Ang 634 of Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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Ang Guru Granth Sahib
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sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI - AMg 634

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji -
Ang 634

soriT mhlw 9 ]
soraTh mahalaa nauvaa ||
Sorat'h, Ninth Mehla:

pRIqm jwin lyhu mn mwhI ]

preetam jaan leh man maahee ||
O dear friend, know this in your

Apny suK isau hI jgu PWiDE

ko kwhU ko nwhI ]1] rhwau ]
apane sukh siau hee jag
faa(n)dhio ko kaahoo ko naahee
||1|| rahaau ||
The world is entangled in its
own pleasures; no one is for
anyone else. ||1||Pause||

suK mY Awin bhuqu imil bYTq

rhq chU idis GyrY ]
sukh mai aan bahut mil baiThat
rahat chahoo dhis gherai ||
In good times, many come and
sit together, surrounding you on
all four sides.

ibpiq prI sB hI sMgu

Cwifq koaU n Awvq nyrY
bipat paree sabh hee sa(n)g
chhaaddit kouoo na aavat nerai
But when hard times come, they
all leave, and no one comes
near you. ||1||

Gr kI nwir bhuqu ihqu jw

isau sdw rhq sMg lwgI ]
ghar kee naar bahut hit jaa siau
sadhaa rahat sa(n)g laagee ||
Your wife, whom you love so
much, and who has remained
ever attached to you,

jb hI hMs qjI ieh kWieAw

pRyq pRyq kir BwgI ]2]
jab hee ha(n)s tajee ieh kaa(n)iaa
pret pret kar bhaagee ||2||
runs away crying, ""Ghost!
Ghost!"", as soon as the swan-
soul leaves this body. ||2||

ieh ibiD ko ibauhwru binE

hY jw isau nyhu lgwieE ]
eeh bidh ko biauhaar banio hai
jaa siau neh lagaio ||
This is the way they act - those
whom we love so much.

AMq bwr nwnk ibnu hir jI

koaU kwim n AwieE
a(n)t baar naanak bin har jee
kouoo kaam na aaio ||3||12||139||
At the very last moment, O
Nanak, no one is any use at all,
except the Dear Lord.

soriT mhlw 1 Gru 1

AstpdIAw cauqukI
soraTh mahalaa pehilaa ghar
pehilaa asaTapadheeaa
Sorat'h, First Mehla, First House,
Ashtpadheeyaa, Chau-Thukay:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By
The Grace Of The True Guru:

duibDw n pVau hir ibnu horu

n pUjau mVY mswix n jweI
dhubidhaa na paRau har bin hor
na poojau maRai masaan na jaiee
I am not torn by duality,
because I do not worship any
other than the Lord; I do not visit
tombs or crematoriums.

iqRsnw rwic n pr Gir jwvw

iqRsnw nwim buJweI ]
tirasanaa raach na par ghar
jaavaa tirasanaa naam bujhaiee ||
I do not enter the houses of
strangers, engrossed in desire.
The Naam, the Name of the
Lord, has satis_ed my desires.

Gr BIqir Gru gurU idKwieAw

shij rqy mn BweI ]
ghar bheetar ghar guroo
dhikhaiaa sahaj rate man bhaiee
Deep within my heart, the Guru
has shown me the home of my
being, and my mind is imbued
with peace and poise, O
Siblings of Destiny.

qU Awpy dwnw Awpy bInw qU

dyvih miq sweI ]1]
too aape dhaanaa aape beenaa
too dheveh mat saiee ||1||
You Yourself are all-knowing,
and You Yourself are all-seeing;
You alone bestow intelligence, O
Lord. ||1||

mnu bYrwig rqau bYrwgI

sbid mnu byiDAw myrI mweI
man bairaag ratau bairaagee
sabadh man bedhiaa meree
maiee ||
My mind is detached, imbued
with detachment; the Word of
the Shabad has pierced my
mind, O my mother.

AMqir joiq inrMqir bwxI

swcy swihb isau ilv lweI ]
rhwau ]
a(n)tar jot nira(n)tar baanee
saache saahib siau liv laiee ||
rahaau ||
God's Light shines continually
within the nucleus of my
deepest self; I am lovingly
attached to the Bani, the Word
of the True Lord Master.

AsMK bYrwgI khih bYrwg so

bYrwgI ij KsmY BwvY ]
asa(n)kh bairaagee kaheh
bairaag so bairaagee j khasamai
bhaavai ||
Countless detached renunciates
talk of detachment and
renunciation, but he alone is a
true renunciate, who is pleasing
to the Lord Master.

ihrdY sbid sdw BY ricAw

gur kI kwr kmwvY ]
hiradhai sabadh sadhaa bhai
rachiaa gur kee kaar kamaavai ||
The Word of the Shabad is ever
in his heart; he is absorbed in
the Fear of God, and he works
to serve the Guru.

eyko cyqY mnUAw n folY Dwvqu

vrij rhwvY ]
eko chetai manooaa na ddolai
dhaavat varaj rahaavai ||
He remembers the One Lord, his
mind does not waver, and he
restrains its wanderings.

shjy mwqw sdw rMig rwqw

swcy ky gux gwvY ]2]
sahaje maataa sadhaa ra(n)g
raataa saache ke gun gaavai ||2||
He is intoxicated with celestial
bliss, and is ever imbued with
the Lord's Love; he sings the
Glorious Praises of the True
Lord. ||2||

mnUAw pauxu ibMdu suKvwsI

nwim vsY suK BweI ]
manooaa paun bi(n)dh
sukhavaasee naam vasai sukh
bhaiee ||
The mind is like the wind, but if
it comes to rest in peace, even
for an instant, then he shall
abide in the peace of the Name,
O Siblings of Destiny.

ijhbw nyqR soqR sic rwqy jil

bUJI quJih buJweI ]
jihabaa netr sotr sach raate jal
boojhee tujheh bujhaiee ||
His tongue, eyes and ears are
imbued with Truth; O Lord, You
quench the _res of desire.

Aws inrws rhY bYrwgI inj

Gir qwVI lweI ]
aas niraas rahai bairaagee nij
ghar taaRee laiee ||
In hope, the renunciate remains
free of hopes; in the home of his
own inner self, he is absorbed in
the trance of deep meditation.

iBiKAw nwim rjy sMqoKI

AMimRqu shij pIAweI ]3]
bhikhiaa naam raje sa(n)tokhee
a(n)mrit sahaj peeaaiee ||3||
He remains content, satis_ed
with the charity of the Naam; he
drinks in the Ambrosial Amrit
with ease. ||3||

duibDw ivic bYrwgu n hovI

jb lgu dUjI rweI ]
dhubidhaa vich bairaag na hovee
jab lag dhoojee raiee ||
There is no renunciation in
duality, as long as there is even
a particle of duality.

sBu jgu qyrw qU eyko dwqw

Avru n dUjw BweI ]
sabh jag teraa too eko dhaataa
avar na dhoojaa bhaiee ||
The whole world is Yours, Lord;
You alone are the Giver. There is
not any other, O Siblings of

mnmuiK jMq duiK sdw invwsI

gurmuiK dy vifAweI ]
manmukh ja(n)t dhukh sadhaa
nivaasee gurmukh dhe
vaddiaaiee ||
The self-willed manmukh dwells
in misery forever, while the Lord
bestows greatness upon the

Apr Apwr AgMm Agocr

khxY kIm n pweI ]4]
apar apaar aga(n)m agochar
kahanai keem na paiee ||4||
God is in_nite, endless,
inaccessible and unfathomable;
His worth cannot be described.

suMn smwiD mhw prmwrQu

qIin Bvx piq nwmM ]
su(n)n samaadh mahaa
paramaarath teen bhavan pat
naama(n) ||
The consciousness in deep
Samaadhi, the Supreme Being,
the Lord of the three worlds -
these are Your Names, Lord.

msqik lyKu jIAw jig jonI

isir isir lyKu shwmM ]
masatak lekh jeeaa jag jonee sir
sir lekh sahaama(n) ||
The creatures born into this
world have their destiny
inscribed upon their foreheads;
they experience according to
their destinies.

krm sukrm krwey Awpy Awpy

Bgiq idRVwmM ]
karam sukaram karaae aape
aape bhagat dhiraRaama(n) ||
The Lord Himself causes them
to do good and bad deeds; He
Himself makes them steadfast
in devotional worship.

min muiK jUiT lhY BY mwnµ

Awpy igAwnu AgwmM ]5]
man mukh jooTh lahai bhai
maana(n) aape giaan agaama(n)
The _lth of their mind and
mouth is washed off when they
live in the Fear of God; the
inaccessible Lord Himself
blesses them with spiritual
wisdom. ||5||

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