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Work Oxford Exam

Describe a job that
you consider highly
What would be your ideal job?

Do you
What changes in What qualifications are required for future job?
consider it
employment have

important to
there been in
have a
recent years in
your country? Which jobs are the most
respected in your country?

Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than

be employed by a company. What’s your view?
Jobs. What do they do?

@zinchenko_96 @olexandravramenko @zelenskiy_official @siriy_ua


@komarovmir @valeriyzaluzhniy @sashaabo @moi_sofism


@alla @tarastopolia @edgar_kaminskyi @dizelmano



badly-paid - погано оплачувана
apply for a job - подати заявку
have a degree - мати ступінь

full-time - повна зайнятість be offered a job - отримати
job advert - оголошення


manual - ручна праця
interview - співбесіда

complete an application form -

part-time - часткова зайнятість
job offer - пропозиція
covering letter - супровідний

permanent - постійна лист

turn down - відмовитися

temporary - тимчасова
CV - резюме

references - рекомендації

well-paid - добре оплачувана enrol on cource - записатися

на курс sign a contract - підписати


gain an experience - отримати
Exercises - Fill in gaps.
manual badly paid temporary interview full-time permanent have a degree major job CV

1. They were________ and depended on the number of clients they could carry for.
2. Holding down a _______ job when you've got three children is not easy.
3. 750 _______ workers will lose their jobs as a result of the company selling.
4. Are you looking for a _________ or a ____________ job?
5. I had an _______ for a job with a publisher.
6. It was an excellent interview and you've got a very impressive _____.
7. I was born in Rio de Janeiro, and I _________ in business administration and art.
8. He just got a ______ offer in L.A., at the Children's Hospital there.
Exercises - Fill in gaps.

badly paid
1. They were________ and depended on the number of clients they could carry for.
2. Holding down a full-time
_______ job when you've got three children is not easy.
3. 750 _______ workers will lose their jobs as a result of the company selling.
4. Are you looking for a _________
temporary or a ____________
permanent job?
5. I had an interview
_______ for a job with a publisher.
6. It was an excellent interview and you've got a very impressive _____.
have a degree
7. I was born in Rio de Janeiro, and I _________ in business administration and art.
major job
8. He just got a ______ offer in L.A., at the Children's Hospital there.
A salary - a fixed regular payment,
typically paid on a monthly basis

A wage is a payment made by an employer

to an employee for work done in a
specific period of time.

A duty is something that you
have to do because it is part
of your job.

employee employer
робітник роботодавець A job position is a function you serve at a company.

A profession is a type of job that requires advanced education or training.

A person is self-employed if
they run their business for to run a business - to operate, direct, to oversee, to manage (a business, a
themselves and take company)
responsibility for its success
or failure.
Professions. Put the letters in the correct order
ssob guelleaco

yudt swgae


r nae ingkrwo


nnirati lpcaeorkw
Professions. Put the letters in the correct order
boss colleague

duty wages


earn working

position workplace
Advantages Disadvantages

Common Experiences
Jobs you can do online

Choosing a career is one of the most

important decisions you will make in life.

How can you choose your future job?

What steps should you do for choosing your career?


Bill took up his new position as

Works Director in October.

1. the principles that you consider to be most important 5. a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
2. to make a strong decision
6. the way that you progress in your work
3. a chance for employment or promotion.
7. characteristics and qualities that help define you as
4. to study a subject carefully or in detail a unique individual

After leaving university, I

wasn’t sure which career path
to choose.

1. the principles that you consider to be most important 5. a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
2. to make a strong decision
6. the way that you progress in your work
3. a chance for employment or promotion.
7. characteristics and qualities that help define you as
4. to study a subject carefully or in detail a unique individual

There are fewer opportunities

for new graduates this year.

1. the principles that you consider to be most important 5. a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
2. to make a strong decision
6. the way that you progress in your work
3. a chance for employment or promotion.
7. characteristics and qualities that help define you as
4. to study a subject carefully or in detail a unique individual

She determined that one day

she would be an actor.

1. the principles that you consider to be most important 5. a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
2. to make a strong decision
6. the way that you progress in your work
3. a chance for employment or promotion.
7. characteristics and qualities that help define you as
4. to study a subject carefully or in detail a unique individual

She's researching into

possible cures for AIDS.

1. the principles that you consider to be most important 5. a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
2. to make a strong decision
6. the way that you progress in your work
3. a chance for employment or promotion.
7. characteristics and qualities that help define you as
4. to study a subject carefully or in detail a unique individual

For example, you may have

ambition and family-
orientedness as core values.

1. the principles that you consider to be most important 5. a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
2. to make a strong decision
6. the way that you progress in your work
3. a chance for employment or promotion.
7. characteristics and qualities that help define you as
4. to study a subject carefully or in detail a unique individual
Watch the video and write down 7 steps of a career decision making

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Choosing a career 7 Steps

Step 1 Make a list of your hobbies

Step 2 Discover what you are good at.
Step 3 Identify your personality traits
Step 4 Determine what you want out of a Career
Step 5 Talk to Industry experts
Step 6 Research the job market
Step 7 Discover your core values

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