Unit 2 HRM

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UNIT 2 QUESTIONS PROCUREMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES (JOB ANALYSIS,HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING, RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, PLACEMENT, INDUCTION, SOCIALIZATION & RETENTION) Qt) a)Define Job Analysis. What is its importance in Human Resource? b)Distinguish between Job Description and Job Specification? OR c)Describe the process in conducting the Job Analysis? d)What are the various methods of collecting Job Analysis? Q.2) a)Define Human Resource Planning.Describe its characteristics and objectives ? b)What is the importance of Human Resource Planning in an organisation ? OR ¢)Distinguish between the qualitative and the quantitative approaches to forecasting the need for Human Resources ? )Explain the workforce and the workload analysis for the purpose of Human Resource Planning ? Q3) a)Define recruitment. Explain the process of recruitment b)Distinguish between recruitment and selection. Why is selection called a negative process ? OR c) Explain the various methods of internal and external recruitment. d) What are the merits and demerits of internal source of recruitment and external source of recruitment? Q.4) a)Explain in brief the various selection techniques in general. Outline the selection techniques that are popularly used in India. b)What are the major problems of an interview selection device? What can the management do to reduce some of these problems? OR c)What are the common interviewing mistakes that an HR Manager must avoid? d)Point down some of the guidelines for an effective interview? Q5) a) CASE STUDY:- One Monday morning, Sanjay Nagpal, a recent recruit from a reputed man- agement institute in Manipal walked into the sales office at Chennai as a new sales trainee. Raghavan, the Zonal Sales Manager for a large computer hardware firm, was there to greet him. Raghavan's job consisted of overseeing the work of sales officers, field executives and trainee salesmen numbering over 50 of three areas-Chennai, Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram. The sales growth of computers, parts and other office equipment in his area was highly satisfactory, especially in recent years thanks to the developmental initiatives taken by re- spective state governments in spreading computer education in offices, schools, colleges, banks and other institutions. Raghavan had collected several sales reports, catalogues and pamphlets describ- ing in detail the types of office equipment sold by the company. After a pleasant chat about their backgrounds, Raghavan gave Sanjay the collected material and showed him to his assigned desk. Thereafter, Raghavan excused himself and did not return. Sanjay spent the whole day scanning the material and at 5.00 pm he picked up his things and went home. Questions:- 1. What do you think about Raghavan's training programme? 2. What type of sales training programme would you suggest? 3. What method of training would have been best under the circumstances? Would you consider on the job training (OJT), simulation or experiential methods? b)Write a short note on any 2 of the following :- i) Induction ii) Socialisation ili) Placement iv) Retention Submitted by- Raj Singhal(22BC175) Ronit Goel(22BC179) Pushpit Saxena(22BC423)

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