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P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 1: Scope and Sequence

Week Date: June 21, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

1. Pupils/Students will be able to know the scope and sequence for the First Quarter.
2. Pupils/Students will be able to enumerate their expectations for the First Quarter.
3. Students will be skilled at identifying the things they learned from the previous school year.

I. Preliminaries
Review: Spider-Web Activity: Students will recite their insights from the previous quarter.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Recitation: Recite their expectations for this quarter
Motivation: Present some of the requirements for the quarter.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part in the discussion of the scope and sequence for the First
The students will participate actively in group activities and discussions.

The students will give their expectations for the quarter.

B. Broadening of Concept
- Valuing Question:
What is the importance participating actively in the class?

- Essential Question:
What are some environmental factors that can adversely affect man’s health?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Integrity

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Genesis 1:16

“God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to
govern the night. He also made the stars.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: How will you attain peace and order inside the classroom?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: AP: 1987 Philippine Constitution

CL: Following Jesus’ Footsteps

III. Evaluation/Assessment
Spider-Web Activity
IV. Summary/Action
Reflection: On your notebook, write a paragraph stating your goals for this school year.

V. Purposive Assignment
On your notebook, research all about Community and Environmental Health. Enumerate the
characteristics of a healthy environment.

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy

Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 2: Objectives and Importance of Physical Education

Week Date: July 22, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

4. Pupils/Students will define of Physical Education
5. Pupils/Students will enumerate the importance of Physical Education
6. Students will be skilled at creating their own objectives and idea out for Physical Education
I. Preliminaries
Review: Fish Bowl: The students will give their own insights about physical education about their
different physical activities that they engaged in everyday that they think help them to become
physically fit.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Pica Boo Question: The students will answer the question. Why there are
people conscious about their physical appearance?
Motivation: Picture Analysis: Two pictures (healthy and unhealthy individual) will be posted on the
the students will determine the advantage and disadvantage of each picture.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part in the discussion about the meaning of Physical Education and it’s
 Giving of guide questions:
a. If you have an unfit body do you think you can do physical activities?
b. How can one have physically fit body?

B. Broadening of Concept

- Valuing Question:
What is the importance participating actively in the class?

- Essential Question:
What are some environmental factors that can adversely affect man’s health?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Integrity

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Genesis 1:16

“God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to
govern the night. He also made the stars.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: How will you attain peace and order inside the classroom?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: AP: 1987 Philippine Constitution

CL: Following Jesus’ Footsteps

III. Evaluation/Assessment
Spider-Web Activity
IV. Summary/Action
Reflection: On your notebook, write a paragraph stating your goals for this school year.

IV. Summary/Action
Concept Mapping
Make a concept map using the tree of knowledge by labeling the branches of all the idea and
concept about importance and meaning of P.E.

V. Purposive Assignment
Create a portfolio entry about the importance of Physical Fitness. Pass your work withy creativity.

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy

Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:

Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


P. Burgos Street, Roxas City

SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 3: Physical Fitness

Week No. ______ Week Date: June 27, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

7. Pupils/Students will know Physical Fitness;
8. Pupils/Students will enumerate objectives of Physical Fitness;
9. Students will be skilled at identifying the importance of physical activities.

I. Preliminaries
Review: Sentence Completion: Physical Education will help every individual to _________________.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Pica Boo Question: The students will answer the question. Why there are
people conscious about their physical appearance?
Motivation: Picture Analysis: Two pictures (healthy and unhealthy individual) will be posted on the
board the students will determine the advantage and disadvantage of each picture.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part in the discussion about Physical Fitness and will answer the
following questions:
 Giving of guide questions:
c. What is your personal understanding about Physical Fitness?
d. How will you motivate your peers and family to engage themselves into any kind
of physical activities?
e. How can one have physically fit body?

B. Broadening of Concept
- Valuing Question:

What is the importance participating actively in the class?

- Essential Question:
What are some environmental factors that can adversely affect man’s health?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Integrity

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Genesis 1:16

“God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to
govern the night. He also made the stars.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: How will you attain peace and order inside the classroom?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: AP: 1987 Philippine Constitution

CL: Following Jesus’ Footsteps

III. Evaluation/Assessment
Spider-Web Activity
IV. Summary/Action
1. Reflection: On your notebook, write a paragraph stating your goals for this school year.

V. Purposive Assignment
Be ready for the Practical Test 1 next meeting about the proper execution of Flexibility Test.

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy

Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


P. Burgos Street, Roxas City

SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 4: Components of Physical Fitness (Flexibility)

Week No. ______ Week Date: June 28, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

10. Pupils/Students will identify the Health-related fitness components and Skill-related fitness
11. Pupils/Students will be able to enumerate the different components of physical fitness
12. Students will be skilled at participating actively in the class discussion
I. Preliminaries
Review: Sentence Completion: The students will asked about Physical Fitness is ____________and
students will continue the sentence to check if they really do understand the objectives and purpose of
physical fitness into our life.
Activating Prior Knowledge: The students will sing the same time they are also dancing. They will tell to
the class what they felt after the activity.
Motivation: The students will arrange the letters to reveal the correct word relating to the different
components of Physical Fitness.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part on the discussion about the different components of Physical
Fitness (Flexibility)
 Giving of guide questions:
f. What are factors hinder a person from exercising?
g. How will you share to other people the essences of physical fitness?
h. Why do we need to know the different components of physical fitness?
B. Broadening of Concept
- Valuing Question:
How will we expand our interest in other things that were not interested in?

- Essential Question:
Why is it important to know the different components of physical fitness?

What have you learned from our lesson….. A word that would describe out topic…
Why is it important ….. Questions…….
C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Service
Related Value: Courage

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Timothy 4:8

- “For physical training is of some value for all things holding promise for both the present life
and the life to come”.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY:

- How can you motivate your peers, friends, family and people around you to be aware of
these components to perform/work efficiently?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: AP: Social Issue and Environmental Awareness
Values: Peers and Friends

III. Evaluation/Assessment
Physical Fitness Test

IV. Summary/Action (Ditloids)

Create your own ditloids that is related to physical education and physical fitness for flexibility
Make a quotation about physical fitness for flexibility

V. Purposive Assignment
Look for a partner next meeting for the proper execution of Agility and Speed next meeting for
Practical test#2

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills

 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy

Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration
 Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


P. Burgos Street, Roxas City

SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 5: Components of Physical Fitness (Agility and Speed)

Week No. ______ Week Date: July 5, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

13. Pupils/Students will define agility and speed as a component of physical fitness
14. Pupils/Students will be able to perform the different tests under agility and speed
15. Students will be skilled at measuring their agility and speed by participating in the activity
I. Preliminaries
Review: Sentence Completion: The students will demonstrate the different activities in flexibility.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Pass the message: The students will be divided into 2 groups they will be
given a message and they will be given a message and they will relay it.
Motivation: Sports movie watch: The students will watch a video clip about different activities done by
an athlete.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part on the discussion about the definition of Speed and Agility and the
nature of being agile for the students to understand the objectives of each PPF test.
Presentation of practical test #2 for Speed and Agility
 Giving of guide questions:
i. How can you apply agility and speed in real life situations?
j. Why is it important to develop agility and speed?

B. Broadening of Concept
- Valuing Question:
How will we expand our interest in other things that we are not interested in?
- Essential Question:
Why do we need to perform speed in doing a task?
Group activity: six –memoir-words

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Competence

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Romans 9:28

- “For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality”.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY: - How can you motivate your peers, friends, family and people
around you to be aware of these components to perform/work efficiently?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Physics: Accuracy and Speed

III. Evaluation/Assessment
Practical test #2
50 meter sprint and slide shuttle

IV. Summary/Action
Compose a fitness poem using the spiral diagram about the different beneficial factors you can gain
out of the physical activities.

. Purposive Assignment
1. Answer P.E. thinking on page 157 on your MAPEH notebook
2. Make descriptive evaluation on the activity done during the practical test#2 about agility and speed.
Write your answer on 1/2 crosswise to be pass next meeting.

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration
 Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________

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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 6: Components of Physical Fitness (Power and Reaction time)

Week No. ______ Week Date: July 12, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

16. Pupils/Students will define power ad reaction time as a component of physical fitness
17. Pupils/Students will be able to differentiate power from strength
18. Students will be skilled at performing tasks beyond what is asked to measure their level of
I. Preliminaries
Review: Sentence Completion: Competent the sentence: The students will complete the sentence
“Being agile means……
Activating Prior Knowledge: Spot the dot buzz session: What do you think is the difference between
power and strength?
Motivation: Sports movie watch: Total body exercise is giving the students to move freely by following
the different stretching exercise given in front by the student leader.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part on the discussion about the definition of Power and Strength to
distinguish the difference of power from strength and the meaning of reaction time.
 Giving of guide questions:
k. How different is power from strength?
l. Where do we get power to do a task or work?
m. What if we do not have enough power in our body, what do you think are the
n. How important is safety precautions in today’s activity?

B. Broadening of Concept
- Valuing Question
Why is it important to assess one’s skill-related physical fitness?

- Essential Question:
How can you determine power from strength when it comes in certain work or task?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Competence

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Mark 13:26

- At the time men will see the son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY:

- How can you motivate your peers, friends, family and people around you to be aware of
these components to perform/work efficiently?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Physics: Accuracy

Math: Measurements

III. Evaluation/Assessment
Standing Long Jump
Ruler Drop

IV. Summary/Action
Using the scroll paper make your own personal exercise and procedures to use in your personalized

V. Purposive Assignment
Look for the meaning of PMHR and THR and its proper computation. Write your answer on your
MAPEH notebook.
21ST Century Skills
Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy
Problem Solving 
 Social and Cross-cultural  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy

 Collaboration Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
___________ ________ ____________________________ _____________________
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 7: Circuit Training

Week No. ______ Week Date: July 12, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

19. Pupils/Students will know Circuit Training.
20. Pupils/Students will be able to differentiate PMHR from THR.
21. Students will be skilled at performing various exercises to improve one capabilities.

I. Preliminaries
Review: Sentence Completion: The students will demonstrate the previous lesson about power and
reaction time.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Stone Relay: This will test the resting heart rate and training heart rate of
the students.
Motivation: Sports movie watch: Total body exercise is giving the students to move freely by following
the different stretching exercise given in front by the student leader for 5 minutes.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part on the discussion on the following
Concept of circuit training

B. Broadening of Concept
- Essential Question:
What is Circuit Training?

- Valuing Question:
Why do we need to be strong in handling trails that can come into our life?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)

Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Resourcefulness

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: 1 Timothy 4:8

- For physical training is of some value, but goodliness has value for all things holding promise
for both the present life and the life to come.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY:

- How can you motivate your peers, friends, family and people around you to be aware of
these components to perform/work efficiently?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Physics: Accuracy, Speed, Power

Math: Measurements
III. Evaluation/Assessment
Circuit Training (2 groups)

IV. Summary/Action
Create a slogan that relates to endurance and health benefits for the body. Use the shape of the

V. Purposive Assignment
In a short bond paper make a poem about the importance of exercise.

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration
 Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished

P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness

Day 8: Circuit Training (Performance Task)

Week No. ______ Week Date: July 18, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

22. Pupils/Students will know Circuit Training.
23. Pupils/Students will be able to enumerate exercises for circuit training
24. Students will be skilled at creating their own exercise based on their fitness test.

I. Preliminaries
Review: Analogy: Give the exercise and let the students identify the components enhanced.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Stone Relay: Review their physical fitness test.
Motivation: Sports movie watch: Total body exercise is giving the students to move freely by following
the different stretching exercise given in front by the student leader for 5 minutes.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part on the discussion on the following
 Concept of circuit training
 Practice for their Performance Task
 Give standards/rubrics for Performance Task

B. Broadening of Concept
- Essential Question:
What are the advantages we can get from performing different activities?
Group activity: K-W-L activity

- Valuing Question:
Why do we need to be strong in handling trails that can come into our life?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)

Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Resourcefulness

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: 1 Timothy 4:8

- For physical training is of some value, but goodliness has value for all things holding
for both the present life and the life to come.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY:

- How can you motivate your peers, friends, family and people around you to be aware of
these components to perform/work efficiently?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Physics: Accuracy

Math: Measurements
III. Evaluation/Assessment
Buzz Sessions
Physical Fitness Test
Performance Task (2 groups)

IV. Summary/Action
Performance Task #1

V. Purposive Assignment
Study the components and be ready for a quiz next meeting.

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
 
 Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration
 Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness
Day 9: Planning for Practical Test

Week No. ______ Week Date: July 13, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

25. Pupils/Students will know Circuit Training.
26. Pupils/Students will be able to enumerate exercises for circuit training
27. Students will be skilled at creating their own exercise based on their fitness test.

I. Preliminaries
Review: Analogy: Give the exercise and let the students identify the components enhanced.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Stone Relay: Review their physical fitness test.
Motivation: Sports movie watch: Total body exercise is giving the students to move freely by following
the different stretching exercise given in front by the student leader for 5 minutes.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part on the discussion on the following
 Concept of circuit training
 Review the components and exercises
 Give time to plan and practice to create their Circuit Training

B. Broadening of Concept
- Essential Question:
What are the advantages we can get from performing different activities?
Group activity: K-W-L activity

- Valuing Question:
Why do we need to be strong in handling trails that can come into our life?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence

Related Value: Resourcefulness

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: 1 Timothy 4:8

- For physical training is of some value, but goodliness has value for all things holding promise
for both the present life and the life to come.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY:

- How can you motivate your peers, friends, family and people around you to be aware of
these components to perform/work efficiently?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Physics: Accuracy

Math: Measurements
III. Evaluation/Assessment
Planning (by group)
Physical Fitness Test

IV. Summary/Action
Circuit Training (draft)

V. Purposive Assignment
Be ready for presentation of Practical Test

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills

 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration
 Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished

P. Burgos Street, Roxas City


SY 2018-2019

First Quarter

Unit I: Physical Fitness
Day 10: Practical Test

Week No. ______ Week Date: July 20, 2018

Transfer Goal:
The pupils/students in the long run and his/her own will be able to….
- acknowledge the assessment for Health-Related and Skill-Related components yields a
better understanding at improving and developing our abilities to participate in strenuous
- discover the principles of exercises in physical fitness training contributes greatly in
achieving holistic wellness and fitness of the body, mind and spirit.

Essential Understanding:
The pupils/students will understand that….
- participation in various physical activities and how it will help in maintaining one’s
recommended body weight is one of the major objectives of a good physical fitness and
wellness program;
- circuit training uses a series of exercise stations consisting of various combinations of
physical training, flexibility, calisthenics and brief aerobic exercises.
- Making physical activity a part of one’s daily routine is the key to successful weight control
an improved overall health.

28. Pupils/Students will know Circuit Training.
29. Pupils/Students will be able to attain standards for Practical Test.
30. Students will be skilled at executing correctly their Circuit Training.

I. Preliminaries
Review: Ping Pong Recitation: Recite the HRF and SRF components
Activating Prior Knowledge: Critiquing: Evaluate and critique their classmates’ circuit training.
Motivation: Sports movie watch: Total body exercise is giving the students to move freely by following
the different stretching exercise given in front by the student leader for 5 minutes.

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts
A.1. Presentation of Objectives
A.2. Learning Activities
The students will take part on the discussion on the following
 Review the components
 Give the standards/rubrics to students
 Presentation of their Circuit Training

B. Broadening of Concept
- Essential Question:
What is circuit training?

- Valuing Question:
Is there a need to have standards in life?

C. Integration
C.1. Ignacian Core Value/Related Value(s)
Core Value: Excellence
Related Value: Resourcefulness

C.2. Faith/Biblical Reflection: 1 Timothy 4:8

- For physical training is of some value, but goodliness has value for all things holding promise
for both the present life and the life to come.

C.3. Social Orientation/JEEPGY:

- How can you motivate your peers, friends, family and people around you to be aware of
these components to perform/work efficiently?

C.4. Lesson Across Discipline: Physics: Accuracy

Math: Measurements
III. Evaluation/Assessment
Buzz Sessions
Physical Fitness Test
Circuit Training (2 groups)

IV. Summary/Action
Performance Task #1

V. Purposive Assignment
Study the components and be ready for a quiz next meeting.

21ST Century Skills

Information, Media and
Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills
Technology Skills
 Creativity and Innovation  Flexibility and Adaptability
  Information Literacy

 Critical Thinking and  Initiative and Self-Direction
  Media Literacy
Problem Solving  Social and Cross-cultural
  Information, Communications

 Communication
  Productivity and
 and Technology Literacy
 Collaboration
 Accountability
 Leadership and

References/Instructional Materials
 Textbook: MAPEH 9
 Reference: Honing Yours Skills through MAPEH 9 pp. 273 - 293
 Materials: Pictures, Power Point, Laptop LCD Projector, Pentel Pen

Prepared by: Checked by:


Signature of Teacher/Date SAC/Date

Status of Implementation

Date/Sections: Remarks: Reason for Partial Implementation/ New Date of / Remarks

Unaccomplished Plan: Implementation
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Legend: A – Accomplished; P – Partially Accomplished; U – Unaccomplished


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