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Target audience: The target audience for is from 18-40 years old.
This reaches out to the younger generation who are
financially unstable and need help becoming more
financially stable and being more smart with their
money and is also targeted to people who have a
low income and wouldn't get loans at a bank

Slogan: Straight talking money

Analysis: The advert is advertising Wonga's loan system that includes short-term loans and
high-cost loans to customers which can be done via online applications.The advertisement
uses upbeat and catchy music.This is done to keep the listener's attention. Instead of using
the original lyrics, they promote their services and what they can do.The song is very
repetitive and causes the audience to associate the song with wonga.
music: Mr Wonga (Mr Sandman) the people singing is soothing yet also catchy

Advert: Coca-Cola

Target audience: The target audience for

coca-cola is from the age of 15 up to the
age of 45
People who are buying it choose to do so
because it is a lifestyle brand, the product
being advertised is appealing to younger
people due to the bright colour presented
on the bottle and older people buy it due
to them being loyal customers to the

Slogan: Open Happiness

Analysis: this advertisement is advertising the sale of a beverage. The advert is about a guy
who talks to his own thirst and plays sound effects to entice his thirst.The advertisement has
upbeat and summer-like music. The advert has the sound of somebody drinking a bottle of
CokeCola,this shows the audience that the drink is refreshing and tasty.
Music:the music is upbeat and reminds the viewer of the
beach and summer. The connotations of the advertisement
is that coca cola's drink is very refreshing when it is hot
Advert: Lipton Green Leaf Tea

Target audience: The core targeting audience for this advertisement is 18-50 year olds.
People will buy this product due to it being advertised as healthy and tastes good.
The advert shows people from all around the world that like the drink and even on “mars”.
This product appeals to young healthy people.

Slogan: Love your heart with lipton tea

Analysis: The advert is advertising a healthy, refreshing and delicious drink. In the
background of the advertisement you can hear people cheering which signifies that people
enjoy the drink. The advertisement asks a large majority of people if they like lipton green
tea including people from mars and signifies that it is a nice tasting and refreshing drink and
is liked by all.
Music: the music begins at the end and is happy and upbeat

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