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SWOT Analysis Strengths: The only multi discipline integrated design engineering and consultancy Government Organization Oldest

est design engineering consultancy in Pakistan. Experienced engineers and staff. Cross Functional Team High competency in Process Engineering and Front end engineering design Quality of work

Quality Control System Adopted and its implementation Poor Management Rely on Trainee Engineers No concept of Work Specialization Zero Training and Development for Innovative Working Centralize Decision Making

Opportunity: In the recent energy crises in the country ENAR is playing vital role and provide services to overcome the energy crises by project planning and execution of the project on FAST track basis Modifications and capacity enhancement projects in Oil & Gas Sector. Compression Stations requirements in different Gas Fields. Oil & Gas sector Refineries Petrochemicals Renewable energy Wind Energy Thar Coal project


Political situation of the country Small Engineering Consultancies because ENAR growth on and off remain stood at a level or decline Absence of Backup of persons EPRF ( Enar Petroleum Refining Facility)

The Nature of Issues and/or Problems

1. Quality Control System Adopted and its implementation Previously ENAR wasnt adopted any quality control system. Recently ENAR adopted the Quality Control System and got ISO 9001 Certificate. It was the weakness for ENAR, but it becomes an opportunity because now ENAR can participate in the international or foreign proposals. 2. Poor Management Previously 3. Rely on Trainee Engineers ENAR offers one year on job trainings for the fresh engineering graduates and most of the employees are contractual rather permanent. In most cases ENAR have to rely on the trainee Engineers because of the resignation of the experience staff. It decreases the efficiency and effectiveness of the organizations. 4. No concept of Work Specialization There is absence of work specialization concept in ENAR, because it is the medium level project based but multi discipline and multi task organization with limited number of staff so, the employees have to carry out multiple works and tasks depends on the requirements of the project and availability of skilled manpower. 4. Zero Training and Development for Innovative Working Although ENAR offering one year job training for the fresh graduate engineers but there is still lack of training for new technologies, design practices, or software. the organization rely on the pervious work experience and always try to take help from the pervious experiences on the projects. Moreover, there is no development and rewards on the innovative working. 5. Centralize Decision Making Centralize planning and decision making is also one of the weaknesses of the organization. No employees involvement in the corporate planning or corporate strategies. However, employees are just involved in the project planning that is how to execute the project and what are the steps what will be the project team for the specific project.

6. Small Engineering Consultancies Beside ENAR is the oldest design engineering company in Pakistan. Due to lack of planning the new smaller design engineering consultants become the threat for ENAR, and in most cases these companies won the contract due to low pricing. ExEmployees of ENAR will also use their experiences and relations against ENAR 7. Absence of Backup Persons ENAR is the semi government organization, in which few employees are permanent and rest are contractual. Majority of the engineers are contractual thats why absence of Backup experience persons was serious issue with ENAR, but now a days management implement a policy to permanent the employees having minimum 5 year working experience with the organization. 8. EPRF (ENAR Petroleum Refining Facility) EPRF is the refinery adjacent to ENAR and it is the project of KRL. This refinery is designed and construct by ENAR, and also the Operating & maintenance agreement with ENAR. Two year before one of the Ex-managing director of ENAR, who is the pioneer of process engineering in Pakistan, after his retirement join EPRF and broke all agreement with ENAR also start a new design consultancy adjacent to ENAR. After that two more ENAR executives after their retirement join EPRF and start propaganda against ENAR. This becomes a challenge for the organization to restore their position in the market as a leading multi purpose design engineering consultancy.

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