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[New post] Adam Schiff censured,

what does that mean? lnbox

A Def-Con News 5:59 AM
• tomev

Adam Schiff
Def-Con News

censured, what
does that mean?
n NickyNose
Jun 22

I realize it isn't Monday but, Nicky had to vent a

bit, and I realize it is late, I needed my editor to
wake up and correct this.

I'm sure many of you by now have heard the

good news, or maybe the bad news, depending
on your view. That on June 21, 2023, Adam
Schiff was censured by Congress. That is on
June 21, the Summer Solstice, the day with the
longest amount of daylight in the Northern
Hemisphere when daylight was poured on
"Pencil Neck's" actions.
I took this as bad news. I'd have the view that
Schiff be charged with treason and perjury, fined
16 million dollars, half the cost of the Muller
probe, and be removed from Congress, to be
incarcerated for a minimum of four years for the
perjury. Upon his release from prison, he should
be marched to the gallows to be hanged for
treason. No appeals, no retrials, no leniency.

For those of you in the know, this was the 2nd

resolution or vote to hold Schiff accountable for
his actions. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R)
Florida as the author tried to hold Lil Adam
responsible for half of the costs to taxpayers.
However, 20 Republicans lying sacks of schiff
covered for him, and voted with all the
DeFAoeFats Communists to protect him. All 20
need to face a primary challenger at the very
least, and if I had my way they would all be
charged with aiding and abetting. That includes
Rep. Mike Turner, the Chairman of the House
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
As would all the DeFAoeFats Communists.

Here is a list of the 20 Reps that refused to do

their job.
• Representative Kelly Armstrong of North

• Representative Lori Chavez- DeRemer of


• Representative Juan Ciscomani of Arizona

• Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma

• Representative Warren Davidson of Ohio

• Representative Brian Fitzpatrick of


• Representative Kay Granger of Texas

• Representative Garret Graves of Louisiana

• Representative Thomas Kean Jr. of New


• Representative Kevin Kiley of California

• Representative Young Kim of California

• Representative Mike Lawler of New York

• Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky

• Representative Tom Mcclintock of California

• Representative Mark Molinaro of New York

• Representative Jay Obernolte of California

• Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho

• Representative Mike Turner of Ohio

• Representative David Valadao of California

• Representative Steve Womack of Arkansas

I don't mind telling you Thomas Massie was a

huge disappointment to me.

As a sitting member of Congress, Schiff chose

to lie, to actively work to unseat a President of
the United States with intent. Making up crimes
with no evidence because he didn't like the
President. It is one thing to be some schmuck
(like me or you) to not like a man or woman in
some office and to voice your opinion on what a
fool, idiot, or criminal they are with no evidence. I
say every day that biden is a moron, and if the
evidence is out there that can lead to him being
proven a criminal and removed from office go for
it. But to work as a member of Congress with no
evidence and lie to the American public on
national television day after day, week after week
is about as underly reprehensible as you can get,
and should be viewed as treason. It is
TREASONOUS. Adam Schiff is a pathological liar
and needs to be removed from his office at all
speeds and at any cost.
So what does this mean for Mr. Defendant
Schiff? He had to stand in the well after the vote
took place so he could receive a verbal rebuke.
For any of you hockey fans.

"You do that, you go to the box, you know... 2

minutes, by yourself... and you feel shame, you
know... and then you get free." F***ing love that

Then, the House Ethics Committee will open an

investigation into his actions, which means as we
all know nothing will happen. As I stated earlier
he should be charged with perjury at the very
least, and treason at best. The definition of
perjury taken from Prison Professors Is as
follows, perjury, the statement must be
literally false and made with intent to
deceive or mislead. In contrast, making false
statements applies when people lie to the
government regardless of whether it's under
oath or not. He did just that at Trump's
impeachment trials. YES, PLURAi!!!

Seems cut and dry to me that Defendant Schiff

is guilty. All I can say is he is damned lucky I'm
not on his ethics board. I would vote to execute
him for his actions. I believe he acted in a
treasonous manner to overthrow the President
by making wild claims with little to no evidence.
Shifty Schiff is now running for the office of
Diane Feinstein's Senate seat. It has been a long
time since I was last in California, Barbara Boxer
was the junior Senator, and Feinstein the senior.
All I can say is California if you allow this idiot to
be your Senator you will get exactly what you
deserve. California is one of the worst places on
the planet now, IMO, and I wouldn't go there on
a bet without a squad of heavily armed men and
women of my choosing. What was once a
beautiful state has been reduced to a living
cesspool. I lived in Cali for many years, back and
forth as a kid and I was stationed there for years
in the military also, both in the northern and
southern parts of the state. As I said of New
York a few weeks ago. It is my opinion that any
Patriotic, honest, normal country-loving citizens
get out now. It will not get any better any time
soon without lots of blood, and you do not have
the ability or the numbers to fight. Even if we all
tried to mount a rescue operation for you any
help will arrive too late. New York is lost,
California is lost, (at least the southern portion
and the bigger cities), Massachusetts and Illinois
are lost. We can take them back, but not in time
to save my brothers and sisters there. The truth
hurts but it must be told. GET OUT!!!

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