

limited response to
IgG: neurons CD8: T-cells HLA-DR: microglia

Aboul-Enein et al, 2008; Schubert et al, Acta Neuropath 2014 Winklehner et al N2, 2022
Immunopathology - pathomechanisms
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration with Yo-antibodies

cerebellum-infiltra;ng T-cells secre;ng IFNγ

upregula;on of MHC class I


direct killing by an;gen-specific CD8 T cells


pSTAT1: phosporylated signal transducer

and ac;vator of transcrip;on
Winklehner et al Nn2, 2022
Neuropathology in PNS

High-risk syndromes associate with cancer even if antibodies are negative

(1) Sensory neuronopathy

(2) Chronic gastrointestinal pseudoobstuction
(3) Subacute cerebellar degeneration
(4) Limbic encephalitis
(5) Encephalomyelitis
(6) Opsoclonus-myoclonus
(7) Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome

Graus et al Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2021

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
up to 90% paraneoplastic (SCLC)

85-95% are associated with anti-P/Q-

type voltage gated calcium channel
antibodies (P/Q-VGCC)

Clinical presentation:
proximal weakness, general fatigue, dry mouth,
slurred speech, double vision, droopy eyelids,
neck weakness, constipation

about 2% of P/Q-VGCC+ patients develop cerebellar ataxia

with or without LEMS

about 50% of patients with P/Q-VGCC+ PCD and tumor can be stabilized with

non-paraneoplastic patients respond better to immunotherapy

Graus et al, Neurology 2002; Mitoma et al, Int J Mol Sci 2020
Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
Paraneoplas#c cerebellar degenera#on with P/Q-type VGCC abs

Calbindin; Purkinje cell loss with Bergmann gliosis

Winklehner et al Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 2022

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
associated with anti-P/Q-type VGCC antibodies
VGCC downregulation

IgG deposition in neuropil of molecular layer of

cerebellar cortex

Ca2+ dysregulation (calbindin red.)

cell stress (GRP78 upregulation )


antibodies cause altered synaptic transmission that results in calcium

dysregulation, cell stress and ends up in Purkinje cell death
Winklehner et al Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 2022
High-risk antibodies (>70% associated with cancer)
An#body Associated tumor Syndrome
Hu (ANNA1) SCLC, others encephalomyeli;s, brainstem-
encephali;s, LE, PCD, sensory
Yo (PCA1) gynecological tu, mammary cerebellar degenera;on
Ri (ANNA2) mammary, SCLC brainstem enceph., opsoclonus
Tr (DNER) Hodgkin´s lymphoma cerebellar degenera;on
CV2/ CRMP5 SCLC, thymoma, others encephalomyeli;s, uvei;s, sensory
Ma-1/2 tes;cular cancer, NSCLC limbic, diencephalon, brainstem-
Amphiphysin mammary, SCLC s;ff-person syndrome, encephalomyel.,
sens. neuronopath.
SOX1 SCLC LEMS w/wo cerebellar syndrome

PCA2 (MAP1B) SCLC, NSCLC, mammary PCD, encephalomyeli;s, neuropathy
KLHL11 Tes;cular cancer brainstem/cerebellar syndrome
Romana Höftberger
Graus et al Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2021
Abteilung für Neuropathologie und Neurochemie 23
49-year-old female pa#ent
Nov. 2021: SCLC, metasta;c
Treatment with chemotherapy and checkpoint inhibitor therapy (PDL1 inhibitor; tecentriq)
April 2022: grand mal seizures, progressive encephalopathy with dizziness, personality change,
disoriented, gait disturbance, visual hallucina;on, delirious

An#body tes#ng:
Serum and CSF: SOX1 and GABA(B)R posi;ve

Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology

with courtesy of Dr. Jelinek, Dr. Löcker and Dr. Dworan, Klinik Penzing
49-year-old female pa#ent
Nov. 2021: SCLC, metasta;c
Treatment with chemotherapy and checkpoint inhibitor therapy (PDL1 inhibitor; tecentriq)
April 2022: grand mal seizures, progressive encephalopathy with dizziness, personality change,
disoriented, gait disturbance, visual hallucina;on, delirious
Tecentriq was stopped
An#body tes#ng: IVIG and steroids were started
Serum and CSF: SOX1 and GABA(B)R posi;ve 3 weeks later:

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
with courtesy of Dr. Jelinek, Dr. Löcker and Dr. Dworan, Klinik Penzing
Immunological mechanisms of PNS are tightly linked to
immunity directed against tumor cells
PNS in the era of cancer immunotherapy

tumors protect themselves from immune attack with expression of PD-L1

x activation of T cells

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI)

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
1-3% of pa;ents treated with ICI develop neurological complica;ons
– 2/3 neuromuscular system (myosi;s, myasthenia gravis, neuri;s..)
– 1/3 meningi;s, encephali#s, demyelina;on, myeli;s

about 50% of encephali;s pa;ents are an;body-posi;ve, most frequently intracellular

an#bodies: Ma2 and Hu

Romana Höftberger
Vogrig et al, J Neurol 2022;
Marini et al Neurology 2021
1.  High-risk antibodies are associated with irreversible neuronal
cell death -> poor response to immuntherapy

2.  Pathogenesis: aberrant expression of neuronal antigens in

carcinomas or disrupted immune regulation in hematological
tumors (thymoma, Hodgkin´s lymphoma) are responsible for
the loss of self-tolerance

3.  Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy can induce neurological

adverse events (1-3%), which provides a unique window into the
role of CTLA-4, PD1 and PD-L1 in the development of PNS

4.  Neuropathology strongly depends on the targeted antigen and

may vary from T-cell dominated inflammation (intracellular
antigens) to IgG deposition, altered synaptic trasmission, cell
stress and cell death (neuronal surface)

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology
Thank you for your attention

Romana Höftberger

Division of Neuropathology and Neurochemistry

Department of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna

Romana Höftberger
Division for Neuropathology and Neurochemistry, Department of Neurology

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