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Some bag have been floor

B. The woman facing file place
C. A flower in the ceilling
D. The woman placing a binder on the table
E. He is looking into cabinet
F. He is pouring from a pitcher
G. He is wipping hand
H. He turning handle machine
I. She holding a jacket
J. She item into a bag
K. They are sweeping a walkway
L. They are walking park area
M. The man is grabbing a book on the sheft
N. The woman is browsing through for some magazine
O. The woman adJusting some blinds
P. The man is sheft
Q. One of the people is packing the laptop
R. Standing by a podium
S. Taking note on the paper
T. Adjusting mycrophone
U. There are some vihcle linning the side of a street
V. There are tree on the builidng
W.Some bycycle park on the walkway
X. Some drving intersection
1. D
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. What are your store hour today?
A. In the storage room
B. 9 am to 6 pm
C. Worm up a
8. Would you like to see the Doctor on tuseday or Monday
A. My annual check up
B. There are very patient
C. Today works better
9. Why the training session shorter this time?
A. Because the intructor to leave early
B. Yes, I’m already submit it
C. Close to the train station
10. Didn’t the owners of this restaurant open another location
A. I’ll have the soup
B. Yes, just lastweek
C. Your tabler is ready
11. I can buy gift certificate for the store right?
A. It beautiful thank you
B. Yes, an amount your
C. It is not available in red
12. What the average of the resisdent in this apartment complex
A. Across
B. It take the lot of training
C. About fourty years old
13. When is the new- hire orientation taking place?
A. On Monday at 3 oçlock
B. Just the manual
C. In the main coference room
14. Why did your manager move to a different office?
A. Because of her promotion
B. An apartment near city hall
C. I haven seen that film yet
15. Will you be at the meeting in the afternoon?
A. If the very productive discussion
B. A fifteen page contract
C. I have doctor this apoiment
16. When will we know if project received funding?
A. By next week
B. Another project timeline
C. A revise budget
17. Do you have sale report ready?
A. Several software updates
B. The guest list is short
C. Yes I finish it this morning
18. You receive the payment that I submitted, right?
A. No, I can be there
B. That a great place of vacation
C. Yes, we proccessed it on tuseday
19. How many people are joinning us for dinner?
A. No, he out of town
B. I haven’t check my email
C. Did you enjoy it?
20. When will the air conditioning be fixed?
A. By this afternoon
B. Yes, it was the mix
C. Behind the table
21. Where should I put this display of book?
A. We just remoduled the second floor
B. I difference publisherr
C. I don’t think so
22. Who order more printer paper?
A. Well, I use the last fifty sheets
B. Black ink and light bulds
C. Just the please
23. It usually cheaper to buy airplane ticket in advance
A. Around trip light
B. Yes that true
C. A week ago
24. Can we pay for the new printer with the company creditcard
A. How much does this cost
B. That position has been filled
C. No, I compact car
25. Is the number of job in this area increasing
A. Math my favor subject
B. Yes, it especially in manufacturing
C. Please, lift it up a little higher
26. May I speak with mr. cuma
A. It from april to may
B. It the anything I can help you with
C. In the marketing survey
27. Where
1. D
A. There hanging some sign
B. There arranging some paper
C. There viewing some artwork
D. There are writing some note
2. D
A. He is riding on the highway
B. Holding onto his hat
C. Jacket
D. Standing on the walkway
3. D
A. Unlocking desk draw
B. Wipping off the telephone
C. Cleaning out of the cabinet
D. Aiming
4. F
A. Removing the safty
B. Securing umbrella and a báse
C. Checkpoint have
D. Ladder getting truck
5. Y
A. A fence há been the face a wall
B. Booksheft
C. Some cushion somw a floor
7. Do you think it rain tomorrow
A. Yes, probly
B. Let me show you how
C. No he can’t
8. When will the new building be finished?
A. A cross from
B. For the new maeeting room
C. By the end of the month
9. How was fundrasing event yesterday?
A. Yes at 8 oçlock
B. It was very successful
C. The weilson hotel
10.Where is a good place for quicklunch
A. Yes I want the race
B. The sanwich shop next store
C. About 4 dollars
11.Don’t you work upstairs?
A. She prefer the take stairs
B. I don’t use it very well
C. No my office on this floor
12. You submitted the travel request, didn’t you?
A. Yes , this morning
B. Fifteen the green stress
C. That good be ok
13. Who going to take noted the Thursday’s meeting?
A. Several pages
B. I’ll be on the vacation then
C. The charge is broken
14. Why can’t we replace to computer?
A. The coppy are in black and white
B. Because the budget not big enough
C. On the table is fine
15. Shouldn’t we update the company logo?
A. No, we have the approval first
B. That date is convenient
C. I go there often
16. When are they going to hire someone the fill these open posittion?
A. Would you like coffee or tea
B. I think I left my office door open
C. There are 3 people left the interview
17. I heard Fatima presenting her proposal today
A. Sure, I’ll
B. We bought them each a present
C. Oh, I though that was tomorrow
18. Why don’t we invite Ms.Lee to the bussiness dinner?
A. I do have her emaill address
B. A bowl of vegetable soup
C. I’m sorry I thought I returned it
19. What repair work need to be done on this car?
A. Yes, that right
B. I haven’t finish checking it
C. No thanks, tcan work
20. Who should I call to settup my printter?
A. At 12 giowf
B. The phone number on your the desk
C. The weather forecast
21. Have you order more whiteboards for the office yet?
A. Yes, the board of director
B. A receipt for the uniform
C. Charge supplies
22. The special exhibition at the art gallery
A. Yes, I read an article about it
B. She has high salary
C. At the next stoplight
23. Can I start the video conference now
A. No, let wait a few minute
B. It’s very popular
C. That candidate won
24. Who authorized that purchase ?
A. Within an hour or show
B. Yes, about a budget
C. Someone an the acouting department
25. Why is the library is busy today?
A. Sure, I have sometime
B. He got a job at a new magazine
C. Have you seen today’s event chedule
26. We should realy by new coffe maker
A. Cream and sugar please
B. That a good idea
C. No put it on my desk
27. I’m afraid I want be able to lead the tour this afternoon?
A. Oke thanks for letting me know
B. I left it for you by the elevator
C. No, maybe just a quik update
28. We still need to sign our contract with the advertising agency,
don’t we?
A. My travel agent found me a great hotel
B. Yes, by next Friday
C. I saw that commercial as well
29. Should I bring to some photography to job interview
A. Please sign your name here
B. I seen them online
C. What a nice view?
30. Is there the room in the store where I can try this shirt on?
A. You can follow me
B. We will try harder next time
C. She not here right now
31. Would you like to meet on tuseday or wennesday
A. Acctually he did like it
B. The staffing policy
C. I don’t have my apointment book with me

Part 1
1. He is fising from a pier
He is boarding a boat
He is reading a book
He is picking the backpage
2. She is looking though a purse
She is holding a suitcase
She is hanging a poster
She putting umbrella into a basket
3. A rug is being rolled up
A door is being installed
A floor is being mopped
A is being turn down
4. Some flower are being planted
Some have been raked into a pile
Some stairs are being repaired
Some fruit has been stacked in a bin
5. A woman is typing on the keyboad
A woman is plugging a cord into a machince
A man is standing in front of the desk
A man is reaching for a coffee mug
6. One of the man is climbing a ladder
One of the man is lifting a wooden plank
One of the man is wipping a walkway
One of the man is roof into pole

Test 4 part 2 (2020)

1. D
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
7. Who brought the extra office supplies?
A. Ms. Parks
B. You can use a printer
C. No, I have enough
8. Do you have a warranty one use a laptop?
A. A desk top computer
B. Yes, for one year
C. There are on the top sales
9. Why is the coffeteria closed?
A. Because beeing cleaning
B. Thanks, but I already ate
C. No, it not too far
10. Where do I board the train to paris?
A. On platform four
B. To see a client
C. Six passengers
11. How can we improve our bycycle sales?
A. By advertising more
B. He always wear the helmet
C. They would gone for an hour
12. When is the budget request form due?
A. Yes, in my binder
B. From the break room
C. You should ask Kate
13. What is you think the training video?
A. No, it wasn’t raining
B. I thought very helpful
C. In the manager office
14. Do you have pen I can borrow?
A. when was that
B. A receive please
C. I lent it to Joinh
15. Do the human resources meeting this cancel?
A. No, it still schedules 10 oçlock
B. Networking strategies
C. Thirty of presentitive
16. That position have been open long time
A. Yes, the door close
B. They are won be participating
C. I hope they hire someone soon
17. Would you like to try free bread sample
A. Thanks, it looks delecoius
B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. I’ll check on the delivery status
18. When was the car be fixed?
A. Oh, did she
B. About fivety dollar , I think
C. I’ll call the shop, the find out
19. This painter’s work was featured at the Hold Gallery, right?
A. No, it the other gallery in town
B. Some retails space
C. Several hats
20. Could you attend at technologies trade show?
A. A new computer model
B. It was wonderful performance
C. I have deadline coming up
21. When can we get together staff planing a benqoet?
A. Be sure the stop of the bank the ofternoon
B. Let meet tomorrow morning
C. No, that was the orginal plan
22. There are a lot of customers here t the store today, aren’t there?
A. May be a dishwasher
B. Saturday are always busy
C. Here my receipt
23. Will the musicians be sett up by 5 oçlock or are they arriving driving later
A. He is fooball player
B. Ther are be here seven thirty
C. Pock music
24. What do we need to bring the workplace safety orientation?
A. I saved my work
B. Yes, the application is impressive
C. Didn’t you receive an email
25. How did you like some lastweek seminar?
A. I was out on holiday
B. Yes, certainlly
C. A financal planner
26. Didn’t mr.jake to call him befor the staff meeting discuss?
A. Cut the paper in haft
B. We have talented employees
C. Yes, you should call hime right now
27. Which brand the computer do you sell your shop?
A. After shopping mall
B. I only do repair
C. Thanks, it the new one
28. Why don’t you print out the slides so we can review them?
A. They are already on my desk
B. It was working fine earlier
C. A few of us will be late
29. Do you want to hold receiption in the conferences center?
A. No, the twenty third of october
B. My client and his manager
C. Do they haven any dates avaible
30. I don’t think we budget an enough for the construction project?
A. No, it the right turn
B. The glass and steel supplier
C. Let check the acount again
31. If the parking eare fall where can I leave my car?
A. Fourty five minute ago
B. Our supervisor should know
C. More than a hundred cars

Test 5 part 2
7. which on sales the weekand?
A. that the good choice
B. the one on the table
C. I check the resume
8. would you like to pay for the cake now or when’s delived?
A. chocolate, please
B. actually, none of them were
C. I’ll pay now
9. doesn’’t Tom usually work evening shift?
A. it is working fine ealier
B. someone from the day shift out sick today
C. let clean the wearhouse
10. who came up with the new idea for commercial?
A. just of you
B. one of the a marketing assistant
C. probly next month
11. could we start the orientation meeting a bit later
A. sure, at what time?
B. about 10 employees
C. Thanks, I learn a lot
12. when are we getting our paycheck?
A. because the bank is close
B. no, did you?
C. this Friday
13. did we decide on the large catering order or the small one?
A. this meal is delicious
B. in alphabetical order
C. we’re expecting big group of people
14. how do I sign up for the 10 km race?
A. walking or running is oke
B. it fill out the form online
C. through the park
15. didn’t i submit my reference online?
A. the websit is verry interesting
B. you did, lastweek
C. more than five hundred dollar
16. what was the keynote speaker talk about the conferenes
A. that information in the event program
B. could you turn the volume down
C. about 2 week ago I think
17. where is closest pharmacy?
A. her brother is the farmer
B. on the weekend
C. there are one by of bus station
18. why are your travel expenses so hight?
A. they were all sold out
B. tell are you send high
C. maria approved of the budget
19. have you look a design for the book cover?
A. I have been meeting on morning
B. sure, I’ll the
C. your apointment is book
20. when is the new employees starting?
A. three years the experiences
B. there are be here tomorrow afternoon
C. the same salary as before
21. should I go on the morning flight or wait until the afternoon?
A. seven hour
B. ok that should be fine
C. take the morning fly
22. I saw a stain on the carpet room twenty night?
A. an overnight stay
B. your reservation confirm
C. it time the replaces anyway
23. why we meet the fitness center around seven thiry
A. it is already there
B. sound good to me
C. because the first see well
24. could you find me a hammer and some nail?
A. I’ll call maintenance
B. you can send it by email
C. the beauty salon in corner
25. who was in break room last?
A. I noticed that it was messy, too
B. sure, I could use a break
C. how did you make to dessert
26. there is the sales on electronics tomorrow
A. yes, ther electricity bill was really low
B. the shirt on the sales rack
C. I have to the computer longtime
27. why haven productions started yet?
A. several in out of shift
B. a shipment to J
C. because the machince is broken
28. how did you want me to display product?
A. we shop there too
B. please the arrange to the according the color
C. production is going well
29. where is instruction mannual for the video conferences in shortwear?
A. in the file cabinet
B. on Saturday
C. the marketing conference
30. this meria good look in the corner don’t you think?
B. I don’t think I have any
C. a brand vaccum blanner
31. your creating schedule for the convention, right?
A. yes, here’s speadsheet
B. the beginning of octocber
C. about 12

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. S
5. A
6. A
7. Why was you late for work today?
A. It on my desk
B. Because I got struck in traffic
C. Later this afternoon
8. `where is your apartment building located?
A. Not very often
B. Twenty floor
C. On fith evenue
9. Which ice cream would you like?
A. Yes, in a both
B. I’ll take chocolate please
C. The booth over there
10. Who is going to pick up Pablo from the airport?
A. A driver
B. Ther are my favor airline
C. At the buggage claim
11.Which the train station?
A. I always listen to that video station
B. An informative the training instruction
C. Next to the university
12. When will the cleaning product be delivered?
A. By truck
B. In today
C. A manufacturing plant
13. We haven’t receip the electric bill yet, have we?
A. Sure, I’ll turn on
B. No, not yet
C. A credit card
14. How did you enjoy your stay?
A. I had a great time
B. About seven thirty
C. He left it at work
15. Who want the employees for the month award?
A. My dinner was delicoius, thank
B. Thirty minute of three oçlock
C. It still hasn’t been anounce
16. Do you want to make reserv ticket for you?
A. I can say that I have
B. A higher ticket price
C. Yes, I apreciate that
17. Does your bus stop by the construction site?
A. Oh, I’m going by car
B. A new building company
C. Do you go on the tuseday or Thursday
18. There are discount on this stove right?
A. No, I sell kitchen appliances
B. He’s an excellent cook
C. Yes it is 25 percent off
19. Could you show me where the electronic the apartment?
A. The show the start at 8 pm
B. Replace the bakerries
C. Sure, follow me
20. What is shirt made of?
A. In Spain, I belive
B. Let me check an label
C. It also come in blue
21. Will the social media workshop and to be for 6 pm
A. No the late ship
B. The schedule online
C. I only renew paper
22. Which suitcase do you like better the yellow one or the red one
A. It on the annual conference
B. The yellow one is the good size
C. I should book my flight soon
23. The parking area in front of the wearhousr has been closed?
A. There’re more space in the back
B. Here an extra uniform
C. No, just open the boxes
24. The shoes look nice, don’t they?
A. I think you should try this pair instead
B. The clothing store near my house
C. Yes, it was the nice to meet her
25. Let leave early for our lunch with the client?
A. I still have a lot to do
B. The diference menu item
C. No, I haven’t meet him
26. The bussiness card for the attractive
A. Office is an open at 9pm
B. Yes, the design is perfessional
C. No, the key is the same
27. How long does come up plumber?
A. It happen lastweek
B. A price middle
C. Are you traning for that job

Test 7
1. D
2. S
3. S
4. S
5. S
6. S
7. Could I borrow your pen?
A. No, I haven’t been there
B. Some folder
C. Of coures
8. What the price of this item?
A. 5 euros
B. At around 8 pm
C. Yes, she does
9. When you usually take your lunch break?
A. With someone for my department
B. Just the sanwitch
C. Sometime after 11h30
10. you got a concert tickets the for Saturday right
A. It was local band
B. No, the actually for Sunday
C. I’ll write it this afternoon
11. How did you hear about our zoo tour?
A. That could I heard too
B. A variety of wild animals
C. A friend recommend it is
12. What is required to get a store refund?
A. I saw them lastweek
B. You just need you receipt
C. The orientation event fund
13. Why is construction new apartments delay?
A. Yes, I was
B. No, I don’t have the instruction
C. Because of the bad weather
14. How do I open new acount?
A. There are hiring more a countant
B. Yes, the bank it open
C. Let me get is paperwork
15. Have you installed new computer software yet
A. I did that this morning
B. It someone please payment plan
C. Some new keyboard
16. You haven’t seen my scaft have you?
A. I met him yesterday
B. Alica migth know where it is
C. I love that firm
17. Who was the spokesperson at the press conference today?
A. It wasn’t intersting article
B. The company president
C. About the new product
18.How much do you think the banquet table will cost?
A. Yes, that sound right
B. Over by the chair
C. I’ll check with the supplier
19. Where can I find the corporate handbook
A. They are found the parking spot near us
B. We should hand after receiption
C. You can download for more website
20. Would you like to paying cash or credit card?
A. 400
B. Which credit card do you except
C. I thought so too
21. When was the prototype be ready for production?
A. No, he write it down
B. Out sigarpore factory
C. Later this month
22. It looks like in the restaurant didn’t deliver my salad?
A. Those is delicoius
B. There are in the kitchen
C. I’ll call the restaurant manager
23. Why don’t we have a quick meeting at 4?
A. My clients arrive 3h45
B. It didn’t last very long
C. To launch the new product
24. Do you think we could modify project timeline?
A. At the entrance to the building
B. The flight depart from terminal six
C. We need the proval form the director
25. Can I leave the message for Mr. yama?
A. He should be back in the office soon
B. The main conference room
C. That the vegetarian option
26. Doesn’t delevator go twenty floor?
A. The carpet cleaner
B. No, it top for the tenth
C. There are some more in the closet
27. Who want to lead the acounting workshop nextweek?
A. I’ll be on vacation
B. Some traning manual
C. There being soon
28. Where will this year’s trade show take place?
A. Yes, I can’t wait
B. Here’s brochure
C. It tomorrow all right?
29. Shoudn’t I have received shipping confirmation from the company by now?
A. Our system down
B. No thanks, I’m fine
C. He had his certification
30. I have complaint about yesterday’s the catering service
A. dessert
B. I’m sorry,what went wrong
C. On the next flight
31. Why were our car sales so low this month
A. We still looking into that
B. A 50 percent discount
C. I don’t need a new car

1. What time are we the meeting the architect?

A. No, but they usually do
B. The new support dinner
C. Right after lunch
2. Do you to apply four our store discount card?
A. The shipment arrived yesterday
B. Yes, that good be great
C. My car is in repair shop
3. This store is room locked, doesn’t it?
A. Moothly boxes is book
B. Yes, but mr,kim has key
C. There should be plenty a room
4. When new television model be release?
A. Probly and late october
B. Yes then update version
C. It want a my favor show
5. How do I get to the post office?
A. No, she doesn’t have any later
B. Sorry I’ll not from around here
C. Buring my break

Part 3 test 1 2020

A: hi Maixa, were you able do start wedding cake
B: yes, I start on the Adezon order. I’ll litler more Complex can I order with me
A: yes, there are more complicated, and I do take a litter more time. But it would
be worthit
B: we can definite bakery sales by offering wedding cake, take a look. It a color of
the frosting oke?
A: actually, the order call the dark pink. It is a little to pale. Let me get some more
coloring from the supplies closet
A: Hi, I didn’t know to road you back to work, when do you start doing that
B: last week. The tơn just new added the plane some road, so I can ride here
A: I heard a town government is planning to add bike some other road too
B: it really convinient. My commute to work tobe and our by bus an hour 25
A: you know I’m a member . you should join a group

Oke let go monthly meeting start for the staff. First off, this satursday anuual
holiday parade and many of you know the parade right down street. It always is
one a bussiness day.lot a people and I strongly rcm taking the bus the train.
Remember that a very difficult the park Saturday during the event

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