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Radio Adverts

Advert 1) Wonga

Target Audience) 18-40, because younger people need loans such as

students who are financially unstable, people without wealthy parents who
don't have the income they need straight away or as soon as they need it.The older people
might need loans if they haven't got a very good paying job and need money to pay all the
bills that need to be paid. They need money fast and easy and haven't had time to create a
good credit record so if wonga gave them money it's an easy option and fewer credit checks.

Slogan) “straight talking money”

Analysis)It's an advert specifically for a loan. Has a male voiceover at the start with upbeat
music and an original song “Mr Sandman” changed the words to “Mr Wonga” the song is
repetitive so we remember it and now associate it with Wonga. The advert makes you feel
as though Wonga can solve all your problems, At the end a woman explains the terms and
conditions and the slogan. Throughout the advert the word “wonga” is repeated which could
relate to people continually asking for a loan.

Advert 2) Coca Cola

Target Audience) 15-45, because the younger audience buys coca-cola,

which will then develop brand loyalty as they continue to buy the brand because they like the
taste of it. for the branding as they see it as cool but the older generation buy the product
because they know and are used to the taste of the product and obviously like the taste of it.
A status symbol is selling you a lifestyle and from a young age they are buying into the brand
and give loyalty to the brand as they get older and continue to buy the brand.

Slogan) “open happiness”

Analysis) The advert played 3 different sounds; party, beach and relaxing.This implies that
you can drink Coca Cola wherever and whatever you're doing. The beach and party sounds
are connotations of fun, happiness and whenever you're busy you can drink. There is also
sounds of the bottle being opened and the sound “aahhh” which could suggest it was
enjoyable to drink. Also use the sound of the coke opening and the coke being
poured into the glass with the bubble sound which will all be associated with the
bottle of coke.

Advert 3) Lipton green tea

Target Audience) 18-50, it's good for you and people who may be health
conscious, watching weight and people who got to the gym would possibly drink
the tea. It also provides wonderful health benefits that include boosting immunity,
improving heart health, lowering cholesterol.
Slogan) “it's not just good for you its mmm for you”

Analysis) Lipton green tea is approved by people all over the world and everybody likes it.
People from all around the world such as: Texas, China, North Pole, Mars and race car
drivers all say “mmm”, this shows that everyone around the world loves Lipton green tea.
Universal noise when something is nice wherever you are in the world you'll enjoy the drink.
The highschool glee club, then everyone in the advert “mmm'' is the tune that everyone will
associate with lipton tea. It sounds like everyone loves the taste of Lipton green tea. The
whole reason for the advert is to prove to people that people from all around the world like
and enjoy the drink. It is also showing that Lipton green tea is for everyone.

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