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(Presidential Decree No. 972, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1174)

03. Coal exploration, development and production by the

The government, through the Energy Resource Development
Chapter VI Bureau (Bureau), shall undertake by itself the active exploration,
development and production of coal resources. It may also execute
COAL DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1976 coal-operating contracts as defined in the law. The active exploration
(Presidential Decree No. 972, as amended by and exploitation of coal resources by the government or through
Presidential Decree No. 1174) coal operating contracts may cover public lands, any unreserved
or unappropriated coal bearing lands, claims located and recorded
A. Preliminary by private parties areas covered by valid and subsisting coal
revocable permits, coal leases and other existing rights granted by
01. Governing law. the government for the exploration and exploitation of coal lands,
government mineral reservations, coal areas/mines whose leases or
On July 28, 1976, PD No. 972, entitled "The Coal Development permits are presently owned or operated or held by government-
Act of 1976" was enacted. The law aims to promote an accelerated owned or controlled corporations and coal mineable areas operated
exploration, development, exploitation, production and utilization of or held by government agencies.'
coal, encourage the participation of the private sector with sufficient
capital, technical and managerial resources in the exploitation and On December 22, 2006, the Department of Energy (DOE)
production of coal resources, and upgrade the technical and financial issued Department Circular (DC) No. 2006-12-0014 reiterating a
capabilities of the coal industry. It was amended on July 27, 1977 transparent and competitive system of awarding service/operating
by PD No. 1174. contracts for coal, geothermal and petroleum prospective areas, and
repealing for the purpose DC No. 2003-05-005 and DC No. 2005-
04-004. The Circular provides that the Bureau shall determine
02. Coal development program.
prospective coal, or geothermal or petroleum areas found in
The country is divided into coal regions and exploration and Philippine territory and its maritime zones including the continental
exploitation programs shall be instituted and implemented pursuant shelf for inclusion in the competitive public contracting round. The
to the Decree. These programs are geared towards the promotion DOE Secretary, upon the recommendation of the Bureau Director
and development of the necessary technical and fi nancial capability and the Undersecretary exercising supervision over the Bureau,
to undertake a work program to effectively explore and exploit coal shall declare such areas open for competitive public contracting
resources. In recognition, however, of the social constraints that may round. The DOE shall not accept any application or proposals
be encountered in effecting the establishment of coal units in regions for exploration, development and production service/operating
where there is high concentration of small coal miners, a special coal contracts except during the competitive public contracting rounds.
program shall be formulated and implemented in coordination with No applications for small-scale mining permit for coal operations
the appropriate government agency/agencies to meet the particular shall likewise be entertained in the offered areas until after service/
needs of such regions.' operating contracts have been awarded.'

04. Blocking system.

The Bureau shall establish coal regions delimiting its extent
and boundaries after taking into consideration the various coal
'Sec. 3, PD No. 972.
'Sec. 4, PD No. 972.
250 'Sec. 1(1.1), DC No. 2006-12-0014.
OF PROCEDURE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CASES (Presidential Decree No. 972, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1174)

bearing lands of the country. Each coal region shall be divided the operator must be technically competent and financially capable
into meridional blocks or quadrangles, each containing an area of to undertake the coal operations as required in the contract.'
1,000 hectares, more or less. The Bureau shall determine in each
coal region what areas are available for coal operating contracts. 07. Obligations under a coal operating contract.
In opening such contract areas, the Bureau may adopt any of the
following alternative procedures: The operator under a coal operating contract shall undertake,
manage and execute the coal operations which shall include:
a. By offering an area or areas for bids, specifying the
minimum requirements and conditions in accordance with the (a) The examination and investigation of lands supposed
Decree; or to contain coal, by detailed surface geologic mapping, core
drilling, trenching, test pitting and other appropriate means,
b. By negotiating with a qualified party for a coal for the purpose of probing the presence of coal deposits and the
operating contract under the terms and conditions provided in extent thereof;
the Decree.
(b) Steps necessary to reach the coal deposits so that
No person shall be entitled to more than 15 blocks of coal lands they can be mined, including but not limited to shaft sinking
in any one coal region.4 and tunneling; and
05. Preference of existing permiftees or leaseholders. (c) The extraction and utilization of coal deposits.

All valid and subsisting holders of coal revocable permits, The government shall oversee the management of operation
coal leases and other existing rights granted by the government contemplated in the coal operating contract and shall require, the
for the exploration and exploitation of coal lands or the operators operator to:
thereof duly approved by the appropriate government agency shall (a) Provide all the necessary service and technology;
be given preference in the grant of coal operating contract over the
area covered by their permits, leases or other rights subject to their (b) Provide the requisite financing;
compliance with the conditions and guidelines provided by law.5 (c) Perform the work obligations and program
prescribed in the coal operating contract which shall be less
B. Coal Operating Contract than those prescribed in the Decree;
06. Coal operating contract. (d) Operate the area on behalf of the government in
accordance with good coal mining practices, using modern
A coal operating contract is one of the authorized ways of methods appropriate for the geological conditions of the area
active exploration, development, and production of coal resources to enable maximum economic production of coal, avoiding
in a specified contract area.6 Each coal operating contract shall be hazards to life, health and property, avoiding pollution of air,
executed on behalf of the government, represented by the DOE land and waters, and pursuant to an efficient and economic
Secretary. program of operation;
In a coal operating contract, service, technology and financing (e) Furnish the Bureau promptly with all information,
are furnished by the operator for which it shall be entitled to the data and reports which it may require;
stipulated fee and reimbursement of operating expenses. Accordingly,
(0 Maintain detailed technical records and account of
its expenditures;
'Secs. 5 and 6, PD No. 972.
'Sec. 7, ibid.
93acallos Coal Mines v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 114091, June 29, 1995. 'Sec. 8, PD No. 972.
CASES (Presidential Decree No. 972, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1174)

(g) Maintain detailed technical records and

account of per block annually; Provided, That if the area or a portion
safety demarcation of agreement acreage and work
areas, non- thereof is suitable for open pit mining as determined jointly
interference with the rights of the other petroleum, mineral,
by the operator and the Bureau, the minimum expenditure
and natural resources operators;
requirement herein provided may be reduced up to P200,000.00
(h) Maintain all necessary equipment in good order per block annually. From the time coal reserves in commercial
allow access to these as well as to the exploration, quantity have been determined jointly by the operator and the
and production sites and operations to inspectors Bureau, the operator shall undertake the development and
by the Bureau; production of the contract area within the period agreed upon
in the contract and shall be obliged to spend in the development
(i) Allow representatives authorized by the Bureau and production of the contract area an amount which shall
access to their accounts, books and records for tax and be determined by negotiation between the operator and the
fiscal purposes.
Bureau taking into account factors such as measured reserves,
On the other hand, the Bureau shall: quality of coal, mining method and location and accessibility to
market; Provided, further, That with the approval of the Bureau,
a) On behalf of the government, reimburse the operator may concentrate all the annual work obligations
operator for all operating expenses not exceeding 90% of on any one or more of several contiguous or geologically
gross proceeds from production in any year; Provided, related blocks if it is shown that such concentration of work
That if
in any year, the operating expenses exceed 90% of will be most advantageous and beneficial in the development
the gross
proceeds from production, then the unrecovered expenses and operation of the coal operating contract are; Provided,
be recovered from the operation of succeeding years. further, That if during any contract year, the operator shall
expenses mean the total expenditures for coal
operation spend more than the amount of money required to be spent,
incurred by the operator as provided in a coal
operating the excess may be credited against the money required to be
contract; spent by the operator during the succeeding years; Provided,
b) Pay the operator a fee, the net amount of furthermore, That should the operator fail to comply with the
shall not exceed 40% of the balance of the gross income
which work obligations provided for in the coal operating contract,
deducting all operating expenses;
after it shall pay to the government the amount it should have
spent but did not in direct prosecution of its work obligations;
c) Reimburse operating expenses and pay the Provided, finally, That except in case of open pit mining, the
operator's fee in such form and manner as provided for in the operator shall drill at least 30 holes per block and a minimum
coal operating contract.8 footage of exploratory holes before the end of the exploration
period as may be specified in the coal operating contract. The
08. Minimum terms and conditions of the contract. Bureau may, however, taking into account the geological and
Every coal operating contract shall contain the technical factors involved; allow a lesser number of drill holes
minimum terms and conditions: -
following and footage giving due credit to other accepted exploration
methods and practices.
a) Every operator shall be obliged to spend in
direct b) The exploration period under every coal operating
prosecution of exploration work not less than the amounts
contract shall be for two years. If the operator has complied
provided for in the coal operating contract and these
shall not be less than the total obtained by multiplying with its exploration work obligations, the exploration period
number of coal blocks covered by the contract by
the may be extended for another two years.
c) All materials, equipment, plants and other
installations erected or placed on the exploration and/or
8Sec. 9, PD No. 972, as amended by PD No. 1174. production area of a movable nature by the operator shall
OF PROCEDURE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CASES (Presidential Decree No. 972, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1174)

become properties of the Bureau if not removed therefrom d) The right to remit at the prevailing exchange rate
within one year after the termination of the coal operating such sum as may be necessary to cover principal and interest of
contract. foreign loans and foreign obligations arising from technological
assistance contracts relating to the performance of the coal
d) The operator shall be subject to the provisions of
operating contract;
laws of general application relating to labor, health, safety and
ecology insofar as they are not in conflict with the provisions e) Government financial institutions such as the
otherwise contained in the Decree.9 Development Bank of the Philippines, the Philippine National
Bank, the Government Service Insurance System, the Social
a. Doctrine of primary jurisdiction Security System, the Land Bank of the Philippines and
other government institutions shall accord high priority to
In Industrial Enterprises, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,1° the Court applications for financial assistance submitted by operators in
ruled that while an action for rescission of a contract between coal the performance of coal operating contracts;
developers appears to be an action cognizable by regular courts, the
trial court remains to be without jurisdiction to entertain the suit Alien technical and specialized personnel may be
since the contract sought to be rescinded is "inextricably tied up employed, provided that Filipinos shall be given preference to
with the right to develop coal-bearing lands and the determination positions for which they have adequate training.i2
of whether or not the reversion of the coal operating contract over
the subject coal blocks to [the plaintiff] would be in line with the PD No. 972 provides various incentives to COC operators to
[country's national program and objective on coal-development and] accelerate the exploration, development, exploitation, production
over-all coal-supply-demand balance." It then applied the doctrine of and utilization of the country's coal resources, including various tax
primary jurisdiction." exemptions. In this connection, it has been held that VAT exemption
under PD No. 972 was not repealed by RA No. 9337, amending the
National Internal Revenue Code.13
C. Incentives
09. Incentives to operators. 10. Incentives to coal users.
The operator shall have the following incentives: The following incentives shall be granted to enterprises/
industries which will convert their existing oil fired plants facilities
a) Exemption from all taxes except income tax; to make the same adaptable for coal burning:
b) Exemption from payment of tariff duties and a) Tax exemption on imported capital equipment,
compensating tax on importation of machinery and equipment subject to certain conditions;
and spare parts and materials required for the coal operations,
subject to certain conditions; b) Tax credit on domestic capital equipment, subject to
certain conditions;
c) At the option of the taxpayer, fixed assets owned by
the coal units in the performance or coal operating contract c) A net operating loss incurred in any of the first
may be the subject of depreciation in accordance with the ten years after the start of the implementation of the coal
procedures established by the Bureau of Internal Revenue; conversion program may be carried over as a deduction from
taxable income for the six years immediately following the year
of such loss, subject to certain conditions;
9Sec. 11, PD No. 972.
"GR No. 88550, April 18, 1990. 'Sec. 16, PD No. 972.
"See also Bank of Commerce v. Planters Development Bank, GR No. 154470, 'Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Semirara Mining Corp., GR No.
Sept. 24, 2012. 202534, Dec. 5, 2018.
OF PROCEDURE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CASES (Presidential Decree No. 972, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1174)

d) Exemption from income tax on the proceeds of the Centavos (P0.50) for every ton of coal extracted on his land,
gains realized from the sale, disposition or transfer of capital plus compensation for the value of improvements damaged or
assets which are sold or disposed of as a result of the conversion destroyed.
of facilities to a coal burning plant, subject to certain conditions;
c) For government reserved lands open to a coal
e) At the option of the taxpayer and in accordance with operating contract, the compensation due the surface owner
the procedure established by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, shall accrue equally between the supervising agency and the
fixed assets used by the industry in carrying out the program Bureau to be disbursed for conservation measures.15
of conversion to coal burning may be depreciated, subject to
certain conditions; 12. Timber rights.
f) The right to remit at the prevailing exchange rate at The operator may cut trees or timber within his coal contract
the time of remittance such sum as may be necessary to cover area as may be necessary for the exploration, development and
interest and principal of foreign loan and foreign obligations exploitation of the area. If the lands are already covered by existing
arising from technological assistance contracts relating to the timber concessions, the amount of timber needed and manner of
implementation of the program of conversion to coal burning; cutting and removal thereof shall be subject to the same rules and
and agreed upon by the operator and the timber concessionaire. If no
g) Preference in grant of government loans." agreement is reached, the matter shall be submitted for disposition
to the Bureau whose decision shall be final. The operator granted
11. Entry and use of private lands. a timber right shall be obligated to perform reforestation works
within the coal contract area in accordance with the regulatiOns of
The power of eminent domain may be invoked and exercised the Forest Management Bureau.16
for the entry, acquisition and use of private lands for purposes of
coal exploration, development and exploitation, upon prior written 13. Water rights.
notice to the surface owner of the land or occupant thereof. If the
surface owner of the land or occupant thereof refuses to allow the A coal operator shall also enjoy water rights necessary for
coal operator's entry into the land, the coal operator shall notify the exploration, development and exploitation of his coal contract
the Bureau of such fact. The coal operator shall post a bond in an area, but water rights already granted or legally existing shall not
amount fixed by the Bureau based on type of the land and the value thereby be impaired. The government reserves the right to regulate
of the trees, plants and other existing improvements thereon which water rights and the reasonable and equitable distribution of water
shall be the basis of compensation of the surface owner of the land. supply so as to prevent the monopoly of the use thereof."
In the absence of an agreement, the surface owner of the land
or occupant shall be entitled to the following compensation:
a) For titled lands, the surface owner shall receive as
compensation from the coal operator at least One Peso (P1.00)
for every ton of coal extracted on his hand, plus compensation
for the value of improvements damaged or destroyed.
b) For untitled lands, the surface owner shall
receive as compensation from the coal operator at least Fifty

'Sec. 16-A, ibid., as amended by PD No. 1174.

16Sec. 16-B, PD No. 972.
"Sec. 17, PD No. 972. 'Sec. 16-C, ibid.

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