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MATH108X - Trend Lines Case Study





MATH108X - Trend Lines Case Study
Project Goal: To learn how trend lines can be used as a powerful tool in the Quantitative
Reasoning Process.

Begin by selecting a scenario that will use a scatterplot and trend line as the mathematical tool
to make an informed decision. (Remember that we are looking for numerical/quantitative data
where the scatterplot and trendline would show the relationship of an input and output variable).
You may use the examples as a guide, but it is preferred that you use creativity to choose a
scenario that is useful in your real world.

List the key variables and assumptions you will be making in order to eventually make your
informed decision. You should have exactly two key variables, an input variable that influences
and an output variable, and two or more key assumptions. (Assumptions are not predictions or a
hypothesis, they are the known conditions of the comparison, like the "controls' in a scientific

Collect numerical data (at least 15 points), report your source(s), explain how you gathered the
data, make a scatterplot (complete with a main title and axis titles), and fit an appropriate trend
line to the data in order to make your informed decision. Be sure to state which trendline best fits
your data using the box provided and record your equation for the trendline you selected.

Make an informed decision using your scatterplot and trend line you created in Step 3. Write
about your decision. Include an appropriate prediction you made using the trendline equation.
Ensure your decision is well supported by your data and trend line.

Share your idea and data with at least two of your group members. Get feedback from them and
improve your project accordingly. Complete the Quantitative Reasoning Process by writing a
short paragraph (4-6 sentences) sharing the feedback you got from your group members and
details about any changes you made to your case study after your group members helped you to
evaluate your data and reasoning.
Background Story

Hover here for scenario ideas

Describe the background and purpose of your scenario.

Background Story

Hover here for scenario ideas

nd and purpose of your scenario.

1st assumption here -->

2nd assumption here -->

3rd and so on -->

List your key variables

Input Variable
Output Variable

List your key assumptions

List the source(s) of your data

Give a short explaination of how you gathe

Insert a scatterplot of your data he

Select your trendline of best fit.

Record the equation for the trendline you selected.

the source(s) of your data.

aination of how you gathered your data.

List your numerical data (at least 15


Input Variable

a scatterplot of your data here.

<-- Dropdown

Plug your own input value (x) into your tren

Use the equation to calculate you

umerical data (at least 15 Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) that ex

Output Variable
<-- Minimum Data Points

Spring 2023 Fall 2020
Plug your own input value (x) into your trendline equation (Cell S37 and shown below) to make a relevant

Your input value (x) -->

Use the equation to calculate your prediction here -->

ite a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) that explains your decision based on your data and trendline predicition.
Show your project to two group members (must be a member of your group or another group
feedback from them. Improve accordingly.
Name of Group Member 1:
Name of Group Member 2:

Write a short paragraph (4-6 sentences) sharing the feedback you got from your group m
changes you made to your case study as a result.
a member of your group or another group in your class). Get

g the feedback you got from your group members and any
to your case study as a result.
Scenarios for Selection
(Click here to select a scenario.)
Community Issues
Nutrition and Exercise

Predicting the Weather

Buying / Selling a Car In three words or less, name the item you are purchasing:

Buying / Selling a Couch In three words or less, name the item you are selling:
me the item you are purchasing:

me the item you are selling:


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