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INTRODUCTION TV Commercials also called TVCs. Usually come in 30 sec, 45 sec, or 60 sec formats. CI (Corporate Identity) the "persona" of a corporation. In general, this amounts to a corporate title, logo (logotype and/or logogram), and supporting devices commonly assembled within a set of guidelines.

CLIENT This is the company the commercial is being made for, E.G. Edcon (the company that owns Edgars, CNA and Red Square). The company has a marketing department, who have an agency. The marketing department analyse sales and briefs agencies to work out marketing strategies.

AGENCIES The agency works out the marketing strategy for a year (In advance) Organise and work out how many TVCs, radio spots and print ads can be made according to the marketing strategy and budget. They work according to the budget. Here are the average amount of each made a year: TVCs = 40 Radio spots = 60 Print ads = 50 000 With regards to radio spots, you pay per hour of recording (usually R3000 per hour - or more) and pay a license fee to use it for a certain amount of time E.G 2 years. Agencies must be careful not to use too much budget on one single project, or there will not be enough left for the rest of the year. An agency can take care of more than one brand, even 5 or 6.



POSITIONS IN AN AGENCY AGENCY PRODUCER In charge of looking at time and money CREATIVE DIRECTOR In charge of managing the Copywriter and Art director. The Copywriter writes scripts for commercials, radio spots and ad copies. The Art Director is responsible for the look of commercials, and designs billboards.

CLIENT SERVICE PERSON - In charge of taking care of and looking after the clients, and seeing to all their needs in general. For example, walking them to and from their cars, getting them coffee and tea etc.

Once the script for the advert is approved, the agency puts out a brief to various production houses. The brief consists of the script, a short explanation of requirements and rough storyboards drawn up by the creative director.


These are the companies that produce the actual commercial. They specialise in short ads, not features or TV shows. The agency gives them a brief and they prepare something to pitch back to the agency. The client sits in on the pitch. Production houses rely on successful pitches to make their money.

Production house positions: Producer Organises budget for shooting (Quote) and rough time schedule Director Works out treatment then pitches to agency. -- Can sometimes charge a pitching fee if a lot of time and money will be involved in its preparation. The Agency may then give stricter or more specific requirements because they are now paying.



Once the agency reviews all the pitches and quotes, they discuss and make a decision, coming to a compromise between good price deals and the best ideas. They then give the go ahead and pre-production begins.

PRE-PRODUCTION (+-2 weeks) --PPMs (Pre-production meetings. The production house Producer organises 4 0r 5 of these meetings before shooting begins. In these meeting various things are discussed including locations, cast, art direction, crew, music and voiceovers. The budget and schedule are finalised. They check weather conditions and organise insurance for accidents or unexpected weather.

PRODUCTION (1-2 days) --Shoot over 1 to 2 days, depending; 30 second ads

POST-PRODUCTION (+-1-2 weeks) --35 mil developed (If shot in film) into 35mil positive

usually shoot for 1 day and Telecinne the 60 second ones for 2 days. --The agency is on set. Shot on 35mm Film or Preliminary grade (To make all footage an equal an even grade to start off with, making the editors

HD. 16mm is not generally life easier) used because it is very grainy and if you need to chroma key or do visual effects, problems arise, and Rota-Scroping may have to become involved (A complicated process of going through every single frame and cutting out what you need) --Digitize --Production house and agency do a selection process of rushes and shots with the director. --Then begins the offline editing phase. --WIP (Work In Progress) meetings, approx 3 occur. --Once the cut is approved, the final online begins. The editor exports the EDL and puts it onto the final online machine, the Auto conform Machine. --Final grade



When ready for airing, the commercial is given a Flighting code, which is like a registration number, and is very important. Before the ad, the following is shown during the countdown: Ads name, Production house, agency, client, flighting code.


Platform (T =TV)

Prod. House No. of advert Length


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