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Brainstorm Of Content

● Radio enrichment
● Video game enrichment
● Best places In Warrington
● Difference in music
● First band you listened to was Queen and Minus Nickleback
● Best places to spend free time in college
● Music genres
● Careers advice
● Revision techniques
● Things to do between between lessons
● Segment: what other courses do you think would be good to add?
● How to make friends at college
● Best clothes to wear in college
● Best food to eat in college
● Apprenticeships
● How to use free time effectively
● Difference between high school and college
● Pronouns on ID badge
● Places to eat nearby
● Should you get a part time job? ( Is it best suitable to and to do research on it?)
● Stress
● Bands in college
● Interview Angel for using Overdose band
● Viola beach band history
● Mocks - Power cut
● College transport
● Priestley sleeping Instagram
● Different food options such as Vegetarian or vegan
● Which is better: Costa or Starbucks?
● Interview Caroline or Sandra
● Mental health
● Fashion
● Aesthetics
● Therapy Animals
● Best drinks to buy at Costa and Starbucks?
● Blind test Costa and Starbucks latte
● Should you have a boyfriend or girlfriend in college?
● How to pick your courses in college
● Whether to stay in college or do an apprenticeship?
● Should you bring a pack lunch to college?
● Should you stay in college all day?
● Should there be more cafe’s in college?
● Should there be more hangout areas around college?
● How to apply for university
● What to do after college
● Should there be more enrichments
● How to prepare for exams
● All different types of Cheese
● More free periods
● Should any college rules be changed
● Should lessons be shortened to just an hour
● More student and staff parking
● More toilet areas
● More areas to eat in LRC and outside

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