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Top Strategies for Supporting Students

with Speech Difficulties

Praise the student for communicating

For children with speech difficulties, communicating can be extremely difficult and can become
frustrating for them. Giving the student praise for communicating encourages them to continue
during difficult times.

Get down to the student’s eye level

It is important that the adult gets down to the child’s eye level. This shows that the adult is listening to
what the child has to say and it also gives the child the opportunity to watch the adult’s mouth as they
are talking. Giving them an opportunity to see the adult’s lips moving will help them to see how words
are formed.

Slow down your rate of speech

This gives the student an opportunity to listen to the speech sounds being used.

Model correct speech rather than correcting the child’s speech

At times, the student will say the wrong sound or say a word unclearly. Repeat the word back to the
student, modelling the correct sounds. For example, if the child sees a sock and says ‘tock’, respond with
‘yes, you’re right - it is a sock’, slightly emphasising the sound that the student has difficulty with.

Be honest
If necessary, tell the student that you don’t understand what they are trying to tell you.

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Top Strategies for Supporting Students
with Speech Difficulties

Use closed questions

Using closed questions, such as ‘is it a food?’ or ‘is it someone in the class?’, may provide clues as to
what the student is trying to tell you.

Try alternative methods of communicating

Encourage the student to show you what they mean or to write it down if they are able to.

Use a home/school communication book

The use of a home/school book gives the student’s parents/carers an opportunity to write important
information about what the student may want to talk about, such as family names, names of friends at
school or what they have done over the weekend/in school that day.

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